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CC Resolution No. 4487
Y RESOLUTION N0. 4487 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ESTABLISHING SCHEDULES OF PAY GRADES AND SALARY SCHEDULES FOR VARIOUS CLASSIFICATIONS, POSITIONS AND EMPLOYEE UNITS WHEREAS, the requirements of the California Government Code have been met as they pertain to meet and confer with emplo.yee units; and WHEREAS, compensation changes for 1977-1978 have been presented to and approved by the Cify Council for both represented and unrepresented employee units; and WHEREAS, the pay plan of the personnel code requires that schedules of pay grades and other wage and salary schedules be prepared and approved by the City Council to effect wage and salary changes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following attachments hereby made part of this resolution be approved and adopted, to be effective July 1, 1977: Attachment A, Schedule of Pay Grades, Confidential Positions Attachment B, Schedule of Pay Grades, Miscellaneous Employee Unit Attachment C, Schedule of Pay Grades, Management Classifications Attachment D, Wage Rate Schedule, Public Works Unit Attachment E, Salary Schedule "A" (Exempt Classes) PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 21st day of June , 1977, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, 0'Keefe, Frolich NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APP ROVED: /s/ Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder ~ City Clerk , Resolution No. 4487 • Attachment "A" SCHEDULE OF PAY GP~ADES CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 1-C Week $ 144.92 $ 153.04 $ 161.16 $ 176.00 Month 627.99 663.17 698.36 762.67 Hour 3.623 3.826 4.029 4.40 2-C ~deek 149.OQ 157.12 165.24 181.44 Month 645.67 680.85 716.04 786.24 Hour 3.725 3.92£3 4.131 4.536 3-C [~1eek 153.04 161.16 169.28 186.20 Month 663.17 698.36 733.55 8fJ6.87 Hour 3.826 4.029 4.232 4.655 4-C [deek 157.12 165.24 173.36 189.56 Month 680.85 716.04 751.23 821.43 Hour 3.928 4.131 4.334 4.739 5-C ~Jeek 161.16 169.28 176.00 196.3h Month 698.36 733.55 762.67 850.39 Hour 4.029 4.232 4.40 4.909 6-C Week 165.24 173.36 181.44 200.44 ~ Month 716.04 751.23 786.24 868.57 Hour 4.131 4.334 4.536 5.011 7-C • Week 169.28 176.00 186.20 205.84 Month 733.55 762.67 806.87 891.97 Hour 4.232 4.40 4.655 5.146 8-C Week 173.36 181.44 189.56 211.24 P~onth 751.23 786.24 821.43 915.37 Hour 4.334 4.536 4.739 5.281 9-C [+Teek 176.00 186.20 196.36 215.32 Month 762.67 806.87 850.89 933.05 Hour 4.40 4.655 4.909 5.383 10-C Week 181.44 189.56 200.44 222.08 Month 786.24 821.43 868.57 962.35 Hour 4.536 4.739 5.Q11 5.552 11-C Week 186.20 196.36 205.84 222.52 Month 806.87 850.89 891.97 979.85 Hour 4.655 4.909 5.14F 5.653 12-C tideek 189.56 200.44 211.24 232.92 Month 821.43 868.57 915.37 1,009.32 Hour 4.739 5.011 5.281 5.823 13-C Week 196.36 205.84 215.32 238.32 Month 850-89 891.97 933.05 1,032.72 Hour 4.909 5.146 5.383 5.958 ~ ~ . Resolution No. 4487 . Attachment "A" SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 Ste~ 2 Step 3 Maximum 14-C Week $ 200.44 $ 211.24 $ 222.08 $ 243.76 Month 868.57 915.37 962.35 1,056.29 Hour 5,011 5.281 5.552 6.094 15-C Week 205.84 215.32 222.52 250.