02050062 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISIONPERMITCONTRACTORIWORMATION: ' B UILDWG ADDRESS: PERMIT N 7593 PEACH BLOSSOM DR KWOK LEUNG WONG 82050062 o XIMEN 1714 POLK ST APPLICATffY Ir Tf2002 ONE: i (41S) 279-5238 SANITARY N0. CONTROL N0. 'r0'+O O ARCHITECr/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO &U BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH y< I I C=1 L."J LL Z y z LICENSED CO.NnRd under$DECLARATION Job Descri ti /R B Z': I hemby aRmn Incl 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9lcommencing ADD 7 2 0 S FT. P se O 11 411 Bs`s1 mea ,,2 is infllron]ODolofe".taton3oftheEusinsseneProfessionsCme.andmyliccnu 4' is in full(lace nN eRect. ,OVData Class Lie.. JUN 2 3 2003 O a.w Data Comtacmr u O< ARCHITECTS DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records �`i BUILDING R 0 O Licensed Professional R00 n Oat I am exempt from DECLARATION L-w 1 remain. that 1exempt from the Contractor's License law for He $100000 C? whichire rcsson.permit to 7031.5.Business andProfessionsvetdeli Cade:Any city st county � E ig O which its inn a permit m ro es the el¢n improve,1,Permit t file repair any structure �3$ pdw Tiis iuuantt,alw.rcquirts the applicant fwsah pertain.fileasignrd statement t�:�at]�vv��11 �y�.[� _ __ -_ _ __--__-__ __ __ _ 2arT;licemld punuann.Jia prajdsbns of the Comramr}Littn¢e law(Chega9 ,e„ ,,.,.,}-36 vg-0.i�L1SImL•lll Cfi tY „^s Valuation (vammeneimg with 5enlon,7")of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) f;_pyv -1 it ra.�: .,5,z(\..'tfr..l l� " .,,bui 6e ii exempt Ihirtfr6m•orid He basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation -of Secdon'f(X31'.5 by any applicant for.permit subjectsthe applicant to a civil Penalty `7p foto.,mote than five M1oadrcdd011ns(55D0). 10lAPN ��cLNII Occupancye .es owner.f the property,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 102 - PIERS -- o Ina worK and the mmcmm is not intended ofdlfercd'for sale'(Sec:']Dla," ;i,} ines mall P,dfcssmm Cart:The Contractor's License law does a.,apply to.a - Required Inspections°' owner a(property who builds or improves thereon,wJ%he does such work himself 104 - REBAR or thm.p5i his own employees.pmviLe 1 Nu such improvements am not intended or__..,_.___,-- _.....__. ..-__. _ -..__-.__.....___.-..-.._._.. ,offered for rude.If, the building or improvement is sold within one year of -1'05' - ANCHOR--BOLTS---r,v;,. r-e ---. impoveafopurpose sale.)rw;nnave bollen povingmm,hedid notbslew 106 - SEWER & WATER ' -' - ' - - - --'--- 202 ---UNDERFLOOR-PLUMBING ,0 owner of psany, exclusively romratngwiHl d contractors to 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL 'I roost ct the doe., project Iapp ]0W B ass mrd property who Coale!)TM1 improves ton License la dos nm apply to an owner th property who)odds or Improves Hereon, .one wh auwm or tach pv)ecn W e.comrat r(:>.bcensed.punuwl m Ho-. .. __._____Z.0.4._- -UNDERFLOOR....FRAME, Co oars la 205 - UNDERFLOOR. -INSULATION ❑lata tap ar M:.I ' e sB&P for mi awn I' 7 Z b2. 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING ' 0 a Date OR RSCOMPENSIV DECLARATIO 302 - TUB & OR .SHOWER I hereby alrmt under penalty,al'pc,jury noe.f time following declastoom: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL x ..