24906 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE SALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO 1 ,)N•• :LCE I]A. I'liNMil'N024906 . ^0 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT rl.umnwr..MEcunNlcnl' L �9 g6.e BUILDING ROJEI,T DEN'TIFlQATION R GILDING ADDRESS: '��.�( ,' an SANITARY NO. AI'i'LICA'IIGN SUI)MII'TAh DAIT U �'`C I L Ylw` UNIT# LOTx 3 — ��� OV�JI'tS NAME', �) PHOW. L CO CIOR'S NA ° LIC ND JJ 11 N/C CONlR01.X CIII'liiCf iNGINIiIiR: LIC NO: AUDRPS ONTACI: NONE BLFCfRIC PERMIT PER I3UILDINO PERMIT III BLDG ELECT PLUMB MliCll PERMIT ISSUANCE 0 LICHNSIiUCON1RACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES.RESIDENTIAL JOB DI:SCR1FIION gcz Ih[rchynffnnm.,lnm licensedunderprovisiomefCharler9(cannnencingwilh { 0PANELS F0 Scaion]I%X10 of Uivisinn Sof the Business'mA Prof/essi�n GWj,anA my license lc in FFFZW L¢Ieom Clvae! t _ 4 Li 1.x 6 L4 i7 C, UPT02(X)AMPS F=y Dae Conlmnor 201.IIXI(IAMPS SQ, ''.FLOOR AREA V IS Q.19. Z OHZ ARCUTTECCS DECLARATION OVER RXX)AMPS OZ— I understand my plana shell lie used as Public records. P uI SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Pndeainnel OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. D I e.1 x0.EOE. I hereby efrom mel I ole es[mrl from the Conhactor'a License Law for the 'V 'W 31x,1" following reason, Seedon7031.5.Onsirear amt Prokssinns Code:Any city memory TEMP.hi OR ROLE INS'['. t whichmyniresnMmilmconsimci.altar,improve,deennlish,mrepairanyslrvnure RY7, priuno im issuance,alsoscrnires the applicant fm such permit In Neo signed statement POWER DIiVICES � l•LO ma he is licensed lmrsunm to the provisions of the Condinois License law(C'hapmrq,3 o�' 9(cmmencing with Section 7000)of Division J of the Business and Professions Cole) SWIMMING PULL ElfEIRIC VALUA'II N _m or dun heI,exempt mcedon,and the hnis for th[ullcged exemption.Any viol.,ion of OU1LIi 1'S-SWIT CIIC5.19%l'LIRfS� < Seddon 9011.5 byvny.f,11vmn for.permit objects lheapFlifanl or civil penullynf -- z nm tame that live I olu d doll...($50m. C� ❑ hnanwneniOheprnpeny,ora In cev wills wv vmdmolecom mrsnton, NEW RESIDEN'IIALlil.f:C'fR _SQ.Fr. SIORI S '1'1'1'I!CONSTRl1C110N 3 yemu Y gess p s will JnlLf walk,unJmc souchreeCont Contact ireanse La dot,. sal[ISm I..... .win4. ,r if amI nywlilons Gslc:'llsc Gmbvrmn.License Law does nal apply bi nn owner nr Fmpfny whnhuilAanimpravcs lhcrrnganA who Aire inch work bothmlLnlhnnrglt his DCC.GRI) P RES,UNI IS ever'.dia building nUha improvement imemenmm[nnl Year completion, edie ow.Ir, howevo,me have the bur den of[mem is sold within one year of.,prove fn,dmawnn' 'TOTAL: builder will have the M1urJ[n of proving that he did Trot builA m Improve for poorry¢e of sale L00 PLUMBING PERMIT hE8 It ZONIi APN [:] I.n owner oflhe pml'eny.am exclusively commctingwilh learned comramms InT o 4r't: . mn.lmct the project ISO.704,Business and professions Code)Th[Comunum. PIiRA11T ISSUANCE / L• License law does not ooemov apply to wrofFpenywho builds or theean,anJ whocommI be.such Prnjecu with a contractions)licensed Pursuant ome Comments, Licari[law. ALTER-DRAIN A VIiNT.WATER DIA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 nm exanp under Sec. ,R k P C far mix reason BACK FLOW PROJECT'.DEVICE ) T!o- SANITARY Y N Owner Dula DRAINS.I9.00R,ROOF,ARIiA,COND. RECEIPT'# WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS