CC Resolution No. 4208 RESOLUTION N0. 4208 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES FOR THOSE CLASSIFICATIONS DESIGNATED AS WITHIN THE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT WHEREAS, the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Cupertino and the representatives of the Miscellaneous Employees Unit provides for adoption of a Schedule of Pay Grades reflecting increased rates for each grade and step of five and one-half percent (5.5%); and WHEREAS, a revised schedule has been developed and is attached to this resolution, made part hereof by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino to adopt the Schedule of Pay Grades applicable to the Miscellaneous Employees Unit shown as Attachment "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of July , 1976, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Jackson, 0'Keefe, Nellis, Frolich NOES: None ABSENT: Meyers ABSTAIN: None APEROVED: /s/ Donald A. Frolich Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: Pro Tempore /sf Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk . Attachment "A" Res. No. 4208 SCHEDULE Ok' PAY GRADES MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1976 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum ~ 1-B Week $ 136.32 $ 143.96 $ 151.60 $ 165.60 Month 590.72 623.83 656.93 717.60 Hour 3.408 3.599 3.790 4.140 2-B Week 140.16 147.80 155.44 170.68 Month 607.36 640.47 673.57 739.61 Hour 3.504 3.695 3.886 4.267 3-B Week 143.96 151.60 159.24 175.16 Month 623.83 656.93 690.04 759.03 Hour 3.599 3.790 3.981 4.379 4-B Week 147.80 155.44 163.08 178.32 Month 640.47 673.57 706.68 772,72 Hour 3.69.5 3.886 4.077 4.458 5-B Week 151.60 159.24 165.60 184.72 Month 656.93 690.04 717.60 800.45 Hour 3.790 3.981 4.140 4.618 6-B Week 155.44 163.08 170.68 188.56 Month 673.57 706.68 739.61 817.09 Hour 3.886 4.077 4.267 4.714 7-B Week 159.24 165.60 175.16 193.64 Month 690.04 717.60 759.03 839.11 Hour 3.981 4.140 4.379 4.841 8-B Week 163.08 170.68 178.32 198.72 Month 706.68 739.61 772.72 861.12 Hour 4.077 4.267 4.458 4.968 9-B Week 165.60 175.16 184.72 202.56 Month 717.60 759.03 800.45 g77,7C Hour 4.140 4.379 4.618 5.064 10-B Week 170.68 178.32 188.56 208.92 Month 739.61 772.72 817.09 905.32 Hour 4.267 4.458 4.714 5.223 11-B Week 175.16 184.72 193.64 212,72 Month 759.03 800.45 839.11 921.79 Hour 4.379 4.618 4.841 5.318 12-B Week 178.32 188.56 198.72 219.12 Month 772.72 817.09 861.12 949.52 Hour 4.458 4.714 4.968 5.478 , . , Attachment "A" Res. No. 4208 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JULY l, 1976 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum t 13-B Week $ 184.72 $ 193.64 $ 202.56 $ 224.20 Month 800.45 839.11 877.76 971.53 Hour 4.618 4.841 5.064 5.605 14-B Week 188.56 198.72 208.92 229.32 Month 817.09 861.12 905.32 993.72 Hour 4.714 4.968 5.223 5.733 15-B Week 193.64 202.56 212.72 235.69 Month 839.11 877.76 921.79 ].,021.:32 Hour 4.841 5.064 5.318 5.892 16-B Week 198.72 208.92 219.12 240.76 Month 861.12 905.32 949.52 1,043.29 Hour 4.968 5.223 5.478 6.019 17-B Week 202.56 212.72 224.20 248.40 Month 877.76 921.79 971.53. 