CC Resolution No. 3684 ~ a . RESOLUTION N0. 3684 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING SALARY SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE OF PAY C"GRADES FOR ' r1ANAGII~fENT AND CONFIDENTIAL ENIPLOYEES , WHEREA5, employees of the City of Cupertino in the Public Works Unit and the Miscellaneous ~nployees Unit have organized and elected to be represented for the purposes of ineeting and conferring in good faith in the areas of salaries, benefits and working conditions, which processes have resulted in various pay increases for the employees of these un3ts; and Z,~IEREAS, in the interests of maintaining fair and equitable pay and salary relationsh3ps between employees of these groups and those employees in designated management or confidential positions, the City Council has authorized by minute order on June 20, 1974 a 7.5% salary and wage ad~ustment for management and confidential officers and employees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEb by the City Council of the City • of Cupertino: Section 1: That the Schedule of Pay Grades for Dianagement and Con~.idential ~nployees shoVm as Attachment "A" is hereby approved and adopted, to be eff ective June 26, 1974. Section 2:~ That the salaries,~wages~~and~rates of;pay. fo'r. Chose officers and employees whose classes of po~itions are not sgb~ect to being assigned to a pay grade within a Scheudle of Pay Grades under the Pay Plan shall be as set forth in Salary Schedule - A, attached hereto as Attachment "B", to be effective June 26, 1974. ' PASSED ~12dD ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 2nd day of July , 1974, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Frolich, Jackson, Meyers, Nellis, Sparks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: ATTEST: /s/ Reed Sparks P~ayor, City of Cupertino /s/ Wm. E. Ryder City Cler~ Attachment "A" Res. No. 3684 CITY OF CUPERTINO SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL.CLASSES ~ EFFECTIVE JUNE 26, 1974 Pay Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Maximum .11-C Week $ 153.72 $ 162.11 $ 169.94 $ 186.71 Month 666.13 702.48 736.39 809.06 Hour 3.843 4.053 4.249 4.668 12-C Week 156.52, 165.46 174.41 192.30 Month 678.25 717.01 755.77 833.29 Hour 3.913 4.137 4.360 4.808 13-C Week 162.11 169.94 177.76 196.77 Month 702.48 736.39 770.30 852.66 Hour 4.053 4.249 4.444 ' 4.919 14-C Week 165.46 174.41 183.35 ~ 201.24 Month 717.01 755.77 794.52 872.04 Hour 4.137 4.360 4.584 5.031 15-C Week 169.94 177.76 186.71 206.83 Month 736.39 770.30 809.06 896.26 Hour 4.249 4.444 4.668 5.171 16-C Week 174.41 183.35 192.30 211.30 Month 755.77 794.52 833.29 915.64 Hour 4.360 4.584 ~4.808 5.283 17-C Week 177.76 186.71 196.77 218.01 Month 770.30 809.06 852.66 944.71 Hour 4.444 4.668 4.919 5.450 18-C Week 183.35 192.30 201.24 222.48 Month 794.52 833.29 872.04 964.09 Hour 4.584 4.808 5.031 5.562 19-C Week 186.71 196.77 206.83 228.07 Month 809.06 852.66 896.26 988.31 Hour 4.668 4.919 5.171 5.702 20-C Week 192.30 201.24 211.30 233.66 Month 833.29 872.04 915.64 1,012.53 Hour 4.808 5.031 5.283 5.842 21-C Week 196.77 206.83 218.01 240.37 Month 852.66 896.26 944.71 1,041.60 Hour 4.919 5.171 5.450 6.009 22-C Week 201.24 211.30 222.48 245.96 Month 872.04 915.64 964.09 1,065.83 Hour 5.031 5.283 5.562 6.149 Attachment "A" SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES - MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL UNIT - EFFECTIVE JUNE 26, 1974 Res. No.3684 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 23-C Week $ 206.83 $ 218.01 $ 228.07 $ 252.67 - Month 896.26 944.71 988.31 1,094.90 Hour 5.171 5.450 5.702 6.317 24-C Week 211.30 222.48 233.66 258.26 Month 915.64 964.09 1,012.53 1,119.12 Hour 5.283 5.562 5.842 6.457 ;=.'25-C Week 218.01 228.07 240.37 264.97 Month 944.71 