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CC Resolution No. 3381
• ~ ~ ~ ~C~'ULtTTIOI~ t~0. ?381 • A RFaOGIt~'ION OF THE CI1`Y GOUhCII. OF T1t~: CITY Ofi CUP~.F.'fI;~O 1?LL4:~iii~G Cr:X'fAiti C1,.~!I'.'~ AAiA IiF':lAtill5 ~'AYAn1.F: I2i TH~ A:•:r~UtiTS A~'I1 f ROrS TtIF Fe.~iDS /+S N~,RfiYNAtiLR nF•SC:tIaFD :rOR GFH~RAL 14~iL 14I5CEI.I.ANF:OL~S EXI'~NUtTUE~fS irPH~REIIS, the City Clcs[k ar hi~ dr.~igmateJ reprc~enC~tiva tia~ certifleu tc ~.~i~e accuracy uf the fol?avin~ <:aic~r and cle::~Ands ~~nd [o t!te a~ailability . of Mur?ds far gaynent ther~vf; ~rsd R'HF.'R~S~ thc said claiQUa a~d c~e~and~ hsa~~~ be~n aud'_ked as requi~ecl by 3.a++ ~nd appro~~~d bv nc~ City ::~.~agr~x; l~S7, THFI+EiO:tE~ BC IT P.wL'SQL'.~f3) that the City Geunct~ 13c~reby ~llowg the ful~~ving clai: s and d~~aands in the a-.ounts nnd frara tl e fundR as heretrafttsr s~~ forth: C2.nt2:l~'.:T WA~.P.,~.`,x J1'~:U{J:!'C DE.S(:.".IPi Z0:7 :;un~_cfp:~l Cai~rt, 1~:4~ 5 83.38 1'~y~rall cl~•lucticsa Llc,~•c h'o:iack 127;r 2~4.a~i Sti~t~ Cor.pen~s,stic~ reaitt~-+nce u.~N _ c=f }iu~:~n =.c~ourc~~s 1?; 93b. ~ Si:~t Inc~:.~ Tar. f«r .~o. af ::o~~. :~r•i.:.f, :.~r~ro Ban': 1~;:~ . 4,U'L~i.GB !;[tlil~ulJin;~ f~~r ~'.1.1~. Sa,: : (:1 ara Crt:-~:.~ t:-.ployec~s t.~t~-±it C:~Io:Y l: :i 1,Oti5.~0 1'.iyr•.~]I ~~~Ithr~~clin~; F'u~;,~'_c f:~•plc~•c~; hrtirer..t~nt r~~~t:c:`-. 12~:~'" 4~02~".~i7. I'at~rc~ll c:eclit~':i:'n~; i.~..+ vf ~1~...~ric:; ~ S:1 22~=.,'_ 50~G~•7.Rb t'.~tr~C c:~llec2:-:~~~ ~u. c~f tir:~c°;:bf•:- JG~:: 'rlu~;l~es 12E' _ 'i1.(10 :.~~•°ra!,tott sp~.t f alist ~1r~~: 1f~1C` 1:~.'; 3:i.0U R~rrzoatic~n sjr,::.~,: i~t !i:~ :.aSL~II.i:~o~ 1:=.' 16.50 Rrc:r.~~,;tlrii s,^a~~.t:~ii~.i :~i:~.f ~:on~' 1~~.~~ 18.OU :~vcr~~:~ilc~n t~p~.;:ialist .li'. r.ar.~)~bcll 12~::: 16.5U itrrrr.itic~n {,~~~•::.ill:+c :•l1~.e r;c~':c+r}• 12C«' 1H.(1~1 i~~~ctc~:itic~i sp~c:f.~li~t ::.tr_:i:t :,n~icrs:~ 12:'._ I(37.:' fi~rrc:~tlort sr~:c:•~2lst Uc~~}• byc'nc 12E;~ 1?3.75 I;~~~•rryttan ~:~~cei.:li.;l Cls~re Aranci 12L:: 89.1C1 :{rcrc~utJ.ru :ir1i::CS.~1ist };c::.i. Irkin 1243: 20.~3U `:il~~r~~c tcic:t:u:sN~~cnt Lu:~.Lnn kyle 128.2 ?Ei.35 Recce ~tic~n sp~ciall::: ;Si;c.a hond 128i,3 3G.U0 i:ecr~rcttion n~~ci,~liR:t Br:~::. 