CC Resolution No. 4206 .V RESOLUTION N0. 4206 , ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES FOR CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS WHEREAS, the City Council desires to compensate unrepresented employees in Confidential positions at rates comparable to similar, represented positions and consistent with good personnel management; and WHEREAS, a schedule of pay grades reflecting a 5.5% increase over prior rates has~been prepared to accomplish this desire, attached hereto as Attachment "A" and made part hereof; NOW, THEREFORE BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino to adopt and approve the Schedule of Pay Grades for Confidential positions, to be effective July 1, 1976. PASS~D AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of July , 1976, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Jackson, 0'Keefe, Nellis, Frolich NOES:` None ABSENT: Meyers ABSTAIN: None APPROVED /s/ Donald A. Frolich ATTEST: Mayor, City of Cupertino ~ro Tempore /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk Attachment "A" Res. No. 4206 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES ` ~ CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 ~ ~ Pa~y Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 1-C Week $ 136.32 $ 143.96 $ 151.60 $ 165.60 Month 590.72 623.83 656.93 717.60 Hour 3.408 3.599 3.790 4.140 2-C Week 140.16 147.80 155.44 170.68 Month ' 607.36 640.47 673.57 739.61 Hour 3.504 3.695 3.886 4.267 3-C Week 143.96 151.60 159.24 175.16 Month 623.83 656.93 690.04 759.03 Hour 3.599 3.790 3.981 4.379 ~ 4-C Week 147.80 155:.,44 163.08 178.32 Month 640.47 673.57 706.68 772.72 Hour 3.695 3.886 4.077 4.458 5-C Week 151.60 159.24 165.60 184.72 Month 656.93 690.04 717.60 800.45 Hour 3.790 3.981 4.140 4.618 6-C Week 155.44 163.08 170.68 188.56 Month 673.57 7~06.68 739.61 817..09 Hour 3.886 4.077 4.267 4.714 7-C Week 159.24 165.60 175.16 193.64 Month 690.04 717.60 759.03 839.11 Hour 3.981 4.140 4.379 4.841 8-C Week 163.08 170.68 178.32 198.72 ' Month 706.68 739.61 772.72 861.12 Hour 4.077 4.267 4.458 4.968 9-C Week 165.60 175.16 184.72 202.56 Month 717.60 759.03 800.45 877.76 Hour 4.140 4.379 4.618 5.064 10-C Week 170.68 178.32 188.56 208.92 Month 739.61 772.72 817.09 905.32 Hour 4.267 4.458 4.714 5.223 11-C Week 175.16 184.72 193.64 212.72 Month 759.03 800.45 839.11 921.79 Hour 4.379 4.618 4.841 5.318 12-C Week 178.32 188.56 198.72 219.12 Month 772.72 817.09 861.12 949.52 Hour 4.458 4.714 4.968 5.478 Attachment "A" Res. No. 4206 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES ~ CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS ' EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1976 ~ Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum 13-C Week $ 184.72 $ 193.64 $ 202.56 $ 224.20 Month 800.45 839.11 877.76 971.53 Hour 4.618 4.841 5.064 5.605 14-C Week 188.56 198.72 208.92 229.32 Month 817.09 861.12 905.32 993.72 Hour 4.714 - 4.968 5.223 5.733 15-C Week 193.64 202.56 212.72 235.69 Month 839.11 877.76 921.79 1,021.32 Hour 4:841 5.064 5.318 5.892 16-C Week 198.72 208.92 219.12 240.76 Month 861.12 905.32 949.52 1,043.29 Hour 4.968 5.223 5.478 6.019 17-C Week 202.56 212.72 224.20 248.40 Month 877.76 921.79 971.53 1,076.40 Hour 5.064 5.318 5.605 • 6.210 18-C Week 208.92 219.12 229.32 253.48 Month 905.32 945.52 993.72 1,098.41 Hour 5.223 5.478 5.733 6.337 19-C Week 212.72 224.20 235.69 259.88 Month 921.79 971.53 1,021.32 1,126.15 Hour 5.318 5.605 5.892 6.497 20-C Week 219.12 229.32 240.76 266.24 Month 949.52 ~ 993.72 1,043.29 1,153.71 Hour 5.478~ 5.733 6.019 6.656 21-C Week 224.20 235.69 248.40 273.88 Month 971.53 1,021.32 1,076.40 1,186.81 Hour 5.605 5.892 6.210 6.847 22-C Week 229.32 240.76 253.48 280.24 Month 993.72 1,043.29 1,098.41 1,214.37 Hour 5.733 6.019 6.337 7.006 23-C Week 235.69 248.40 259.88 287~.88 Month 1,021.32 1,076.40 1,126.15 1,247.48 Hour 5.892 6.210 6.497 7.197 24-C Week 240.76 253.48 266.24 294.28 Month 1,043.29 1,098.41 1,153.71 ~ 1,275.21 Hour 6.019 6.337 6.656 7.357