CC Resolution No. 3955 RESOLUTION N0. 3955 ' ~ A RESOLUTZON OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RATIFYING THE PROVISIONS OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND MR. PAUL KROTTS, AN EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO WHEREAS, the Pe~sonnel Code of the City of Cuper~ino provides'"£or representatives of the emp~.oyees of the City of CuperCino and representatives of management of the City of Cupertino Co meet and con£er in good faith on the ~erms and Conditions of employment; and WHERP:AS, Mr. Paul Krotts, representing himself has requested the City to make certain modifications to various conditiens of employment; and WHEREAS, members of City management, through the designated Municipal Employee Relations Officer, have met on more than one occasion with Mr. Paul Krotts, wherein discussions and negotiatinns were held on the said request of the emp].oyee; and WH~REA5, a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties thereto, attesting to their mutiual agreement as to its contents and provisions, has been submitted to the City Council for ratification and implementation; NOW, THEREFORE, $E IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby ratify the attached Memorandum of Understanaling between the City of Cupertino and Mr. Paul. Krotts, representing himself. PASSED AND AllOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 16th day of June , 1975, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Counci7. AYES: Frolich, Mey~:rs, Nellis, Sparks, Jackson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:None APPROVED: /s/ .TameG E. Jackson Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /~f Wm. E. Ryder City Clerk ATTACHMENT RES..NO. 3955 ~'c.~:~-~~-an~~lum of IJr.cler~~,:a~i~l i;tg Bct~~ec:n CI.`T'? C1i CUPI:R'!'T?vU a n.d PAUL KROTTS Th9_s 1`lemorar.zdum o;= ~it~c;erstanciii~.g is entered i~to L-hi_,> y____ day ot , 1975, by and betc~*een t.tie City uf Cit~,er. tiuo, a Mun.ic_ina.1 Cor~~oration here:i_naf*er refer~-ec1 r_o as t~1e "City", and ;~r. Paul Krotts an empl.~~j-ee o` i:lie City of Cupertino. [JIi.£P.Z~~;a, Paul Rrotts has cl~~~s~.~n to r.e~~rescnL h:~n~seJ.L-, pursuanti to SL4t.c: statutes a~~d Section 2.52.;;C10 of: ti~e Cuperti~no ~:u:~~:cipal Codc, in thosc ma~te,_s of: em~~3.oyer-employee relat.ic~zzs sa-i.tlun tF~e scoPe ~f th: .1eet and Confer proc_NSs; ::~.nd WT~EP.E~S, there has tieen nu~re tfian one. meeti_r,~ beL-~~~een the Personnel Direcr_or, representing the 1`Tunicipal Emp~_oyee Relations Of1:i_cer, anci rcr,resenting liimself , ~alterein :li_scussions t~erE~ ;:el~t eiz t~he wabes and other tc~~:n~;; anc? conditi.ons af emplo;~ment proposed froni Jul~~ 1u7~ through Jun~ 3C), I97~~. P?1~,~*, '1HERLiQRE, the par.~zes hereto hav~ react~.ed thi.s a~reemenr..; ~ection 1. T.fie City shal]. take immi~diate acti:on for i:he adop*i.on of a Sche~ul~ af Pay Grades refl~cl-in;; an ?r~-~z~ease cs ~?.0% for ea.ch step in the app].i:ca~~le pa~~ grad~. Tlz;~ ,ffec~:i.tirF~ da',:e o~ t.he revision t~ the Sche:lu].e o.f: P~v Grades irrespective r,f ti.ie da~e an ~•1l~ici; it r~ay ue procc.ssed ~I: other~.