S 2170 (2) APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPER'TINO BUILDING-ELECTRICAL rr1T ND' BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATIONQ'F,RMI'I' PLUMB INC.-MFCIIAN]CAL :J 2170 BUILDING PROJEC'1'I DEN'TIPICA'I']ON IIUILUING ADDRESS SANITARY NO. APPLE CAI'IONSUBMITTAL UAI'E 0 o d s ar <?9 OWNERS NAME: PHONE: CONTRACT'AVS NAM \ LIC NO: NIC CONTROL It • ARCHIMCPHIGINEP LIC NO: ADDRESS: Ilk ❑ CONTACT': ']PHONE, BUILDING PERMIT INFO 4y\}q�Ov,\i ❑ Cansullanl Eccs Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT 111;(BINIECII Q_!1 CO x ❑ IJCENSED CON'TRAC'T OR'S DECLARAI ION Q'ry ELFCTRICPERMIT' FEE JOB DESCRIPTION I hereby affirm Inco 1 am licensed under proviciam of Chapter 9(O mrencing WO with Section DIviVm113otIllcBminr,sallld Pmftaslmlx Cad,.mainly liacnxc is l PERMIT'ISSUANCE I RESIDENTIAI: Z �l full Rarec and' I. _ ❑SIUN'h ❑KITCHEN REM(Illlil. Ruu -n Clava hicg �� �Ln(,n AI'PLIANCIiS-RT:SIDI!NfIAI, OAUUITION OI'LUMBING RE PIPE F,Z W Dae Conmecmr 'nQaARCHITECTS UITCLARA'I'ION ❑MULTI-UNI'F OSTRUCTORAI. F D m PANELS MODIFICATION OZ=Z [understand my,].c,,hall be used.,public mcaedx UP t'02011AMPS DINTERIOR OCHIMNEY REPAIR O F 4LW Lic...d Professional 201-Iqo AMPS IMPROVEMENT' [:]SWIMMINGPOOLS S,''j OWNVR-BUILDER DECLARATION OVER IINXIAMPS O BATH RENIPQELREPAIR ODEMOLI'HON Y C Q 1 hercny.firm flm I ane exempt from the Contractor's License Law lin the Cr '�aV tollowin (Section]0315.Business and l4ofessme,Code:Any city or county SIGNS ELECTRICAL. OOI'f11Jt W3 a[- which qui a parmh to construct,alter.taproot,dcnollxh, n o,.i any.,sure i+-.\Z.IV RSC Q. A ^teapoor to hx issuance,also requires the applicant for such permit to me a signed statement SPECIAL CIRCUIT'/MISE. in, lho he is l korai punmm N un cpnntoonx(,ileanwM a Crum's Grence I.aw Whacr a COMM-RCIAI, cc C) (commXX11(commencing with Section of Division 3 of the Business and Prefeesinn%Code)or 'I T!MP.ME' OR MOLE INS, K E e that h^is exeepl lhcret'nmm saddle basis far flat illegal eeeminio 1.Any einiation of O NF,W HLDG/ADDITION O DEMOLITION Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant o a civil penahy of FOWFIc DCVICP_S ❑TENANT OFOODSVIRVICE inote Nan tivc hand md&Al:m(5500). ].asownerofthe n OTHER EMI!NT l—I clots myeeptendes wiNwvgcsax lhci(Set.cannpeesul n, SWIMMING I'OUh ELECT RIC ODTHI.R F. will An lou work,and ane smncuue is nalmmndcA.....Rcaed lin rale(Set.70,14,Ifacinos% W 3 L and Professions Cwc:The Comraaor%License l,aw does tan apply to an owmef of OULATIS-SAF11CHI!S-FIX'IFE S prpeny who buil(e or improves thereon,and who does such work h+msdf or Rough his own employees,provided that such improvements are not immnded or uttered Inr NI3W ItI!SIOI!MI'IAL 171.1!CI'H SQ IT. sale.❑.however,the building^r improvement is sold wilhinonc ycandeompinion.the (1(7.YT.PL( R: ti FP. owner builder will M1ava ILc nuNcn of pnrving Oma he AiJ not buil)or ilnprovc for par- IDI ,oc A sale.). TOTAL: ❑L its mama ul''he pmpeny,am cadusivel.oata.mur,win Ii,Onced contractors to �/nV smtrv<t 1ne project(Sec.,(Nd,Busincex and 1'ndmsions Gdcl TM1e Cnmreclors Li- IIII'11 1 199 cense Law,duce not apply fo nn owner mfryvgcny who bailie or iinprovu lhercnn.end QTY. PLUMBING PIiRMIT FEE 0 who contracts for such projects with a contractor(%)licensed pursuant to the Comraemr x Lace—Law. PERMIT ISSUANCE C1 I am exempt under Sec. .B&P C for Nis reason ALTER-DRAIN&VI!NT-WATI[R(1.A) VALUATION Owner Dme WOIZK17R S COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE 1 hercnyalarm under peony dperjury sure nlthe Edlmving declaudarri: ❑ I noe a willumanudn a Ccnillcae III Coastal xclf-insure for Waders Compm- / DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOF.ARI A,COND. STORIES TYPECfONSTRUCUON tion,a%provided for by Section 3,1X1 of the labor C dc.lin be performance of ale r which This Peru...is Ivsurd. FEXTURES-PER'TRAP 1 hov w e and will maintain Wader's Conaos pemmm In,cueas nee, required by Section 3700of the Labor Ca+de.forahe'PerErmarecofInc work far which that paamao''sued, GAS-LA.SYS'ILM-I INC.JOUTLCI;S OCG GROUP AI'N M Wr:�m�.Coy est {Cps randyNo. Carrier: lGl{__� _,_c \�\sic Policy Nnyl � GAS-EA.SY59liM OVLRdIF,A1 CI;R'I IFICAI'1?