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CC Resolution No. 3395
. ~ • ` ~ . KE.SOLtFT10?i fia. 3395 A RES~~.:1'T+"~N OF THE GYTY CAUA'CTL OF r!i£ CIT~' OF' Cl1PER't'ItaU ALIA~ T`~'~ CE:~TALN CLJII:~'.~i h;~ Ak~~fA'iti'D'a b~YAaLE I!~1 'IH~ AA'1QlI:•i5 hi~'I) FROM 7N8 FTI:~IIS AS E~F.R~I:~SAF7~R DESCRII~ED FUT'. SAL~I'+I~w ~.~D 'WAGFS PDk ?H~ PAYq~LL PERIOD E'~pI:~G JAIKfA~Y 9. 19 7 3 the Git~ Clerl: or bia c3e*igt~ated represe~tative h~?s c~rti!`i~d to tl~s s~~~r~1cy o[ the f~llowing ~l~ia~s acad den?anda anci to tfie av~?i1~bilit~ af f~und~s Eor par~rat th~reof; ~nd i~E'!~.F~?S~ Che said ~laims aad c~e~.aridR hr~ve b~~~ su~iited s• rec?ui~rs~9 br 2aw and ap~mnr~cd by the Citr ~taaager; 110G1, THEREF(~~~. ~E IT RESOL'lf.~ that the Clty C~iu..ril h~e!r~by ~rllovs x',~ fallc~v- i~g cl~ia~ and de:.a:.ds in rhe s~wunts aad from th~ Furids :s herelaaft~r •~t iorth: '~•:rrant ~.ount Ft..~loZce No~~ P+~id G~:~a:~aL +~:~r'D ; ~ 1~+ras~e~:: :tGl~ee 1b659 S 'i4. 49 3eaa~e C. :IcGe}• 16660 4~ 5. (~"~r ~~bt:t tl. ~uir.:~:. 16661 6~~l.Sl ~rrtq Uorrts Z666~ ~11J1. A6 ~:e. E. Ryder 1f~66"~ 555.72 C.oral Saritn~ 1b664 ~Ib.7A 3otu~ E. I'lnna; a: 166G5 2~?. S2 ~~ores N,~rbs; 16tsbfi 2n11.28 :t~~dra; :tugeli:~• 166fi1 15~.55 `.''..~r~ha }Zoof ]6668 153.2R '~'oid I6669 tiirtar Pisker 16b70 ~5.2'~ ~~rnchy Sch;ai4 1b67~ :47.q5 Larle~e Truel.•;;: lf?f?7: 1y2.95 ~ladya ;tcNufh 1b67~ 27A.79 ~hir.ey Oeser 166~r~ 6Fr.89 Ellen Pagnini Ib6y5 l '1.98 2:.ldref~ ~1. ;lat;:s,:t 16576 , r 1.83 ?4er~e n. Butle: 1G67'7 Z83.52 ~+osir~~ ,1. ~3elke 1E?67~ 22~.17 ~ l4tiu 3+". Cun~ 166~9 28~.90 i~dia~e Ftar~ie ra.zl 16680 19~.62 L~aal L. Smikh 1fi681 314.09 ~arm~s Sibk 16b82 530.63 Flare~ca lteid 16683 :69.33 Eob~rt Gawnn 16684 364.64 r.~t~garet Cri~sr..~:~ 16685 2p7.'1ti Ju'li,a P. E~napic 166d6 170.03 " Adde Laurin 16687 362.93 M. ShepFx:.f 16688 2b?„ 29 ~r?rnld lb~lk~a i66e9 ~19.~~ ~ob~? Eu~rto 14~i9Q 31+6.56 lWidtkx, ;turr~ka.~zi, 16d91 ~ ~7.12 f . ~ ~ 1~*'Y'ifiC At!1D1~1C _ 1a~iee flo. Paid • i~rd M~rrpby 1669?2 S 28~. ~2 J~c: i~sat ~6~;43 2d4.~6 . if. A,,we T~~rbat'ough 1669~i ~i3b.92 ~c[,ko Hsrtia , 16695 ~ZSZ. a7 vc~s~l lli~?96 #~r:s Viak,av~ch 1+669~ ~i16.6g SS~~7 Lou nl~?ix IG6gd 70.3~9 Ca~x is Gasss~c 16b99 '199. I9 G~.~+~om? GriR~ Ib700 395.42 P~~t.er L. ~iuttlinae~r 16fiQ1 249.29 P~.~.l i~+ ~:aytarena 1b702 , ~7. SS 5~e~~e Sano 1b703 279.30 tic:~ ~I~rinter's :.'::::1 167C~~ thru 1671? Tts~?ice :~k?itten~ 1G713 431.b~1 `'f~a:z in Pmul F;i,`~;,:: 1b7I4 a7.12 ric C~~ughry 1671~ 112.52 T. t~xulin~ Rud~ 1; 16716 ll] .85 ~ Cw~:~:.i~ FS~ll:.ir~n ~ 16717 243.73 X°:',~r.;. C~etro 1671$ 245.87 c.i.~: ~ :3. Cle:•cn::~... 1b719 212.9~ Fy:~ar~ t:upfrr 1b724 3QS.34 ,i a~~:~ t?:f~s.rii 16i?1 2~9. IG :i~ ::~lden.