20102 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pruect ldentlficelon PERMITNO. Bui�gsa , 2010230 w'9Cra• a'r'c. �� one: q /!G/,4�/C�LV-x /aet� —a�0/ CITY OF CUPERTTNO�BUILDING DIVISION � ���C�O CoVnd°'''Name: LIc.No: APPLICATION I PERMIT / �•� Architect/Engineer Llc.No: BUILDING-ELECTRICALPLUMBING-MECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL NSq' 1 QTY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE BU&VDING PERMIT INFO 09 Addmu:3vr Sr (1, PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ El CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm tial l am licensed under provisions of Chapter9(mxmnm APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL ]OB DESCRR'IION Ingwith Sedbn 7000)of Dlvlelmn3o(the Buaineuand ProfesNons Code,and my license is In full fpycand d(ed. PANELS �� Iv� License Cis 1� Lk.N L _ Dale' C."u's or (-yjIUP TO 200AMPq I ARCH14 TSI RA ON 201-1000AMPS 9 Z I umnestand ery placeshallbe tt d u pu cords. OVER IODO AMPS SQ.Fr.FLOOR AREA 8/SQ.Fr. O Licensed Profcmlonal SIGNSELFLTRICAL r� 6 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION In]� SPECIAL CIRCUIT/M1SC s" Thereby afOmnthat lam exempt from the Contractor's Llcenm law for the Op following mason.(Section 70315,Business and ProfmloNCcde:An d or ' Zb'u9 county which requires a permit tocorutrar ,alter,improve,demnWh,or repair TEMP METER OR TOLE INST. 4n, anystructure priortolts Issuance,also requimslhe applicant(orsuch permit to S Ole a signed statement that he b licensed pursuant to the provision,of the POWER DEVICES 3wContractor's License Law(Chapler9(commencingwlthSection70M)o(Divl- O In SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC Won 3 ofthe Busineuend Pradmat aCode)mthat he is exempt therefromand VALUATION I 'S the bash for the alleged exemption. Any vlolatlon of Section 7031.5 by anyB C.2 OUTLE7SSWITCH6FIXTURES r� <� applicentfora permlbubjedstheappecanitmadvll pevltyofnd morelM1an �( o33e o Ove hundred dollars(g5D0). NEW RESIDENTIAL EL TR SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION 0 Fj I,ae owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sok C compensation,wllldolhe work and the stmdure is not intended or offered foraTQ - 5' 0 ale(Sec.7614 Buelneea and Profeuloru Code:The Contractors License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,and • OCC GROUT' RFS UNITS MM who does suchwork himself or through hlsown employees,provided that such Improvements are not intended oroRered forsale.If,howeve,lhebuliding or TOTA Improvement Issold withlnoneyearofcompldlogtheowner-budderwlll have ilMurdeo of proving that he did nM build or improve for purpose of sale.). QTY, PLUM PERMIT FEE FL5DD7vNE APN u 4 es owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractor to construct the pmjed(Sec.7054 Business and Professions Code: P SSU N / -- - The Contrsdorb License Law does not apply to an owner of property who IN WATER(EA) builds or Improves thereon, and who contracts for such ptojeds with a "gR(Tador(s)hmowd pursuant to the Contractor's License Law. BA WP CE FEE SUMMARY LJ I am exempt under Sec- B k P C for this reawn a S ROD ODND. SANITARY Y N_ RECEIPT EES Owner Date RECEIPT N WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION TRAP SCI{— TAX Y N 1-11 hereby affirm that I have•certl(Icate of consent to self-Insure,ora RECENT N mrtlOrateo(Workars•Compematlan Insurance ora unified copythereof(sec. S -1 IN .4 PARK FEE Y N 3800,IabCJ Policy N RECEIPT N Cam any AS F.A. V ) BUILDING DIVISION FEES ffCertlRed copy is hereby furnished. IGREASE/IVDU L A NTFRcrrroR NCHECK FEE Certified ropy b filed lith the city Inapedlen division. CERTIFICATE OF EXEM PTION FROM WORK ERS' CREASE PAID 4-e.,clo COMPENSATION INSURANCE Al smnhf EA,zOOF]'. Date Recd t# 1{.r (This section need not be completed Bthe permit Is for one hundred dollars (s100)m1ass.) WATERHFATFR /VENT/MECTR ENERGY FEE Y N I mdifylhat In the performance of the work forwhlch this permit to issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the WATER SYSIEN/TREATING 1 y'6 Worker'Compensation laws of Califomla. Date - AIDL -jb O Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLM B._SQ Fr. 7 C DatC Recti t# &3.C" Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after making this Certificate of Exemption,you Fshould become subject to the Workers'Comparaatlon provisions of the Labor TOTAL: V7 Codqyoumustfodhwlihcomplywlthauchp.v4 ..rthbpermltshallbe 4BUILDING ' s470 47 W 5 deemed revoked. a CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CL Z Ihercbya(Orm that there ts a construction lending agency for the pcdorm- TOTAL' ELECTRIC IEEE ), 7 ance of the workfor which this permit ts Issued(See.3097,Civ.C.) 02 Landers No PLUMBING FEE LL H Lender's Addmss QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FE MECHANICAL FEE Icedlfythatlhave read this applicallonand statelhat theabove informationO W 0. Is correct.l agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and date laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID' - N relating to building construction,and hereby authorize rcprceentstivea'!this 7 f 0 'z;6:2/9 Z it to enterupon the sbov.mentioned propeny for Inspection purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. — (We)agree to save en d keep harmless the City of Cupedlno Date Recei t# agalrotllabllltic men e,cost and expenses whichmaylnanywayeccrue AIR HANDLING UNIT GO 10,000 CPM) SUBTOTAL: against nc sae a granting o(thls pemnit AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IO,IXIOCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX S w7dfl�dby ant/ ontradorDdre F7(HAUSr HOOD(W/D[JCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Wlllnt or tutumbuildingoccupant store our handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) Date Recei t# mated' the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.1 2,and the Health and Safetyton 75532(a)I HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BM TOT ❑Yes o Will the applicant oruture building occupant use equipment or devim VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE which emit M1aczrdous air contaminants asdefined by the Bay Area Air �A.� Quality Management D���biaa111ct7 BOILER-COMP DW DR100,IXp BTU) n.epv 4 Yes ac. No havernia tcalth& coarse matd Senis uircmentsunder andChapter 253 .1 of BOILER-COMP(OVER100,(100 Bill) the understand t Health le ss! Code,Stolon,7550x,75533 and 25537.] srr V as understand that It)halo ng ano[c�rrently haveatenan4 shat it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MCCH. SQ.FT. u responsibility to i 1 eo pant of the requirements which moat be Tran, 2 syL + prior to lu a :am to parry. Q y((�/ �/ n• o �Pn►ttnn vgero ulhorim gen Data a �I t TOTAL: r 7y ISSUED BY:� . a OFFICE COPY