51170 (2) 76" 7653 PEACH BLOSSOM DR. Building Permit Ccnfirmed� Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILD NG DEPARTMENT_ APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date------. .^---I--�---------------------- 1971. Permit No.---- .7-0------------------- -- The undersigned herebymaf�e li a ra�n,� h E /r'ea lI speyor of the City of San Jose for a permit toinstallelectri�l fJ p �fn ryr i n 14,241c"sip�IfFa rovorso side. Exemption from requirement or $ to of ali(ornia for Contractor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: as o nerJ�,'��� statement Filed i Undersigned attests fhef his $4e4e grr:.�lr rniag slr t�ldCe$fn M is in full force end effect and properlyS3vfhor:es f is ei is id{ti" San Jose City Business License # 4^�T�G-0 I certify that in the performs... of the work for which this permit is issued I shell not employ ty any person in any manner so as to riiolate the wo,krnon's compensation laws of California. OWNER 7— na V ./*4Qe4 A (Q ADDRESS 7 S 3 toe"-4 6h-%504f D/' USE OF BUILDING S full{ 4,, 11Y ` FIRMa/ee4444 0-91IS/• Ce SIGNED 20U-201n 7653 TPEACH BLOSSOM DR. 3,/a p/77 WESON CONST. ITEMIZE THE FOLLOWING New Old Outlets 9 Panels, Cabinets Size Service Conduit Switches 5 Switchboards Size Service Wires Receptacles I�P_ Panelboards Size Service Switch Fixtures . .1 Festoon Lamps Size Sub Feed Conduit Mercury Lamps Dryers KW Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Heaters KW Number of Circuits Z _ Signs Transformers Motors Number of Meters HP Phase Ampere Loads'70', Powero Miscellaneous G - I, Rough Inspection 6 yc Final Inspection `3 772 B Remarks: -31/7)S�AJ .9 Z.g (� 280-201n