'Truc 12es'.: 66.Qp Rcrreution speci~list St~•=~e Sellitti 1:.8i5 3~.U0 Recrcn[iun specialis[ Kii~e .1cGory 128I6 3G.04 Rrrrer?tian specinlist Johrz Hu~hrH 12$L7 49.Sb F:c~cre~tion speri~list Ji~ Gastall.~nos 12~I~ 1G.50 ttccxeat3un si,ecinli~t Ji.~ ~acapttell 12819 16.50 Kecrr.~htion q}1C(:L(11~SC Joac:. I'ec~r~os~ 1282~ 64.RU Recrentio~. bpecinliat Pau.:_~ :,cltzer 1.28Z1 G1.8$ Recre:~tion ~~~ecialist RurJt, Cox 12822 230, 00 5ervicex rcndered f or mv. vf ~'uv. L~i~ Iauards 12$23 4SS.OQ 5ervices render~d for nr~. of Nov. . Y ~ ` * . . r . , . • ~ CI AI:~iAt~1' ~ WARYJ~!T AF:UUl7T ~ESI:RIPTT,ON ~ u~~r. G~~ r~,t~. ,~a~.,iniK~r.~- tiva, Gnlif. St~.~tc L'niv. 12H2~+ $ ~i0.bC1 1'ublic Mansgem~4nt Conferencc~ ~ Calif. Carr.:,ge Co. 12825 11.0:1 Stiipping char~,es for Vi.t. 8--1 Ut~ited Stares Postna:,~r.r 1282G 500.04 Post~ge f~~r sneter Ikrpna ~:clke 12827 65.OG Repleni~eh refund ~ccc~unt 8+~nk a~ Ar.r~rica 12828 10a,000.00 Tine deposit 1~30 dr~ys @ 5-3/GX flai~~: s?f A~rics~ I2E29 30p,Od0.C~Q Tic~e deposit - 60 cJnys @ S~-1/2X vn~a 12H3Q -A- Void Lce Ya~r+~~ rou~;h • 22831 ~Q.00 Advance . Reec'r 5psrks 12832 64.80 f:xpensc rcir.hursenent Taca Gilb~rtsun 12833 2S.OA Christnas card prinCinF ~aterints Roberi Quinlan 12834 43,44 F:xpense rei,,burt~ei~en~ Keith E. ~r~in 12835 7.~Q I.C.C. :•tnetfng Nreses~:ation ~olle~e 12Et35 8.00 2 dinner~, Senior Citizens Chrtatmas Porty l.uzan~ Ay1e 12837 28.UQ CiCy Christnas 1'nrCy Ytobcrt ~aaan 126sc3 16.20 ~Sileagr expr_nsc Vadine fia~cl 12839 29.5U Mile~g~ expense Fiert ~ is!:ovich 12fs40 G.00 Stnte }iea3 th ITept. tour af flci] i- tirs nnd l.unch Lee 'i~rbaruu~,h 12~1-~•1 ~i.:5 I~uniclpal Public ,~1or~:s Oi`fic:iu2s • of Santa Clura Cv., I.uncl~r~~~ :~t~;. Ber~ '~'i~iovic:h l2L!+2 li.25 t•;unicipal Public ':orks Clffici~lt; of ;;anta Cl~ir~z Co., Lunch.~un ':[g. .Ic,hn ';au~hc~ 12~~~a 2G.2.S UntCt~d ~czn.i r:aetia~c; ::isri l.:~c:~~ rsoi; 1284 ~ 14~. 2a ltccrcat f c~n spt~c 1~1 isi ::ichar-Z iiearc; 11?.:::~ 4.1.?0 (~ecreatt~n sn~r.i~li~;t ~'oic 12~:~ •~U- ~'oid ko:i ;.~i?~f~~r 1.~8'+'r' 9b.00 F:~crc~,-~tion s~~~ci~list S'urc_:.ea Kr;~,~n 12F~;»~ 1]G.OU F:~:cr~~ti:,n ~pcr_iali::t F~cts;~ ~;•r~c 12~'•~ 1G8.75 i:LCrcutic~r. sp~~ci:~l i~c ,iu~:,: ~-:io 12~;G ~i0.00 I:ecrc~l[inn ~:pecialist (:~~ra~,::a !