284 (2) /D�0V „'_i_`„J_C.( JK> LOT NO. NO. STREET 2155 APPLICATION FOR GAS PERMIT _ CITY OF CUPERTINO 0 / ' ' Date ® f 95 Permit No. N , APR 101959 Fee $ Annlication is hereb made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes anda�aancGtR it reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes - and/or'appliances in accordance wthe provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City . of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. u BLOWER FURNACE Use of PremisesBETTER _ HOMES IOLEWILD TR #275s s Owner SAN CARLOS SHEET AddreAL WKS, s: B 9.79 OLD -COUNTCARLOS' By rens I CONTRACTOR, AGENT :Phone • -r Approved - PLUM I INSPECTOR 1 r.. _ ' O o. S� z ppv -------- ------ H 7 N > •0` i � w GAS SERVICE., NO TCF EI �•!; OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR I CITY OICUPERTI�•�4 ., .. ..... ....... .��'- ......... - To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS sen i efor ' /(f . .... Owner or Tenant - - New Service"' v - - No. of Meters../ Reconnect - ' + s ':Move Service --- ; v No of Add:Meters Move Meter ................ • PLUMBING INSPECTOR L. un 6/59-500 (/ ,