988.31 1,041.60 1,148.19 Hour 5.450 5.702 6.009 6.624 26-C Week 222.48 233.66 245.96 271.67 Month 964.09 1,012.53 1,065.83 1,177.25 Hour 5.562 5.842 6.149 6.792 27-C Week 228.07 240.37 252.67 278.38 Month 988.31 1,041.60 1,094.90 1,206.32 Hour 5.702 6.009 6.317 6.960 28-C Week 233.66 245.96 258.26 286.21 Month 1,012.53 1,065.83 1,119.12 1,240.24 Hour 5.842 6.149 6.457 7.155 29-C Week 240.37 252.67 264.97 292.92 Month 1,041.60 1;094.90 1,148.19 1,269.31 Hour 6.009 ,6..317 6.624 7.323 30-C Week 245.96 258.26 271.67 300.74 Month 1,065.83 1,119.12 1,177.25 1,303.21 Hour 6.149 6.457 6.792 7.519 31-C Week 252.67 264.97 278.38 308.57 Month 1,094.90 1,148.19 1,206.32 1,337.13 Hour 6.317 6.624 6.960 7.714 32-C Week 258.26 271.67 286.21 315.28 Month 1,119.12 1,177.25 1,240.24 1,366.20 Hour 6.457 6.792 7.155 7.882 33-C Week 264.97 278.38 292.92 323.10 Month 1,148.19 1,206.32 1,269.31 1,400.11 Hour 6.624 6.960 7.323 8.078 34-C Week 271.67 286.21 300.74 330.93 Month 1,177.25 1,240.24 1,303.21 1,434.02 Hour 6.792 7.155 7.519 8.273 35-C Week 278.38 292.92 308.57 338.75 Month 1,206.32 1,269.31 1,337.13 1,467.93 Hour 6.960 7.323 7.714 8.469 - 2 - , Attachment "A" SCHEDULE OF' PAY GRADES, MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL UNIT - EFFECTIVE JUNE 26, 1974 Res. No.3684 Pay Grade Step 1 SteP 2 Step 3 Maximum 36-C Week $ 286.21 $ 300.74 $ 315.28 $ 347.70 • Month 1,240.24 1,303.21 1,366.20 1,506.69 Hour 7.155 7.519 7.882 8.693 37-C Week 292.92 308.57 323.10 355.52 Month 1,269.31 1,337.13 1,400.11 1,540.60 Hour 7.323 7.714 8.078 8.888 38-C Week 300.74 315.28 330.93 365.59 Month 1,303.21 1,366.20 1,434.02 1,584.21 Hour 7.519 7.882 8.273 9.140 39-C Week 308.57 323.10 338.75 374.53 Month 1,337.13 1,400.11 1,467.93 1,622.96 Hour 7.714 8.078 8.469 9.363 40-C Week 315.28 330.93 347.70 383.47 Month 1,366.20 1,434.02 1,506.69 1,661.72 Hour 7.882 8.273 8.693 9.587 . 41-C Week 323.10 338.75 355.52 393.54 ~ Month 1,400.11 1,467.93 1,540.60 1,705.32 Hour 8.078 8.469 8.888 9.838 42-C Week 330.93 347.70 365.59 402.48 Month 1,434.02 1,506.69 1,584.21 1,744.08 Hour 8.273 8.693 9:140 10.062 43-C Week 338.75 355.52 374.53 413.66 Month 1,467.93 1,540.60 1,622.96 , 1,792.53 Hour . 8.469 8.888 9.363 10.342 44-C Week 347.70 365.59 383.47 423.72 Month 1,506.69 1,584.21 1,661.72 1,836.13 Hour 8.693 9.140 9.587 10.593 45-C Week 355.52 374.53 393.54 434.90 ~ Montli 1,540.60 1,622.95 1,705.32 1,884.57 Hour~ ~ 8.888 9.363 ;'9.838 10.873 46-C Week 365.59 383.47 402.48 444.96 Month 1,584.21 1,661.72 1,744.08 1,928.17 Hour 9.140 9.587 10.062 11.124 47-C Week 374.53 393.54 413.66 456.14 Month 1,622.96 1,705.32 1,792.53 1,976.62 Hour 9.363 9.838 10.342 11.404 48-C Week 383.47 402.48 423.72 467.32 Month 1,661.72 1,744.08 1,836.13 2,025.07 Hour 9.587 10.062 10.593 11.683 - 3 - Attachment "B" Resolution No, 3684 , City of Cupertino SALARY SCHEDULE - A ~ Effective June 26, 1974 The salaries, wages or rates~of pay for those of.fices and employees within the Management and Confidential Unit whose classes of positions are not subject "to being assigned to a pay grade within the Schedule of Pay Grades shall be set forth below. Said salaries, wages or rates of pay shall not be changed without specific approval of the City Council. Position Title Incumbent Rate City Manager Robert W. Quinlan $31,616.00 per year 2,635.00 per month 608.00 per week Director of Administrative Wm. E. Ryder $26,312.00 per year Services 2,193.00 per month 506.00 per week Director of Parks and Merle 0. Butler $21,632.00 per year Recreation 1,803.00 per month 416.00 per week Director of Planning and James Sisk $24,284.00 per year Development 2,024.00 per month 467.00 per week Director of Public Works Bert Viskovich $21,892.00 per year 1,824.00 per month 421.00 per week Members of the City Council $ 150.00 per month