~u~:J+~ 11~51 1f3U.C?0 f:ecceatic~a .4pectnli5t H:~rri~: Kill 12°~: 151.?0 N~~cr~~s[ion spc~cinli~[ Franz i:atz 12~~~ GO.UO ~~ccr~~utio7 s~~~~4i~ii:=c Tu~, L;::ci '.28~'• GS.~~O ~.rcrenttan sp~cir~ltst ::a:ci;.~- :;e2 yo:i 12~5~ 57.bQ F:rcXC~utic:re s~~ci~l ist L~iza::a :ylc 12~56 99.90 R~crcnt ion spccial ist Grnce 'r:u;~r.i~ 1:E57 37.8U E;ecrenGion spc~cialist ttuth ,~bb 12858 79.20 I:ecreatian speciai~.t?i Yrtc, Gash 12859 42.G3 F~eplenish petty cnsh G2ob~ i'rinting Co. 12860 9.1'1 kirochures for I'ui~lfc S.'orka '~'ra. E. P.yr3er 12$bl 75.00 rSileuge d1loWOt1CC [~r I`.~.:enbcr Ann GunS 12862 '1~.U0 .•lilea~,e a~la~~ance for L'4r~~~bcr 1'nul ~ffiitt~ 12863 75.00' ~iilra~sc r+llo~.:uncc for U~cc+r{~cr Jau~es ~isk 12864 75.00 ;filea~~e allou~nce far Ur,ca;aber John Bucto 1'1865 75.4(? t~iilea~c mllaw~nce far I~c~;,ber }:dw~r~ :;urphy 1286G 75.00 t~filcaF;c 81IOLJOIICC for I)~sc:enbcr Jnnes ;~pr~[ 1286: 75.00 ;lilenbc ollrwoncc for U~:~e~•ber Harold Bel1:e 12868 75.f.~0 ~iilen~e allowancc for Decer.~ber B~rt S'i~kovirh 128G9 75.C0 Flilen~~ alluwnnce for Uecembcr Ler Y~rb~ttough 12870 YS.UO Mileagc nllnwr~nce fox U_cer~ber . ~ 1 ~ M , , i _ i , , , , , . ~.:lAL!•1!~!~T ~ABFts,".~T .~'~1~11': + ~F~CI:IPTI~)IJ ~ PF.ilip D:nytnrs:n~ 12f37L $ 7`i~00 +iil.eog~; rl~.a~+.~nce f.ar Accemb~t• Cl~nr~ Grig~ 1Z872 75.Q0 ~ii3ea~~;: t~l;lo~a~~nce for Der,cr.be~r ~ard Kupfer 128)3 75.p~ `.ilsa~,c~ al.l~,n~ance for !)~ccr+bar .°.oscc?~ 5mith 1287~i 75.00 ::ileag+~ ~1)c;aance far Der.ember Llretipe Pools 12~73 Sq.Qfl itefur~c! •ry?~ r.r.sh depc~r~it Ad~iral ~'ools 1~6T5 50.00 Re£und o~: ca3t? ~lr,pusi~t lydar..~, 8+~11~ c:enr.,~Z, T~rry 12877 1,69Q.SU Y.eRal aervice City w1' Sa?ate,a 128~8 8,805.00 Laa ~nfarcement :tr. S»'ill~a~ H~u:.h:~ 1~f~79 24.OU Aacreation fund :ir. ~Sicha~l Kei~:;; 12~!&G 16.00 Qecr~~tion furid .~x1e q. Sutler 12881 1p,p0 ~:~ployee reimburbeu~ent darry 7hibo3eau 12882 12.00 Eraploy~e reirah+irsement D~..~c.u~ ABa~ctatca 12~93~ 100.Op Refuqd cash dei~osi.t l~iierk ~?nd Sr.itsi. Inc. 128~4 SO.Ob Refund cayt~ ceF~asit Fre3 RLhd.