NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) cITV OF CUPERTINO BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRHSS'. PERMIT INO. C DWNERSNIW868 NORTHSHORE SO AI'I'11CAT1000801100 'NE: A'ITKEN/HARTSANTIARYM/15% i01HNO 5 os S/aZ O o�>. ARCHITECIOENGINEER: !+ / yG� BUILDING PERMIT INFO o 0 1..../1 d�7/1 /A J ' BLuc ELECI pLOMB NIECH U ¢d FONj LICENSED CONI'RAMOR'S DECLARAHON Job Description 1 hcmby'arfrm that I am licensed ander provisions ofchapter 9(commencing wink Smtion]tllXll ofDlvision3nfthc Rusinmsand rro/m/asi�on's�cute.. dmr L=en¢= - < eafall,lace anJ eRl.=,. Q :'x6 I.iccnsc Class (/ Lic,a_ mw y'ca O ),ua Commctor y�^•�j�. ARCHI'I'I'.Cl'S DECLARNNON INT REMODEL t=O 1 unJcmanJ my plans shall he uwA us public rccuNs e D WYE. i S p It LicenmJ I'rnfeeeiunnl l X w OWNER-HUILp]iRDECLARATION �PJt;- p � ZDO I hemby at'tinn than 1 am cac,npl fold the Contmetor's License law for the i hdbwing n u.(Sell ion 7031.5,limine,and Pontic, „Code,Any oily i unty ' i a which reclaims a permit In,ou,nael,.[,a,improve.demolish,or repair any structure prior, t uninec.alk.reduice,I ppl a t for such parrinit tofl 'gn J statement deal n Il '.can,t a piociaonsol(lieContractors 1 chapmr9 Sy. Ft. Floor Area valuation Ittmtmcnungwi,h Sttuon]0101t,,D v'nion7of the Bu. , and lr f_. ,Coca) nem or that he is ept,herafrnm and the basis for the alleged eumption.Any violation ul Section 703 1 s by any appficall lira permit.Oijc,,,th=upPliann m a civil pommy nfnmmmemanfile hundred delta, led)(l). APN Number 0ccWk1H1bT4vpe ❑Ln r of n he Properly. my onpluyca if,wago,an lhch=,ol.coa...manin I. wn= well re the work,and the Cod, The i,not intended en a Law far suet Isuc, to 4. an owner of and Profession,Code:The lo—Ocor:,,and law m,c,nm apply m an - 31638037. quired Inspections m' his own Who baud,ar Improv,,most such,mal wed Jrx:v such winkhi nded or m through his own mwe at,es. building Thal such nis are non can ,,Or ,nonfiction, for sale, rr-I a the building e I improvement of is mil within ane yuan of iamnmeoa,ata awn=r-I,nildcr will have me na,ntn or pawing nnnt he did nm n„'i1i1”` 1.01 — FOUNDATION mprove for Psmase arswe). 102 — PIERS Cl f a,owner of the prapeny.on,cacl¢,oely=ommcdnq wllh lieco,ed cono."I'm in , ,met he pmlec,(See 770,14,Tisane,,and Pon......I,Ced,)The Caamwmr, 103 — UFE R License Law arcs not apply man nwncr of p obey x hit build,or improve,themm. ..I who canned,to,sae,p,q�eens widt n cumra=t„roe lieenw�d parmant m he 1.04 — REBAR C31'am`e`xemp�`unde s«. .B S P Chm this mason 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS Owner Dale 106 — SEWER R• WATER WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING I hereby affirm and,,penal,v of peUmy ane or']in decla,aron,: 203 — UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL base and will mnoten a Certificate of Consent to tell-insure for Worker. X04 — UNDERFLOOR FRAME C...npemaarn,, a, provid,d for by Section 1700 of the Lnhnr Cad, for the r— perrarmancenonewm),to,wNchdo,perm.isi...ad. 