02080115 (2) OF CITY I BUILD NG DIIVIISIONNOPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: B�.19725DRPARKVIEW CT BAY AREA SUNROOMS PERMIT 02080115 APPLICATION UB DA E Y ABAYNEH 17 W 41ST AVE 08�21�2002 PHONE: (650) 341-6201 SANITARY NO. CONTROL N(1 G c4Z ARCHITEC IeNGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH ani LI Li LI LJ Ga S v=ori Z LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O r!S ction7a)ofDbimthat I a3mcheedunde.DooPiuredamsCde, aommcneise REVISION--IN HOUSE USE. ONLY F=Ful with Section 7000)ofDivisionlo(thc Buxinev and Professiam Code,and my license axES is inronforceandeffect. -MRTGTNAL #02070171) NO NEW PERMIT ISSUED a, is a a License Class Lic.is a• u.U Date Contractor X 3 a.I—n ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION C On 1 understand my plum shot be used as public record ta R.r 8 O Licensed Professional OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u� to 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt form the Contractor's License Law for the r z< following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Codi Any city or county F D which requires a Permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any structure um73Q .prior t e antt.uls 9 'th 'PPIi ntf hpasnu fl .gond smament• __.-._._ - ._._.._. _ sbbfh tice fed pmwannoJx¢ro'stoic rtheC nuxmr L lawlChapmr9 }} , tSq.tI, FloorArep r ; I „ Valuation (cr8wirh Scor n7IXq) fDivii J Tice Bus nc dP fpss ons CWel t t ,t f. �„+iq , tt's p. <,wl :Ja.(„y� tI .K1.si' or than he is exempt desefrom and the basis for the al�geJ acmpuon.Any vialaunn of Section 7031.5 by any uPPlicant far a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty . of not mom than five hundred dollars(s500). APN Number Occupancy Type O1.as owner of the property,orm>employees with wages as their sole compensation. 101 - FOUNDATION will do the amc.*.n l he stmeture Is not intended or offered far sale(Sec.law; 102 - P I ERS .. Business omProfe.asmns CWe.The Contmcmr's License Law does not apply m an Required Inspections owner of property who waa or impmves thereon,and who it.such work himself 103 - OF ER or through his own employeesprovided that such improvements arc not intended or offered for-sale:If.however.the building o;improveman is sold within one reardf - ' 104- - REBAR- _ - t comyleion,the owner builder will have the burden of moving that he did nos build or impravefarparpaseo(sulc.). 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS 01 as owaer of thc pmpeny,am cndusivcy commeting with licensed contractors to -- - 106 -----,SEWER--& WATER- .-. . -- -._._._. .. ..__.._ .. _..._ .-.. _.. construct the pmjeet(see.70x4,Business and Professions CWe:)The Contractor': 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING License Law does not apply to an owner or proPeny who holds or improves thereon, _and-who.n smarts mr-sach.pmjects.vim a contracmga)beensed panaans to the ..._.._.- ._203 -- UNDER-FLOOR..-MECHANICAL Contractors license Law. ❑lam exempt under sec.' •' a&P C for this reason 204 - UNDERFLOOR-tFRAME:, � owner Date 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION '• - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING I hereby affirm under penalty of Nijury one or the following deelum acts: 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER ❑ 1 have and will maintain a Certificate of Conant to self-insure for Worker's 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of he Labor Cradle. for the 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL p<rfontunce of she work for which this Permit is ismed. C I nave dad will mhlnmih Wdrkcrs compensation lnsumnee,akregaired by section 305 - FRAME 3700 of the LaM1or Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is 306 - HOLDOWNS tai TM,Worker,C pn. Ton Insurance time,andMcy number are 307.. INSULATION. . :..... .. ..- . Ca CBRTIPICATIONOFEXEMPTION FROM wORKERS'.' s-{ �.\ d -308'';•4ajSHEETROCK•. i td "�: COMPENSATION INEURANCF. —EXTERIOR- 'LATH _ .._. 309 EXTE„ Crnt:secdae need ant x eompleted if,he permit is Rome hundred dollars 3 10 INTERIOR LATH . 1 IS 100)or less.' .<.. 1 . 1 _ __-..:.. -_311 -. SCRATCH. COAT I certify,tom in the performance id the work for which this permit is issued 1 t, i J- '•s v+,.' . chatAp'no' any person in any manner m as m become subject to the Workers' 313 - ROOF NAIL' comle�employ e u1�a ;or cmdamin.Dice _ _.501 - FINAL .ELECTRICAL ENERGY. _. 'MICE TO APPLICANT If-alte,nouldr,thCmtf um of Emaninirm.you should 502 - FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY z OIxcome subject m theta k aC pert np ' ' 'of tM1 LMt CWe,yo r fonhwth comply with hp so thispcomt shall be dee ed ked. 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL__ENERGY 'rA ' CONSfRUCTIONLENDINGAGENCY FINAL BUILDING ENERGY a Ihereb ffiem matm,m is a to tit don lindn enc for tan505 FINAL ELECTRICAL ' be workmrwhichthis pemmBW. lisued(S3097.civ. y he rmrmC.) p`' - Civ.q-lenders Name: 506 'GAS TEST _...-_ .__.. _ .... .- al z Lenders Address C _ ',•. C 5o FINAL PLUMBING Icenify than l have read oris appllcalon and chat the utxwe intnotation is 5 - INAL M CHANI CAL Ls..F. correct.1 iti to comply with.11 city and county ordinances and tare laws mitom, O U m building construction.and wrchy awborim represcntmivesnf this city to enter upon 5 9 - INAL DE the obovementionW property for inspection purposes. F`,y Wel agreemtale.iWeo.nif,and keep harmlessmeCity ofeap<nim, gains,' 51 - INAL OM liabilities.judgments,costs and eapenses which may in any way accme against said r U 'Z Cg m nm<quen<e of the gram in,of this permit 514 L RKS ' '•' iAPPLICANfUNDERSTANDSANDWILLCOMPLYWITHALLNON-POINT Issued by Date SOURCE REGUCATIONS, y' signawm of Applicant/Comsacmr - Dae Re-roofs s. .. H\ ,RGOGS MATLRLMS DISCLOSURE W - II the applic rof s re Wilding scam or handle namNaus malerw. . .Type of Roof. . ... .,.... -. . . .. _ .._ a.sdefined by.the Cuperino Mumlifetl CWe Chonter912,andthe Health aadSfe,, S Cade.Section 25512() te , II' \i i • � :tt1 k� )t, I,a dl 7 <" �ye, roofs.shall be Inspected prior.to any roofing material being.installed._ Willthe applicamorfuture bolding occupant use cq 'pment or devices which If a roof is installed-without first obtaining an inspection,'I'agree'to remove conus ere contaminantsmdellneJ by the Buy Arcu Av Qmlity Manugemem District' all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with • CYes ON. - - all non-point source regulations.,, 1 have read me hazardous muteri61s requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety CWe.Sections 25505,'5533 and 25534.1 understand that If the wilding does not currently have a tenant that it is my responsibility to notify the - occupxnt of the requirements which muaf W met prior to Issuance of a'Ceni Beam of Occupancy, Signature of Applicant. Date own«o<autwrieed,gent -' .. Darr. All roof coverings to be Class"B"or better .,. .y .. ..... , .: .: . . ..... _- . _ .. .OFFICE