$,2, Month 891.97 933.05 979.85 1,085.59 Hour 5.146 5.383 5.653 6.263 16-C Week 211.24 222.08 232.92 255.92 Month 915.37 962.35 1,009.37_ 1,108.99 Hour 5.281 5.552 5.87.3 6.398 17-C Week 215.32 222.52 238.32 264.04 Month 933.05 979.85 1,032.72 1,144.17 Hour 5.383 5.653 5.958 6.601 18-C Week 222.08 232.92 243.76 269.44 Month 962.35 1,009.32 1,056.29 1,167.57 Hour 5,552 5.823 6.094 6.736 19-C Week 222.52 238.32 250,52 276.24 Month 979.85 1,032.72 1,085.59 1,197.04 Iiour 5.653 5.958 6.263 6.906 20-C Week 232.92 243.76 255.92 283.00 Month 1,009.32 1,056.29 1,108.99 1,226.33 Hour 5.823 6.094 6.398 7.075 21-C Week 238.32 250.52 264.04 291.12 Month 1,032.72 1,085.59 1,144.17 1,261.51 Hour 5.958 6.263 6.601 7.278 22-C Week 243.76 255.92 269.44 297.88 P4onth 1,056.29 1,108.99 1,167.57 1,290.81 Hour 6.094 6.398 6.736 7.447 23-C Week 250.52 264.04 276.24 306.00 Month 1,085.59 1,144.17 1,197.04 1,326.00 Hour 6.263 6.601 6.906 7.650 24-C Week 255.92 269.44 283.00 312.80 Month 1,108.99 1,167.57 1,226.33 1,355.47 Hour 6.398 6.736 7.075 7.$20 , - 2- Resolution No. 4487 Attachment~"B" SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES MISCELLANEOUS EM~'LOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 1-B Week $ 144.92 $ 153.04 $ 161.16 $ 176.00 Month 627.99 663.17 698.36 762.67 Hour 3.623 3.826 4.029 4.40 2-B Week 149.00 157.12 165.24 181.44 Month 645.67 680.85 716.04 786.24 Hour 3.725 3.928 4.131 4.536 3-B Week 153.04 161.16 169.28 186.20 Month 663.17 698.36 733.55 806.87 ~iour 3.826 4.029 4.232 4.655 4-B Week 157.12 165.24 173.36 189.56 Month 680.85 716.04 751.23 821.43 Hour 3.928 4.131 4.334 4.739 5-B Week 161.16 169.28 176.00 196.36 Month 698.36 733.55 762.67 850.89 Hour 4.029 4.232 4.40 4.909 6-B Week 165.24 173.36 181.44 200.44 Month 716.04 751.23 786.24 868.57 Hour 4.131 4.334 4.536 5.011 7-B Week 169.28 176.00 186.20 205.84 Month 733.55 762.67 806.87 891.97 Hour 4.232 4.40 4.655 5.146 8-B Week 173.36 181.44 189.56 211.24 Month 751.23 786.24 821.43 915.37 Hour 4.334 4.536 4.739 5.281 9-B Week 176.00 186.20 196.36 215.32 . Month 762.67 806.87 850.89 933.05 Hour 4.40 4.655 4.909 5.383 10-B Week 181.44 189.56 200.44 222.08 ~.Month 786.24 821.43 868.57 962.35 Hour 4.536 4.739 5.011 5.552 11-B Week 186.20 196.36 205.84 226.,12 Month 806.87 850.89 891.97 979.85 Hour 4.655 4.909 5.146 5.653 12-B Week 189.56 200.44 211.24 232.92 Month 821.43 868.57 915.37 1009.32 Hour 4.739 5.011 5.281 5.823 13-B Week 196.36 205.84 215.32 238.32 Month 850.89 891.97 933.05 1032.72 Hour 4.909 5.146 5.383 5.958 Resolution No. 4487 SCfIEDLJLE OF PAY GRADES _ Attachment "B" MISCELLANEOUS FMPLOYEFS UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 14-B Weelt $ 200.44 $ 211.24 $ 222.08 $ 243.76 Month 868.57 915.37 962.35 1056.29 Hour 5.011 5.281 5.552 6.094 15-B Week 205.84 215.32 ' 226.12. 