08030087 (2)BUILD NC DIVISIPERbIITr�b3�L14`1TQA�ujYSltsl3"�xa&f BUILGfTA0L�3gE5b PORTAL AVE J ATLAS-TRILLO HVAC PERMIT NO. 08030087 WNER'S NAME: PEtMR'L%UEDATE f- STICKEL ORVILLE L AND PHYLLIS 1965 KYLE PARK CT 03/17/2008 NE: - SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHIlECTAINGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INPO RMV&RPLC FURNACE,ADD A/C BLDG SECT PLUMB MECH O O O O LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATIONas" Job Description612 hereby .flim that Ism restated under iumvisialu of CMpmr 9 (commencing with Section 70111) ar Division 7 of Ne Businmand Profmiurs Code.and my license is in fullr ode IJcmse s LIC., Dam Coninate, 41 IZA RCHIECTS DECLARATION 1 understand my plans mall W used as public nxords Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I bemhy affirm that I am exempt from tiro Contranor's License Law for de folmo inr won. (Second 701.5. Business and Pmresaiou Code: Any city or muni, which mquims s permit m conumel. sloe Wprove, dcmalWh, or vpsir sty suoctund prior in its issuance. also volumes lW applicant for each Permit to file a signed statement M de of dao Contractor's Lieu. Law 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation that he is licensed pursuant prevision, (chapter (commeneing with SeNon 7000) of Division 3 of the Bustnev and Professions Crude) or dant he Is exempt therefrom and the bub for the alleged exemption. Any vloladon of APN Number Occupancy Type Semon 7071.5 by ssry Applicator for a permit subjects the applicant N a civil penalty of not some than Rw hundred dollars ($500). ❑ L u owicr bf IW property, ce my employees with wads Nob role cmnpens Required IDspeC[IOOS ad s 70th, inns will dothe wmk,nde: owner o. dosinsists net a(Sec. an CombnorsLicandoraw and Ra(esdorm code: 71rc ConlrscNYs Liam Law dao net apply b an owner of property who WlltlsorimprevenNeem, andwhoduessuch work himselforthmug), his ow emplayw, provided than such improvements she not Intended oroQertd for,aln IL howews, the building or improvement is said within one you ofmmpleood. than owner- bunder will haw than bode^ of proving Nal W did and Wild or improve for purpose or YIe.). 0 1. al owner of tiro property. am uclusively ConlMing with licensed rnnuaclars to Convect that project (Sec. IOM. Business and Prnfusiorm Cade:) The Commodes Li. Counts law does not apply in an owner of property who build, or ImProsss demon, and, who cmtrsms for such projects with ammseNr(s) licensed pursuant to the Conu,ciaM1 Lim. Law. . ❑ I un exempt antler See .B k PC far the rcr Dam WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby, murder pensltY or perjury oroofdie following decimations: 0 1 ban: and will ma atim a CeNOcemor Gruen) m XI(-luurt for WarkeYa Compere rsom, at Provided for by Section 3700 or the labor Code, for the performance of tic work for which this permit is Issued - - 0 1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Ivurvce, an required by Section 3700 of Ne labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is Issued GMyrtWieorrkeY c^mpenWroi""ver antl Polcy r umbcoe. Policy No.; yW �'_ n NFRO SM COMPENSATION INSURANCE Tf b s section need nm ho com plewl B th permit Is for ane hundred dolt= (SIM) or lest) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this person is issued, L Nall not employ guy town In my summer an as in become subject in the Worksat L'malW,llan Law of Csiifomit Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPISCANM If, after making this Cer