SCIIOOLTA% Y__N ❑ IhereM1y ell irm.hatI veaanifcme nffinercm mmlbinmre,nracenificnm of Tv RECEIPT# ukrri Cnmprnamion lnm...wemvc[rlifedeopy th[rmrySee.3800 OCL)which IRXTURI'S-PIiR T'RAI' PARK IRA: Y_N coverall crpioyods under thispermit. GAS.PA.SYSTEM-I INC.401)1 LUIS RECfSx Policy X BUILDING DIVISION PEES Company GAS-PA.SYS'IEM-OVER 4(EA) PLANCOECK 19iE ❑ C[ninedanpynher[hyfnni.dved. ❑ Crnifinl MpY is pint with me oily inspection division GREASPIINDUSTRL WAST INTERCEPTOR GRADING Mit: CE I'IFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP TOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE IOn,section need Ml becmmpleted iOha parrot is for.handled dollen(S IM) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200". ENERGY TLE m Ira.) -� PAID Ifmify din in me Ffrfnrma ce al w fol which thin m on au n A A :.. not ernpiny.�<non in so as s hec a ei h Cmnpensa�inp�wl Cn if ice. me _ WATER SYS❑iM/IRPA'IINO Dom Rttnp x O 7. ApFlicnnt A A6 61 - q NOTICE TO APPLICAN'1:If.aB6making ildelCarlific.le ill Hrempli you should NEW RESIDENT IAT.PLMn. SQ.M. TOTAL: NI�! L-t become subject tame Worker's Cnmlcnnmionpruvisionx of m[Luton Code,younmst BUILDING[;[:.I.[;[:.I.W inch.hit ro eom,A,wit,such pvisimnormit sl is permit bodcenmd revoked, Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING A0ENCY SEISMIC FEF. z 1 hereby alms that there is a construction lending igenpa cy for the rfmmance of TOTAL: �'.O f FLECTRIC dolt 1..) O the work hr whifh this permit is iasunl(Set.)119],Civ.C.7 ttr�� Larder's Address 0 V Lead,Irn Aify the QTY. - . �rIRCYIAIVICAI.PeRi.41T ;";;5. PLF rl.umxlNG Felt a D.1 I c[nify that 1 have read itIbix application u y sum that he etas[information trelmis MECBANICALITE LSA caned.degree wemnrlI with ell ty end<mumy ordinance and nam lawn rclotingm PERMIT ISSUANCE: •s' y building comeracliim.and hereby thorissmNese mlves ofthiscily m enter uronme CONSTRUCTION TAX UZ ahma man0onnl pmpcny r ction urgnc, ALTLRORADDTOMECIL 1 agree m save nde t n'y and h lea the Ch of CVp[nino:$ notal 1' otitis judg enu,as none pencesw ' mywvync.to geinaIx $City A IR I IANDLINO UN IT'(TO 10,1X10 CFM) n rye., of the anti of this Fe 1 AIR DANDLING UNI I'(GYIiR 140(X)CFM) Signa., u Aypl¢. acne ma EXTAUST110,01)(WIDUCO P AZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE IIT:ATING UNIT I10 1110,1X10 Ol U) Dore RccciM N Will he applicant on future building occupant sore at hnnAle hasurdous material TOl'Al,:p as defned by the Culwtinm itipal Code,Chapmr 9.12,and tile ltruth and Surety HEA'IINC,PINI1(01 U91,000 III'U) C'o 1,SeGlon 255)2(0)1 VENT ILAI ION 1'AN(SINGLE RUSID) ❑Yes Nn ISSUANCE.DATE Will meapplicmnor fumrebuildingmeumnlucenryipm[nlardevic[swhichemil BOILER"COMPIJIIPGR Ira). )DR17 �k ryry h:vardmn or comiminams derned by the Bay Atha Air Quality Manogrm st ROILER.COMP(OVER 100,011ORTU) r 1S''gg A ITarirrt O Peer tln n NEW RESIDENT IAL MEC1l. SQ.FT. I have read the larerdnus materiels r[yaireni under Chxp er Sits or the MAR ear 9 9 1993 California I IenitM1 A Sofny Cmle.Seclirex 23505.2350 and 253N. I nnAammud Thal rs it the building dic.anot currently have amonm,that it is my rexpomsibilily m notify the `ill Y UI• (,i Uf'tr1111VV umcupvnl of the mpuremenu which must he mel Frim to issuance of a Cenifcae of Gfrnpmfy. , Dwne nr and itedagent Gum TOTAL: ISSUE 110VY OFFICE