39693 (2) 7567 PEACH BLOSSOM PHONE: 2]]-4581 Building Permit Confirmed ❑ Not Required ❑ CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING and/or GAS PIPING PERMIT 3 Date_. ........................ IA.:.�.. Permit No ...o!-lj....(................. --------- The ------ the undersigned herebypry1akes`appl'cafoo to ilte/Plumbin2pinspecfor of the City of San Jose for a permit to install plb�g));�ixtur s nal or pipes4il�sted0on�he reverse side. 6empfion from regwremenl s+or Stale of California for Confracfor's License is hereby claimed by undersigned: , as owner ❑ statemenf filed 37 Undersigned attests that his State of ,California Confiacfor's License is in full,force and effect and properly UR'ii th plicafio ./�'�,, w San Jose City Business License # C/f/ S(`T�f'�rj// ❑ I certify that in the performance7of the work for which this permit rs issued I shell not employ any person. OWNER � ADDRESS /��� /CLoGfi�D/J79 Lot No. USE OF BUILDING v Signed eGU�t� _% ... .. .. , 280-401N 7567 PEACH BLOSSOM ACE - c Wv � �^ 1F DCNSTOONFF FF07c rINWFF R I E 3 O' A p p dy O � + T 0 T T N p O C A N N N Z Q m m , W 9 co 9 W > W D dOT y NO v p 2 ?I Z Cc p w fl N a. n N C x D F r m T A u T m O T p A A p m p o Z H p p '. OT N Z 3 Z Z