CC Resolution No. 4097 RESOLUTION N0. 4097 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASING REQUIREMENTS RELATIVE TO TRAFFIC CONSTRAINTS ON 3.1 ACRES WITHIN THE VALLCO PARK AREA WHEREAS, at a public hearing held this date the City Council has reviewed and considered the contents of the final Environmental Impact Report as a part of the decision making process concerning the proposed general plan amendment for 3.1 acres within the Vallco Park area; and WHEREAS, upon conclusion of said review, the Council has found the final Environmental Impact Report to be in complete compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and State and locally adopted guidelines for the im- plementation of said Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the~City Council of the City of Cuper- tino does hereby certify the final Environmental Impact Report of which copy of the approved minutes of this meeting shall become a part thereof and further directs the City Clerk to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County setting forth the following information: a. The project is described as an amendment to the 1973 Core Area General Plan concerning the construction phasing requirements relative to traffic constraints on 3.1 acres within the Vallco Park area being located adjacent to arid westerly of Wolfe Road immediately southerly of Vallco Village Shopping Center. b. The City Council does hereby adopt the general plan amendment thereby approving the project. c. The project will not have a significant impact on the environ- ment. d. An environmental impact report has been prepared for the project. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this Sth day of January, 1976, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Nellis, Sparks NOES: Meyers, Jackson ~ ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Wm..E. Ryder /s/ James E. Jackson City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino General Plan Amendment �7 CITY OF CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN PROGRAM DESCRIPTION OF POLICY CONCERNING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CORE AREA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT MODIFYING THE TRAFFIC CONSTRAINT CONCERNING 3.15 ACRES WITHIN VALLCO PARK The 1973 Core Area General Plan Land Use Element is hereby amended to modify the traffic constraint relative to a 3.15 -acre parcel within Vallco Park, located adjacent to and immediately southerly of Vallco Village Shopping Center. The "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park" memorandum, dated July 15, 1974, which monitors the intensity and timing of development in Vallco Park commensurate -with the traffic capacity of the local street net- work, is modified as follows: 1. A 3.15 -acre site, geographically defined by Exhibit A, is shifted from Stage IV (Location 5-1) to Stage II.. In order to partially offset the traffic resulting from development of the 3.15 acres, the approved use use permit building square footage of the Regional Shopping Center is reduced from 1,028,461 square feet to 1.,Q2.0.,QQa,square feet, a reduction of 8,500 square feet. The $,500 square foot area is transferred to an undevelopable status in Stage IV. 2. Development of this 3.15 -acre site shall be limited to the following uses and intensities: (a) Recreational use 15,350 sq. ft. (b) Commercial Bank 5,500 sq. ft. (c) Professional Office 7,400 sq. ft.* 3. The site plan incorporating the permitted uses shall be designed in a manner so as to create a major en- trance -way to the site and the Vallco Village Shopping Center.beyond, from the intersection of Pruneridge Avenue and Wolfe Road. 4. The "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park" memorandum shall be modified to reflect the above policies immedi- ately upon the adoption of this Amendment. * The professional office category includes 5,200 square feet located within the bank building, and a separate 2,200 square foot building. The 2,200 square feet building presently exists within Vallco Park, and is located in the southeast corner of Pruneridge Avenue and Wolfe Road. Inasmuch as the 2,200 square foot structure exists, this traffic has alreadv been counted and, therefore, is not reflected as additional square footage. 411 A onip cl i1N., 2L 11, O:btcr 7,1975 5 HEWLETT -PACKARD IL Lj /,,',/!END//,En,r TO =-E A. 4 PM AXICO VIIAGE CENTER EX*F ENS!CN Exhibit A k'� r General Pian Amendment CITY OF CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN PROGRAM, DESCRIPTION OF POLICY CONCERNING AN AlHENDMENT TO THE CORE AREA GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT MODIFYING THE TRAFFIC CONSTRAINT CONCERNING 3.1.5 ACRES WITHIN VALLCO PARK The 1973 Core Area General Plan Land Use Element is hereby amended to modify the traffic constraint relative to a 3.15• --acre parcel within Vallco Park., located adjacent to and immediately southerly of Vallco Village Shopping Center. The "Construction'Fhasing for Vallco Park" memorandum, dated July 15, 1974, wriich monitors the intensity and timing of development in Vallco Park co:m,lensurate with the traffic capacity of the local street net- work, is modified as follows: 1. A 