~.:, 1d722 2~5.26 . L:.cz~~ F.. +:aplc 1672! Z?.7.95 ~t.:-:a ::~rrh~tti 16724 243.87 ::.s»c~h ::aArP II: 1b~75 225.32 "t:~:~rixa 2;ovello 1672h 245.47 P: r~.:: t~rtiz 16727 259.32 ~ sr G. F~gyna 167'28 221. 7~i ~+a:.:a:~e Arisco 16~29 x43.70 5rc~ ::rdrano 16y30 9~,~.31) a.r: G ~rien ]b~31 297.96 ,;,~r.~ct Oveerte?n 16732 226.53 ~';~.~r~as 5c~ph~ns 16~3~ 282.06 e':t:: 5ube~~ ib734 29~?.7G ~~~arc 7zborec 16735 751.].4 G~_td ~'ocsack 16736 ~17.~1 F:t~~ri:k Caer 16~37 236.~9 1~:~ L~rckir~~~ 16~38 404.g2 F~:~: ~:rott~ 16739 212.~0 ~C~e~aeth `IcKee ].6~40 286.43 ~l~.,l.trt Bot~elho 16741 22g.13 v~~d ]G:42 1*srs 'd. ~'ox 167G3 259.65 ~:t l~rrecou 1b744 23~.67 C~r n. Riv~trs 16745 212. dS ~~~d 167'46 ~+eth Smtth 16747 88.47 R~aco~a k. 5aith 167'68 319. ZS s~ v.~t~ i~y~~ ~uo. z~ Ys.1 : 4 nri~n 16750 .1~. a3 I~~id 16751 ~ . . . . . , . . w ' ~ Varrsi~t ~ As~a~.-nt ~1~-~rec No. Faid • ,l~au~~~c Hrisco 16752 $ 1l3.83 F~Ce~~':r.~i~ Cler 16753 30.68 Pa~s1 l[ra t ts 15754 20. 33 K~~ r:c~e 16755 !i9.93 I~r~ I.arr.acou 1b75b 23.~62 Pa3r~ 16yS7 D~rrri~ f. ~itela~ 16758 ~6.74 1Gaar~ 1a~r~a,ett I6759 101.45 ~~,~y~ 16760 ~s ~a.rrett 16761 3~.13 Na~rr~~ ~est 16762 ~5.98 ~r Cs~rlaon 16763 • Ita.03 M~rr,a~ir~? Carpa 167b4 x5.49 J~ Ga~ttle 1G755 11.86 1ci~rr~ F. Colacin, 16766 Z~. SQ ~'~xisl~ ~1lioct 16767 39.90 Tae~re3 g. Elliott 16768 Z8 Funk I6769 ~2.~b Ric.~ex~ ?on~e~ 26770 71. ~S Cl~c:sra wcCarthr 16771 39.35 Kfi3.ir~ F. KcCren~e, Jr. 1G77~ 109.20 Frs~~rick F. ~Ser.c:ts II 16773 $5.43 Re^~ Y.:..-aach 1677G 42.37 Jis .34e1s~n 16T75 b9 CI:~~a Cttc 16776 93.66 Vc:.i 16y77 Sh~r?~? ir :cevil.ir~ ]6778 52.9! A»~:.~~T Ldvard 5;::: 16779 23.73 I~w,c~ ~":.ore 167P,0 1E~.7B ~r•~:~e Tacasacli; 167A1 32.39 Te:~?: :'arren 16"I$2 52.49 Cc:.~: ~'s~: ~on 716783 '13.22 :5~~ : r :~~.:.b~srgex 16784 S5. 70 ?~t~_ Stack 16785 46.51 ~e~:~• F:nsterbv=;': 1b786 25.42 Th+~...s,s Gilbc~r:=:: 16~67 160.0(1 .Ta:z,e K~Intyr~ 16'i98 25.42 NE7 TU'CA1. S22~418.92 PA`t"~4L!. SIJ~L~W}tY :~u:,~ F~?~NiNCS S31,667.48 :~sa: Feden•il With':;l~itag Tr~x 54~219.10 O.A.S.p.I. 1,~862.13 stace wi.chh~~:~tn; r.zx 491.Ss ~~tirecn~nt 1~744.~1 ~p~oyeea Ass~.~,:tatton 69~4!? ~redit Unic,n 1,t165.00 U~?it~d ~und 11. SO Issur~utce ~77. 39 3 - . _ . . . . . ' ~'ATROLL _Sl1t•L`tARY (cont' d. ) ?liacellu~eaus $ 13.18 ZOCA1 Hi~hhnlding S(9,s$~i8.56) lC~T PAIp $Z2.O1g.92 C~'IF'TF~: APPROV~: . / r ~ ' ' / ~~'~.~.~f~ ~.~=~2 ex;.,.~ ,/i_';=' ,~''r`t~~ ri~ ~..fi ' ~ Cit Cletk ' Cit ~ianuaer y t ,,~;'~,~J-t.•~•~ ~ y ~ , ~ PASSF.U ~1\p AUQYTkD .o,t a re~ulax meatin~; of the Ci~}~ Counci] of the City of ~upertino tk11s 15th day of _ Jutwry 1973~ bv tlic Eo1lowSn~; vutRs AY~S: Cnuncilnhn - Jacksor~~ Mnyers~ 5park~, Frolich :~C1ES: Coti~?~:~~,;~~~ - None 1~~SE:?: Cauncilnet~ - Irtirin AT7E5T : APCRCI<<t:D : ~y t .....wj~rr"~'~..r ~ .,.,,...r....,,,~,W... ^~"~l~~~J / r "f~~,`j~,t ~ Gs.ty ~le.! ~tayor~ City+~of Cupartiiio - 4 • •