383 (2) LOT NO. RBB t P CATIONAPPLIANCE PERMIT f B 1 S9 -OF CUP INO Date 1 ._ ermit No. . Fee S� Application is her City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas Appliances as listed% t rse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance the provisions of the Plumbing rode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises u L m JS Owner — _ Address _ B Address L CONTRACTOR, AGBNr , /M{ Phone_ ��7/P Approv ' PLUYDING INSP n m w 'Tl o. i-I w O •• w��� n O G e� o 'w x ^ Nro .010 v m 0 Ing P„ >, 'ELECTRIC SERVICE Ntr"FICE- CITY TICE . 1t1C� r, C7IY BUILDING INSPECTORS OF CUPERTIN_� 6 9 - .......... I /. You are hereby,�ut offzed'to Cqq4e the ELECPICser`• for,,_,. . . . Owner or Ten nth r- ------ l •' ��JJ// � 1Yf�i/ At... . . .... i• No. of Wires '�-� ...:.. ^Size•of Wires . S¢e of Switch ...��';✓ . . - -Motor Load ---i.................t...... Voltage ....................:.....`--..:Phase---::.:..:.......... . Heating Load ------ K. W. ' . ...............................Yoltage :-----....-----.....','.:..:.:` - ` Light ... :_110 .............._New Seryice ..........:5...Reconnect .:...._.:..._ , No. of.Meters .................... - .. - . - Heat .:............220. ........ . uee Wire -Move S""ene i` .:. r No. of:Add'. Meters ...1:.:.. l) Power ......._.,.._'`/ - hree:Phase :..�..Move�vteter ... ... . t/ -ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 104 1/60-500 - .. " ' "r . 'GAS SERVICE NOTICE : OFFICECOPY , BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OPFICE, CITY OF CUPERTII�NO ....................... ....................... 196 To You are hereby auth3lllicd to connect the GA service for - 0 u Owner or Tenant- .. .... .. . ......... At..lOS.............. . .. .... ... ... ..1 a----- . .............................................._ f / New Service .... ............0 No. of Meters ..... ............... Reconnect . Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter I� --- ----------------- PL BING INSPECTOR 110 1160-500