3.15,acre site, geographically defined by Exhibit A, is shifted from Stage IV, Location 5-1, to Stage II. In order to partially offset the. traffic resulting from development of the 3.15 acres, the allowable build- ing square footage of the Regional Shopping Center listed in Stage II is reduced by 8,500 square feet. The 8,500 square foot area is transferred to an unde- velopable status in Stage IV. 2. Development of this 3.15 --acre site shall be limited to the following uses and intensities: (a) Recreation use `'15,500 sq. ft. (b} Commercial Bank 5,500 sq. ft. (c) Professional. Office`7,500 sq. ft. 3. The site plan incorporating the permitted uses shall be designed in a manner so as to create a major en- trance -way to the site and the Vallco Village Shopping Center beyond, from the intersection of Pruneridge. Avenue and Wolfe Road. 4. The "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park" memorandum shall be -modified to reflect the above policies immedi- ately, upon the adoption of this Amendment. D R A F T ENVIRONMENTAL ItiIPACT REPORT PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THS CORE AREA LAND USE ELEMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN Preparation directed by the Environmental Review Committee: Robert_ W. Quinlan, City Manager James H. Sisk, Planning Director Bert J. Viskovich, Public Works Director October 1975 The purpose of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is to review a proposed amendment to the Core Area Land Use Element to the General Plan. The amendment involves the removal of 3.15 acres from an "uncom- mitted" development status, as defined in the "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park" memo, to a developable status. The'City of Cupertino Environmental Review Committee (ERC) directed the EIR to analyze the net increase in traffic and related air and noise impacts that will result from the increased traffic increment which will accrue as a result of development of the subject 3.15 acre site. The EIR is intended to augment the environmental impact analysis prepared in conjunction with the evaluation of the 1973 Core Plan Amendment. -2- Description of Proiect The proposed project is an amendment to the Core Area Land Use Element of the General Plan modifying the "Construction Phasing for Vallco Park" memorandum which regulates the intensity, location, and timing of develop- ment within Vallco Park commensurate with the ability of the local street network and the freeway system to service development, The specific proposal.is to expand.the existing Vallco Village Shopping Center by approximately 3.15 acres to include construction of a 10,700 sq. ft. bank and office structure, the movement of a 2,200 sq. ft. office structure from the southeast corner of Pruneridge Avenue and Wolfe Road to the 3+ acre site and the construction of a 15,300 sq. ft. structure to ho recreation activities. The baiik structure will be utilized by the First National Bank of San Jose which will relocate from its present space within Vallco Village Shopping Center. The bank space within Vallco Village Shopping Center will be utilized by a savings and loan facility when the First National Bank of San Jose shifts its operation to the. subject site. The 3.1 acre site is located at the southerly terminus of the Vallco Village Shopping Center and will be directly opposite the intersection of Wolfe Road and Pruneridge Avenue. Figure 1 and 2 describe the location of the site in a regional and local context. Description of Existing General Plan Requirements which apply to the subject 3 acres and surrounding properties within Vallco Park Resolution No. 3592 which adopts the Core Area Plan is labeled Exhibit A and is attached hereto. The plan defines the permitted.uses for Vallco Park as follows: The area designated as Planned Regional Shopping Center within Vallco Park is to be utilized as a site.for a regional shopping center with the total square feet not to exceed approximately one million sq. ft. This is to include the square footage of the existing Sears facility. The area designated as commercial within the southeast quadrant of Wolfe Road and Pruneridge Avenue is to be utilized for expansion of the Hilton Hotel site as approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. The commercial area at the southwest corner of the intersection of Wolfe Road and Homestead Road is in recognition of the existing Vallco Village Shopping Center. The remaining acreages within Vallco Park are designated Planned Professional Office/Industrial and are to be developed in accordance with the provisions of the attached memo "Con- struction Phasing for Vallco Park". The Construction Phasing memo acts.as a basis for monitoring future, traffic as well as providing information as to the amount of traffic that will be generated by each stage of development within the Park. The existing and proposed developments within Vallco Park are categorized into four develop- ment stages, each requiring a different degree of street improvement require- ments to keep pace with the traffic conditions. The subject 3.15 acre site is included within Stage 4 which defines land areas that are to remain in the undevelopable.status until such time as either a very low land density alternative is developed, until new modes of transportation are developed -3.