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION ❑Ilanecmwill nmmminWa,keraCampensanianIasamnca,a,refined brSection 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING 3700 of the LMa Cale,far the pe,foawnce of the work fill which This Permit is Issued.M�y Wjak�•',Cant on msureace carer and Policy number art: 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER cmer:SL/a raL=rNa.JOg,7 'C70 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL CERrIFIC\I'IONOI'EFEMPIIONFROMWO RIiRS' COMPENSAHONINSURANCE 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL ani,.eeeanneedinnrocamplcedam=pem,aisrmanensndrtddau... 305 — FRAME ISllxq or Ic,x.) I candy hat in the wribrombee ill the work for which this farm,is issued.I 30E -HOEDOWNS -,hall nal nnph,y n Iin..a.--in any mamtm as n,m none snbes,n,,he W..ka" 307 — • INSULATION Comarmain on Law,of Caliramia.Dole APpfa,u 308 — SHEETROCK NO]'ICE'IO APPIJCAN'U If,m@r making this Ceaifnda of 11crop ...i,you should become subject w,be WorAcrs Compensation pravisiansof the laror Coale.you muss 309 — EXTERIOR LATH O form ith simply with such provision,or this Permit shall Ise deemed revalued. 310 — INTERIOR LATH Z' rn CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY hereby amrm,bmthere isacomtil,mionfnainsasencyfor the performance 311 — SCRATCH COAT aI he ware for which ads paaail is issm'd(See.3097.G..C) ?vI Leader e ei'sAd 313 — ROOF NAIL zldress 501 — FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY I certify it)Indcrtad dr, and co ntty aIle Incmedrone of is 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY E. correct.I agree m comply with all city and county oNinances and.acre lows melding d�buill cnmo-namn.,m,[herthy 0uthrrize representatives of this city to enter ugtn 3 — Y a. Int,ro(yGanem;,,am am,s�ndemify orpoll, 50.., FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY a N'elasmcrosavc.mdunnifyection nmmle>.theCi or Cupninnuyainn 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERCr V—� m liabilities,adgnica,,cows mad expenses which,,nay in airy way.accoac against said ( v z aw inesraama dillopermf. 505 — FINAL ELECTRICAL g�TANOS AND WILL COMPLY W�ALL IN-PO�d Issued by: — Date mom T -,t m^_— /Data Re-roofs 507 — FINAL PLUMBING '/.ARDOUS MAIER1ALS DISCLOSURE Will theaprlicamarmmrehaddingocap:mtcomorhamLenaa dammceriel Type ofRoof508 — FINAL MECHANICAL m defibed be the C.Pcnino Municipal Code.Chap¢r 9.12.and the Haohh and Safety Cada.oefl n255321arr oN 9 — F NAL GRADE yes All roofs shajg�ns e �pppfftr t t r rL naterial being installed. w,uthe applicant ar❑.n.mbuilding a«,,Pamuse egwp,nenlardevices which IfaroofisinII€d�itTo6t�i n h{7Ne action, Iagreetoremove nh hu'mNou,air nm,nminums as JelinaJ by the Bay Arcu Air U,ralLy Mandgcntcu, 1fTtlpl .PHM! lis DTIC, py,lace all new mates Olins ECTtl7tl-A'p IC 1111((1111.."I1331`drIDY and will comply with ore, 0 N all non-point source regulations. I have read the hmaWon,memrials rtyuirtmemun a der Chapter 6.95 or,he California Hedllh&Sufar,Calc,Sections 25505,25533 and 25534.I undersand the it lie haddingdnm nun narcndy have u,endnn,,hu,d in my rcya,„sihlli,y ,,nm Hy be occupant of the Niturnmms which muss R Anel poor m issuance of a Cenilicate of G` y' Signature of Applicant Date , ��' —od All roof coverings to be Class `B” or better mari f a„(cost sen, udtt O OVA of 0-0 G,rpur.i,e OI(ias DC1 • Mamria415 Fo•child riveobotorics 4 Hith Office 4IS'Pairchild Urivc �HanSar Way m,,.mn,ln Vie,,,,C,,hr,,rnl„ 941M32'1(, DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS INC. Wmsmivina,call(omla 95076-2432 