illaald of Exemption, you should become subject to Ne Workers Compensation provisions of the labor Crude, you a" , ' rorNwith comply with such provWnu or this permit Nall W deemed rewked. i CONSTRUCTIONLFNDINGiAOENCY 1 hereby hue N.t then is. bndina asetry for the performance of whic ed (Sm.tion ' the work far which Nis permit b Issued (Sec. 7097, CH. C) ' Lender's Num Lendefs Address 1 ceNfy Nat 1 have read this application and state that Ne above information b c^tvm l agree to comply MN all city and county ordinances W sue law miatins m Wilding construction, and hemby,uNMm mi msmudves of vita city m enter upon oto ,love-memioned pmpmy fm irmpecdon purposes. (We) agree to ave, indemnify and keep harmlm Ne City of Cupertino apinsl j liabilities, judgments, cuts and expenses which may in any way aeric against aid City of O WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT me II APP�CUTZNDS Issued by: Date / 7 SOU G Re -roofs. / Type of Roof Sip um of Apphan Conuase D c HARAROOUS MA FS^reit WIIINeeCupantar issue Wildingof In hsmat e. Clamwmorsoul andlous d Code. Chaplet 9.13. and tic HnIN and S.feq u defined by 0c CupertinYfut. . Section zss3zU)? All roofs shall be inspected to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Yn prior If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,agree to remove Will Na Application pplicantding ocesp.m use equipment or devices which emit haurdnu sir can nano ss de0eed by Ne Bay Area Air Quality Manapment ,l all new materials for inspection. District? Dyes 4. I h,w mad Ne hu rouerid>mquimments under Ch.pmrg.95 ofIW Califon ria Health kSaiC ode, 251 533wu115531.1undvwed"ifac Wilding CK IL dues m c Y w a tenant. u my maponsiNlltY m moTY Ne =eupani of IW _ "-.g re9mre n sous rmissuattmof.cenimm^ Oce $ignatu AppliCan to All roof coverings to be Class'W' or better Dam owerarmen apo 0 7 ITEMS OF 19 CITY OF CUPERTINO PERMIT RECEIPT Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ........: 36909004.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 03/17/2008 RECEIPT #.........: BS000004175 REFERENCE ID # ...: 08030087 SITE ADDRESS .....: 10233 S PORTAL AVE SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 508 FINAL MECHANICAL VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 507 FINAL PLUMBING OWNER ............: STICKEL ORVILLE L AND PHYLLIS ADDRESS ..........: 10233 S PORTAL AVE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO CA, 95014-3349 RECEIVED FROM ....: ATLAST-TRILLO CONTRACTOR .......: TRILLO, STEVE LIC # 4269 COMPANY ..........: ATLAS-TRILLO HVAC ADDRESS ..........: 1965 KYLE PARK CT CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: SAN JOSE, CA 95125 TELEPHONE ........: (408)286-8931 FEE ID ---------- UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD -TO -DT THIS REC NEW BAL 1BSEISMICR ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- VALUATION 12,000.00 1.20 0.00 ---------- 1.20 ---------- 0.00 1BUSLIC FLAT RATE 1.00 110'..00 0.00 110.00 0.00 1EPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1.00 '..,.'40..79 0.00. 