CC Resolution No. 3956 r + ~ RESOLUTION N0. 3956 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RATIFYING THE PROVISION5 OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND MR. FRED CLER, AN EMPLOYEE OF 'THE CITY OF CUPERTINO W~IEREAS, the Personnel Code of the City of Cupertino provides for representatives of the employees of the City of Cupertino and representatives of management of the City of Cupertino to meet and confer in good faith on the Terms and Conditions of employmenC; and WHEREAS, Mr. Fred Cler, representing himself has requested the City to make certain modi£ications to various conditions of employment; and WFIEREAS, members of City management, through the designated Municipal Emp~oyee Relations Officer, have met on more than one occasion with Mr. Fred C1.er, wherein discussions and~negotiations were held on the said request of tlie amployee; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties thereto, attest3ng to their mutual agreement as to its contents and provisions, has been submitted to the City Council for ratification and implementation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupe~tino does hereby ratify the attached Memozrandum of Understanding between the City of Cupertino and Mr. Fred CLer, representing himself. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 16th day of June , 1975, by the following vote: . Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Jackson NOES: None AB5ENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ James E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Rvder City Clerk ~ 1 ATTACHMENT RES. N0. 3956 Memor.anclutn df. Underst~ln:11_n~ l3et~aeen CTT~i OI~ CUP]?R'.C.T.NU and .FRID CT.E~ Thi_s ifemorarldum of Unde~:stanu:ing is entereci ln.to L-his day oi .1.975, by and betwc:er: the Ci_ty of C~_ipertir_o, a Munic:~_pal Co,-por.atiorl he~-c~inaftc'r rr:~~c•rr~~d to a.s the "City", and Mr. F~ed Cler an emplnyee. of the ~itS~ of C~mert.~ino. WHBLZE~S, Fred Cler H~is c.h~sen to r.epreser~t h~.~n;,elf, pur.su~iu~: t_c: St.=+.(.~~ stalutes ~1L1C1 Section 2.52. 30J ~f ~he Cupertino ~1utz;_~9.I,=??. Code, in tho^e ,n~.:.~.~_r s of. emplo~-er-emplo}~e. ~°elati:ons ~aithi.n. tF~.e scop~ o~ ~lee'~ and Co.~f.c~r pr~crr:~,; an.d . WH~REAS, there f~as I~een more tlian on~ meet~:r.~; bet~aeen t~~e Per;onn~,]. DirNr.~ ~r, represent?_n~ the P1un3.cipal Emplo}~~e Relations U!'.ficer, rind representing himself. , ~aherein di:scuasions were held. on i:he ~aa;;es ar,d ~~i,tiei- i:e_•n;;; and cond;.tions of emplo}nnent proposed from Jul~~ 1, 1975 th.ruu~h June 3Q, 1.91~~. NO?d, THEREFORT', the parties hereta have rear_hed this agree~nent: Section 1.. 1'he City sllall tal:e immediat~ ac?~i~n Lor the adoPtion of : Schedule of Pay Grades x~efl.ec.;.ing an incr:ease of S.0% ~or. each SY_fsp :LIl the . app].icabi.e ~~ay grade. The eif.ective date of the rev~:.si.on tc tY?e Sc_l~ed~:le of. 1'~?y G~-ades irrespective of the date or_ rlhich. it may be proc~-~,sed ~r utlirr~•~:~~~~~ appruveil by resolution of the City Council shall be J~u.e 2S, 197~. Se~tion 2, The Cit;T sha:ll continue to pto~~ide ~x~oup hospital~.zatic~r, and medica ~ ii~sur.ance imdeL wi~.i~b. e-:mp7 oyees ar~.d thei~' de;~~nc?ent:s m.iy be: c:overed . ~?~i~c COSt Uf L"tle pr.~n~.unls ~Ul" L:1.2 1C2:;11TS1l.CE°- ~I:OV]C~~~i ~m~l~~x S(lC:ti ~~~"O^i~aill;'~ 311~1~.~. ~r tlie ~'FSponsibility of th~ enipioyee f.or himself and dependEnts. The City ~oill, i~ot,Tever, pay the cost of the premiunas for the emp~.oyee or for tl~e employee and his clepenc~ents, providing the ma~.irnum of such City-paid pr.emium sha11 not excred $50.00 per montl~i per covered employee. The City shall pay the full cost o£ grou~ life insurance of $3,U00 term insurance for the employee. Section 3. Pur.suant to Section 10.6 0~ the Rules, the City shall provide in addition to the aforementioned group lzospitalization and medical insuranr_e program a program of dental insurance coverage as offered b~ Califor.nia Dental Service and known as Incenti~Te Program A, Said program shall includ.e covErage fox' orthodoutics as an available.option and ~or the payment of tlie prescribed additional premium t~ierefor. The cost o~ the premiums for the insuranr_e pro- vid~d under said pro~ram ~hal]lie paid by the City for the employee and his d~.pen.- dents. Section 4. Tlie City agrees ta provide income protection group ins~:rance as specifically descri.bed in the Ci:ty's Standard tnsurance Company Policy ~E309777A. Preiniums for such insur.ance sliall tie paid by the City. Section 5. L'mpl~yee agrees to make hi.mself available on standby durin~ regularly scheduled periods for ~ossible recall for e,me.rgency serv~ces. Sucl1 standby duty shall be rotated amoung all qualified employees at the discretion of the City. Cc~mpensation of $25.U0 shall be paid for each 1C8 continuous hours , so assi~ned. In the event emer.ger.cy situations arise during the ter.m of. assig,.