CC Resolution No. 3954 . ~
WHEREAS, the Personnel Code of the Citiy of Cupertino provides for
representatives of the employees of the City of Cupertino and representatives
of management of the City of Cupertino to meet and confer in good faith on
the Terms and Conditions of employment; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Kenneth McKee, representing himself has requested the City
to make certain modifications to various condiCions of employment; and
WHEREAS, members of City management, through the designated Municipal
Employee Relations Officer, have met on more than one occasion with Mr. Kenneth
McKee, wherein discussions and negotiations were held on the said request of
the employee; and
WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties thereto,
attest3ng to their mutual agreement as to its contents and provisions,
has been submitted to the City Council for ratification and implementation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Cupertino does hereby ratify the a~tached Memorandum of Understanding between
the City of Cupert3nm and Mr. T~enneth McKee, representing himself. ~
PASSED AND ADOPTED ati a regular meeting of the City Council of the
City of Cupertino this 16th day of June , 1975, by the following
Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Frolich, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks, Jackson
NOES: None
/s/ James E. Jackson
ATTEST: Mayor, City of Cupert3no
/s/ Wm. E. Ryder ~
City Clerk
- ` ATTACHMENT RES. N0. 3954
Memu~~;z~du.^1 nf. Lindc~r~ t~li;ii-~n~
i~ ~ tc~een
C T.7'S' 0.1~ C:UP ~It' L' 7.'~ 0
Tizis Tfemorandum of Undezsi:and:i.i;.g ia enL-ered this _ day of ~i~_~_, 1R75,
Uy and ~etween the Gity of Cu}~c~rtino, a P~uni.cipai Corporation hei•~inaLL-er re:fr~rF'cci
to as the "C~.ty", and Mr 4 Kennetiz fiicKee an em~1o}-ee of ttie Cicy of C~~pertin~.
L~TH~'ItEAS, KennetFe McKee ',-i.~s c:~osen to r.epYes~ni: himself, pursuant tu Stctc:
,tatutes and Section 7_.5'.300 of ti,e Cupertino Mun:icipa?. Code, :in those matt~F.~r;
~mp'loyer-employee. rei.3t.:irn:s ~oithin tFie scoge of ~•leet and Cc~n~~r procc•~;~,y
a ~Zd
4,~i~L'?3.FA5, there has j~e:en m~re than one m~et:ii~g betwcen the P~rsonnel Di.r.~r~.r,;:.,
representin~; rhe rlttn.ici:pal. En,?loyee Relati_ons Off.i_cer, and
~'epresenting himself, tah.erein ~iScussions ~•c::re hel.d on the wages and otizer,
and conditians of er:gloyment prol~osed from ~u1y l, 1575 throu~ll 3iine 30, 1S7ci.
NOt~7, THEREF~itE, the par.ries Ilereto reached this a;ree~r.ent:
Section 1. Thc~ City shall take immecii:ate action for the adoption ~f. a
:cti~edule of Pay GrGc!es an increa~e of ~.0°o fox' ca~h sLep in th~
apPlicable pay grade. 1'Y:c ei~ective date a` rhe revisior. to Chc Sclie.lule ~i Pav
Gr~~des irrespecLive L-i1e date ~~i~ ~ahich it may ue pr~cessed or o~he~rise
apploved by resol.ut~un cf tl-,~ i,ity Cot~ncil slia ~1 be .T~:ne 25, 1.975.
Section 2. The Ci~:}~ sha1Z continue t~~ p'rovide group h.ospa.t<<lizaL- i.oi~ ,jii~_i
med~ c~a.l ~.nsurance unci~r cc~i::icii emp~.oyees and tl~.~~ir dependents rn~ly l,f: cov4rc~l,
'1'h~ cu:~t ~f. ~.:re prelaiui~~~ f~r i-!ie i:~su~~~nce provwc~~~c:i t7nd~~r su~h pr.c~s;ra~~i~• ~~~~:~~.i l:r,
tl~e r.esponsibility of th.e emp~~yc~.: for himsel~~ <ir;d dependenL-s. The City coa.ll,
ho~vever, pay the cos~ of: the prc,u~;.tnns for thP ~,~~:p:Loyee or for the employee and
his dependents, providing th~: m~~;:mv~;i o~ such. !;ii:y-paid prernium shall nor
exceed $50.OU per month per co~~~recl employee. •
The City shall pay th~ fu11 cost o~ grou~ ltfe insurance of $3,000 term
insurance for the emplo~-ee.
Section 3. Pur.suant to Section 10.6 0~' the Ru1es, the City shall
in addition t~ the aforeane.nL~_oned group hospitalizatiori and medica~ insurance
program a program of dental insurance coverage as of~ered by Califori1ia ])ental
Service and known as Inc~ntiv~= Pr.ogram A, Sa~d pr.ogram sha11 include co~~erage
for orthodonti_cs as an availalile.option and for the payment of the prescribed
additional premium therei'or.. TYie cost of tlie premiums for. the insurance pro•-
vl,ded under_ said pxogram sha111~~ paid by~ 'tlie Ci ty for the employee and tais depen-
Sc.cr_ion 4. The Cit.y agr.ees ta provide income protection group insurance
as speci~ically described in the City's Standard Insurance Company Policy
~~309777A.. Premiums for such insUrarLce shall Ue paid hy the City.