40.79 0.00 1MPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 1MRRAA UNITS 1.00 61.19 0.00 61.19 0.00 1PPERMITFE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ITRAVDOC FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 TOTAL PERMIT ---------- ---------- 335.55 0.00 ---------- 335.55 ---------- 0.00 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 508 FINAL MECHANICAL VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- 507 FINAL PLUMBING Uo3 047 CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC CUPERTINO PERMIT APPLICATION FORM APN # 90 OCA �, (� O Date: 7 l - G Building Address: Pbyw Ave Owner's Name: Phone #: / f �YI Vl f I e Contractor: lft l Fax #: [ 0/ Contractor License #: _ Cupertino Business License #: (� 13 Contact: Phone #-. SO4-zr Fax #: Building Permit Info: Elect ❑ Plumb ❑ Mech ❑ Residential Commercial ❑. Job Description: Ge -Add .A -/C Win, f a(a C (T For Residential Installations: Attic ❑ 151 floor ❑ f' floor ❑ Adhere to minimum setback requirement For Commercial Installati ns• Replacement same weight Additional weight (structural calcs) ❑ Structural Calculations req ed for new installation El New installation Planningroval Required ❑ Cost of Project: v O. U Type of Construction (Usage Class): Strapped 17 On Platform Bonded ❑ New Location El Replacement ❑ Valuation: Green Building: Must attach Green Building Check list to this application i 010Ft CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC FEE SCHEDULE 0 Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Permit Type Group FURNACE FURN/AC 1MCRAA Commercial-Repair/Alteration/Add.to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit, cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl _installation_ofcontrols regulated ti_y_this code. 1MCREPALT Commercial for the repair of alt/add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit,cooling unit,VAV boxes, absorption unit or ea heathing, cooling absorption,or evaporative cooling sys, incl install of controls regulated by this code. 1MCSUSHTR Commercial Install/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or floor mounted unit heater. 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System P 1-4 outlets 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or P more per outlet. 1MCAPPVNT Commercial for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent installed &riot incl in an appliance pen -nit. 1BSEISMICO Commercial Seismic B 1MRRAA Residential Repair/Alteration/Add to M ea heating appliance,refrigeration unit, f cooling unit,absorption unit,or ea heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system,incl installation of controls regulated by this code. 1MRSUSHTR Residential InstalI/Relocate ea M suspended heater,recessed wall htr, or floor mounted unit heater. 1MRAPPVNT Residential for the install/relocate/ or M replacement of ea appliance vent install & not incl in an applpen-nit. • CITY of CUPEkTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC FEESCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type FURNACE FURN/AC 1PGASRES Residential for ea gas piping system of 1-4 Outlets P 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or more per outlet. P 1BSEISMICR Residential Seismic B 1MECPLNCK Mechanical Plan Check M Qf IMFR=<100 Furnace Syst <=I00k BTU install or relocate ea forced-air/gravity type furnace/bumer, incl, ducts/vents attached to such appliance up to and include 100,000 Btu/h M 1MFRN>100 Furnace Syst> 100k BTU install or relocate ea forced-air/gravity type furnace/burner, incl ducts/vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 Btu/h M r IEPERMITFEE Electric Permit Fee. E /I IMPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit Fee M 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P / i ITRAVDOC Travel Documentation B 1BUSLIC Business License B CITY OF CUPERTINO FURNACE/AC CUPEkTINO FEE SCHEDULE Quantity Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group