NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) 10291 Parlett Place > < 5 NO. - STREET " ' t- L'n LOT NO. —y07 CITY OF CUPERTINO ' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT - SANITARY NO. 9906 t FILE NO. 51,399 DATE April 18 19 77 Application is hereby made for a permit to 5 NHR (2080 Sq.£t. Const. (Plan 2080) a 1 story,r eliv. + 440 sq.ft. . Yp gar to be occupied only as I & .T Single Fami 1 y Dwelling in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS $ 70,000 FEE$ 227.00 PLAN CHECK$ OWNER BAS Homes, Inc. ADDRESS 20823 Stevens Cr.Bl.-SWC-2 PHONE 252-2077 CONTR, Same SAme ADDRESS PHONE STATE LICENSE 323864 APPROVED James H. Sisk/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD, DATE IN CT OR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME BOND BEAMS LATH •!3'7 WALLBOARDS- NT &EXT. FIREWALLS MEMBRANE LANDSCAPING F.M.O. INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. — UNDER-FLOOR _ / =�� TIEDOWNS -MISC- DIAPHRAMS Q>, . •/ — MOORE BUSINESS FORMS INC..LA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND RO UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING 4RQUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING FINISH WIRING FIXTURES INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS _ EXTERIOR FIXTURES FINAL j-` MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DAT INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. !Z 7 BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION -a2 UNDERGROUND ROUGH FLUES&COMB.AIR PARTIAL ROUGH _� CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE FINAL APPLIANCE ROOF DRAIN&LEADERS MAIN DRAIN -,7 7 FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING fp iry MISCELLANEOUS ..ROUTE SLIP File No. ✓ /Date. Location 0�� v Notes Approved r— 7 Date Inspector CERTIFICArTV;OF'CO'APLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE_ _ ' CITY OF CUPERTINO '7 G DATEJc 1977 BLDG. PERMIT NO.. THE BLDG, LOCATED AT I O Z9/"'P`G.r� OWNED BY �� HAS BEEN COMPLETED FOR USE AS / (ALTERED) i' 0 I BUILDING INSPECTOR . . . ; Bldg..Dept. . . .'l, •„�', '.'Office Copy BUILDING 'INSPECTOR'S . OFFICE CITY- OF. CUPERTINO: Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. . ®� Plumbing Final - Plumbing Permit+, o. .n N � = . . . Owner or.Tenant .................................. . Lot No. r - Tract. ..............`-----.. .- - .. --- .... ............. .......... . --------- Date Connected !"[' �:/ (1L �` - .. 19.7 Date Final,_:L . PLU (5TY'OF GUPERTI O , �OPYE GAS SERVICE NOTICE 19 7 7 To ' . . You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for 'Owner or Tenant At New.Service No. of Meters IReconnect - - No. ofAdd.'Meters Move Service Move Meter PLUMBING INSPECTOR i ELECTRIC.SERVICE'NOME OFFICE COPY BUILDINGINSf;ECTOP1c NOTICE " CITY OF'CUPERTINO , -y�- �ri( Z-y 19717 You are hereby authorized to Connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant hJ At / n z 9 / P60>, No.of Wires 'Sae of.WiresSize of Switch Motor Load �'Vohdge Phase Heating Load K.W.� Voltage / Llht _,New Service / 3 Na.of Meters g 110 - ' y Reconnect I1 He-t 120 Three Wire More Service No.of Add.Meters ( Power'-( /Three Phase' Move Meter �M ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR\/�/+1 2L,ETr - Rz4CE m Q NO. ;s'r,Rrrn* LOT NO, Z Z C7c[,tNO CITY OF CUPERTINO s y7AyPLICATION ,FORELECTRICAL PERMIT w 4. JUL2 r O Date _O 7 9 22 1 ermit No o F , a <w` ,h" Application is hereby made to the'GtypfC perhnoSfor atpermft to��ndtaelectncalr; ` s;' w a" 'wiring and/or fixtures as listed oi'.tlre3reverse side:,.hereof and agrees to .mslall's'aid ` " o,o wiring and/or fixtures-in.accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the > a City.of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. o< •Use'Of Premise�^INGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE J Z 3 a • Owner A'd'dress o _ Z By ZEE ELECTRIC Address-? °lC'cti Q O CONTRACTOR, AGENT ArOVed PP E1.EClR1UL INSPE �` State License, e2`��9/� 2 £ 2 ! = a2G 10201 pArlett -Pl• LOT NO. 5 NO. _ STREET �"• 'CITY OF CUPERTINO CI^? 