Section 5. Empioyee agrees tc make himself available on standby duriug
regularly sclieduled periods ~or poss-itile recall for. emer~;ency services. Such
standby duty sha11 be r.otated amoung all qua].ified employees at the discr.etion af
the CiLy. Compensation of $2.`;.~JO shall be pai~l {'or each 1~8 conL-inuous hours
so assigned. In tr~e event emer~:ncy situations arise during the term of assig~~-
ment, the employee sh~ill be subjtrt to call out S.or such currective or prevent:i~~e
work as may be required to allevi.a.te the conditicn, ancl shal.l be
compensated in accordance lJ~tI1 the ::ules on. uvert~me for woric so per£ormed.
Se.ction 6.. T.he Ci.ty~ agrees to compensate scheduled, m~scellaneous duties
perf.or~ned on holiciays arid weel~encls a~ the rat-e r~ ~hree (3) h.o~.irs per. day,
coinputed in a.ccor_dance wi~ti l:lic r~~:l~~s on r~~~ez ~i~~e.. Duties and ]'ESpOllSlUl11L":LCS
for those scheduled assi~nment:; s'tial]. incl.~~de, ~ut are not 1.iniited to, t:h~ cl~ecking
of c~ells, pump stat:i:ons and ta.r.k.~ ancl other i:nspzetion duties nec~ssary f:or w~L-er.
utilit}* operation.
i Section 7. Tlie City sYtal.l. previde tla.e. fo11~~~ing paid holi~ays during th~
term of this ag~eement:
New YearTs Day's Day
~ ]~;_ncoln's , :Admiss~,_oris llay~
Washington's Birthday~ Day
~ ~ Memori:al D~~y Day ~:ollowing Than~csgiving
Independence Day Cii'ri:stmas Day
Labor Day
When a'holiday ox nor_-ti~oric d~.y f:a1_].s on a Saturday the. preced~ng Friday shall
be or,served as the n~n-~~*o7'k. ci~y, and whe.n a holid.ay xa].ls on a Sunday the following
Monday sl~all be observed as 'r_he n.on^~aork day. The period of r.oon to 3:OQ F.M.
on Good Friday sha_11 be a pa_idv nou~work peried.
Plotli3_i:g contained herein sha11 preclude tlie right of the department hezd
w~_th the approval o:E t.he App~inting Authorzty to reschedule work assignments
or hours of work to ineet emerp.,enc5 situati:ons and other administrative necessities
caused by the ot~servance of a hol.i:day or. non-~ourl.c day or period; provide~l,
ho~,sever, that all s>>ch affecfied eiuployees :~ze duJ.y compensa.Led for said reachedaled
worl; assigr.ments.
Section 8. The Cit:y shal_7_ p~;ovide o*~e (1). set cf coveralls fo.r ~vea'r
during the ,~erformance of ass~_gn~d duti~s. ~t s~atl be the r~sponsibili.ty
of. the Employee to acle~u~te'l;~ s~.^ur~ and uti:li:ze th.e r.over~lls assigned.
M1int?nance (launderin~; oi~l~~~) ot •.:l~~cse covera].'s skia~l t~e proviclecl by the
City once during each calenur.r mo*.ith, exce~~t tl~aM mor~ frequent mai.ntenan.ce
shall be provided in tfiose ~i:i.stan.ces ~~*her.e a,s:i_~~.led; as cletcrmined by
the appropriate supervi.sor, .ao r~quire.
Sect_Lon 9. The City a~rees te pay for unuscd balances of perso~zal leave
upon retirement or termina~i.on for_ otlzer than ju~t causF according to Cl~.e
, .
following schedules:
1. U~on r.etirement, ~viiicli sIiall r.equ~re. t[ie forma]. filing of thP
approPriate forms tfie Public Empl.oyees~ Retirement Sys*em,
a casYL payment equivalei~t to f if ty~ perceni. (.50%) of ths dollar
value of ttie unused balance exceeding sir.r_y days.
Dollar valLC *or such. ~a.y,nent sTiall ~e calcula.ted at a wage rate
e,rhi.cii,.i~ tlie avPrage of tiie precedin.g five (5) years for Lhe employee.
2. Upon termination .for other tizan discFiarge ~aiCh just cause, a cash
pa.;•inent equivai.ert to tliirty percent (30%) of t~ie value ot
rhe unused personal leave U'alance. exceedin~ sixty da}~s. The dollar
value for such pa}=uien.t sha11 be caleulated at a wage r.a.te which is the
average of the pr.eceding five (5). years fo.r the. employee.
Section 10. Th_e Ciry agrees to tak.e i~nmediate action to amend the Ru1es
on Conditions of ~mploymene to provide for. accrual of vacati.on credits allo~~ing
twenty days vacation after compleiion of fitteen years continuous service.
Section 11. The ga~-ties agree that all and conditions~of employment
nat othc~rwi_se l~rovided for he~:•ein shal..l be main.tainEd at the stan~~ards in efie~t .
at tlze timc of execuL-ian of this agreen:ent.
Secti:on 1?_. In tne event any proyision, of. this a~reement is finally h~]_d
to b~, i1lr~gal by a court oi competent jur ~s~l~ction or. void as bein~ i.n contr.;:~ventior.
of any la~a, rule or r.egulat~ian ~f any gove.r!ir~ent ~.gericy having jurisdicti.or~
~ . r
over L-Iie stibjcct set forth, t_tie~1 tk~e remaiiider. of t-Yie agzeemenL sha].1 cont_iT~u~
in full. f.orce and effect ur..~_t~ss ~iie parts so ~r..•~~.i.d to be void are held i.nse~~aru~~1.~:
from the remaining portion ot ~n.e agreement,
Section 13. 'This shall have. efz~.ctivity commencirg at midnight
June 30, 1975, and endi_ng at m~i.cin.iglit June 30, 1~76, ~xcept' as other.wise
specified for wa;c rate in Secr_ion. 7_. .
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