Permit Type AIR CONDITIONING FURN/AC 1BCAIIR.HAN Cornmercial A/C Units <= 10k CFM B 1MCRAA Commercial Mech Repair/alt/add M 1BSEISMICO Seismic Cormnercial B 1PGASCOM Commerical for ea gas piping System 1-4 outlets P -1PGASRES -Resid-e-ntial-for ea -gas system of 1-4 Outlets —P— 1BPGAS For each gas piping system of 5 or more per outlet. Comm/Resid P 1BREMATRHAN Residential A/C units <= l0k CFM B 1MRRAA Residential Mech Repair/alt/add M 1BSEISMICR Seismic Residential B IEPERMITFEE Electric Permit E 1MPERMITFEE Mechanical Permit M 1PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit P 1TRAVDOC Travel Documentation B IBUSLIC Business License B 0 - -Shgle Family GreenPoint Checklist data: �-1't —�d— The GreenPoint Chacidist is based on the various green features Incorporated into the home and Is the basis for the GreenPoint Rated program. A home ran be considerad green If It fulfills the prerequistma, same at least 50 points, and meets the minimum points par M10pDry Energy (30), Indoor Air Ouailtyl • Health (5), Reaoumes (6), and Water (9). Please Donald BLOW It Green for a list of qualified GreenPoint Raters If you era Interested In pursuing third -party verification. The gram building practices listed below are described In the New Home Construction Green Building Guidelines, evalfabie at www.hulldtotseaom. • • 9)Build It f reed Smart Solutions From The Ground Up F-1 B. FOUNDATION' Points Available Per Measure Points Available Per Measure ❑ ❑- 1. Replace Portland Cement in Lonaote will Reryciod Flyeh or Slag a Minimum 20% Finish or Slag b. Minimum 25% Flyinalftor Slag 1. Construe Reaurce-Effieienl Landscape e. No Imeive Species Usted by Cal -IPC Are Randall h. No Plant Species Will Require Hedging c. 75% of Plants An Dmuphf-tolarem California Natives, Medltertaneen, or Clher Appropriate Spades ❑ a Placa Raft's and Studs e124 -Inch On Center Framing 0 D �- 1 ❑ 2 Un Frost -Protected Sheliow Foundation in Cold Areas (FEC. Cflmam Zone 16) D 3 g d. Use Radon ResisLnnt Construction On At -Risk LDeetlons Only) 0 1 ❑ El 4. Design and Build Strudunal Pest Controls a. Install Termite Shiaids a Separate All Exledor Wood-IDAonaate CDnneDbona by Noted or Plastic FaslartmOlviders C All New Plants Have Trunk, Base, a Stem Lonaiad At Least 36 inches from Foundation p I o 0 0 1 1 a Seams and Headan C. I.ANDSCAPDQG Points Available Per Measure Points Available Per Measure 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering ❑ ❑ ❑ 1. Construe Reaurce-Effieienl Landscape e. No Imeive Species Usted by Cal -IPC Are Randall h. No Plant Species Will Require Hedging c. 75% of Plants An Dmuphf-tolarem California Natives, Medltertaneen, or Clher Appropriate Spades ❑ a Placa Raft's and Studs e124 -Inch On Center Framing 0 0_ - 1 — _ - - ---- - r— _ D 3 ❑ 2 Use Flre,Sefe Landsmping Techniques 0 1 I g ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D. Minimize Tud Areas In Landscape Installed by Builder a All TW Will Have a Water Requirement Lou; than a Equal tD Tell Fescue (50.8 plant faolrQ h, Tud Shall Not Be Installed on Slopes Exceeding 10% min Areas Leu than 8 Feet Wide c. Tud Is Sia% of Landscaped Area (total2 points) d. Turf Is 510% of Landscaped Area (hotel 4 points) 0 ! p I o 0 ❑ a Seams and Headan 0 ❑ ❑ 4. Plant Shade Tree 0 ❑ 3 S. GroupPlants by Walar Needs Hydmzoning) D d. Wood I -Joists for Roof Rafters a. Engineered or FlngarJointed Studs for Vertical Appllcations 2 ❑ ❑ LJ 6 install High-Efficlenoy IMgetlon Systema a. System Uses Only, LmvFlow Drip, Bubblers, or Lox -flow Sprinters b. System Has 5men CorNollere 7. 