Telephone. (650) 967-6982 Telephone: (831) 724-2234 Facsimile: ((,50) 967.6955 Testing&Inspection Ser Vices Facsimile (831) 724-9166 December 22, 2000/gn LAB NO.: 54127 DCI No.: 6581-MOI Permit No.: Pending REPORT TO: Kevin Aitken &Judy Hart 10868 Northshore Square Cupertino, California 95014 PROTECT: AITKEN / HART RESIDENCE ADDITIONS 10868 Northshore Square, Cupertino, CA SERVICE: PLACEMENT INSPECTION MATERIAL: Concrete *iUPPLIER: All American Concrete 12/18/00 -- 2.00 Hrs. S.T. -- Insp.: John Dougherty Inspected placement of 10 cubic yards of concrete in two (2) piers with connecting grade beam at front of garage and two (2) piers at rear of garage. Cast four (4) cylinders. Concrete has been placed in accordance with approved plans (Code Enforcement Agency's stamp of review and approval for use is present) and specifications. Respectfully submitted, • DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 1c: J D Designs, Inc./Jennifer Davis t ! r , �✓� s ? w " n ' lc: Kihlthau, Inc./Timothy Kihlthau Ic: C M T Construction/Chuck Mannina Clifford N.Craig, P.E. 1c: Bldg. Insp. Dept., City Of Cupertino, CA Senior Engineer .... Y r.>.''i•' .....- �, _7x.:W >Ah:.:.'r�-• �� v Vii,.^•,.,vJ� .,...:tiew7 ric.n"Sry y.Y o"'_i_" S " Co tor,, Office, blah11161chrmi I Labomtores ennch Office 4 L5 pairhdd Dri.a NHan IV.y 1.,n0'm,.C.,ummL, 1,4041-2210 DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS, INC. sa` s 4.2 Telephone. lVaTelephojie: (831) •,-2234 4 t 1^>J,•,^.--o•1P2 Telephone: 9111 X24.2'_24 Testing& Inspection Services p ,� I , IN,1 -v n1 COMPRESSION TEST REPORT December 26, 2000/8-days Report to: DCI No.: 6581-M01 Kevin Aitken & Judy Hart 10868 Northshore Square Permit No.: Pending Cupertino, California 95014 Project: AITKEN / HART RESIDENCE ADDITIONS 10868 Northshore Square, Cupertino, CA. Sampling Location: Pier in rear of garage closest to front porch Material: Concrete Cylinders Date Cast (ASTM C31): 12/18/00 Slump,in. (ASTM C143): 2-3/4 Supplier: Central Concrete Date Received: 12/19/00 Mix Temp.,°F (ASTM C1064): 71 Mix Design: 6001903 Sampled By (ASTM C172): Others Ambient Temp.,°F: 56 Cement Factor,sk/cy: 6 Truck NoJLoad No.: 71 1 - Air Content,% (ASTM C173/C231): Max.Size Aggr.,in.:. 3/8 peagravel Tag No.: 3539.40 Fresh Unit Wt.,pcf (ASTM C138): Admixture(s): water reducer •n Strength,psi: 2,500 @ 28 days Compression Test Data (ASTM C39) Nominal Compressive Specimen Client's Date Age, Dimensions, Area, Ultimate Load. Strength, Tested No. ID Tested days in sq.in. lbs. psi Fracture 7370 A 12/26/00 8 6 x 12 28.26 90,200 3,190 Normal JB 7370 a 1/15/01 28 6x12 28.26 7370 C 1/15/01 28 6x12 28.26 7370 D HOLD 6 x 12 28.26 I r All samples designated HOLD will be kept 14 days after the 2 day test and thereafter discarded untess instructed otherwis- Any samples held beyond these 14 days are subject to storag fees. Sampling information provided by others; therefor( referenced procedures cannot be verified by DCI. Respectfully submitted, DYNAMIC CONSULTANTS, INC. r DDesigns, Inc/Jennifer Davis tc Kihlthau, Inc. / Timothy Kihlthau DZL i lc C T M Construction/Chuck Mennanning Y 1c CityofCupertino Laborat r Su erv'sor Dependability . . . . Credibility . . . . Integrity Its the foundation of quality assurance for your project. At DCI,we built it into our name