2233 (2) r,-• ^� tom/—/- ` d i �.• �e�../�� $-7/ .. IOT NO N NO.' n" STREET' ` LJ w ,APPLICR 'BUILDING PERMIT OP CUPERTINO a 'fin .Sanitary No.�LL• O '.r .v i Dare Permit No. � F0 r oa Aplihc�tio��hereby,madefora;permit to ' p�� � ,_.. V%11 tSI� a N, .1 CAI C7, story,Type Building W I to be occupied only in accordance with Plans,00 .Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. F Estimated Value of Improvements, $14, Fee$ oa z J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d O Cupertino 11 be co plied with.� � W0 Owner%u ro Address N a By // Addres a o Phone = _O APProv szc State Licensr+-,�0" 09z- nm LDINc INSPP.CTCOu� l/ is r �a �+ C REGGDP FINSPLECTI N AFFROVAl51 ~* =+I 9 FOUNDATIO]V, r-'yf!Iyn1 ,a6n'FE Al / INSPEC'f01t UNDERF000R< ' d'r �'Y�H' y i2DA'I'li 1„1•l y1N5PCCTOR ^'P�J11 iM1i�� ✓ '4�:, ty�i FRAME '� r ...f''a' .. .aee+•.++ .:.w..•--....,�,.,; .: rt s- +DAT E 9-w , .;Y(' ..I NSPECTORs;� ��'A,1^�. J t LATH'and,PLASTER DATE �'� INSPECTOR--Yy'Y�"1 ' FINAL BLDG. - I � . .,:.� 'K , [{3•^ _ r DATE .. 'INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOfts / t 1 FINAL PLBG. •' , -, ;� c'..d�.rffi:'{•x,iFb:e;iw.i.. Y",.�.: 'E ': INSPECTOR FINAL GAS yU\I �I 6'pS _ DATR ' - INSPF.C.I'OR '