CC Resolution No. 3248 • ~ . ~ ~S4LUTI.oN N0. 3245 A RESOI.UTIAN OF T?iE CITY CAUhCIL OF Tt~F CITY aF C1r°E~71'.t:0 D~CI.ARI~IG LTS INTES~,'IOH COI~iCERNIYiC ACCU:~KUIJ?TlOdt A'.~IC? EXP~NUI.TURE OF "PD~'ICS ~i1hB5 BY TN~ CITY 0~ ~~P~CIIN(1 i~iF»ltF.J~, the Statp Urcpartssrrr~t o~ Public Wcxks hAx adviaed that the City af Cv~erCino's apporkioa~cnt af ~ederal TOI'IC5 ~uads For fiscal year 1971-72 is SZ.~.403, (l0 and fur 1972~-73 is 511 ~403.00; and t~!l~Rf~1S~ xQ~uiatior„~ ~or c~se use df Raid TOPICS fuads require: the City ta ~?civise the St~t~ o[ it~~ ap~Gific inte~tions in reF~srd ta exptnd~.ture ~nd/ or accumulat~un of sucb fu~i~t; a,nd h'NkFt~llS, thc City Ceuncil ~ry c~inutc order, at ics :~~ei.irsg af Aeaember 9, 1969. in~~iccr.ted itg Jesire tv participate tn thc TOPYCS pregs~~? ar~d desi~n~tert the ~oard af Su{~ervixor$ of 5a~ta C1arn Cou:~ty as tlie ~rea-•Jide TOPICS 1'ro~rara Coordi:~ating A~ent; P~0'~?'~ TN~ftf:FOREi~ H~ IT RES~~~T..'~:D by the City Cau~:.:il af the City nf Cupertinn a~ fbllow~: 1. 'the City oE Cupersi~n ir~tc~~iK ta :?ccu7~~lnte its 1971-72 appartto~~uni at"iUf'IC5 PundK until fi~cal Year 1971-73~ ' a~nd turther inter,:s cu rxp~iyJ th4 c~pportiuned fund~ fnr both ffKCal yearb fnr impruvl'~'1C[lC pro,~ects durin,~ ~'i~;r~l 1'c~r 1972-73. 2. Thu City CYprk fs t~Qreby dir~~ct4~3 co subnit a c~rtific,f c~py of thtu r~cso2~tton tn tt~.~ 5cata of Californie, llc~ ~+artMent of Pualtc :lor{:s. PAS5E:U ,~``n A~,t01'Tl:p ac a re,~ular r~cetin~ oC the Cit~? ~r,~rneil af tha City of t:u~crrttnu this_~'~rci~,dny rr;f___~_A~ril 14~2, by th~ follak~ing voCet AY~St Cauncilcren - ~iea~erald~ Ytrwln~ Stakra~ ;ra~l NO~S: Councilcaen - ~~an~ A~SE,ti'T: Cpuncilns~n - Froltc:~ AT[ ~E.ST : A!' Pfil)~`E"D i d~ City Glerk M~yor, City o Cuperticw