250.52 Month 891.97 933.05 979.85 1085.59 Hour 5.146 5.383 5.653 6.263 16-B Week 211.24 222.08 232.92 255.92 Month 915.37 962.35 1009.32 1108.99 Hour 5.281 5.552 5.823 6.398 17-B Week 215.32 226.12 238.32 264.04 Month 933.05 979.$5 1032.72 1144.17 Hour 5.383 5.653 5.958 6.601 18-B Week 222.08 232.92 243.76 269.44 Month 962.35 1009.32 1056.29 1167.57 Hour 5.552 5.823 6.094 6.736 19-B Week 226.12 238.32 250.52 276.24 Month 979.85 1032.72 1085.59 1197.04 Hour 5.653 5.958 6.263 6.906 20-B Week 232.92 243.76 255.92 283.00 Month 1009.32 1056.29 1108.99 1226.33 Hour 5.823 6.094 6.398 7.075 21-B Week 238.32 250.52 264.04 291.12 Month 1032.72 1085.59 1144.17 1261.51 Hour 5.958 6.263 6.601 7.278 22-B Week 243.76 255.92 269.44 297.88 Month 1056.29 1108.99 1167.57 1290.81 Hour 6.094 6.398 6.736 7.447 23-B Week 250.52 264.04 276.24 306.00 Month 1085.59 1144.17 1197.04 1326.00 Hour 6.263 6.601 6.906 7.650 24-B Week 255.92 269.44 283.00 312.80 Month 1108.99 1167.57 1226.33 1355.47 Hour 6.398 6.736 7.075 7.820 25-B Week 264.04 276.24 291.12 320.88 Month 1144.17 1197.04 1261.51 1390.48 Hour 6.601 6.906 7.278 8.022 26-B Week 269.44 283.00 297.88 329.00 Month 1167.57 1226.33 1290.81 1425.67 Hour 6.736 7.075 7.447 8.225 -2- Resolution No. 4487 • Attachment "B" SCI~EDULE OF PAY GRADFS MISCELLANEOUS'EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 27-B Week $ 276.24 $ 291.12 $ 306.00 $ 337.08 Month 1197.04 1261.51 1326.00 1460.68 Hour 6.906 7.278 7.650 8.427 28-B Week 283.00 297.88 312.80 346.68 Month 1226.33 1290.81 1355.47 1502.28 Hour 7.075 7.447 7.820 8.667 29-B Week 291.12 306.00 320.88 354.80 Month 1261.51 1326.00 1390.48 1537.47 Hour 7.278 7.650 8.022 8.870 30-B Week 297.88 312.80 329.00 364.28 Month 1290.81 1355.47 1425.67 1578.55 Hour 7.447 7.820 8.225 9.107 31-B Week 306.00 320.88 337.08 373.76 Month 1326.00 1390.48 1460.68 1619.63 Hour 7.650 8.022 8.427 9.344 32-B Week 312.£i0 329.00 346.68 381.88 Month 1355.47 1425.67 1502.28 1654.81 Hour 7.820 8.225 8.667 9.547 33-B Week 320.88 337.08 354.80 391.36 Month 1390.48 1460.68 1537.47 1695.89 Hour 8.022 8.427 8.870 9.784 34-B Week 329.00 346.68 364.28 400.80 Month 1425.67 1502.28 1578.55 1736.80 Hour 8.225 8.667 9.107 10.020 35-B Week 337.08 354.80 373.76 410.28 Month 1460.68 1537.47 1619.63 1777.88 Hour 8.427 8.870 9.344 10.257 36-B Week 346.68 364.28 381.88 421.12 Month 1502.28 1578.55 1654.81 1824.85 Hour 8.667 9.107 9.547 10.528 37-B Week 354.80 373.76 391.36 430.60 I~fonth 1537.47 1619.63 1695'.89 1865.93 Hour 8.870 9.344 9.784 10.765 