CC Resolution No. 3240 ' RESOLUTION 3240 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OT CUP~RTINO ALLOUIING CERTAIN CLAII~''~S AND D~~MANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROI~~7 THE FUNDS AS H~LRJ- INAFT~,R DESCRIBED FOR SALARIES AND WAGES FOR TH~ PAYROLL PERIOD ENDING MARCH 21, 1972 . WH~REAS, the City Clerk or his designated representative has certified to the accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the avail- ability of funds for payment thereof; and UJHERi~AS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law and approved by the City Manager; NOtid, THERLFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as here- inafter set forth. WARRANT AP~iGUNT ~MPLOYEE N0. PA ~:D Robert ~vinlan 1~037 $ 620.62 Betty Dorris 1~038 281.g6 ti~Tm. L. Ryder 1Li-039 ~+86,32 Effie Stobie 1~040 102.12 i~T~chael Davis 1~0~+1 250. ~5 P~Tars'na Gauci 1~042 11l-0, 09 Dolores Harbst 1~+0~3 178.~8 Audrey :~Iagelky 1~0~4 167.63 Dorotlly Scnmid l~l~0~+5 198.83 Carol Bestul 1~+0~+6 165.00 Gladys ~~Ic Hugh 140~7 278 .~8 Shirley Oeser l~OLI-8 69. Ellen Pagnini 140~9 170.16 Donna Z•dilliams 1~050 233, 6~ I~Zerle Butler 1~+051 ~+55.77 Donna Belke 14052 200.24 Ann Cuny 14053 262.00 Nadine Hagel 1~+05~+ g6.21 Paul Smith 1~055 273.1~ ~ames Sisk 14056 ~+~5.95 Florence Reid 1~+057 259.8~+ Robert; Cowan 1~058 287.12 I~Targaret Crissman 1~+059 196.27 Constance Joel 1~+060 174~.~2 Adde Laurin 1~oG1 356.73 James S~eppard 1~062 2~0.55 Harold Belke 1.~+063 297.81 Hideko T~•Zurakami 1~+064 228.20 John Busto 1~+065 298,50 Edward AZurp'ny 1~+060 288.36 James U1est 1~067 336.06 Lee Yarborougn 1~-Oo8 411.50 Sumiko r:artin 1~069 2~.3 Bert Viskovich 1~070 363.1~ Carol Sontag 1~+071 197.66 (1) WARRANT AI.~:OUNT EI~iPLOYEE NO . PA I D Gl~nn Grigg 1~072 ~ 35~+,13 Philip AZaytorena 14073 302,23 Steve Sano 1~07~ 246.6~ Travice Shitten 1~075 398.9~ Dennis Bellman 1~076 2~+3.6~+ Anthony Castro 1~077 21g.86 Howard Kupfer 1~078 296.4~ James Kuszai 1~+079 235.66 Antonio i•Ialdonado 1~080 217,95 Quinto i~iarchetti 1~+081 220.98 Joseph n~Ioore 1~082 206.0~ Antonio Ochotorena 1~+083 173.12 Frank Ortiz 1~+08~+ 260, 69 Donald Powell 1~+085 238,74 Jose Reyna 1~-086 193.87 Ambrose Brisco 1~087 23~.16 James Brisco 14088 195.3~ Lloyd :~laple 1~+o8g 203 • 73 Vincenzo Novello l~+OgO 215.30 Bill Obrien 14091 287.72 Thomas Stephens 1~092 259.25 Fred Subega 1~+093 281.73 Albert Tabares 1~09~ 232.37 Lloyd ~lomack 1~+095 233.81 Frederick Cler l~+og6 215.81 Bob Dockins 1~+097 382.53 Paul Krotts 1~+og8 188.22 Kenneth i'~Tc Kee 14099 2~5.52 David Amaviska 1~100 193.00 Oscar Andreen 1~101 221.02 Lloyd Dray 1~102 171.40 Ronald Griewing 1~103 195•23 Jim Hezlitt 1~+104~ 212.12 Lawrence Hyatt 1~105 25~,30 Julia Knapic 1~+106 1~8.83 Kurt Larrecou 1~+107 214.39 Mark Caughey 14108 120.40 Pauline Rudolph 1~109 1~6.8~ David T~i'nitelaw 14110 137.85 Wilma Finsterbusch 14111 39.24 Betty Finsterbusch 111-112 39,2~ Frederick Cler 14~113 20.75 Kennetl~ NIc Kee l~ll~ 25.2~ Clyde Noel 14115 123.11 Jerry Fitzgerald 1~116 115.87 Donald Frolic'n 14117 1~+2, 20 Gary Stokes 14118 108.07 Keith Irwin 1~119 126.90 Jim Hezlitt 1~120 119.5~ James Brisco 1~+121 37.92 Lloyd ti~lomack 1~122 37.92 Phillip Darnall 14123 160.82 ti•dilliam Sparks 1~12~ 20.86 Rudolph Leon 1~125 36.85 Richard Lima 1~126 26.69 Clinton i~Ic Carthy 1~127 ~4.67 Frederick Menezes 1~+128 57.87 ~Iarjorie Best 1~+129 37.29 Piarsha Carpe 1~130 58.52 Keith Tatsuta 1~.131 1~5.23 (21 EMPLOYEE WARRANT AP•ZOUNT Sh~llie Revilla 1~132 ~ 38.53 Jim Elliot~ 1~+133 67.39 Michael Kallbrier 1~13~ 37.83 Mark Pet~ti jo'nn 141.35 60.4~2 Lynda Killingsworth 14136 59.51 Pai.rick Elliott 1~137 120,19 Edward Cilcnrist 14138 85.03 Norman Cipriano 1~+139 5~•~8 Rene Munsch 1~1~0 28.4~ Janet Redeker 1~141 45.88 Dana Brignam 7-~142 3 f~ .$3 Teddie TnTarren 141~+3 70.30 Dennis Funk 1~+1~~ 43.80 Treacy Elliott 1~1~5 69•l5 Dennis Barrett 1~1~6 46.35 Kimm Barnes 1~147 23.89 Pamela Meyer 1~1~+8 28.82 Rebecca Saunders 1~+1~9 30.3~1~ . Nancy Snore 1~+150 33.16 Kim Smith 1~1~151 26.21 Marilee James 1~152 22.~9 Ann Spivey 1~153 28•~~ NET TOTAL ~20,799.86 PAYROLL SUMMARY Gross Earnings $28,883.27 Less: Federal Withholding Tax $3,536.99 Retirement Social Security 1,~86.35 Retirement Public Employees 1,~83.41 State Withholding Tax 357•~~ Employees Association Dues 26.50 Credit Union 876.00 Uni~ced Fund 6.9~ Insurance C.P.S. 3~9.82 Total Withholding $ 8,083.~1 NET PAID ~20,799.86 (3) CER'TIFTED: APPROVED: ~ ~ ~ J ~ i y C er i a~I nager ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of ~he City of Cupertino this 3rd, day of April 1972, by t'ne following vote: AYES : Councilmen- Fitzgerald, Irwin, Stokes, Noel NOES : Councilmen- None ABSENT: Councilmen- Frolich ATTEST: APPROVED: ~L Wm. E. R der /s/ C,~}~de__L. _N~ i y C er Mayor, Ci-y o Cuper ino