~rson 12b85 15.00 Refund Fcrr ~tre~t trer :Hr~s. Jacqu~~line rl.:~fonc~o 129?6 7.50 :~~imbursc:;ent for towins servtrc V. Lean i~lnnin~, rr.s:fic f.~to:r.ation, Ir.c. 12E97 100.00 Refund cash deposit :tr. H.:~~~C tiarc 128~5 50.OC~ F.efund cr~sh d~pusit hn~~:~~n~° Pnol;. 12889 50.OC r~funcl c~sh deposit A;~frsl Po~~: 12E;U Sp.Ctr 4~fund c~st~ dep~sit ~'oi~. 123~5: -C- '."oid '+'~Ila ~eli~~e r.._. •.::nnt 12£~2 671.:f~ Counci] ex~~~nse :':~ri a Cortcz 12b: 3 12.0~~ 'frain~e, ::ov. ?9 ta J'~~r, l~i SG :::ra ;~enr}• 12~:~ ]O.C:' I'rcyinee, ::ov. 2~ to 1?r~, t? . A.~ r~ :'ech,~:lic,>: .,r.t. 12~'~3 GS.:`~ Ciirni~atnrs f~r heatint; s~~:;te~~ ~:c 1 Ans~rrri: :,r~~ic~ 12F,`9a 2S.b~ ~lnswerin;, ~ecricr_ ~1:...~~'1Z1 .~1' 1 ....i: ~.(1• l~t::/ f•~:' L~~St~~.iC~~ ..'uC^T ~.'C;G 22P:: -l~^ ~:Q~1~ h:~ul ~lirN 12.ii 4?.~t E:qtitipr~.ct~t r~~n:als ~.•s;o-.otiv~ a ~.....-:rial : ~ccory tlr. 12~':~ 4~.t~ ~LI'i`(`t paiiyt 'Iruch, . J?~':: I4c+.": z~~uiJ~r-c~nt ~~:arts ~or :;cr:t•,~b.~r 'i»rf S .:t: Co. 1:::::: t: 9: . Br~-.~n Yi~y. 1.7,'7: i ; l.t F't~~~• ~ s~~t,c>! i~:~ ~i:i1'Cak ~ij.~l~i^: .l~tt'.1' f11~!~.,. .lll~. 1'ii1i1~! ~,itt ~ C ~ l.'t" _ ~ a`1:L_tfl~ L'C'tl~' R. Rulir:, l2y'i: i;+.'~ Ii~:itrill tzcc~s i~...~ ti'~.;d 129~~: -i`- ','a1d C.y:i f. r,atr. : ~ . ..:4 1't9: ~ 50.. . ,~ter ~:er~W ica G~: Su~~c~~~ i': ~r~., , l:`'?' ~ 1:.~. J;?:~itorCrtil :,u~plle5 ~'cid l:iUy '.`atJ Cu;.~rtinu }i..t~: 127Z~ ll~.~ ~ ::.:all tocls F? r.uppllc~: Gu~~r:rt:na ::u:~~::, 12911 bi.i~+ Plants 6 floral arran~~e-,cnts G+e f,:~4a I.~c~.~r ::,ih. 2291~2 23.~~ Red»ood sta"r.ts Eti•e rgrecn 5up~:}~ 1292 3 ~~6. ~ t' T~~p soi 1 F`reera~n 5andbr.~;t. .12~+14 221.,: Screct re~F::x~r ::ateri~l G.~ Curp. 1i~11.5 194.'0 E:quipment r.aiutenancr. H~llc•r Lu:.~bcr Cc. 129Z~5 3S.GG `taho~;any dc~or~ Fi-erscy rr~~i?~::~, ::t:. 12917 5.6~ ;;c~t~r ~~arih R~~~~ex~ Iii^• 1291E G4.~6 E'arCx for bucket idltll'C ~?adiue N~E,eI 12919 38.00 R~~~leiiish refunc! ACCnUilt Im~?erial i"rincfr.;, 12~12p ~.00..8 P+.rs~rnnel transaction _ 3 . . . . . . ~ . r~;?I'~.~~T ~!~A'tR.~,'Yf ,1,^S!t~Ui~T ~U}:~;CKIY?IQI~ ' I ~3 r 129?.1 5 7f~.=ot~ u: ii~e~ s~r~,plitrr~ l,Lf~ti:~ P.~hls 12922 5~;'' (10 Qep~i3t[ ~~:furid Voi~. I2923 -fl•• .)an~ torinl srr,vic:e I. 6:: L'nif~m Su}:~•:~ _a. 1292~i 20.pQ J~~u~itarl;.1 : rrvice l.o~ ~ltc~s ~:,srb.