~i.se app~:ov-^.d Uy resolut~_on of t:l~~'a C.i!:y Council s1ia~~. h~ Jun~:- 'l5, 1~75. Se~ti:on 2, 'J'he C:ity sh.11J. cont:~nue to pr.ovide ~~-oup hospitalir;_~i=.i.on anct medical iusurance uncier c~Th~ ch ~m~loy~es ai:d the~ r d~pc;uient~ may be covered . The cost c~f. tt:e rr.u~~i.ums f.ar. t~~lt i., s~ir..~i~cca prov9_cied unc~er sucli program;; s!~a:l.l. i~~~ % the responsibility of the em}~1o~,~e~ ~or liimsFl.~ a~:d. dependents. The City ~,rill, however, pay the cost of the pr.cmiums ~or t`i~c. p~»i~loyee or for the employae and his dependents, prov~.ding the maximum of such City-paid rremium shall not , exceecl $50.00 per •month per covered employee. The City shall pay the fu.11 cost of group life z'nsurance of $3,U00 term insurance £or tlle employ~e. • Section 3. Pursuant to Section 10.6 0~ the Rules, the City shall provide in addition to the af:orer.ienticned group hospitalization and medical :insurance piograni a program oi' dental insurance coverage as o~£er~d by California Denta7. Service and known as Incenti~e.Program A, Sa~d program shall include coveragc f.~r orthodontics as azl available. option and ~or. th~ payment of tlie pre~cribe.r~ additiona:I. premi_wn therefor. Tne cost o~ the premiums for the insurance pr.o- vided under said program Shal.lbe ~zi~d l~y~~ tfie Ci:ty for the employee arid his depen- dents., Section 4. The Citv agrees to provide ir.come prot:ei:tion group insurance as speci~ically descri.bed i::i the City's Standard Insurance Company }?olicy 46309777A. Preniums for such insurance sha11 be paid Uy the City. Section 5. Employee agrees to make himself avail.ab].e on standty c~urin~ regu].arly sc.lieduled periods for possible recall for emergency ser.vices. 5uch standby duty shall be rotated amoung all qualified employees at tlle discreti_on of the City. Compensation. of $25,OG shall be paid fo-r. each 168 cont_~nuous hour.s so assigned.~ In the event emergency situatior..s arise during the t°rm ot sssi~n- ~ ment, the employee stiall be subject ro ca].l out for such co•rrect~ive o•r pr.event:ive work as may t~e reauired to alleviate tlie emerbency condition, and shall he comper_sated in accordance witYi the r.ules on overti~ne f:~~r wor.k so perfor.mec~. Section 6.. Ttie Ci,ty agr.ees to r_ompensate sclieduled, misc~llaneous diil-iFs % per.f.ormed on holidays an.d wecic.e.,;i~.:~ ~:t the r.r~t:e. u.k tl~_r.ee (3) hours per day, • computed in accordance ~:=ith r(:e -r~z'.c~~ on over~:i_ine. D:~tl~s 1nd responsibilities ~ for those schecluled assiF,ivnenc~ sii;:tJ._L iriclttde, t~'u;; a.re not li_mited ta, the checking of cae].ls, pump stations <.nc~ tan.l:.^ and other znsp~c~~.on duties necessary foz ~aa~e1 utili:ty operation. Sectioiz 7. Thc City shal.l provide the.~olloc~ing paid holidays during the term of this agreement: Ne~,r Year's Day Veteran`s Day ' ~ Lincoln's Birthday A~~R11SSlUI1S Day Wa~hi~igton's }3irth;la,y Tk~anksgivi;ng Day Memorial Lay UaSr f.ollow~i~g Thanksgiving Independer~ce Day~ Ctiri.s~mas Day Labor Day t~~hen a holiday or non-wark dav~ fa.l.]