CC Resolution No. 4081 ~ ~w ' RESOLUTION N0. 4081 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO CALLING FOR GENERAL M[JNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON MARCH 2, 1976 AND ' REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF SAID ELECTION WITH THAT CALLED BY SAID BOARD FOR THE SAME DATE WHEREAS, March 2, 1976,:is the date set by law for general election for three seats on the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk is enjoined by law to take all steps necessary for the holding of said election; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County has called for an election to be held March 2, 1976; and WHEREAS, a consolidation of these two said elections is deemed to be in the public interest; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO: ~ Section 1. That a general municipal election is called for March 2, 1976; Section 2._ That the election shall be for the purpose of electing persons to the three City Council seats now occupied by incumbent Councilmembers James E. Jackson, Robert W. Meyers, and Reed Sparks, whose term of office will expire; Section 3. That the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County is hereby requested to order the consolidation of said general municipal election to be held March 2, 1976, with that election called by said Board for the same date,and to further provide that within the territory affected by said order of consolidation, to wit, the City of Cupertino, the election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall in every case be the same, and there shall be only one set of election officers in each of said precincts. Said Board of Supervisors is further requested to order the Registrar of Voters of the County to set forth on all sample ballots relating to said consolidated election to be mailed to the qualified electors of the City the names of qualified nominees for election to the City Council and to provide with each sample ballot the candidate's state- ment of qualifications as may be provided, including the foreign language translation thereof as may be required; and, to provide absent voter ballots for use by qualified electors of the City who are entitled thereto, in the manner provided by law. f Section 4. That the Registrar of Voters of the County is hereby further authorized to canvass, as provided by law, the returns of said general municipal election with respect to the votes cast for each candidate duly nominated for election to the City Council and to certify such canvass of the votes cast to the City Council. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify to the due adoption of this Resolution and to transmit a copy hereof so certified to the Board of Supervisors of the County and to file a copy hereof so certified with the Registrar of Voters of the County. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the,2nd day of December, 1975, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Jackson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ James E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk - 2 - ' w RESOLUCION NUI~IERO 4081 UNA RESOLUCION DEI, CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE CUPERTINO PIDIENDO UNA ELECCION MUNICIPAL GEIdERAL QUE S~ EFECTURA EL IIOS DE MARZO~ 1976 Y SOLICITANDOLE A I,A JUNTA DE SUPERdISORES DEL CONDADO DE SANTA CLARA DE PROVEER LA CONSOLIDACION DE DICH~ ' EI~ECCTON CON ESA PEDIDA POR DICHA JUNTA PARA LA MISMA FECHA. COIVSIDERANDO QUE, el dos de ma.rzo, 1976~ es la fecha est~blec9.da por ley pa.ra la eleccicln ~eneral de tres posiciones en el Consejo Municipal; y CONSIDERANDO QUE~ el Archivero de Municipio est$+ encaxcado por ley de hacer tod.os los arreglas para afectuar dicha elecciSn~ y CONSIDERANDO QUE, la Junta. de Supervisores del Condado de Sanf.a Clara he solicitado una elecciSn que se afectuarai el dos de ~xzo~ 19?6; y CONSIDERANDO QUE, una~ consolidacib~ de esta,s dos di.chas ellecciones se considera ventaja pa.ra el pwblico; AHORA ~ POR LO TANTO, SEA RESUELTO ~aR EL CONSEJO I+IUIVICIPAIa DE LA CIUDAD DE CUPERTIIdO: Seccio+n 1. Que una elecciim municipal general se ~olicit~ gara el dos de marzo~~1976i Seccibh 2. Que la elecci&n se afectue con el prop~i~o de elegir personas pa,ra las tres posiciones del Conse jo Hiunicigal ahora ocupadas por los miembros de Conse3o incumbentes James E. Jackson, Robert G7. rleyers~ y Reed Sgarks~ cuyo periodo de oficf~a terminara~; Seccii~ri 3. Que la Junta, de Supervisores del Cos~da,do de Sant~. Clara se le pida ordenar la, consolidacidn de dicha eleccibn municipal general que se va a afectuar el dos de marzo~ 1976~ con sea. eleccibn llamada, por dicha Junta para la misma fecha, y pa,ra proveer, adem€~s que dentro del territorio afectuado por dicha. orden de consolidacion~ es sa.ber. ~a Ciudad de Cupertino, los distritos electorales, urnas electora.les,y case~as de votax sera~ en todos~casos'los mismos~ y habr~i s&lo un grupo de oficiales encargac~os de la elecciSn en cada de los dichos distritos electorale~. A dicha Junta de Supervisores adema~s se le pide ordenar al Registrador de Votant~s del Condado que incluya en toda.s ce~iulas para votar usadas como muqstras relacionada.s con d3cha eleccib'n consolidada que se ma.nden po~ correo a los electores calificados de la. Ciudad los nombres de los notn~.nos cal3.ficad.os para la elecc3~n al Conse jo Municipal y que se provea con dada cc:tlul~, d~ muestra la declaraci'om de calificaciones del candidato as~ camo so ~ ~ entregue, incluyendo la, traducci&n en la lengua extr~anj~ra de ella como s~ requiere; y~ que provea. c~dulas de votantes ~.~,~nt~s para ol uso de electores ca.lificados de la Ciudad quQ tienen d~r~cYno de recibirlas segC~n la ~ey. ~ecciotn 4. Que el Registrador de Votantes del Condada se~ por este medio autorizado do hacer una solicita.ci&n~ segi~n la bey, de los resulta.dos de los votos de dich~ eleccii~ municipal general con respeto a los votos echados por cada candidato debidamente nominado pa,ra ~.a elecciSn municipal y que se certif ique tal solicit~.ci~ de votos echados para el Consejo Municipal. Seccic~n . E1 Archivero de la Ciudad as~ se autoriz~ y se dirige a certifica.r la. debida adoptacil~ de esta Resolucian y do transmitir una copia de ella as~ certificada. a la Junta de Supervisores del Conda.do y de archivar una copia de ella asi certifica,da con el Registrador de Votantes del Condado. PASADA Y ADAPTADA en su conferencia regular del Consejo r7unicipal de Cupertino el dos de diciembre~ 1975~ por el siguiente votos Voto Miembros del Consejo Municiua.l SI: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sga,rks, Jackson AtO: Nin~uno AUSENTE: Ninguno AB5ENCION: Nin~ano APROdADO: /s/ James E. Jackson Alcalde, Ciudad de Cup~rtino ATESTADOs f s/ F1m. E. Ryder Archivero de la Ciudad