- or until alternate methods to a collector/distributor road may be realized. The scope of the General Plan Amendment then is to modify the Construction Phasing memorandum contained within the Core Plan to remove the subject 3.15 acre site from Stage 4 category of properties into Stage 1 development status which does not require any additional modification to the existing street facilities. Description of Environmental Setting The property involved in the General Plan Amendment is located within the Vallco Park planning area which is a land area consisting of approximately 360 acres which is owned by approximately 6 entities with Vallco Park, Ltd. being the major land owner owning 198 acres. The Vallco Park planning area is master planned for a mixture of regional shopping, cP=Unity shopping, professional office and planned manufacturing uses. The Vallco Park planning area is surrounded by developed residential properties to the west, by developed residential property to the north within Sunnyvale across Homestead Road, to the east by industrial and residential properties within the City of Santa Clara and to the south by commercial and residential properties across Stevens Creek Boulevard. The Vallco Park planning area is in a semi -developed state. The undeveloped properties are in a vacant status or under agricultural produc- tion. As stated in the Core Area General Plan, the property is not a habitat for a rare or endangered species of'flora or fauna. The 3.15 acre site is, however, located within an area designated as having Class 1 and 2 agricultural soils. The land is not under agricultural production. There are no archeological or historically significant resources in the immediate vicinity. Aside from earthquake hazards that are common to the entire Santa Clara Valley, there are no unusual safety hazards which affect the site. The air and noise quality impacts appendix to the Core Area Plan describes the existing air quality for the Core Area Plan. Environmental Impact The proposed General Plan Amendment does not involve a change in land use classification. With the excpetion of traffic -related impacts, the environ- mental impacts associated with development of the 3.1 acres were addressed in the earlier Core Plan EIR. The Core Plan EIR addressed the question of conversion of vacant Class 1 and 2 soil land to an urban land use type and the resultant effects on the reduction of an agricultural land resource, the potential decrease in water quality as a result of water run-off from parking lots and the decrease in animal habitat. The environmental changes that will take place as a result of the adoption of the amendment relate to traffic - related impacts and as such, the remainder of this document will focus on traffic And the related air pollution and noise pollution impacts. The traffic consultant firms of DeLeuw-Cather and Company and D. K. Goodrich, Consulting Engineer were retained by Vallco Park, Ltd. and the City to assess the traffic impacts associated with the General Plan Amendment. Both reports are included in this document and labeled as Exhibits A and B respectively. Exhibit B labeled Traffic Study Amendment to the EIR for the Cupertino General Plan prepared by D. K. Goodrich was prepared for the City of Cupertino to review the more lengthy DeLeuw Cather and Company report labeled Exhibit A. FA 'Since.the subject 3.1 acre site was classified as non -developable the 1973 Core Plan, the Core Plan EIR did not address environemental impacts that would be associated with traffic generation to the site. Based upon the Goodrich report, the 3.1 acre expansion of the Vallco Village Shopping Center would result in the generation of 57 new trips on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and 170 on a Friday to be generated two way during the p.m. peak hour. In order to compare the resultant traffic impacts with information generated in conjunction with the Core Plan, a common control point was established. The control point is the intersection of Wolfe Road at Freeway 280. As indicated by Table A of Appendix B, the projected one-way traffic generation at the Wolfe Road/280 control point represents 11 additional trips at the peak hour for Thursday p.m. and 34 trips at the Friday p.m. peak. The 24-hour volume figures for the control point as well as the total 24-hour generation figures are described on Tables 1-3. TABLE 1 TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT: TWO-WAY 24 HOUR VOLUME Use Peak Hour Peak Hour 24 Hour Trip Factor Generation Mon.-Thurs. Fri. Thurs. Fri. Mon.-Thurs. Fri. Recreation 26 26 10%. 10% 260 260 Tennis & Racquet Bank 21 94 6% 12% 350 783 (net increase) Savings & Loan 0 40 10% 9% 0 444 Office 10 10 20% 20% 50 50 -Total 57 176 660 1537 TABLE 2 TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT: TWO-WAY 24 HOUR VOLUTE AT SCREEN LINE (WOLFE ROAD SOUTH OF 280FREEWAY INTERCHANGE) BASED ON 39% ASSIGNMENT OF PEAK AND 24 HOUR TRAFFIC DESCRIBED ON TABLE 1) Peak Hour 24 hour volume Mon.-Thurs. Fri. Mon.-Thurs. Fri.. 22 67 257 600 -5-