347 (2) ver% ... ,. ... 20 i Drive LOT NO. 23 APPLI FOR BUILDING PERMIT 7A� 'MAY 8 1959�t' OF CUPERTINO ' 7 / Date April//+���30 '��� � 195-9 �;j Permit No. !! Ap licOb[ni�.h g0jjj'[Qapermit to construct a one story,Type-, - 5IJ Building at Pacifica Subdivision to be occupied only as a single family dwelling in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. u Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 13,500 - Fee$ .5. O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and a all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City d v Cupertino will be complied with. v, Owner EDENVALE LAND CO. Address 132 Edith, Los Altos By Address Same CONTRACTOR, AGENT // Phone WH $'4479 ApproveddAze. cy, BUILDING INSPECTOR rt: RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION _ INSPECTOR /- FRAME ATG INSPECTOR. LATH and PLASTER TE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. ° 2// r DATE // I INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. ° ,z, 5 DATE % INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. /�%2LX DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS / DATE - INSPECTOR CERTIFICATE OV CONIPLETI.Old BUILDING INSPECTOR'S. OFFICE CITY OP CUP17RTINO Date ._.zn.. '�F .... ..:....... ......... 195.;re?,-- -..-Building,Permit No.: �. The-Btuldi �t Gr 41, n � Located at .. It. ✓/1. JrQ'/..�"i.�. ;i� . 1; 1-:.+-/r../ .7......._•---._f..',�.. . ... ._.:...... . . ............... ._. . . Owned' by . _ .l /f + / '✓/ vi t. f s ... �....... v .... .t.... ...... ...:. (Completed) a'' - Has Been Altered ForUse As: .�' ;�...�...:.. -*�-d-��'' J ............. _. .... ....... ' I1{111` .. ... ... .. .. . .. . .. F� _ - i, BUILDING�_INSPEC OR'