38-B Week 364.28 381.88 400.80 442.80 Month 1578.55 1654.81 1736.80 1918.20 Hour 9.107 9.547 10.020 11.070 39-B Week 373.76 391.36 410.28 453.60 Month 1619.63 1695.89 1777.88 1965.60 Hour 9.344 9.784 10.257 11.340 -3- Resolution No. 4487 ~ Attachment "B" SCHEDULF OF PAY GRADFS TiISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 40-B Week $ 381.88 $ 400.80 $ 421.12 $ 464.44 Month 1654.81 1736.80 1824.85 2012.57 Hour 9.547 10.020 10.528 11.611 41-B ~ek 391. 36 410. 28 430. 60 ~.7F6, 65 Month 1695.89 1777.88 1865.93 .'~~065,48 Hour 9.784 10.257 10.765 11.916 42-B Week 400.80 421.12 442.80 487.48 Month 1736.80 1824.85 1918.80 2112.41 Hour 10..020 10.528 11.070 12.187 43-B Week 410.28 430.60 453.60 500.96 Month 1777.88 1865.93 1965.60 2170.83 Hour 10.257 10.765 11.340 12.524 44-B Week 421.12 442.80 46C?.44 513.16 Month 1824.85 1918.80 2012.57 2223.69 Hour 10.528 11.070 11.611 17..829 -4- Resolution No. 4487 , Attachment "C" SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 21-D Week $ 241.88 $ 253.40 $ 266.20 $ 291.88 Month 1048.15 1098.07 1153.53 1264.81 Hour 6.047 6.335 6.655 7.297 22-D Week 247.00 258.52 271.36 298.32 Month 1070.33 1120.25 1175.89 1292.72 Hour 6.175 6.463 6.784 7.458 23-D Week 253.40 266.20 277.80 306.00 Month 1098.07 1153.53 1203.80 1326.00 Hour 6.335 6.655 6.945 7.650 24-D Week 259.76 272.60 285.44 313.68 Month 1125.63 1181.27 1236.91 1359.28 Hour 6.494 6.815 7.136 7.842 25-D Week 267.44 276.88 293.12 32~2,.64 Month 1158.91 1199.81 1270.19 1398.11 Hour 6.686 6.922 7.328 8,.066 26-D Week 272.60 285.44 299.56 329.08 Month 1181.27 1236.91 1298.09 1426.01 Hour , 6.815 7.136 7.489 8.227 27-D Week 276.88 293.12 307.24 336.76 Month 1199.81~ 1270.19 1331.37 1459.29 Hour 6.922 7.328 7.681 8.419 28-D Week 286.68 300.80 314.92 347.00 Month 1242.28 1303.47 1364.65 1503.67 Hour 7.167 7.520 7.873 8.675 29-D Week 294.36 308.48 3~22.~64 354.72 Month 1275.56 1336.75 ~13~9~8.11 1537.12 Hour 7.359 7.712 ~8.06`6 $•868 30-D Week 300.80 314.92 300.28 363.68 Month 1303.47 1364.65 1431.21 1575.95 Hour 7.520 7.873 8.257 9.092 31-D Week 310.92 325.08 340.44 375.12 Month 1347.32 1408.68 1475.24 1625.52 Hour ~ 7.773 8.127 8.511 9.378 32-D Week 317.36 332.76 349.44 382.80 Month 1375.23 1441.96 1514.24 1658.80 Hour 7.934 8.319 8.736 9.570 33-D [~ek 325.08 340.44 354.60 391.76 Month 1408.68 1475.24 1536.60 1697.63 Hour 8.127 8.511 8.865 9.794 Resolution No. 4487 ~ Attachment "C" Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 34-D Week 332.76 349.44 366.12 400.80 Month 1441.96 1514.24 1586.52 1736.80 Hour 8.319 8.736 9.153 10.020 35-D Week 340.44 354.60 375.12 409.76 Month 1475.24 1536.60 1625.52 1775.63 Hour 8.511 8.865 9.378 10.244 36-D Week 349.44 366.12 382.80 420.04 Month 1514.24 1586.52 1658.80 1820.17 Hour 8.736 9.153 9.570 10.501 37-D Week 354.60 375.12 391.76 429.04 Month 1536.60 1625.52 