301 (2) / z/1 LOT NO. /' - NO. STREET 2 15? L TIOPI FOR GAS PERMIT T,,,, F CUPERTINO Date 95 -� Permit No.- �3e9/ w. C �� n� [pr Fee $—,�'--�- ApplicatioA is h rdafgeltd City Of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes , and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. a SLOWER, FURNACE v Use of Premises gFsTTER t^}IPFRTIN!❑. HOMES IDLEWILD TR in Owner 'SAN CARLO5 SHEETAVETAUWKS. ress •' "� - 779 OLD COUNT" RD.- 5AN„ By' Address 'CONTRACTOR, AGENT •� '�n Phone Approved - ���q. ,,} J _ "•'� PLUMB NG INSPECTOR N 0 z �(7) w 0 171 ^Q �^+f � 0 d re K � • i n � a' '�_' Y N O O w � � � � w ro N N n G o - -------- 1. nil ILl I ,•:.54 ,•' r `,1 r I. I-! __ _a y! rw lr^ ^' ', GAS SERVICE I tICEOFFICE t COPY BUILD[ INSPECT NG I NS C R'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPE TINO To _.... 9:... ..y.... 1� You arc hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tc nlnt At �l New Service : ........ No. of Meters"::..:.!"""..... . . Reconnect ............................... : Move Service.........'..............., No. of Add. Meters :....... .. Move Meter PLUMBING"INSPECTOR, 1106/59.500 ,