1,076.40 Hour 5.064 5.318 5.605 6.210 18-B Week 208.92 219.12 229.32 253.48 Month 905.32 949.52 993.72 1,098.41 Hour 5.223 5.478 5.733 6.337 19-B Week 212.72 224.20 235.69 259.88 Month 921.79 971.53 1,021.32 1,126.15 Hour 5.318 5.605 5~892 6.497 20-B Week 219.12 229.32 240.76 266.24 Month 949.52 993.72 1,043.29 1,153.71 Hour 5.478 5.733 6.019 6.656 21-B Week 224.20 235.69 248.40 273.88 Month 971.53 1,0~21.32 1,076.40 1,186.81 Hour 5.605 5.892 6.210 6.847 22-B Week 229.32 240.76 253.48 280.24 Month 993.72 1,043.29 1,098.41 1,214.37 Hour 5.733 6.019 6.337 7.006 23-B Week 235.69", 248.40 259.88 287.88 Month ~1,021.32~ 1,076.40 1,126.15 1,247.48 Hour 5.892 6.210 6.497 7.197 24-B Week 240.76 253.48 266.24 294.28 Month 1,043.29 1,098.41 1,153.71 1,275.21 Hour 6.019 6.337 6.656 7.357 , Attachment "A" Res. No. 4208 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 ^ Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum Z 25-B Week $ 248.40 $ 259.88 $ 273.88 $ 301.88 Month 1,076.40 1,126.15 1,186.81 1,308.15 Hour 6.210 6.497 6.847 7.547 26-B Week 253.48 266.24 280.24 309.52 Month 1,098.41 1,153.71 1,214,37 1,341.25 Hour 6.337 6.656 7.006 7.738 27-B Week 259.88 273.88 287.88 317.12 Month 1,126.15 1,186.81 1,247.48 1,374.19 Hour 6.497 6.847 7.197 7.928 28-B Week 266.24 280.24 294.28 326.12 Month 1,153.71 1,214.37 1,275.21 1,413.19 Hour 6.656 7.006 7.357 8.153 29-B Week 273.88 287.88 301.88 333.76 Month 1,186.81 1,247.48 1,308.15 1,446.29 Hour 6.847 7.197~ 7.547 8.344 30-~B Week 280..24 2g4,2g 309.52 342.68 Month 1,214.37 1,275.21 1,341.25 1,484.95 Hour 7.006 7.357 7.738 8.567 31-B Week 287.88 301.88 317.12 351.60 Month 1,247.48 1,308.15 1,374.19 1,523.60 Hour 7.197 7.547 7.928 8.790 32-B Week 294.28 309.52 326.12 359.24 Month 1,275.21 1,341.25 1,413.19 1,556.71 Hour 7.357 7.738 8.153 8.981 33-B Week 301.88 317.12 333.76 368.16 Month 1,308.15 1,374.19 1,446.29 1,595.36 Hour 7.547 7.928 8.344 9.204 34-B Week 309.52 326.12 342.68 377.04 Month 1,341.25 1,413.19 1,484.95 1,633.84 Hour 7.738 8.153 8.567 9.426 35-B Week 317.12 333.76 351.60 385.96 Month 1,374.19 1,446.29 1,523.60 1,672.49 Hour 7.928 8.344 8.790 9.649 36=B: Week 326.12 342.68 359.24 396.16 Month 1,413.19 1,484.95 1,556.71 1,716.69 Hour 8.153 8.567 8.981 9.904 , Attachment "A" y Res. No. 4208 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum ~ 37-B Week 333.76 351.60 368.16 405.08 Month 1,446.29 1,523.60 1,595.36 1,755.35 Hour 8.344 8.790 9.204 10.127 38-B Week 342.68 359.24 377.04 416.56 Month 1,484.95 1,556.71 1,633.84 1,805.09 Hour 8.567 8.981 9.426 10.414 39-B Week 351.60 368.16 385.96 426.72 Month 1,523.60 1,595.36 1,672.49 1,849.12 Hour 8.790' 9.204 9.649 10.668 40-B Week 359.24 377.04 396.16 436.92 Month 1,556.71 1,633.84 1,716.69 1,893.32 Hour 8.981 9.426 9.904 10.923 41-B Week 368.16 385.96 405.08 448.40 Month 1~;595.36 1,672.49 1,755.35 1,943.07 Hour 9.204 9.649 10.127 11.210 42-B Week 377.04 396.16 416.56 458.60 Month 1,633.84 1,716.69 1,805.09 • 1,987.27 Hour 9.426 9.904 10.414 11.465 43-B Week 385.96 405.08 426.72 471.28 Month 1,672.49 1,755.35 1,849.12 2,042.21 Hour 9.649 10.127 10.668 11.782 44-B Week 396.16 416.56 436.92 482.76 Month 1,716.69 1,805.09 1,893.32 2,091.96 Hour 9.904 10.414 10.923 12.069