7. Incorporate Two Inches of Compost in the Top 6 to 121nche of Soil T. Oriented Strand Scall for SuhOoer p ) z _ � I 0 1 3 3 ---- -- - r 8. Mulch All Planting Beds to the Greater of 2lnches or LDcal Water Ordinance Requirement D 1 2 ❑ 9. Use 50%Salvaged of pec tied -Contort Idea is for So% of Non -Plant Landscape Elemants 10. Red Los Light Pollution by Shielding Fixtures eNor Directing Light Downward D p 11 I1 ) p D. STRUCTURAL FRAME a BUmDjNa ENVELOPS Points Available Per Measure 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering ❑ a Placa Raft's and Studs e124 -Inch On Center Framing 0 li ❑ b. Size Door and Kindow Headers for Load----- 1 g ❑ c. Use Only Jack and Cripple Suits Required for Load 0 ! 2. Use Engineered Lumber 1 I ❑ a Seams and Headan ❑ b. Insulated Engineered Headan ❑ C. Wood IJouns or Web Tmsms for Floors — ❑ ❑ d. Wood I -Joists for Roof Rafters a. Engineered or FlngarJointed Studs for Vertical Appllcations -- - g ❑ T. Oriented Strand Scall for SuhOoer E]g. Oriented Strand Board for Well and Roof Sheathing -- 0 ---- -- - r 3. Use FSC-GerWood tified ❑ a Dim rosonal Lumber, Studs and Timber. Minimum 40% p •. 2 ❑ h. Dimensional Lumbar, Studs end Timber. Minimum 70% ---�--- -- .--- ❑ c. Panel Products: Minimum 40% -- -p - "- - ---� -- -- ❑ tl. Panel Products: Minimum 70% "- ' - --- 3 - --- ---�— j - 0 3- ®2007 Build It Green Single Family GreenPoint Checklist 2007 Version Page 1 of 4 G. PLUMBING TING VENTILATION h AIR CONDITIONING Points AvmeOle Per Measure Points Available Per Measure 1. Distribute Domestic Hot WNW Efficiently (Maximum 7 Points) D I 4 ❑ ❑ a Insulate Ho Water Pipes tram Water Heater to IOtchan b. Inoulme All Hot Water Pipes 0 0 ❑ c. Use Engineered Parallel Piping 0 1 2 1 77 ❑ d. Use Engineered Po l Piping with Demand Controlled Circulation Loop 0 —_ E] ❑ a. Use Structured Plumbing with Demand Carl C6culatlon Loop 1. Use Cemol Caa Plumbing 0 0 _ _ __ 1 i 1 2 2 ❑ 2 Install Only Haigh Ef Dien Tell (Dua lush or 926 o I 4 Tmal Penh Available In Plumbine.Tntal 12 n R. TING VENTILATION h AIR CONDITIONING Points Available Per Measure 1. Design and Install HVAC Syotam to ACOA Manual J, D. and S Recommendations D I 4 2lnstall Reeled Combustion Unita a Fumazea b. weer Homers 0 2 0 1 2 1 77 ].Install Zoned. Hydronie Redland Heeling with Slab Edge Insuition 0 1 1 4. Install High Efimency Air Conditioning with Environmentally Responsible Refdperante 0 1 i / ❑ ❑ 6. Del and Install Effective DuawOrk a Install HVAC Ung end Ductwork within Conditioned Specs b. Use Dum Mastic on AP Duct Jolme and Sam c. Inadadl Dumvmrk under Attic Insulation (Buried Oxime) e Pressure Balance the Ductwork System Z e. Protect Duch during Consauctlon and Clean Ali Duct, betas Occupancy D 3 o 1 D 11. Instal High Efficiency HVAC FlItar MERV tar 0 i 1 ❑- 7. Dont Install Flrapace or Install Stated On Flroplin es with Efndency, Rating Not Lass Than BO% using CSA Standards 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ I. Install Effective Exhaust Systems In Bathrooms and Kiehena a Instill ENERGY STAR Bathroom Fans Vended in the Outside - b. All Bathroom Fens And of Tuner or Hums6stat a Instal 1plchan Range Hood Varied to the Outride 0 0 I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 9. install Mechanical Ventilation System for Cooling (Maximum I Points) a Install ENERGY STAR Gelling Fane a Ught Kill; In Living Ames 6 Bedrooms b, Install Whole House Fen with Variable Speeds