~~;e l~. 1Z~~.'.~ 5,7'i~i.39 Fall ernsh pickup , :~lay£:rir l?~.~r5er~• 129.'±G fi8.2~ Grp~~tlcl ca~~r IicC~rr~sv i.4. X2927 Sil.~S 'x;ec~rd pl~ysr `1cW1r~~r.t.cz's o[ Cu,cr.i:o 129Z~ 17.k3 ~ifice supplie~ "IiF~r~x~ Co. 12929 47. ~0 F.~rtable hent xenler tiira~~lr. Equipn.~~: I2y30 ] ~34U.OU i~la~~grouna ~quiprent !!obi?e Ita;la S~~tit~~~: 1~931 8S.Q0 P,!•ing service :to~~n C~fi~c~ k:a:~i;~:~aL ~2~32 146,b8 ;;an::.zt typewrltPC ~ I.log~ ~?o~ac~ 12933 2~6.3G ',:~~:ri-.ir'r Cor.ipc~nxatS~art t~~&tiW~` ~ ~SUSiness ar 3 S~:Lin~r i~iv. 12934 7.95 1'u'~lica[!on for Cits :'.anager NocI~ rc~r~ Tract>>~ 129~5 193.21 l'ni~ers,zl l:i.C, Lifc c~~linder racis J,~e3: Os~orn i'i r~ ~c:z•fre 1293b 11b.03 Tir~~y frr l:ocrcatio:; czr, ' fl:st rcpair~•d I'acific ~~.s 6 t:lectri: 12~137 7,670,27 Strect li~hts, Cra:-ic L<<:ial Per,~~~in Cold Typ.~ 12938 6.00 Busint~ss r~rcls Pla~: Gxc Corp. 12939 13.Qp OY~anic turf food Pubi :c F't~so~iti~l A: : 12940 3.00 ~~^n~~.il di~~•s VQ i' 17.y41 -0- t'u i' R~e~ dn3 ~rah.~~,~ 129b2 28.78 Str~~et sralia^ c3~e:~;a1 K~c~-«E11 ::anuCar; _ 12943 4.91 ;~?:~~r ;.c~trr phr*. . Ro•r=:c•:1, ~:annr.:~~t~~~ 124~i/ 332.50 Arc`:itcctuc~~nl s~r*.•:r.h, :{c•r~2c~:D, ~~r.lr:ntc•. . _ s.~=_`~ 12~J•'~5 175.0~ Arr::itertur1~ sr.t~.•= :ts Sa:~ ~o~e ..Iuc~prir.: 129Gt~ -~.~.04 7:~~t~}~ri»r suF,pllr•s Sa: _:~se C?inir.:il _ 12ytii ~~1.00 .;,;::~~:f.~lo~;ir;~l t~=_:.~~ S,~: ,.,,~E »,:~L~~r- 12948 125. $ i r s~ t•~~irc : 1z9~~9 -~0- '..~i.1 SAr i,13Zd ~.u11i1: . x . G:..:ro? J29S0 L,ie;9.UC Ii'~~a:.•c! ~nti~r dcl:-..:E~ ,,utl~~'; . . l u ~ St-,:_:. :S: i:o.~~•.u7~ I?9S1 ~55.G: t:.~=.~:s.st~~ Su'~ ~an :.~~.:sF~.i4•.~r .,;:;i. 12452 Z2b.5U 1.1 r,il p~~t~l ic~a! i•~n S~: _ ~ cr,~ip..~-~i: 12953 2.57 ~:~~r.~it- .Zt~ci fc- ~ ~•~er Tr.: _r: F~:-.~..~:>raF~ltii,. 1:95r• 30.nQ i;~...,~ au~~p1~C'3 ~n: ~t ~:.3~c4 ;;tr~ . . , , 1~'9~~5 2 ,;31.51 f'a:l: irY; t~,~t~~r:[~1 Val.e~• Sti:.it:.t}~ 1?J5G ~1.41 .~.~r,it~~r'.:~1 ~:uppli~s ~'ictcri;,'' ~u::cu: ~.:r 1295J G2.Q5 S.,si•a roatuno Vita.~in Z~~titutr 12p5f3 .3~..0~ tita~tn H-1 VcJ.~ 12959 -0- t'oid Ne,~trn iractt~.~ci C:. 