CC Resolution No. 3231 ~ ~~WTFAM N0. 3?31 ~ 1k~'01lJCJ?IQ~K 0!' THS C~T4 4~'IL 0~ "1~ CI1'Y ^F ~ul'~krll~ !'ROY~UIMG d~E ~1rit3UA~T Z1iD ~~'+0~1 ~LOr'ATJ~N ASSISTA~MC1t A1~ R~AI. PROI'CR'lY A+GqL~?~I'Tl~il FUI.ICY~S ACT OF 1970 I~~AB~ tlr~ Uatfortw IGtI~~a~c~f.4a A~?~ci~taace snd Raal Pxcbpsrty A~cquisi~iaa ~1l~ii~? A+~~ of 1970, p. L. 91-~+?+i6~ ~r~ceia~?f t~rr reE+~~rrrd to x~ t1~ "~?ct") ~ ~~Iis~es uu~ifora pmlici~s f~?r t~ E~i~r rrid equitabl~ Cr~ata~elnC o~ p@reoaas i~r1+~c+wd aa ~ r~ult of Ytdarril ~rrL ~'~derally-asiist~d prograws, saw+~11 +~a ' +r~i~oe~ palicies a+a rcal p~a~e~t~ se.+~ei.~itida practice• with Y~apt~ct ta ~uch }~ta~r~; aad iq~+R.~'J15. tbe ~ity of Cupsrtina l~as ~ad~ -.pplic~tion for Pederal finaricial ~i~tlt~ace ~or a park prn~~ect ar prr~sr~ deaignat?d aa falla~: lb~r~rt lts~?ch /lcquiaixion (l.~n.~u?n Property); IP~T~Ea?S~ the sctiviti~s fnr vfiich such assista~ce i.s sou~l~t rill ic~rralve displscea~eqt and/or Xa~d •cquisiticn occurXing after January 2~ 1971. t:tk af- ~~ectine c~ate qf the Act; and NI~FJt~AS, Scccinns 210 and ~05 of the Act require the provi~xon af Gtrrain •s~aaur~crg bef.are the heud of a F~deral ugency can sapprove aar grant ta, or contract or ~grea~ent with, a Stat~ agency, under r+hich Federal finaaci~l assi~t- auce vi11 be avaflable to pay all or part of the coat of any program or,proj~ct o~bi~h vill result in displ+~cer~enc ar r~al propercy acqui~ition ~subject to [h~ r~equize~wenCS of the Acc; und T~iR~REA5, Pedcral Regulations pnblished May t3, 1971 in the Federal Regis- t~r, Yol. 36~ 1~. 93, Page 8789~ Parsgraphe 42.30(a) and 42.30(b) (to be: incor- p+orated in ~ode oi ~'ederal Requlations, Title 24~ SubtiCle A~ Fart 42,) require c~ertr~ia ~urther assurance~ be provided as a conditi~r. approval of Federal f~~aciz~l aeslsta~nce fur the pragrs~a or projecC ~~hicf~ w:ll reRUlk in 1i~plac~- sw~nt or real pr~parCy acqui~iticra ~cu'bject to th~e Yeqtsir~nents of the refulatians: 11Di~'. TH~REfU3E~ be it resolved by the govrsrning body of the City of Cuprr- ~ti~a that the Uuited ScateB of Asareri~A and the Secretary of Hausing and Urb~n xksv~tlc~~enC be~ dnct they hereby s~re~ provided ~hrough thc adoptl.on of this re~- ~iu~i~~ ~+ith the fa~lla~i.ng aa~sursncc~ rceg~rdiag conduct by Ch~ City of Cupertino af ~E1~ pro~~ct or prograa? £or vhich Pede~ral ftnancial a~sistance is sou;ht: d. Fa~~r and reason~ble r~location paymenCe snd assistaace sha~,l he prov~tded to ur for displaced per~on~~ ara requirtd, to . b~t pro~~ided by a Feder~l sieacy under Section• 2p2. 20:! an~ 2t~4 of th~e Act ; RRlocatioa ansistanc~ pro# r~ ol~ferin='the setv~c~r• d~scribe~i ia Sectior~ 2p5 of C~t Ac;t ~11 be pravided to such disPl~~ad patr~o~xs; _ 1 _ . . . , . , , r , , ~ 1~'4thip a r~,~e p~~'i~ ~i` t3~s pr~.ox Co di,rplac.~n~cR ~+c~pt ~ va9f~s ~~ci •~ait~te7 ~~la~r:~nt d~llia~s xi11 b?rr w~ilabl~ t.a d9~~Yac~ ~s+~r~s i.n ,~cccrdsac~ vith Stcti~ ~S(c) (3) of tlort Nct; T~ rslac,rtiaa~ proc~ca~s wil~. ~s rarri~d ouk iA such ~t w~os~t r ta proTi.G~e displaced ~~ut~r viCh uui~for~ sod caaai~rttaet rsr+ices. a0d Ysplaa~?t ~~ti~ umdsr 5actioq 42.120 ~w~s rv~?iLb~.~ ~d th~ ra¦rie s~~ of Ct3fl~Clls vith r~ap~ct Co •r',~h hars3.a~ ~rill b~ offtft~er! to +~rl.l diaplaced pfrsoA• r~ati- Ti,iars of rire. calar~ r~Li.~;t~ oc national origtr~ purausu~ ta 1'i~lt i~I af t~+c Civil 1Ri~s ~t +~i`", ].964 (42 U.S.C. 2000~'i.'. ?itls VIII of rhe Civil x,l~t~r A~t of ~968 (42 U.S.C. 3'~41 •t s~q.)~ aa3 Execu~tvi Oz~tt 11063 (27 F.R. 12527)~ S.. Ira scquiriaS rwl propsrt7 it ~r3.11 be ~uided, to thn ~re~t~rt s:tent pructi~:abla und~er ~it~tae la~. by the laad a~cquisitio~ pnlicies ia Siction 301 aod tbe provisions vf 5ectiari 30x of tlue Act; a,x~i 5. Prdpertp ~-n~ers will be p~id or reaimbursed for aacessarr axpenses ss specifiad in Se~ctitrna 303 end ~04 of tha A~ct; aAd 7. CoRt~ cf pr~a:idiag paya~eat~ sad aa~iatnnce vill b~ shaYSd by th~r Cit~ oz CuperCino ia t.~+e ~aaaer anJ to th~ extes~t required by Sections ~!I(a) and (b) of ths Act; and Affected ~e:sans wtll be sd~qu~taly infoxmed of the b~ne~"~ts, •~oli~ciest s~~ procedure~ pro43ded in the r~gulat.' ~s relativ~ to displac~za: and real property .;cqui~icion as published May 13, I9~I in the Federa?1 3t~eg~~ter~ V~1. 36, 2r'o. 93~ P~~~s 8785 thrcv~~ Jf9~~ inclusi.re. PASSF]) ~INA at a r~gular wt~tin~ af che Cit}• Gaunc3l of th~ CS.ty nf ~ur}~er~i~so ~n che :~ch day of l~rch 197:. by the fo?.laviug vote: A~.''~: Couneilrea - F'itzgerald, Frolich, Irwin, 5tdces, Noal ' NCl~~: Counci].mpa - ,ian~ AB~tI': Councilr.~a - Nontt APFROYED: JITT~~': 'f ~ Mayor, City of Cup~strCiria ' ~.,E,.. ~ r~ _ -z- , . . ,,,,r„ . . . .