CC Resolution No. 3264 . 1 ~ ~ :50l.~ltT'IUh• t~0. :l.tCi4 A~fSO1.UTI4~a c~F` CI'f~Y C~DLrII~IL U~' 1':~E CI'1'Y QP I~lP1~«~'~'LPIO~ ~i~i~ac zwe ut~~tov~cr ~r ~~u.?K~rnc~ ~ic,~~ ~t~rr:.~, A'YM~1~ 6~"Y'4t`~+i ilYl~ Xtil~itl~ ANq D~A.~CE, I~V~J~~ ~ A~]DkT"I1VC ~l(~'.t;UT~.QN 0~' 11GRFk~'!~!'t' 7N CONi~.'?~O~i TK~kF;«~IT~ ~fI7H lll~~4CIA'T'~S ~ I? P.1~kTM~tSHI! N~118 ~ Cher~ b~s b~e~ tseat~~i to th~s GiCy ~,ouacil an a~rse+~ait Lor ri~ iag,+YCV~arrt of Che aCr~et fro~rta~ge along ~ir.rmo~a ~v+~auu, b~t~+een l~rttir~ AYa~~rs +~nd Oran~e Avr.nue, br F!!L A~ssacintes~ a partn~er~iiip, ~ad ~1li,~"JIS~ said praposed ~gr+~a~ae~tt containa pr~vLs.aris for th~ cot~struc- tias a!` ~trs~C~. curbs. gutters ~•~.d~walke~, aad for ather i~provew~r~ts y~tlr3.m • psriod ~f tHre~ years •ix ~onths from ttze ciat~ ai executio~ oi aat~ a,~ra~rent~ and suffici~nt borad• h~viag b~~~ pa•e~~ntrd .for the~ fa~ithfnl per~ar~~ce of said ,:urk and rhe urr-,~inK r~u: of said a~greeae»t; and ~uid a~~~at and banJ~s h~vtng brct~ ap~rov~d by thc City Atto~n~y; TH~Rf:~'t~i:~. BE YT RF:SO~,L'~C1 tt~at said agrectse~t for t}:e impxove- ~~t crf stze~t tr.~r.;a~;e alan~ H~r~a:a Fv~nuc b~tbeen Byrne Aa~aue and Or~~e J1ver~w? b~~ Itie:abp a~pproved; arad LfIC Ctty En~inect~ is hc:r~by avtt~or- ~s~d to si~n tNe fir.sl plnt~a whea presenced by the develaper; and tY:e :~ir~yor r~ t~~ City Clark arr h~ereby authc~rized to execut~ the agrc~~e.~t he~'ein rc~w f~trre~ to in b~eh~~l f of t!~e City of Cu~iertino. PAsS~U Ah'U AU:~'Tt.L? this ~j~th da~ of.~~,~. 197~ bq ttie foll:evSa~ vote: ~?Y~x: councti~e~ - Irrrin, .lack~4n, Iw~yers, Spark:, Fral i~h I10~gS : Cou~ i lren - N011~t A~S~Y'. Couacilne:~ - No~1e Al"t F.'SZ : h~PfiOV t~ : _ ~ ~ Ci~~ Click hrryvr~ CiKy oE Cuperti~d ;