253 (2) LOT NO. NO. STREET! ,i i 2 15 5 APPLI�AT ON FOR BUILDING ,PERMIT CITY OF.CUPERTINO Date �' � 195 ermit No.- App o. i eC C �`x� A Lica n ivhereb made F rat ermit to a story,Ty e ' Building at to be occupied DD�//aly s - r I ' in accordarXTaGth lans, ! e ificat, sand Plot-Pla Iled herewith. Estimated Value'of Improvements, $ Fee$.I?-- It - y Itis hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning rdmances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use hr w thin the City of '--I Cupertino co ed with. / i J2O> v� Owner - Address By Address ¢ONTRACTOR E�` Phone / Approved \ — BUILDING INSPECTOR `�-i i N J o o. 0 0 0 0 0 a y V U a a a a w a a 0 z_ z_ z z d ' a , z 0 WOm— d N \ 0 u W W m z e O a ua oa C O a Q z Z z z CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE r CITY OP'CUPERTINO y.e Date :._... <'.+f.!"�.+�.`.�................ . . . 195.: .: ... Building,Permit No.:,t:�C.,:�.,.r'...---- ., The Building Located at /f}!fir P) fr� ;^".: '�•C.*tet-! _ ... Owned by .... rpt✓ ../, v' (Completed) His Been ( For Use As: .... �`,....`" t/ .........- - ". .Altere - .._. . ..............................__-.... .. .........................:..............._.---.._._..:-_....,..:......._;..._..............--..........._............... _------.... ...................--........................................:....... ........,............_-.._............... .............................. ... _..._-..._.... ............_.... ............................ BUILDING INSPECTOR i02 2/59-250