01070093 (2) CITY n of C m ERTONNO PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10854 NORTHVIEW SQ 01070093 OWNER'S NAME' APPLICTION 57H DATE HART JUDY K 0772' 2001 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO, ARCHITEC(ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO L ELECT PLUMB MECH G i l L....1 1=1 I 30 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION A Z'_ I heron affirm that 1 ant licensed under ram of Chapter (commencingJob Description �N-� °ndP ° e DECK REPLACEMENT. ,- with mion70001 of Division Jrf nc Business and Npfessi nz Code.and my a-^ oc full Trate and ct. /n7 1 =s - kens fl Lice a H-z.es 27� 3 a. « u Contra c or C se.. FLL ARCHITECr'SDECLARATION FINALED I understand my plans shall bet used as public records of Licensed Professional jtca OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION JUL 5 2001 u.= 1 he«by utrfrm that 1 nm c,.a,f from the Contractor's Licit Law for the z< rIla, „g« n action W3I S.Itasi,tas,and P,ce,i 1Cndr Any city or cm or, $3700 ais wbkh mvpNe,apermit R,rresthe aper, for. sc,acmol'ndt,sercepaig Prycmmma . _prion 'a ,alsoteq ' ,rapplicantl' hmium'saicemse gnedsta. ant, �.3.� .. ._-_.._ . Nath(commercial, S kh urvid.Saoiom 7thcp visionNC Business rumes Ltcetee Wwons Cad) s, ,.3�H.-.Rr TIPS7QyI®a•+ TSA. aIUHhOn or that eine ih Scali n)0 adt the 7 RhcB sincssaalp Pofcsst vi Code) { t,y, ♦ 3-`OV'J'-9 ;\�S.e t f:.k or that he is exempt therefrom and for .Pers it the alleged ea ficin,.Any violation of not mo than v any applicant far a permit subjects rhe applicam m a civil pcnnl,y ;of nmmrmNanfivehundred dollars(ssW). 101ApNATION Occupancy Type ❑I,as owner of the popary,or my employees win wages as their sale compensation. 102 PIERS will do the work and the'srvcmre is rot intended or offered for sale f cc.7014: 10 3 - UFER Required Inspections 'Buxmess'anit Pmfexm sas Crack:The Cm recw « um's License lads no,apply to int q p ,,.. owner of popery who builds in improves theocrat,and who dims such work himself 104 - REBAR or through his own employeesprovided that such improvements are not inend-or compla(orme.lr:however,the lhave - t n xam wamd not - r 105 ANCHOR- BOLTS . __. . - ..... .. building or,mpravemen year u - _ �v y;,� - °ntplmiuoorw,vnerfbaalcJ'r will have the hnNenofpraving aM1,n he did net mild or 106 — SEWER & WATER improve puryo,e° a Ci own roim pop Y.am encrosiveiy'enmraing with Ti a see cunuaat°rsm 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING eonstrum Ne project see.7044.Business and Protestors Crane:)The corwascors 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANI CAL•' r License Isar aces not apply to an owner of properly who builds lir improves thereon, _ s with a contractions)licensed pursrant to the - --.. .. .-2 04 — UNDERFLOOR.. FRAME - . . _. ._.... . . -.. . . .... . .. .. ... . d who contracts for such projects o"i`m`tu t`�s s«: it&P C for this mason 205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION Owner,, Date 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER I hereby affirm under penalty or perjury one of the following declarations: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ❑ I have Pad will'maintain a cirtifcmrrf Conant as all:n,rre for Worker', 3 04 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL Compensation.Los provided for by Section 37W of he LwW, C°dc, for he performance at work far which this Award is is mealL 3 05 - FRAME ❑1 have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as required by Section 306 — HOLDOWNS 377 of the Labor Code.for the performance of the work for which this permit is 3 07 — INSULATION s M W rk fs Ca I .urance er er an Pel'y b a; �5 ,.-. ( _11308 -' SHEETROCK - -._._,.. ._.__ ... ..... ... .. . .. ami V1 u XEM IO 3 RK 't I .. ,. .. CERTIFl� COMPENETIONI INSURANCE'WORKERS' �. a• 3O9 t =-':EXTERIOR-'LATH • �� COSIPENSATION INSURANCE"� ' "' I ' � .._ .. . . . . -. .--- ------- ' '' '(This,aeroaneed not Wcompleted ithe Permit isfor one hundred dollars 311• - SCRATCH COAT I .I . (Sllq)or lcxrt,) 313 ROOF NAIL . I cenify ahmy the n in any mann the work for which this permit a Worke,I shill nm employ any person in any manner so as to become subject,o Nc Workers' 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL` ENERGY Compensation Wwsa(California.DP" Applicant 502 . — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY . . "' .. ... - NOTICE TO APPLICANT.It.after making this Certificate of Easorman.you should 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY zZ nccome subject m the Worker's Contpcn,sxuon provisions of the Whim Coda you mast 5 04 - FINAL BUILDING ENERGY O fdanwith comply with such poomcw,a,hi,perana shall be dames re,aked, CONS TRUCTIONLENDING A-GENCY 505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL 1 hereby affirm that there is a emaiuciion lending agency for the petforam«e 506 — GAS TEST - of the work for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097.Civ.C.) yq Lenaer'x Nanta- . - .- - .. .. . ... . - -- 507 I- FINAL PLUMBING _ . . ... - --- ;,Z Lenacr',AJdres, ' - ..I terrifyNat I have mid0r,a Ecmloa Pad same aha the dar.to intom,°n°a is 5 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL O corrtdr,I agree to comply with all city and county ordiwwcs and save laws miming 509 — FINAL GRADE O U roWildingcunstruction.andhcmby'whodacrepreamaaivesofthiscityroenterupon 510 — FINAL PLANNING ,(,:, the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. y:d (We)agree tosave,interimdyand keep harotthe CityafCapt against 514 — FINAL PUBLIC W 'Vi liabilities,..dgmems,cogs unit¢pensee which may In nny way wame aguimt,aid U Z Ci,Y sequence of In gruntin III permit., APP PLt'.WITHA LN N�POINT'ry Issued b Date SOl CF UU DE 7M1A. .t �N y. �ns+ ocre' Appl!eww"oRr natmData Re-roofs D0U5.IAT (ALS W1I,applicantI t e,bu dinat p nt.tore or handle msallom material Type of R oof A fCI - - - - - by the Cupertino M ipa.Cods.Chapter 9 12 and the Health and Safety - Cod:Section 2553-Ise) .r. .•c I 7\s ', .�{ st.3 I t: DYes. e "'' ❑Na • . , ' - ,. All roofs.shall,.be inspected.prior.to any_roofing.material.being installed___._ _..- • Will the applicant orfuture building«cupantuseequipment ordeviceswhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspectiofi;'Itagree'to remove cath hammers air conumiwdefined m,as by the Bay Area Air Quality Management . D',trrato ere. ❑Na all new materials for,inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with , . . . _. . ..... . ... . • all non-point source regulations. . . 1 have mad the kayo dais materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health&Safety Code,sections 25505:8573 and 25533.1 undersmnd atm _ if uilJing d«snbt currently hmeamriant.aha,ii ii rymsponsibilityi a fit ythe - o t a m if the require -rt which ¢ e ten pr o isnance a C i mar of " �0Signature of Applicant Dale _ owner or nodaedagentare All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better .- .. . . . t OFFICE. _