_s on a Sa~.u~clay the preceding rri.day shall be observed as tlie r~on-~•~ork day; ai~d ~ahen. a holiday :~ails or_ a Sunday l:tie followin; rlonday sh.a11 be observecl as tlie non~~~orlc day. The period of noon to 3:00 f'.M. on Good Friday sh31.1 be ~ pai~i, not.i--worlc, period. Nothing con~ained h~reii:. sha1.1 preclude t't~r righ~, of the clepartmenL' head with the. approval of tY~e Ap~c~inting Authority to resch.edule work assiglments or hours of work to r~ieet emergency sifiuations au.d other administrati-,~e necessities caused by th.e observanr.e of a holi:day or n.on--~vor.k clay or peried; prov~_ded, hoca~ver, that all such ~fiect.ecl e~nPl.oyees are clul~* compens~.ted for saad. rescheduled wozlc a~signments. . Section 8. T.tze CiLy shal_1 provide one (1) sct oi cavera7l:~ fa~ wear, during the per.~ormance of ass~:gnzd duties. J.t ~ha].1 be the ~responsibility of the employee to adeyuately se~u~e and util~.ze tii.e cover.alls assi~ned. Maint~nance (launderin.~ only) of thc,se covei°a.l.;s ,,ha:Ll be pr.o~ri.dF:d bq the ~ Ci*_~~ once d~ir.ing each calencia~j: montl~, exceot tha~ nior.e fr.equent mnintenai~ce ` sha11 be provided ir those 7.11S~3i1C~'S where ~ss~~;ned duti_es, as det~rmii7ed L~y the app?-opr:iate stapervisor, so reqt~.ire. Section 9, Ti~e City agrees ro pay for unused balances of p~rsoi.141 leave upon reti~°ement or terminatien for otller than just cause accordin~; to i:he ' follo<<=ing schedulAs: l. Upon retirem~nt, wiiic~i shall rec~uire the £ormal fiJ in.g of the apPropriate forms with the PuUlic ~mployees' Retirement Systen,, a casli payir.ent equivalent to £ifty percent (50%) oP the dollar value of tY1e unused personal leave balance exceeding si~;ty days. I)ollar valu~ for such payment sliall f~:e calculated at a a~age rate ~~:'tLich, is the aver.age c~f tFie preceding fiv~ (5) years for th~~ empl~ye~, 7_. Upun termination. for otlier. L-iian discIiarge :aitfi just cause, a cash payment equivalent to tIiirty percent (30%) of the dollar va>>.ie uf the t~nused parsonal leave balance exceeding siYty clays. The d~11r~r value for such payment snall be calculated at a wage rar.e ~ti~hicIi ~.s the average of the preceding five (5) years tur tha emrloyee. Section 10. The Ci_ty agr.ees to takE i'mm~dia.Le acti_on to amen~ the Rules on Conditinns of E~~~ployment: to provide for accrual of vacation credits a1low:i.nG twent}~ days vacation a£ter completion of fifteen years cor_tinuous service. Section lI. T}te parties agree that all te.rnis a.nd condi_tions of empl.ayment. not otl~erwise pr.ovided f.c~r herein. shal]. be ma7ntaiized at the sl-~n~l~rds in ef.fe~t at tU.e t:ime of execuLion of ~~his agreement. SecL-ion 12, In tlie F~vent a~:y provision of this sgr.ecment is final:ly helrl to be illegal by a ceurt of com~etent jur~sc'.ictior_ or void as b~ing i~.~ .^.~citr~~~~ni.~i.on of. ~ny la~,~, rule or reg~~.Lation oC any guvernrT.ent a~;enr__~ having jurisdi~:Cior! ov~.i t:1~~e subj~ct set fo~-tli, ~heii tl~r; rema.iucie:~- u:C tlic ~ greemenL stia].1 GOI1~111U~i: in full force ~nd effeci: ~ii~Jess Lhe Par.ts so fo~m.t to be void are heJ_d inseparabl~~ f~on, t~~e remaining pc~rtiun o~ t-.Fie agrec.~nenfi. Secticn 13. ThS.~ a~r.eement sh.a7.1 have e,'.fectivity commencing at m~dnight .TU11C 30, 1975, and end~.ng at mi_dnight June 30, 1976, excent as othercaise sp~~cified for wage rate sci~ediiles in Section 1. C:ITX OF CU~'ERTT.NO K~A.UL OTTS % . ~ . - `