CC Resolution No. 3238 r
. ~ . ~
~s.~t.cvna~r ~ro. ~z3a
~CPIl~C ?0 1~~ Sli~1.3'~GT "~Ct 1'!LY'~RS-GGDD~S STATF EMPLOSt~,S' ,
!l~DIC11L k`~1? 1~OSPITAY. CA~ ~iCT AIiD FIAI?;C ~H~~ ~I~'Y.tyYE~S.'
4t~'~`RY~tRIOri AT AN AZlD~Ilr1C C~'Y'FR ?HMi THAT PR.'~S~;KIA~U ~~Y
s~:crYOr~ 2z~x~s at Yue cov~~r~xr ca~~
~IL~18. Ga~+ernm~nt Cod~ S~tcCim 2Z850 pr~,~?~~~~ thc nE I~he
~~ran-~addes State Employe~s' l~l~dical ~cnd Nos~+it~l Cax~ Act to ~e~rloye~r•
~ar~ 2a:a]. a~ncies cocitracCing ~~ith the Fublic Ecaployeee' AietiY~~ent Sysl'tm
~ ~ropsr application b~? x luc~l ~~c~?; ~nd
~L~AS ~ Section ''q25.b of the IAct pravide.~ tt?at a lneal contr~wc.ti,ag
a/~~ shall fix che ,~~nt of tht ~+wploy~rs' rontribukiop~ and
i~[~D~AS~ tt~e City oE Cupe~xC~aa. h~r~ciriaftcr rofsrred to ~"Public
I~?c~" is a local a,~~acy ~ontractS+a~ with the Pui~lic Fmplc~yee~' Retirt~nt
S~st~.r~; aad
'I~i~RP.AS~ th~ Public Ag~ncy d~:sire~ to obCain Eor ite employesa the
b~Eit of the Acc ;u~d to acce,~t L'~e liobiliti.ea and obl~gationa of ~n
e~wpl;o~?~r undcr L`~e ~ct AR{~ RE"~UZAkS~A11 j
~t~, THEfiE~t~?.~ ~ BE; ~'f R~SOI.V~t~ that tha Publ ic Agency e] ect .~nd it daag
tser~r elect ~ t.~ aub ject to the~ provisiona of thQ Act;
EE IT ~U~iT:i~~ RE50LVRp th~t t3~~ emplnyera' cocttribution ~or eaah cmployee
ar ~nuiCai~t shall be th~ amaunt ueceseary ta pay tha cosk of h~is enrollmant ~
inc~.rarling the ca:~~llcc~ent of hir~ membQrs, in e hoalth ben~fit plan or
pl~, o, ~!~f ]es~, SZ0.90 per a~sh;
~E IT ~ltR'C'~rfi ~tESOI.VE~ Ihat thc ex~cutive body, eppoint and direcc, and
it d~s hareby appaint anJ di;rect, Dir.~~tor of Adc~iniatrative Service~, ta
ti~+e tirith th~ B.~ar3 oE Adwinistration af the public ~mployer~s' R~tiremant
ST~t.~s a v~rit~ied copy of Chis reaolution, an~l co perform nn b~ha~.f o~ s~i.d
!"ab;~.1c A~enr.y a1Z func.ioas required of iC un~'ier the Act and Rs~ulations af
the ]ta~~rd of ~3~-tstrutiatt;
~F l~f FURir.~Z FESQI~VEn Char, covera~e u~tder the AcC to be ~ffr.etiva on
Aoar~sis t 1, 19 72 .
lASS~D A.\~1 ~'~PTEU at a ntgu~ar ar:eting oi the City Council of the City
ot ~rtino t.his 2_Ot~i, day of ,~'i
azch , 1S 72, by th~ collaving vota:
~'~i: Council~ FiC:gersld, Frolich, Irvin~ 5tokes~ Noel
Caupcilmen ~ Ndne
~T: Councila~n - None
~r~c : ~rr~ov~n:
I~y_ ~
~~.s Mqol~ City a~ p~stit'w
. . . . . . . . , ~