1401 (2) LOT NO. NO. STREET ' I ION FOR GAS PERMIT SEP 12 TY OF-CUPERTINO 1961 4. ir�•t,.. VII _' 195- PermitiNo. � �� / � t:.}—.— �A'?ppt�cahra e.i� s i.Alt�j. � `'�`}'+ rt4�5v-yfsi^`L..'t5>. rr.}'a'ii-.4"y':• >y�" 'M`Z'= on;Is.[♦ereby_made:fo.tKe_GtyZof;,Cupeitino for,a`permlt,to install>gas pipes,; • H , and/o,gas appliances.as list-ed`bn the reverse side hereof and agreesttol Ztall.sald plp'c_s `,�i�, I Ci and%or appliances in accordance_wlth the�provlstonsi:of�the Plumbing Code�of the.Clty—++—' V of Cupertino,,and.allto other,laws,appllcabletthererto '- " �r '�-'+t'`+ �yii""s �"�ibr 'i t e ,c...x``" r Use of Premises— A��iOtni[t — •' Address'•' . . .�f Address � ��i t ICONTRACTOR)•AGENP hone k///'e. Y Approve PLUMBING INSPECTOR _ n G] 7, 2. to 7. H --,.F ,r.-- O — ry -------------------- w C) > KINM -IT R •. �k z ---- E � ,I bP a4 T ♦ F `w j