- 1 her 'nod will'maimain'e'Ccmfiaoie of Conuni`to nlGinsurc tar worker's 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL Cam I.. as provided forby'Section 3700 of the Ism, Cade, fiar He 305 - FRAME Petromunce of He work(w Inch His Permit s t .ad ❑1 h ,W will tiuin, n Workers Compensauan Instin,Ke es required by,Section 306 - HOEDOWNS 3]00 of Ha Labor code for me perform c 'ar Ihe'work'r r hien mss permit is 307 - INSULATION iasvd MyWkq(iea`r"maDbn lmaran<e came lad Policy nu tar ve:..;.w ' ,i .308-:---.. SHEETROCK,,.. , eemei-, , r CEIjTIFI CATION OF,ExEMPnoN FROM.woRlcEns ;'309_:;tet"EXTER'IOR,+yliATH, i_ s sa.I,- COMPENSATION INSURANCE t r Th to am,,wt mboihpletM tithe permit is for one hulWrte dollen 311'''= -'SCRATCH COAT APPhcP ., _..._. _..v,�._...�.___. ._ z�' Icenl(y mel in Heperf,mw off<wadfr n'anms issued, 501 FINAL ELECTRIICAL ,ENERGY-".' y perwn y oto bee . I HC- � _ 502 _FINAL _PLUMBING ENERGY Com costa a Laws a sof Cal f D a a tem p Y ,NOTICE APPLICA If afro mgthis CnlficeteofEa Exemption. should - 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL','ENERGY'-. -- z become )ct to the Work rs Compensation pro,.ions of the Labor CW.you mu¢i OO ftnhwHcamply'Withwchpmvso en this Permit shall bedeemed rcokea 504 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY( _ . 5f sq <coNSTRucnoeLENDmcncENcr - '505' FINAL­`ELECTRICAL- --"' - a, °f 'I hereby sRrm that He s e aoniwwon lene'ng egenry fo tlm performa,ice 506 - GAS TEST - ' r- W.Q of The ork fo mon ml permlui tuuee(Sec 909] Cw.C.)-. ': . .• ,, , 6. LepensN me LL+•- .... _' ... •.-------507' `-FINAL--PLUMBING -`- pz L��eraAaera: 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL'!�i U 0 ;pi,I enJythmlheve admnepplicnionend¢umthanheemvemfolmniunls O(rr:Ey c.irta.Iagrce to comlwiH oil ciantl countordid ry lceining 509 - FINAL GRADE taxation 510 - FINAL PLANNING vjy,[� theabon�mcmioncd property(op inspersion purposes.,-.• . ,- Ty,�.o, fWe)epee to utt,'indemni(y anti keds hemJedlhe Ciiy'of Npeitilio;pins 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS 4 to liabilities,judgmenu.emu sM expenses xHich meY in any gaY�accme.ageima Wd U City n wnsequcnee of g ng of His permit . "- ' ' APPLICANT UNDER 5 AND}>,7LL�'0\1PLY N- NiPG 7" r soURCB'REG u :;.t- Issued by: Date b. i6nanfe e(Appii nJC nwcto - -i+::: ">' D Re-roofs L HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OISCCOS I'- t ",'!I' r Will site appOmnt a(alum W Id nB acdpent non er handle harerdou memnel Type of ROOF - esde0redbyH C peters.h c Code Chapter912 me me Hee1H and Sefny Cade OYn 25532)) , (}t _All.roofs shall be mspected.pnor to.any roofing.material being Installed.-. . W 11 HeaPPlicem W. ildingoccopsm useaquipme tordevmes which If a roof is installed w' hoot first obtaining an ins ectlon,I a ree tolramove - ut hazardous nr contormnants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Ma,fsgement g P g -amt a new mater ala r ns echoes Applicant understands and will comply wi h . .. 1. CJifomeNeelHBSift�zCd ea Sect ond,neg58533snd2553hspm, ;,5enam all non point so egulahons t ;. ,a g N. V" F 1 ! to .1' es q p the 01 acupantof Her u nm ay have i,anent,that n Limy mapom+nilny to notify the 'JH b Jdm dos not urrtn ` 'which muni b5mci snares.iuuance of s Cinifl to of ' ... r r 7. o ignature of Applicant _ . . .._ .__ Date All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better Owner monzcd,ogen t a I Dae J, 4` V t I It I '� ' '. ::,� .- ... OFFICE ....._.- . ._