90174 (2) 7164 01200RANDE 'PLACE' �LriN '7/¢le Tract No.6-'7 /f Lot No.-3 CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date . (a I _, 19 7.5 Permit No. 9,O\ 1 Application is hereby m e"fora permit to a ---/�, T e / Jid�ng Use Zone- a} _ Occupancy � to be occupied only as366 1j Pa�ki ��ce L in accordance with Plans, Specifications an�d//Plo�n-filed herewith. Emer. ilect. 34- 0 o o Q' Emer. Elect. Estimated Value of Improvements, $_r I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as toviolate the workmen's compensation laws'of.California.., _ Owner 4DEROSA Address 3080 Olcott St. S C gy Address 3080 01 n "+'+.�� 11- j /�--=•� RECO OF INSPECTION Foundation 14 �7� w i' Framk Stucco'/1-//_ �_ �, FinishJC 7764 OROGRANDE PLACE POND. HOMES l-OK wioj cam.-8�-ti -ry_,vrn��O�a�+Ns s� 0 — #-asuaoiJ ssau!sng Ayio asoO ues uo!40a4 dv s!y4 sasu nv APado+d pue you}}e pug eao} pa} u! t! / .f� esuao!� s�oyo vyuo3 viwo}!!0� }o 0494$ s!4 49y4 s4s044v 4u0e4ddy ❑ pay 4uew64945 ❑ uauw,o so :4u9m!dtiv Aq pew!o!o Ayauay s!�asuami suo40vj4uoO to} 0!u011113 }9.04945 uo} 4uaw0i!nDa woj} uo!4dw9x3