28112 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 8 CITYOFCUPERTINOBUILIIING; ELECT RICA[ PERMIT NO, l/ BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL 28112 BUILDING PROJECT IDEN'OF'ICATION DINGADDRES SANITARY No, APPIACKLO.NN SUBBMII"ITN,DATE: 91I3/ 4K l;//,a e'I_ UNIT# 1. 'RS NA E. IONS: CONS'RACIO NAME: LIC NO: — MrA/ L N/C /CUN'IROLX RCHITECT iNCINEER: /r IC NOA DRESS. ❑ CONTACT: PHONE: RUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. ELIiCTRIC PERMIT FEE BLIIC- I" lEPLUMB MECII PERMIT ISSUANCE 0 El LICENSED CON'TRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RF.SIDIENTIAL $$LL���I��N CKZ Ihereby affims that l am licensed under provisionsof Chapters(commencing with �!00 8<mion]tW)of Division3of the Business and Professions Code,and my licenu is in PANEUS I ��+*J CW full Gareand otleC. UP TO 2W)AMPS \/ 5 F Z m License Class Lic.X y=y Date Contractor 201-]"AMPS F- ' ARCHITECTS DECLARATION SQ.FT.FLUOR AREA $/SQ.FT. 70y— OVER IOW AMPS I undersanad my plare,hell M used re Public records. 1-sal SIGNS ELECTRICAL Q Licensed Professional eei OWNER-HUILDF.R DECLJG\T[ON SPECIAL CIR T/MISC. KO c. 1 hereby affirm That I sm exempt from the Contractor's Liccnu Law for the W3¢r~i, following reason(Section]03 L5.Business and Profusions Cute:Any city ar county —51`6i R OR EINST. �� wM1ich rcyuires v permit to ttmavucL otter,improve,demolish,or repair my strvaum �wY� to its issuance.alsort thea licant fur such t sa.v PoWER DEVICES pnar 4uires PP 1<nni W tY Q that he is licensed pursuant to the prm:sians of the Contractor's License Law(CTapmr ( 1�'❑P 9 commcncin6with Semian 7")of Division Jofthe Easiness and Professions Code) g IMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION G or that he i s exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of anOUTL. SWITCHES Section F-Z ]031.5 by any applicant for a pertad subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of _ nof mare than five hundred dollars($500). 1- �tm ❑ I,asowncrul tM1e pnapctly.onny mnplayenwiN wages as lheirsnlecnmPensatiaq NEW PSI IA T.17CTR 5 FT. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION y322 will do the work.and the structure is not inmmdedoroffereJ forsale(Sec.'IU44,Busincss� and Professions Crile:The Conuacmrs License Law docs not raptly to an owner of property who build,a,imp rovits lherc—,tad who docssuch work hince for throughhis \ employee..prwided m.va,h imprnvemems arc not intended oreffered fursale.if, OCC.GNOUP RES.UNDS however,the building orimprovemetn is sold within one yearefcompletion.the owner- TOTAL: builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for putpmc of sada). QTY. Pl, 1 ) RMIT FGIi ❑ Las nwnendlhepropeny.atm exclusively ronuacting with licensW atmmemrsm 11,000 LONE APN onstram the project(Sec.70el Business rod Professions Code:)The Contractors License Law Jtwxnot apply term ownernrproperty who builds or impmves theneon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE whocommes formch projects with acotnractorm)licensed pursuant mme Contractor's ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER IA License Taw. ( ) FEC SUMMARY ❑ 1 nin exempt under See ,B&P C for this reason BACK PLOW PROTF,CT:DEVICH OUTSIDE FEES SANITARY YN Owner Date RECEIPTp WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOF, GOND. SCHOOLTAX YN ❑ I hcrcbyinfrm that l havereirlifienk,of consenun self-insure,or.a cenifialc nl' PIX9LRIS-PIER'I'RAh RECEIPT 0 PARK ItIEL Y N Workm'Compensalionlnsumn oracmiBWcopy Ncreof(Sce.39W.1.ub CJwhich covers all employees under this Permit GAS-EEA.SYSTEM-1 INC.4 OUTLETS RECEIPT X Policy# BUILDING DMS NFEES Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PLANCI{ECK IIJi ❑ Cenifieicapyishembyfumiind. ❑ Certified copy is EleJ with the city inspeminn division. GREA$FANDUSTNL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE C12RTIRCATE OF F- EMPTIONFROMWORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Ihis,ertinnnced not be completed ifthe permit is farone hundred dollars 1$100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.20(A-p. ENERGY FEE unless.) I cenifythat in the peofo.....f the work to,whichthis per mit is issued,I shat] WATER HFATER W/VENT/ELECfB not employ uny Person in any n anners t as it)become subject to the Workers'' WAl'IR SY53P,M(fREA'1'ING PAID Dane Receipt p Z Compensalianlawsof Caliminis. Dalep Applicant S Z 0 NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after narking this Certificate of lExemptlma.youshoulJ NEW RESIDENTIAL PI-MB. Q. TOTAL: r zi became subject to the Worker's Contpcnsaluen provisions of the LUMr Gude,you must 1 � 7 fordwuh comply with such provisionsanhis permit shall be demed erevoked. BUILDING FEE LO OW.. [� CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE z I hereby affirm that hem is a construction lending agency for the peffortttunce of TOTAL: F1.ECENIC FEE U Q the work far which this permit is issued(sec.309].Civ.C.) Lead..'.Name PLUMBING PGH W FF tender's Address QTY MECHANICA.PERMIT F ;E O U I certify that I have mad this application and stale that the above infomntion is MECHANICAL FEE >" W cortecl.Iti,mtto comply wahall city and county ordinances and amte laws relating to PERMIT'ISSUANCEi F bu dingconstructien,and hereby awhorize representatives of this city to anter upon the CONSIRUCTIONTAX U z above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. ALTIER OR ADD C Z (We)agree In save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against Iiabilitics,judgmmnts.coals and expenses which may in air,wayaccrueagainslaaid City IRH D 1 YTO1Iy000 A ) in ryence of the gaming o rs permit. IRI .NG UNIT(OV 0.( ) ik tgnewrt ofd enUCon¢ann Duro HAUS OOD l(�O PAID HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ' TING UNI' ( I .000 BTU)' Date Receipt# Will the applicant art future building tecvpant,store or bundle hmWous malrotil 'TOTAL: az defittW by the Cupertino MYOICIPaI CWe,Chapter Y.l2,and the Headband Safety H' TING UNI'I'(OVIiR It]O,fNK16l'U) Code.Section 25532(a)T V ILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ❑Ycs ❑No Will the appl icant or future building cecupanmsc tw cquipm ordevices which emit P BO .ER-COMP OR IWjW BTU) ISSUANCE DATE ha ar dous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management BOI ER- P(OVER I000hh BTU) - - District't fry ❑Y. ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECIL SQ.FT. OCTI have mail the hard vaoun materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the t C4199 California Health&Safety Code,Sections 25505.25533 and 25534. 1 understand that if the building does not conically have a asta m,that it is my respansibility to notify the occupant of the mgaireninds which must be:net prior to issuance of a Certificate or ('I I UYtH I IP I aeapanay. �'�ldf D( Owner nr amhorimA agent Dae TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE