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CC Resolution No. 4617
~ • ~ i RESOLUTION N0. 4617 i A ItESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO j ALLOWZPIG CERTAIN CLAIMS AtTD DEI~tANDS PAYABLE IN THE ~ AtiOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR ~ SAI.ARIES AND WAGES FOR THE PAYROLL PERIOD E27DIIiG ; DECEMBER 6~ 1977 ~ WkiERFAS, the Director of Pinance or his designated repreaentative has certified to the accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment thereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funda as hereiaafter i set forth: i Warrant Amount Employee No. Paid John Vaughn 6879 $ 227.28 I John Vaughn 6880 901.00 ~ obert td. Dleyers 6881 183.59 ' Donald A. Frolich 6II82 183.59 ' iachy E. Nellis 6883 183.59 Cictor J. Adams 6884 30.00 John ~S. Gatto 6885 30.00 D. Koenitzer Jr. 6886 15.00 Sharon Slaine 6887 30.00 , ~1. C. :farkkula Jr. 6888 30.00 ~obert W. Quinlan 6889 882.31 Julie Shields 6890 90.67 'i~. E. Ryder 6891 756.80 Carol Sontag 6892 385.67 ~udrey :fagelky 6893 276.23 Pat "tassocco 6894 188.56 Carlos P. Mayor 6895 500.59 4aren Lynn Ryans 6896 316.55 Dorothy Schmid 6897 307.89 Suphia G. Pierson 6f398 305.43 Shirley Oeser 6899 125.08 Agnes P. Reade 6900 244.91 Darlene Truelock 6901 257.88 3oberta Ann Wolfe 6902 149.09 ~orothy Cornelius 6903 373.86 Carl Anderson 6904 50.00 :.eslie itcGilvray 6905 283.14 `ary Reasoner 6906 274.14 ;iristine Sorenson 6907 167.3fl Rasolution No. 4617 • Warrant • Amount Employee No. Paid :a:le 0. IIutler 6908 $ 650.87 ::zphen Dowling 6909 432.73 '.:chelle Fleming 6910 240.00 :;ldred Mattison 6911 291.37 :r'_ta L. Oklevik 6912 341.93 ' catricia Philip 6913 356.19 :'arion Anderson 6914 105.92 "ary Byrne 6915 117.09 'sabel rranklin 6916 218.55 :onna Zetterquiat 6917 180.96 ' ;lbert E. Ariza Jr. 6918 306.08 ~~aniel J. Bright 6919 17.60 i :.ester Carlson 6920 64.00 ::chard F. Colacino 6921 49.12 ~::eacy T. Elliott 6922 54.00 ~:uce Allen Dfeisenbach 6923 132.37 ~:aith E. Pioon 6924 16.92 i ';:aa L. lfyera 6925 109.14 i:aaes Tdarren t~elson 6926 99.54 ` :hari ti. Conradson 6927 50.76 ':oc~as W. 0'Dowd 6928 134.05 :o11n I7atson 6929 51.20 ~ .~!bert R. Gates 6930 39.91 ~ail Beavers 6931 26.10 ::aig Beckman 6932 15.35 serald Brown 6933 112.80 ::11 Carpe 6934 47.50 Jouglas Gilberatadt 6935 II3.70 "aribeth Stewart 6936 29.70 :onna Levitre 6937 50.00 3illie M. Salfen 6938 85.24 ~:eith Nelson 6939 78.96 ';ancy J, Wittenborn 6940 86.75 ::ndy Cartwright 6941 62.70 _usan Jones 6942 79.70 :aoul Rosal 6943 24.00 ~~bert Craig Halliwell 6944 24.00 =sau Herrera b945 24.00 ?.:iss Golf lScDonald 6946 24.00 "argaret Wingrove 6947 638.31 ~on Linden 6948 24.00 :aaes *Sorehouse 6949 24.00 =:elly Craig 6950 102.80 ::ark Caughey 6951 399.06 ~obert Cowan 6952 633.11 :"arRaret Crissman 6953 331.69 ~omas J. Gilbertson 6954 56.07 :hristine Holley 6955 279.32 :ulia P. Knapic 6956 297.48 :obv Kramer 6957 266.03 ~teven T. Piasecki 6958 470.10 ''_orence Reid 6959 371.73 :a.