- ment, the employee shall be s~.~bject to call out for such corrective or. prevenr_i~~~ ~aor'.~c as may be required to alleviate the emergency cond:ition, and shall be compensated ir. accordance ~vith rhe rules on overtime ior ~;orlc so per~ormed. Section 6.. Tlie.City agrees to compensate.scheduled, mi_scell~neous duti~s ~ pe~rf~~r:red on holilays an:l sae~~~kencl:,• at th.e ?~~aL-;~ c.~: thr.ee (3) iiourc per day, co~uruted sn accordar.ce with ~~tie ru~cs on OVE=i'!:~ITI~,. nuties and respensi.bil.it5.es for those sr_heduled. assignznent~ st~a.ll include, hut are not l:imitecl ro, Lhe cl~e:ckin~ of wells, pump stations and r<<nlcs and other ins;~ection duti~s necessary for water uti:lity operation. Section 7. The City sha11 provide the_ ~'ollo~ri.ng Paid hclidays dur~_ng tile term of this agr.eement: New Year's Day Vetera.n's Day ~ Lincol.n's Birr_hday Admissions Day Wachin.~ton's Birtliday Tfianksgiving Day Plemorial Day D~ly ~ollowi_nb ~Y1~111~CS~'1V1_11~' Independer:ce Day~ Ctir.istmas Day Labor Day When a h~lidayo ur non-woric day falls on a Saturda; the p~'eceding Fri.day sh11..',. be observed as the non-woxk day, and ~ahen a holiday .falls on a Suncj.ay ~~ie foilowit~,e, rionda.y shall be observed as the non-~aork day. The period of noo~~i to 3:00 l~.ri. on Good Fri:day shall lie a paid , non~~aor.k. p~riod . Nothing contained herein shal]. preclude the right of the department head . ~air.h the approval of the App~~:i:nting Authority to r.esLhedule work assignments or ho~urs of work to nieet emergency situations and other administrative necessities causec~ Uy the observance o£ a holiday or non-wor]c day er per.iod; provided, ho~aever, that al1 such affected enpZoyees axe uulv coml~ensated ±or said resch~dulc~d woric assi~m~~ents. Section 8. The City shall pr.ovide one set of coveralls for ~oear during the pe:x~~rmance of a.ssignecl duties. It s11a11 be the responsit~i:Lity of. the ~mptoyee tu adequately secure aad utilize L-hE coveralls assigned. ~ ' Maii~tenan.ce (launcler:inr o~lly) ot these cover.21.'ls slia]_1. be Proviurd b~ l'.he City once during each caler.d~~r r~~n.t~~, exce}~C ti~~,t~ r~ore ~~°equent mair~t:enance shall T~e provided in those insl:~inces whe.re assigr~ed cluties, as det~rmine~l by the approPriate supervisor., so ;-e1~.:ire. Section 9. Ttie City 1grec~s tu pay for unu~ed bala•nccs of perso~ial Zeave upon retirement or ternination for other tt~.~n jilst cause according ro tlle follQ~aing schedules: 1. Upon reti-reme.nt, wtii.ch s~Lall require tlie iormal filing of the • appropriate forms with the Fublic Lmk~loyees ` Rc~ti;rement Sy~tem, a cash paym°nt equivale~~.t to fifty pe~c~nt: (50i ) of the dollar value of tI~e unused perscn~a7. leave U~7131ZCG cxceedirig sixty days. Dollar. valu~ for sucl~ paym. r~t sfia11 l~e calcula~ced at a ~'aage rate ~ahich, is the av~rage of tiie preceding five (5) years for. tl-~e empl ~yee. 2. Upon termination for otl.er than discharge with just cau~e, a cash payment equi~~alent to ttiirty percent (30%) o~ thc dollar value oF ~,ie unused personal leave l~alance exceeding s:ixty day~ . 7'he do1l~r val.ue for such paym~nt ~hall tie calculated at a~~rage race ~tihich is L•he average uf the preceding tive (S) y~~~rs tor th~~ emp).oyee. Section 10. The City agrees to take itnmediate actian to amend the Rules on Cor.ditions of Employrr~ent te provide for accrual of vacation credir,s allo~vi.ng twe.nty days vac2.tion after con;pl°tion of ~i~+.:c~en years conti.nu~us service. Sec*_ion il. The parties agree tfiat a11 terms and ~onditions of employment ~ not other.toise pr~vicled for herein sh.all 6e m~intaiiiecl ac ths Gtar~cl~+rds i_n ~f.f.ect at the time of execution of this agr.eeir,ent. Section 12. T.n th~ event an1~ p?-ovision o~ this agr. ee*neitt is f~ n~lly izeld to t~e ~_llegal by a cottrt af. comPe.tent jurisdictieiz nr void as :~einb in contr.aventio,? of any laca, rule or ~egulatior, of auy gover.nn~c~r.t agenc;~ i~avi.ng juz3.sdiction / ov~r the subject .~et. forth, ~~:e~'i the remaizlcl~aa: o~ thc .~g~-ceme;it sha]_1 l;OI1C:1.Tlll= i,n. fu11 Corce and effect t~riles~ t:~~~e parts so .[ound to tie voi.d are held in~epatat~l.c from the r.emain:in~ portioii of i.:1~ agreeanent.. Section 13. Thi.s agreP:~:nt sh.a11 ha.ve ~~f~.ci:i_vity commencing ~t midnigtit- June 30, 1975, and ending aL midnight June 3p, 197G, except as othcrwise specified ior wage rate sclizdu.les in Section l.. CI'i'Y OF CUPERTINO FRED CLER ~ ~ . ~ ~ _ _