R-4122 (2) PERMIT R_ 412 2 APPLICATION FOR CITY OF CUPERTINO NUMBER R- PERMIT INSPECTION DIVISION PERM PERMIT EXPIRATION (408) 252-4505 EXT. 228WITRI N OT STARTED 180 DAYS OF ERMIT XPIRES IF WORK TISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING DRESS - BUILDING USE y 06.11 r RESIDENTIALI�COMMERCIAL OTHER OWNER'S /e` HAZARDOUS ROOF NAME ` V`LCV\Q ��CY�r 2�� FIRE AREA CLASS COVERING ADDRESS r�9r QP�I U EXISTING ROOF COVERING PHONE �- 0NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS / CONTR CTOR'S TO BE REMOVED� TO BE RETAINED �— NAME TYPE OF ROOF COVERING CI ADDRESS p •^�' �-• ISTING PHONE77� 03 C�2 BUILT-UP ROOF LICENSE J ASPHALT SHINGLES NUMBER WOOD SHAKES LICENSEDm the, C CONTRACTORS under DECLARATION 1 hooey affirm 7000) of licensed under provision OI dChapterProfessions s(nommen cine with Sec tion 7000) of Division ] of the Business end Protassiom Cod., WOOD SHINGLES and my license ie In 1.44oc..rd eff•CL Af License Cless Lia.Numbs O ' Dan 117 Comracn OTHER (SPECIFY) P NER BUILDER DECLA I If affirm the, I am exempt fight the Contractor's License Lew for PROPOSED the following reason. (Sec. 703 1.5, Business and Profession•Cod.: Any city JU� 30 1995 or county which requires a permit to construct,alter, improve, demoli•h,or repair any structure,Prior to it.issuance, also requires the applicant for such BUILT-UP ROOF permit to NIB a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provitions of theContractor's License Lew (Chapter 9 (commencing wish S.ceiop7000) Clly ur Wt'Cr%IINU of Division i of tn.Busih.ss and Profession•Cod.)or that he is...,of mer. ASPHALT SHINGLES • from and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section of To by any ,five hu for a p.rmd ubi.as me eoprpmt m.civil penalty yy00D SHAKE$ Ll > OI not more twee five hundred property, r my e.1', ❑ I, ti owner of m%progeny,o he employees with wends as weir sole compensation,will do the work, and Professions structureCodis not intended Le for sola no apply Business em PrrNlOns Coda: The Contractor's thereon.License WOOD SHINGLES Lew does not apply to an owner o1 hr property who n em to improves thereon, and who tloes such work himself or through his own employees,provided that such improvemenm• ars not intended or offered for sale. If„however, the OTHER (SPECIFY) building o. improvement is •old within one year of = mpletion, the o builder will neve me burden of proving that he did not build or improve nfor purpose of sale.). PROVIDE I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. ❑ 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct he project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Low does not apply to anowner ofproperty PROVIDE MFGR. INSTALLATION SPECS. who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such project,with e contractors)licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Lew. ❑ 1 .m exempt under sec. ,a.eP.c.foe his arson APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE Owner Data WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION Building I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to selhinsure,ora cep 4 �/ /t ��� r.`^ tificat.01 Work%/' ir4p!•�iI In}ulance,or gCertified cgoy thereof(Sec, �'v /� (dL/LJ�J �/v Seismic 3600, Lob.C.1. bk.� !' _. 1 / _� Policy No. Com Dann liG�.` `A '�y pp c.��.C,) coor i.n.r.br mrni.n.d. Total @�C."I fad coor i,filed.,in mi City inspection division. Applicant CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' N D ❑ PERMIT AUTHORIZATION DATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This taction need not be completed if the permit is for One hundred d01 tar.($100)Or IMs.) I Certify that in the performance of the work for which anis permit 1, 4 issued, 1 Shell not employ any porton in any manner so as to become subject 10 the Work.,.Compensation Lew.01 Cel'If Ornie. Data Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making his Cereificat%of Exemption, you should become subject t0 the Worked Compensation provi•1Ons Of [fie r Labor Code,y.. must forthwith comply with Such provisions or this permit .hall be deemed revoked. All roots shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being I certify that 1 neve rand this application and state that the above informs Installed If a roof IS Installed without first obtaining an non i. correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and I ;Ef�moyeater ialsforinspection. Nee fews hisrelatingty to enter construction, entl hereby aumorir spresm tetiees of this city to mor u0on the aabovebode inept hetl byProperty for inspection pw(We) - / � h� (We)l apse to save, indemnify costs and keep harmless the City Of.-, ___no ✓A.�e/l against liabilities, cense see con end•x rating which they in any war.caw .paint sera ctry in conegpmu of me greening of this permit. IG ATU OF APPLICANT . PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE' OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION OFFICE COPY - I I I Citsj of CNrertino SMOKE DETECTOR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 1 understand and comply with Section 1210-a of the Uniform Building Code. Section 1210-a requires when repairs to a single family dwelling exceed $1,000, a smoke detector will be installed, mounted on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping room and at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to room used' for sleeping purposes. If existing smoke detectors comply, no new detector shall be required. I understand the above requirement and certify that we now have smoke detectors installed that do comply. ADDRESS: lZ PERNUT NUMBER: HOMEOWNERS SIGNATURE: DATE: I winword/smkdet I