27031 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OFCUPERTINO - HUIUDINU-bLNCTRJCA. PERMIT NO. BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL. 27031 3 BUILDING PROJECT IDENTIFICAq'ION BUILDING fD ISS: 12:4s SANITARY NO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE ((//yy�J//N///�_7 N LOT N OW A i PHONE: C R'S NAME: 1 CN N/C CONTROL.# • ARCM iCf/I:NGI ;B LIC NO:^ A ❑ ca CIt PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE Q ' 1 E PLUMB M1fEC 1 GUF/i /KIY PERMIT ISSUANCE El 'N SED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL pB DESCRI ON W'Me4z 00 I hereby uffinn that Lon licensed under provisionsofChapmr9(commencing with /� W'00 Scctie hereby of Dl " 3nfce Businessa r Professions Coale,)(cmylicense with ppryP.LS Lew aVF full l'nrce:uW elf t/ UP TO 200 AMPS II I/ � V nn —�..,d � Affli Iv <zw Llcemn Class Lic.N why Doc Cnmmcmr201-1000 AMPS S F7.FLOOR AREA $/SQ,FI. F'nnZ ARCIUTF.CT'SDEOVER 1000 AMPS Q Z Orn I undcrstand my dices" all be medit OZ—r) SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licensed Pndesaiunal d'Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUFOMISC. XOatJ 1 hereby uffinn that I am exempt from the Contactors License Lew for the m 3 a ao following mason.(Section 7031.5,Business and Professions Code:Any city or county TEMP.METER OR POLE INST. F LL O¢ which rertquires a permit to construct,elledufiles signed improve,demolish,m repair any structure 'WYM prior its issuance,alsorequires me applicant for such pcmo filesigned shipment POWER DEVICES �KQp shut he is liccnxd pursuannothc provision of the Convnctols Littme law(Chapter SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC aaoX 9(commencing with Section 7")ofDivisim 3 ofthe Business and Pmfeasion.Code) . 'VALUATION =rn or shut he isexempnhcrtfrom and the basis forth,ailegcd exemption.Any violationof marOUTLETS-SWITCHESFlXTIIRES FZQ Section 7031.5bymyeppit.,fee.panni,subjeetstheapplicant m a civil penalty of - 5Ht< not e than rise hundred&It.($50o). NEW ftFSIDFNT1AL FlECIR SQ.FT. STORIES TYPE CONS'DiUCI'ION CFa J3I.mownerofthepropcny.ormyemploymswiNwagua iMiraolecompensadm, a3=° will do the work,and the structure Hart immrtdedorefferW forsale(Sec.]014,Business and Pndessions Cede:The Commemr's License Law docs not apply no an owner of property whobuildsor improvesthcrcon,andwhodces such workhimselfurthroughhis 1 Jed that such improvements t' termad mrofcoad fmrsde.If, OCC.GROUP RIS.ON]IS employees. provemensarcnom builder will the have the burden of proving is sold within one year or improve on,for the owner- TOTAL: huedcr will have the hurJcn of proving chat he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). ❑ Idnsnwnenntbe property,amemlusivdyconvaningwith licensed amtmcnres to QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT PF,F. FLOOD ZONE AI'N msuvct the project(Sec.9044.Business and Professions Code:) Me Contractor's Li,row Law does not apply loan ownerol'property who builds or improves thereon,and PERMIT ISSUANCE whocamtmet0orsuch projccrswintncontmeto0s)bcensedpumuanlmthc Conwnora ALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) FEE SUMMARY License Law. ❑ OUTSIDE FEES BACK FLOW PROTEC. DEVICE SANITARY Y N Owner Date RECEIPTp • co DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,CONU. WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCIi00LTAX YN ❑ IheComperrm thntlhuveacenificamofcopythersif(Sm.391or aceni.))wmof FlXTIIRES-PFR TRAP RECLIPTp Workers'Cnmpensatinnl mmnw oracenifiedc py hhcrmf(Sa.3800,Lab C.)which PARK FEE YN rs all employee's rNl�re�is 1��J r7\ GAS-RA.SYSTEM-I INC.4OUTLETS RDIVISIa Policy BUILDING DIVISION FEES Company GAS-G.SYSTEM OVER 4 HLA) PLANCHFCK ME ❑ CpnitiWcupy bi ere yl ixhW. C el copy is fled with the city inspwu d' ion. GREASFJINDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATEOFEXEMPII FROMWORKERS' GRFASFTRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATIO SURANCE (This nation need not be couplet thepcnnitisfcumulundreald Han($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM FA.201017, ENERGY FEE or less.) I certify that in the once of the work for which this Permit is i ued.I shall WATER HLATER W/VENT/ELECfR man in any m er so as to become subject tut t te Workers" PAID Z (:mpensutinn Laws of Califomt Date WATER SYSIEMITREATING Date ReceiptN A liwm z 0 Nc 'ICH'1'O A PLICANT n t is Cenificati, E ptiun you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIL SQ.FT. 'TOTAL: o H .�. beer rteIi f esu pensation provtsmns nr I Cr ,you must LnM lha c Inovuimn on ' bulk y`JY� BUILDING FEE (.� CONS IpN AG SEISMIC FEE Ih b al am thatch traction lend' agencyfor the rfmmance of U O y TOTAL: ELECTRIC FEE I work m which this pc t s a seed(Sec. ,Civ.CJ Lender's as III TY, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE O U IsnJIc Idris Q 1 can y that I have ma s city and county and sum Net an above information is / MECHANICAL FEE >" correct.Iak c ith all city and county ordinances and stmelaws relating to PERMIT ISSUANCE buildingeons .and emby authorise mpmmnumses of this city to enter upon the V Z above-mention dpnpen mi exam.purposes. ALTER OR ADD TO MECH. CONSTRUCTION TAX (We)ug c m a ve n mnify and keep harmless she Cityof alp no agaims isthilities.pal nems, r t an expenseswhichnuymanyway accrue gain. avid C' AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10.00di iremoc'um e fdi in f i mnit �ell, -� AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10.(X10 CFM) Signomm of AaXemaCorance, r Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUC7) PAID I IA%ARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE HEAPING UNIT(TO 100.000 BTU) Date ReceiptN Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle harurdnua material as cannot by the Cupertino Municipal Crile,Chapter 9.12,and the I lotHEATING UNIT(OVER Ifp,O(X19TUJh and Safety TOTAL: Cur,Section 25532(n)P VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RPSID) ❑Yes ❑Nox, Will the applicant orfumrcbuildingoccupantesuequipment serdevices which emit BOILER-COMP(3HP OR IIXI,OgI BTU) / k—ISSSIANC�DATE • hazaNmm air emarromares us refined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) District, 1:1 Yes 25 1995 Yea No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.Ff. 1 have read the In fou.materials tequireme r.under Chapter 6.95 of the CII Y UI' t,urtn I INC)Califnmiu Hath&S.CCIY CWc,Smuons 25505,25533.d 25534.1 undastrad that if the building docs not currently have a mvn.that it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the requirement which must M met prim to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. It OwneroromhoriecJ agent Date TOTAL: T ISSUF,D BY: OFFICE