1:g60 15.91i ::ufilcr for swceprr Wes~ ti':lle; C~nst. 129G1 564.06 In.tall,+cion nnd t'c~~s1r, ~:atFr :~c•trrR Xer;: r. Ccrparation 1296?. 97.44 Xerux su~~;~lics Jlr.c Gr~.~pbell !2963 ~~9.5Q }:ecrr.itic,n specialist Ji~ ~ascellanuK 1Z964 49.50 ::4~crcatiott rspecin?ist Jo~:~ Iiughcs 129G5 49~50 f:~c:~~:~c1un spec:ialist ' • - G - . . . ~ 4 _ ~ ~.~~.r,~.u-t ~ ~~~~xa?trr xa~.;~ir i)FSCI:i t~; tot: _ _ ..~w .,l._._ _ _ rtike ~~cirr 1?966 S 7 ~5Q kc•c-t~tio.i t:~~~{ ~itsc ` Iirari ~s-~ 12957 33.O~r [tecr:acioa rpeci~lL~: ~like t~~~. 1~958 2S.SU Rc~c~r=~a:ion sr~clnli~t Snnta :~3.-aa~ County T~ -::-j=t~~ Ct~w~,1s ~~.rn~ i29G9 1.~55.U0 1'1yr~? t cleduckion tor Crc~^~it Unian Well~ x.~~~ E~nk 1297(~ 5.U45. 32 1'.-~~ ::11 deduct ion for F,. I.T. Public TM`ra~? ~~eee R~'t. re :t Syarcx 12971 ~~~R2. G1 Pn~: ~I1 ueducCi~n fr+r P~tit'ec~Pnt , Merlt ~~~.~r. 12972 G.~lCI T~:~~ :allans anti-frtez~ for City c a: s . Donai.~ ~~olich 1'Z973 3rJ-.:~1 Exl~-~z~ rcir..butrser..er?t ~ ~Z~J y~~r3~. ~Q Less _a:.~=~:~d wnrr:_.-... I~~,_: - (39.c~: I~"~: - (20.:: 1:..,__ - f 9.i' I__ . _ - ( 9. . . {'r 7. 77} Tot.~: • _ ~I: L ti~. 3'f ",li: ~1 t.;..' '';t?S F'ftl:~'1+~:: : _ : Tfi I5 AtPR'~' '!.?:I.1.1.'! !i.'1'iU" '.I_ +,;~•s~,~~ . : 47~O~s~~. ~h.17) _ . ~3+.1f~ ~I~: ~~:'~.Ol i~;ate, ~ ~ : : un:f 57,GC : -U- '.~b5.6G E~ ,:G ~.GG Clt,r ~ E't,r.. ] ~:ir~r,.... -0- -0- i, s~rJ.QO . Gus = - 1~. 1.i0~.t.G. -U- -(z- ~,~~~~.00 ~'all..: .~i._ .,-r:.st. : . . 9~2C:.~. -0- -U- ~~..:4.00 Cas z 1~~ j t'un:. G 3,2Gr,, _r~_ 1 ~431 .51 ~~,:'1. ~l Gas :~.s: ';.:~7) ~'l~Il,: 35~2Ga.~~: -0- 71.03 '1:.~271.03 Rc~z~.~:___ iunci 5~4U`.1.=. ~;3~.G0) .'.~7E~G.36 :',i?5.7G 4Ja[e~ i~:f~~se Fund -C,~-- -Q- ~O~~i47.ii6 ~1,b4'l.~b Tn~.~.l s:._ :unds 5200.Ob0.~f:r ~77.77) .'.:~~G6G.G0 a3I:~,~~r~.83 CERTi?`I~. ~ .~.~~~~ovrn: . . _ ~ _ . ,Y.. Ctty ~~1e.r~ City Mana~er ~ ~ ~ . . , ' I ~ ~ P~SSEU A::C ~1''~~F'TEU at a iegular neeriii~; oC the Cil•y Counr.il u~ the City uf ~upec?ino thi~ 1!lrh day af D4:ce~.bz~r 197'l., by Che iollrwin; vate: ~ A~'~F:5: Coun~il-~~n - Inri.a~ Jackwn, Mieyers, Spsrka, Prolich t«7~5: Counci2:-.en - Pioae ABS~h'x: Cdi~ncil~ ~~:t Non~e Ai'YRU~`I:A : ~ n::EST: _~~_'fl~'~`_=~:=_ 7..._~r~L`_!?".~.~_ t;a}•oi•, Cit}~ of Cupertinc . ~c - ` ""w- C i ~ ~:1 t ~ ..6~