c. Automatically Controlled Integrated System d. Automatically Controlled Integrated System with Variable Speed Control D 1 _ =,—E! _ D _ 2 0 3 ;-- ❑ ❑ 10. InaWl Mechanism Fresh Alr Vemllarl System (Maximum a Points) a Arry Whole Horse Ventral System Thad Moot; ASHRAE 622 b. Incest A 4r 4 Head Exchanger that mems ASHRAE 622 0 _ I 0 1 i 2' ' 2 LJ 11. Install Carbon Monoxide Alarms D 1 Teal Pointe Available In Hearing, Ventilation and Air Conditioning .301 D 02007 Build It Green Single Famlly GreanPoint Chacklls12007 Version Fall 2014 • • T 1 e..=n.,.,. o,a.k a _ o.1 n 1 J. EOH.DING PERFORMANCE Point; Available Per Maasure 1. Diagnostic Evaluations ❑ e Home Process Blower Dom Test h. House Penes Combuaton5 BackdreflTest 0 p 1 5 2 Designand Build High Perlwarmro Homes -%above Tine 24 -minimum 15%Required 0 PROJECT NAME ❑ 3. House Obtains ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package Certification - Piot Memare (TDW 45 points-, read Moment) 0 5 2 E ❑ e. Lm VOC interim WaTCemng Peaty (60 gel VOCs (Flet) and 051 VOCs (Non -Flag) 0 1 -Mon L RENEWABLE ENERGY I Points Available Pel Measure r 3 t. Prt-Plumb for Soler Not Water Hearing '0 3. Use Low VDC, Witter -Based Wood Finishes (Q50 g I VOCs) ( 4 1 2 Ll 2. Imita Solar winter Heading stem77 0 - 2 10 ❑ S. Use Recycled-Contnt Paint D S. Install Mining Conduh for Future Photovoltaic m5nalbli 6 Provide 20D iP of South-Faiding Root 0 1 2 i - 4.install Photovoltaic (PV)Panels or Ej FingerJofnttl - ❑ s. 30% of discard -needs OR 1.2 kW (Intel 6 points) 0 6 t 7 ❑ ❑ b. 60% N slawic needs OR 2.01N (trial 12 proms)- _ _ ❑ C. Shei(5D% IWnimm) ❑ C. BD%of Madrid need OR 3.6 kin (total I prima)' 0 { 6 I d Dome (50% Minimum) D T 1 e..=n.,.,. o,a.k a _ o.1 n 1 J. EOH.DING PERFORMANCE Point; Available Per Maasure 1. Diagnostic Evaluations ❑ e Home Process Blower Dom Test h. House Penes Combuaton5 BackdreflTest 0 p 1 1. Design Entryways to Reduce Tracked in Contaminant 2 Designand Build High Perlwarmro Homes -%above Tine 24 -minimum 15%Required 0 230 ❑ 3. House Obtains ENERGY STAR with Indoor Air Package Certification - Piot Memare (TDW 45 points-, read Moment) 0 5 2 Total Avetable Polnd, in Rdldinn Padnrmmsa = 3DI n I IL FINISHES _ - Points Available Per Measure 1. Design Entryways to Reduce Tracked in Contaminant 0 i 1 2. Use Low-VDC or Zerd-VOC Pains (Maximum 3 Point) ❑ e. Lm VOC interim WaTCemng Peaty (60 gel VOCs (Flet) and 051 VOCs (Non -Flag) 0 1 ❑ It. Zsm-VOC: Interim WRIPCORIn Palms (6 go VOCs _ 0 r 3 ❑ 3. Use Low VDC, Witter -Based Wood Finishes (Q50 g I VOCs) 0 2 ❑ 4. Use Low-VOC Caulk and Construdgon Adhesives (<70 gpI VDCs) for All Adhesives p - 2 ❑ S. Use Recycled-Contnt Paint D 1 S. Use Environmentally Preferable Materials for Interior Finish: A) FSC-Carttfietl Wood, B) Remelmad, C) Rapidly flaneweble, D) ReryeiedConlent or Ej FingerJofnttl - ❑ s.CaNneh(50%Minimum) p ! t 7 ❑ b. Interim Trim (50% Mlnimum) ❑ C. Shei(5D% IWnimm) —p ❑ d Dome (50% Minimum) D 1 ❑ e. Courmi s (5D% Mlnimum) - p- 7. Rodude Fommldehyde in Inenor Finish (CA Section m35D) ❑ a. Subfioor s Stair Treads (5D% Minimum) p T r ❑ b. Cabinet Is Coundomms (50% Minimum) p ❑ c. Interior Trim (50%Minimum) p - ❑ d. Shu,in (50% Mlir mum) ❑ S. After Installation of Finishes, Test of Indoor Air Shows Formaldehyde Leval ¢7ppb 0 3 Total Available Points In Finishes 21 0 ' L. FLOORING Points Available Per Measure 1. Use Environmentally Preferable Flooring: A) FS -Cmtifim Wood, B) Reclaimed or Refinished, C) Rapidly Renmable, D) Raryded-Content, E) Exposed Genii. Flooring Adhesives slow Have SD gel VOCs. ' . e Minimum 15% of Flom Area D �_ �___-__ b. Minunum 3D% of Flom Area _ 0 ) ❑ d, Minimum 50% of Floor Area p j ❑ J. Minimum 75% of Floor Area p _.