~es Sisk 6960 843.23 >'athryn tf. PScKenna 6961 97.76 :inda Prat 6962 225.17 _usan E. Hastings 6963 309.95 -a:old Belke 6964 580.60 -2- Warrant • Amount Employee • No. Paid ::nn Susto 6965 S 573.41 ::deko .4urakami 6966 296.72 =~ward Pturphy 6967 496.09 :ames Uest 696A 346.67 :ue Vandeveer 6969 453.19 i.ascoe Smith 6970 528.60 S~ice Larson 6971 33.00 :anice McIntyre 697: 45.38 ~avid Whitelaw 6973 121.00 =linor P. Williams 6974 30.25 =ldred C. Brown 6975 428.17 :lynor Aamoth 6976 199.61 ~harles W. Humphreys 6977 206.38 ' 12oria A. Sarin 6978 226.35 ~ruce Donoghue 6979 488.22 ~lenn Grigg 6980 598.44 :acrrence J. Guy 6981 436.22 ~aaiel Lizama 6982 423.05 :umiko Martin 6983 349.09 ?'.-iilip Dtaytorena 6984 458.33 ~teve Sano 6985 404.66 :onna Skwarzynski 6986 237.34 ~ert Viskovich 6987 695.9U :zavice 4h~ittea Jr. 6988 675.50 3ichard A. Jonea 6989 291.41 ~arole Goldstein 6990 263.45 ~bert Botelho 6991 499.23 `azc C. Saunders 6992 314.27 :oward Kupfer 6993 573.02 :aaes Kuszai 6994 378.26 ~uinto tiarchetti 6995 382.52 :oseph Moore III 6996 381.77 ';incenzo Novello 6997 371.11 :':ank Ortiz 6998 407.28 :ohn Cordova 6999 334.19 .:ohn A. Ramirez 7000 312.35 seorge W. Smith Jr. 7001 307.84 ?atrick Teixeira 7U02 356.35 "erton Yahn 7003 328.69 :.abert Hicks 7004 348.29 `anuel S. Quintana 7005 314.27 :cott Takemoto 7006 26.25 :ose Goulart 7007 339.19 :arl Abbott 7008 171.51 _homas J. Maxon 7009 276.12 uanuel Barragan 7010 345.92 ~,.,^~brose Brisco 7011 417.51 3ector Pfartinaz 7012 322.09 ?idel Hernandez 7013 338.94 3i11 0'Brien 7014 377.66 .iames Overton 7015 189.52 :'homas Stephens 7016 432.37 'red Subega 7017 359.72 :,lbert Tabares 7018 352.62 :alph :faldonado 7019 346.10 :alph Stephens 7020 269.13 =udy 3pencer 7021 314.46 3ob Dockins 7022 636.8i1 -3- Resolution No. 4617 • SJarrant • Amount Employee No. Paid :aul Krotts 7023 309.09 ::enneth "ScKee 7024 457.76 3obert Pfadsen 7025 99.00 Zobert S7. Quinlan 1026 131.34 ~n. E. Ryder 7027 36.00 :arlos P. Mayor 702i3 269.66 ~orothy Cornelius 1029 185.75 ".erle 0. Butler 7030 274.51 ~~ephen Dowling 7031 44.51 ~rica Oklevik 7032 156.13 ?.ohert Cowan 7033 138.00 `;ancy liendee 7034 594.76 ~teven Piasecki 7035 71.25 .:aaes Sisk 7036 281.34 :ohn Busto 7037 278.58 :.oscoe Smith 7038 50.72' :.awrence J. Guy 7039 206.04 ~ert Viskovich 7040 116.88 ::avice Whitten .Tr. 7041 161.34 :.obert Botelho 7042 424.87 -ovard Kupfer 7043 33.72 .:aaes Kuszai 7044 230.83 ':ank Ortiz 7045 113.95 ?atrick Texeira 1046 145.53 :~brose Brisco 7047 22.95 3:11 0'Brien 7048 21.61 'ioaas Stephena 7049 164.85 3a2ph *faldonado 7050 73.02 ?~b Dockins 7051 45.13 ?aul Krotts 1052 201.04 ~:eaneth :ScKee 7053 57.38 Total This Resolution 4,505.66 StT24fARY Gross Earnings $63,149.53 Less: Deferred Compensation S 761.30 Federal Withholding 8,121.10 State Idithholding 1,640.51 O.A.S.D.I. 1,970.70 Retirement 3.246.92 Eaployees Social Fund 31.00 Credit Union 2,573.00 United Fund 10.60 Health Insurance 147.14 Union Dues 65.00 Miscellaneous 76.70 Total ~dichholding ($18,643.87) NET PAID $44,505.66 ~ERTIFIED: _::ector of F nce -4- Reaolution No. 4617 • , PASSID AND ADOPTED at a regular maeting of tha City Council of the City of Cupertino :iis 19th day of December , 1977. by the following vote: ~ote tiembers of the City Council AYES: Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Frolich :~OES: None .L~ISENT: None i3STAIN: None APPROVED: ~~~'7%?'`-~-~0/ ~ " Mayor, City of Cupertino ~:TEST: Cr" ' ~ity Clerk -5-