13552 (2) 765 PEACH BLOSSOM DRIVE �l-'I(Building Peit Confirmed �/1('ee P.m it Required 1� CITY OF SAN JOSE t BUILDING DEPARTMENT I APPLICATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Date....---`----^_�0........_�. n...._._ 1977 Permit No.----- .......{..3s.l-..Z--- ----- The undersigned hereby makes application fo }he Plumbing Inspector of the City of San Jose for a permit to install the mechanical 'work listed on the reverse side. Exemption from requirement for Sfafe�of California for Contractor's License,is hereby claimed by undersigned: as owner�C>,e°' �statementZfili'd$El. Undersigned attests that his State o�Celiforni. Contractors License #7291 'gg Q is in full force and effect and properly authorises this applpice}ion. San Jose City Business License # 47 o r �a C� I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation laws of California. OWNER / AC(�a f ADDRESS (,GJ 3 0 e2 o55e d Lot No. USE OF BUILDING '5 ( ° y Signed (, ..... .3 ----- -c----- (4117�-A11LI(�n�n���f� 7653' PEACH BLOSSOM DRIVE ( FTESEN4EOM T. s - ; / 2 \ � } , _ : \ } ( k \ } ) \ } : � u � o CL ! \' - � . } ; 7 § i ! } * - - ) \ } J