4 t�'zAFOUCATION FOR.APPLIANCE PERMIT . JUN $ o Permit No. Date 5-4-77, v, A a 119_ ' Fee S12 (1(1 t' tx Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino fora permit to .install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance.with the provisions of the Plumbing Code 'of the City of Cupertino, :and all, ' other laws applicable thereto. IUs.of Work To Be , Premises Res. - Performed Heatinq/Shl et Metal • Owner' Teas Homes Addre6r20823Stevens Crk C2 CtLpt. IPhon. 2_9(177 --J-�,b /J SAN CARLOS SHEET METAL WORKS, INC. ey��....` erraaer 5�w d�d4s 3' o n anx 1126 Phone '592-9292 SAN CARRLLOOSS. CA 940.70 State License 110828 ,.'Approved �i7tS/Li>•/ f /Plumbing Inspector , I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ` ®LA i $yN ' W W , N F Z � r J Q N Z a ---------------- D m w p a 0 0 j mQ O O >m 0 Z a . a o O m i a x F a O V x a m a p Z i ? m a N m O m LL p O p LLO p a m W Z () m a N p O o a O LL LL OZ .ZI a i �nu o00� V a s o i Z 9 uO Q z ¢ 3 a O m O ,n OF m OF O o O^ $ c O a O z Z O (7 v O w rc Z w a F s o n $ o > Z Z Z ¢ Z N V O in O Va z Z w y 0 iu O g 0 $o O g W z w 0 f O v Z O Z m � � mo0 as N V _ V Ou $ K2o5`o OZ vii ~ u � z am aLLp IOCJ p00 $ O O '^ O ^ Z Z LL yZ vi0 f 0 o W . zo w $ wWWwia . Oo a O f 0 �_ g ;� p p < Z Z p 0 0 0 0 z z N N d w 0 0 0 0 0 $ O y 0 a w O$ O 0 N Z a > > a x o u me v'� a n m a o =v m<n o'nm o` . / / / 1 �=✓-.�•' �// Ci L� LOT NO .NO. STREET ' �tt 7 CITY OF•CUPERTINO'Y,T+'L1e wZ7� Q : -%5z�-"I"APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT 3 Q �g1� Sanitary No. W° Data -I r 19_ + Permit No. �n Fee$&( °l- A f cat. is hereby made to the Cit of Cupertino for permit to install plumbing •�F PP,} Y Y P P P 9 Z m pipes a /or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a 1- Cupertino, and all other laws applicable theieto. J 0 0 O Use of // yy��yyyyyyyy�,��, Z �v! ork To Be s���llti C���Ue v-f w PremisePeriormatl/✓C.U/ ��./� l//L(�/�/.(�/�/ Q OWOG AtlGrasS� J o GBL. Atltlrass/- /�202E QiiL°> � 3 < ac 11,A n t. W Z Phon - X a. State License�" & /•/ Approvatl 0 Q.O- - Plumbing Inspector 0 o T x m m a D C X 3 T O � 3 x — a l 3 ' T � m m i K N 1 j K In z -1 O O O O b m v n m m m o c ti Q - rt m 3 T m m ry - ro91 ParlPtt. PlarP Tf .SyO� LOT NO. 5 3"2. NO. STREET '' CITY OFLUPERTINO CAP. {(((VAI. 70,000 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ( EEE 4.90 w Z Building Per.No. 51.,399. x O Date Sanitary Per.No. 9906 3 V Ap`pl tion is hereby made for a permit to CnnSt. (Pl an2080) r a ll _ story, Type 5 N.Hr. (2080 SciFt Liv + 440 Sq Ft ��Ki!tLre ~ O to be occ pied only as I';&[iJ`.7Sin�le Famil Dwelling :. ✓ in accordance with a Z u` Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. a w n. = Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 70 000 LL PI Ck Fee$ O_ O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the . 22 .00 3 Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$ 7 other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Z use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Total Fee$ Z complied with. 3 SUITE C-2 — a BAS HOMES, INC. 252-2077_ 20823 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. ZOWNER PHONE ADDRESS CAMF. SAhfE Q V SAME CONTR.OR AGEN3T864 AD SS ' PHONE 'STATE LICENSE ..BBUIL/LD''ING INSPECTOR /WL x �01.