602 (2) /rte Z2 D I / I A LUT NO. Q -Ill NO. STREET J _� APPLICATIO�FOR BUILDING PERPAI / CJ'CJo2 ✓ OF CUPERTINO G Ir . y Da hhWcatmnsn Permit N Co _ �p!]NLas heta story ` Building atrA F Cto be occupied onlyas in accordancewith PlPlot-Plan Filed herewith. �7 O Estimated Value of Improvements,$��J-- Fee$ �/ v C It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other la. livable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of ;--t Cupertino/wi e c mplied with. v i :9 Owner ..Q'�� Address Byi Address CONnTRACTOR, AGE`T �+ Phone O oC — Approve BUILDING INSPECTOR RECORD O IF' NSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION DATE INSPECTOR e' FRAME DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER ATB INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. , d INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. D TE INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. D T6 INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE~ OF COMPLETION` 'F.' r BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ....... :f.. ........................ Building19.fnU../ Permit No. ..+!'�!G�....... ra The Building Located at ...1Q.f�� ....._`..� ..'au''4 f ................ 3 Owned by . ...... .....................................{1� r "✓'.:� ..................... ............................... (Conpleted) Has Been (Altered)'` For Use As: .......: ✓.f..` _ -., ............. .._...._................ ..... -_.........................._._.. ((((......f...._........._.............................. ... ................................_................-- ---.... ............................ ........................................ _ L ,� _1 .' .. �C��... ''BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 7/59-500 /