__ I -� ----- ,- -�-- 1 ❑ 2. Thermal MSM Moore: Floor Covering Dther than Carpet on 5D% or More of Concrete Floors 0 1 ❑ 3. Flooring Meet Section DI 350 or CRI Green Label Plus Requirements SD%Minimum) 0 1 1 2 r Toll Available Points In Flowing=7 0 M. APPLIANCES AND LIGHTING Foams Available Per Measure 1. Install Water and Energy Efficient Dishwasher ❑ a ENERGY STAR (toll 1 pohl) 0 ❑ It. Dishwasher Uses No More than 65 GaDmuCycle MW 2 and D 1 2. Install ENERGY STAR Clothes Washing Machine with Water Factor of s or Luse - ❑ a Mans Energy Star and CEE Ter 2 race irament (modified energy factor 20, Water Factor 6.0) (Intel3 point) D -7 ❑ b. Meds Energy Star and CEE Ter 3 requirements(mollfied energy factor 22, Water Factor 45 or leas) _ _ _ a15points)0 3. Install ENERGY STAR Refrigerator ❑ a. 24ERGY STAR Duellfed s c 25 CUbid Feat Capacity p r 1 ❑ b. ENERGY STAR Ouellfied s c 20 Cubic Feet Ca,3djy 4. Install Built4n Recycling Caner p ❑ a BuOHn Recycling Canter p 2 ❑ b. BDB�n Compostlng Center 0 i ! 1 andlI torn =Iz D I N. OTHER Forms Available Per Measure ❑ 1. Incorporate GreenPaint Rated Checklist in Blueprints - Required D R ❑ t Develop Homeowner Manual of Green FeatureslSenefit 0 3. Community Design Measures s Local Priorities: See the Community Planning A Design section In Chapter of the New Home Guidelines for measures. Maximum o120 points for suggested measures. Local requirements may also be lined hare. 0 2007 Build It Green Single Family GrearrPoial Checklist 2DD7 Version Page 3 of 4 PROJECT NAME Erdw d�mapl�m nrm, ane smw pohtb.v.Ndr to m..nm m tgvopbu uUpaln b m� npM1. _ _ 0 0 Emw aw0tylion Mn entl.ntbU.vaOeMe is maawnmeepq.Un cetepatn to ma npM _ __ _ _ _ D _ _0_ 0_ Emar dewaptlon hen ena.ma polnU evallmaia mae.un In gpplgaleb ceUpalae to ma rIRhL 0 0 0 _ p Entn Ib0 hm, and anter pointe oveilebb I la lot maa.un gapmprlela oetepwie—no rig*. _ _ _ _ _ o _ 0 _ _ 0 - 0 _ _ D 11 aesot 4. Innovation: List Innovative measures that most the green building objsctives of the Guidelines. Fater up to a Build It Green Checklists and n ad.n­ Total Available Pointe In SpDclfic Categories- ilmum Points Required In SoeClfic Cateoodas Project has not yet met the following repo unendod minimum requirements; - Total ?reject Score of At Least 50 Points - Required measures: 43a: 50% imeste diversion by weight J2: 15% above Title 14 -IJI: Incorporate GreenPoint Rated Checklist into blueprints - Minimum points in specific categories:- -Energy (30 points) -IAQIHealth (5 points) -Resources (6 points) -Water (9 points) D 0 0 0 0 0 D_ 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 0 0 -- D o— F D 0 D D 'o 4+ 96+ 42+ 66 0 30 8 8 t ' 1 U *2007 Build It Green Single Family GreanP0lnt Checklist 2007 Version Page 4 of 4 Community Development 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 10 Fax (408) 777-3333 Building De artment JOB ADDRESSS PERMIT # 0 OWNER'S NAME: PHONE GENERAL CONTRACTOR: QJ -7� ,t FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: j� p Signature Date Please check applicable c„hrnnirar+n,c n,,,4 A c n _.-:__ :_t_—_ Owner/Contractor Signature .3 Date SUBCONTRACTOR BUSINESS NAME u uv11110.uV1L. BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting ' Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile Owner/Contractor Signature .3 Date