00100221 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO ne•LgINc DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: ye fl1111.DINf:ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. OWNER'S AVVe Ni 50. APPLICATION SUB DAT Ur-+ _ 7 S HUNL AND —1 tABE "`a 1 GRRGEI=APID — SAN]JARY NO. CON I ROL NO, n re p ARCHI'I'EC'PF:NUINIiIiR: •— flUILU1N0 PERMIT INPO w C - BLDG ELECT PLUMB MUCH z E I—I 1_1 O IJ a LICENSED CONIRACnderp DECLARATION = 1 heren ism,mm I am fi<ef.ea under r Chapter 9 g � Job Description o f"— provisions a per (eommenens I'mfi fill Last, agB of Division 3 of the Ruciners anA l'rolesciore Code.mW my license a ar< ie In lull(ince amt clrcat. �sara ])are..a:rt Lica REPLACE WATER HEATER 0 6 V Da1C1 , Cmllmclm ca. - ARC No used UECfARA PION 0 understand 1 unaeanJ DIhall u Y Plan, he uuJ a%pontic mulls adw aj O O LianacJ I'nRcstional t3 hereby mov .(Sea o nl 1. .Rusin from the Cnmranor'e License law far the L a following rwson.(Seaton]BJLS. duns and sae,de o demolish. Cale:care city a err murre `F c xh¢M1 rt4 .fit 1 1 1 II P J I.n pa y Iruclum ce ment)its issuance.almi requires the applicantl h arradf file igned.mremem that no is I canedPastern tn p l he Coca factors Licame Law fchamery Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (c, c +gwtheSea lot,91 X11,I Division 3"1 he Ihu,iraandlv...I ear,,Cute) voIh: e I, rep ta<mlmm and the ha,i,for the alleged etcm ciao,Any vinlafinn f Sercraft hnn 7031.5 by any applicant file it panno nubjecis me applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred aohar.($5110). APN Number Occupancy ype ❑I,t1.s owucr of the prep<•ny,or my cmpinycex with wages as their sole uampemation, _ win Ja life work,nail the,....em i,ren IntefJM err ,Il ed far.rain(Sec.7044. Bon.fee,,and pole,ite,Code:'ntn CD+hnflor\License Law does ren apply D aft equired Inspections r cf pb,,.y Who Wild,or improves d¢man.Ona who does each xork himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvement,am not intended ar offered for sale.lr,however,the Wilding(impmvenocnt is old within one year of 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY hav m+pletion.Ino owneonnilder will e the burden of pawing chat he did oaf bu11J or noprove lar paepo-of.ule,). 506 — GAS TEST ❑Las ownerofnirNm,,nr.amexclusively contracting with licensed contractors to 507 — FINAL PLUMBING License Use project(Sec.]Ott,(or net o and Proeasy who GdoB The commrcon, License law tact not apply to an owner of a courrwhn halide or sed purse a tto the an whn nmuocr,for such pmjeax with a emlmaor(s)licenced pursuant to the Conenemr's License law. ❑l am vumpl order See. .B&P C for chis reason Owner cmc C WORKER'S RNSATI DECLARATION I hereby nflinu nnJcr penaltynaly pe al rjury on lilt of the fiJlowing Jcdurmionx. J 1 hmc xnd will counci i. a Cenilicad of Convert n,ml4in....far Worker', Compensation, as provided for by Section 3]11 of the Labor Cade, for the performance of chc work fnr which this permit i,issued. 711 have Ona will red Lulain Worka't C'nmpatuacion Insurance,as required by Seclion :1911 of the Lake Code,our the calleruo:nme of clue work IUs which tl.'..permit iv auN.My Worker's Cntnp.mmion trammce carrier and Policy another me Carl Policy Nu: CENI'I icsifON Op Ii](pMV1]ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSAI]ON INSURANCE 1'noi,,ection need not be contptacd if the parent in for one hundred dollars IS lull or Is,,.) 1 ocill y that in the performanee of the work far which chis permil i,issued,I ,hull nut endplay any perrem in any Deficits so as to h,conm.ubject It,the Workers Comper,ntiou Lrwx ul Culikania.Dam Applicant N(fflCli 10 APPLICANT,If,after nuking this Certificate of Eaempfion,you should Obecome.ubjen in the Worker',Compensation provisions of the Lahr Cede,you mitt fonhwhh confply wish inch provi,ion,or this Pettit,hall be decreed revoked. T n F .(4.a COl here,,con,mactio)INO Af,ENCY } I hereby which that there i,s con,wainn lading agency lin chc pvrmmmnm of Lechc work for which 1i,permit i,issued(Sec.ill],Civ.C.) iG Lento's Name ' z Lcndcr'.AJAm,. 1 certify Intl I have telt dor appliccti I and slam eon the above Inf+nnuenn is W E~' anrc<1.1 agree in conicity with all city and county ordinunecs anJ tune law,false n, U u,Wilding eociwoulican,and hereby authorize repreaemalive,of this city u+color upon } W the alxwometnioned prol for Impaction purpnes. ' E1 (We)agree to save.indemnify and keep hart the City of Cmadmio egaanm " W linbi li ties.judgmen¢,cn,..and eapenws which may in;cry way acres igainxf.said . City in nm,aquancc of the granting of this(vomit. SOURCANYU DURSIg DS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT' Issued by: Date Signature of Appr<acYContramor Date Re-roofs HAZARDOUS MN'[iRIALS DISCLOSURE Will lhaapphram or foam banding fccipait 1101 m handle hnlludearmamriw Type of Roof I,defiwJ by the Ct,sm Municipal Gale.Chtmicr Y.12.and the Ilc:dlh and Safety Code.Section 255}2(m'! Dye, 0N All roofs shall be inspected prior to any rooting material being installed. Wier the quid cart or future hudding occupant use equipment or des ices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, 1 agree to remove miI hwanlou,ter.....laminate n,dclin,d by the filly Arca A.,Quality Munagca nnt ,ilrwty all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with oyes 0N all non-point source regulations. I have read file hamolous mulcrid,requirements under Chapter 695 of chc California health&Sway Cole.Section,25505,25533 and 25534,1 understand that dine ntfddingda,x fill....mail,haven tenant,that if II%my rexpon,islay 1n unify 1e rupwu of the myuit tncmx which tilos(be mel prone+I"Innee ul a C"(Beata of ecup.a,, Signature of Applicant Date Owner orauthe ieea agent Date All roof coverings to be Class`B" or better OFFICE