1697.63 1859.17 Hour 8.865 9.378 9.794 10.726 38-D Week 366.12 3gZ:gp 400.80 440.60 Month 1586.52 1658.80 1736.80 1909.27 Hour 9.153 9.570 10.020 11.015 39-D Week 376.36 393.00 411.00 452.08 Month 1630.89 1703.00 17.81.00 1959.01 Hour 9.409 9.825 10.275 11.302 40-D Week 384.04 402.00 421.24 , 462.32 - Month 1664.17 1742.00 1825.37 2003.39 Hour 9.601 10.050 10.531 ~ 11.558 41-D Week 393.00 411.OU 430.20 473.88 Month 1703.00 1781.00 1864.20 2053.48 Hour 9.825 10.275 10.755 11.847 42-D Week 402.00 421.24 441.80 484.12 Month 1742.00 1825.37 1914.47 2097.85 Hour 10.050 10.531 11.045 12.103 43-D Week 411.00 403.20 452.08 496.96 Month 1781.00 1864.20 1959.01 2153.49 Hour 10.275 10.755 11.302 12.424 44-D Week 421.24 441.80 462.32 508.52 Month 1825.37 1914.47 2003.39 2203.59 Hour 10.531 11.045 11.558 12.713 -2- Resolution No. 4487 . ~ Attachment "D" WAGE RATE SCHEDULE PUBLIC iJORKS UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum Utility Worker Tdeek $ 172.12 $ 180.96 $ 189.84 $ 20$.56 Month 745.85 784.16 826.64 903.76 Hour 4.303 4.524 4.746 5.214 Water Utility [Jorker I Week 211.24 222.08 232.9?_ 255.9?. Month 915.37 962.35 1,009.32 1,108.99 Hour 5.281 5.552 5.823 6.398 Maintenance GJorker I Week 215.16 226.20 237.28 260.68 Month 932.36 980.20 1,028.21 1,129.61 Hour 5.379 5.655 5.932 6.517 ~dater Utility Worker II Week 222.08 232.92 243.76 269.44 Month 962.35 1,009.32 1,056.29 l,1h7.57 Hour 5.552 5.823 6.094 h.736 Maintenance Worker II [deek 226.20 237.28 249.08 274.52 P~Ionth 980.20 1,028.21 1,079.35 1189.59 Hour 5.655 5.932 6.227 6.863 Maintenance Worker III Week 250.52 264.04 276.24 3(16.00 Sr. [dater Utility Worker Month 1,085.59 1,144.17 1,197.04 1,326.00 Street Sweeper Operator Hour 6.263 6.601 6.906 7.650 Building Maintenance Week 255.92 269.44 283.00 312.80 Coordinator i~Ionth 1,108..99 1,167.57 1,226.33 1,355:47 Hour 6.398 6.736 " 7.075 7:820 Equipment Mechanic Week 264.04 276.24 2.91.12 32~.88 Month 1,144.17 1,197,04 1,261.52 1,390.48 Hour 6.601 6.906 7.278 8.022 Resolution No. 4487 ° ' ~ Attachment "F" CITY OF CUPERTINO SALARY SCHEDULE - A EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1977 The salaries, wages or rates of pay for those officers and employees whose classes of positi0ns are not subject to being assigned to a pay grade within the Schedule of Pay Grades shall be set forth below. Said salaries, wages or rates of pay shall not be changed without specific approval of the City Council. Position Title Rate City Manager $3,189.00 uer month Director of Administrative Services $2,658.00 per month Director of Parks and Recreation $2,217,0'0 per month Director of Planning and Development $2,445.00 per month Director of Public Works $2,445.00 per month Members of the City Council $ 195.00 per month Members of the Planning Commission $ 15.00 per meeting to a maximum of $ 30.00 per month