(1F EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASEIINDUS'I'RL WASTE IN'I PROMPTER COMPENSATION INSURANCE! BUILDING DIVISION IBIS (Ilo-rctionneed na he annplcleA iflhe permil iv f,I.sure hundred dollnn(SI(X) GRIIASP.'I'RAI' PLANET BECK 111E or lccsJ scally ilial in line perlbranfie of N,work tat which this permit i k rs Co shall SEWER hiR-SANI'fARV-5'IYORM PA.211)FP. not anpiny anY pennn in any maonenu xs m became subject m he Worker'C(,mpcm LNI!RGY PEIi Z s-flon Law—f California]late WAGER I II!ATERINPIENT/ELECIA GRADING FEE z O Appucanl N01 FIT 10 APPLICAN'II IL after making this Cel ifmcee of Exception,you should WAFER SYS ITIA TREATING SOILS FEE F" becomerbjec o the Worker's Compensation Provisions of the Lmoar Code.you must Q fonbwilh comply whhsuch plavisionx nr this permit shall be deemedeevoknL WATER SERVICE CONSfRUCf10N LENDING AG12NCY NEW RESIDENT[At.PLMlf SQ.FT. PAID I hereby off nn ohm lhcrcire comlmatun lcreirl-leacy knihcpurformameof Dale. eceiplp Fthe work for which this permil is issued(Sec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL: O U tenders Name IOI'AI: r Isndcrs Address _ y I trimly lbw I nave read This aPPlicaunn and stale 111.1 Ne aMrve interuct^lion is BUILDING Flili F-' N creel.I agree to comply with all city and count ordinances and stale laws miming to QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT' FEE SEISMIC ET U Z building,orankromand herby act I,,r,ar,,mmi,r,otln,city m emeT.pon he above-men1loned pmpery for insl+'etin^purposes. , PERMIT ISSZ(OVERII)OX) F.LIiCI'RIC PI.1. i (We)agree n'ao,,inde nail,and keup h^nnlecs fhc Cary of Cnpenino.,:ansa Iiabilitics.rydginenls,costs and expenses which may in anYwaymcrae against said City ACTER OR AI. PLUMBING FEE in xGIUCIlt'e of the grmning of 111aS permil APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILT.COMPLY WITH ALI.NON-POINT AIR HANDLIIB,000 CPM) MIiCHANICAh PI!, S a'RCE IYEGULA'TI(ONS. p � �J -���� AIR HANDLI!R IILfXNICPM) GINSTItUCI'ION'IAX gs SignamrcufApPacamVCnnlmclor IJuwEXIIAD$'T 11p HOUSINGMI1IGA1ION FII! HAZARDOUS MAITR1ALS DISCLOSUREWill the applicantnr fema malm.goc,ceam store or bundle hanwdnus Imanal HEATING UXI E'I'll) / as defined by Ne Cuper al Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the I Iea11h and Safety Cade.Section 25532(x)2 f HI!ATINGUNIT(OVI!RI(q,NX)BTU) p Yes No VENTLAfION PAN(SINGLE BESIDE PAID Ilam Receipt p Will the applicant or future building mecmpam use equipment or devices which B(IIhEH-COMP 1311P OH I W,(XXI UTU) mil hu'rardue,am cI an+ana n,ac delinal by it,,Bay Arca Air Quality ManagementA. TOTAL: District! BOILER-COMP(OVER 100.000 BTU) ❑yes fomia Ilhas,tcadflc haneWusmmeraaly rcquirnnenn under Chaprerfi95 Ili'he Calm A IR CON FITIONF.R ISSUANCE DATE cahh&Safety Code.Sectio.25505.25533 and 25534.1 understand that it the NEW RESIDENTIAI.MECH. SQ.FL C)I A III it nolumrvatlyhavea lentil hal if is my responcihlEty ha notify the rrenpana JJJ ted, With oma he mel prior m isonee of a Cen'ficwe of(kcu uLNSrSmiranxr��`�^ - - c rS Jst§l 'IY)fAh: t ISSUED fly: Owncrorrmhnnzedrgem 1lY..a�' O'I'llle� OFFICE