CC Resolution No. 3227 ~ ~
, ,
. RP*.,,,df1.~i720,~ NC~. 3227
, A RkS6LllTI0~1 OJ~ 7'1~Fi CITT C(~1l~GII. UP TtU; C11'Y OP ~PF~tTINtO
Al+m ~EV~LO~' ~p~N-S~AC~ 2.~rrn
, WH~f'.P.AS~ Titl~ ~/II of Che HQUe~iag Act nf 1961~ a~ amended~ proKtclce
for the raaking uf Francs by the J~p~?rta.ettt of 1fouKin~ ~nd Urban Aeva7.opment
to Str~t~~ anc'. public bodies to n~sl~t ~heca in tbe gequitsitien of per-
~trent interests in lanJ for opo:n-~apace uAes whc~re Ructt r~ssist~nce ig nccded
fer c~rryiiig out a t:.~ified or officlnlly covrdin:~ted pro~rnm for L-be pr.ovi-
s4on of opr.n-sp.~ce la~id as p.~rt ~,f the coapr~hensi~ely plannecl developn~ent
af the uxban nrea; a~id
WFiF.ItFAS, ttie i.i[y ~f CuQertino~ l~erein; rcferred ta us "Ap)~~.i-
c~~t'' dcsixes to . ~q~~irc ~ fr:e int~r~e~:t lo ccrtatn lrznd knaw;~ r~~ J.~in~man
I~:rse Fianch I'ropcrc~, Whic~: lan3 ic to be hel~f asscl used for pr.rm~nrnt op~~i-
~ace land for a pu~lic pnrk; and
N}I~EtF:AS~ Titl~ ~'I af t}ie Clvil kiglita Act c,~ 196~i, nnd r.hc~ rc~;ulntions
c= the I)epart~:ent oi Nou~i.n,~ a.~~ UrUan I)evclorr,c~n:. rf fecturitin~; thal• ~rit3_e~
proviue r.hat »a p~rson sli~zll he uisc.imtn;~ted az;ainst• Lecr~usc~ of rnce~ color,
c: n~tional ori~in in th~ usc of the lnr•? ncquir~•~i; ,u7c1 ~
1~HFKk~11S, it ir- recogniz~d that thc coutrac:t f~~r Fe~lr.ral. ~;r.~nt Will im-
~.•.sc rcccain obli~~~a:i~n~ nnd respan~:lbilftfcs uprii Cl~c* App~icanr und caill rc~-•
r~+:ire r~ronf: oti~er things (1) cc-:plianc~ a~lti~ 'rc.irral labor stcindsrds~ nnd
r~) co,:.pliance ui th t'edc~t•ul requ! rement•s rel:~tin~; tu equal employeient ap}~or-
L~.:~ity; and
Wt1F~'U15~ it i. c::tl.maCed that th~~ ru~t. of uc~~uirin~; sliid Intere~t iai12
Faur }tunclrc~l - Tc:: Thnut:and Aollar.~ ($410~OU0); ~~n~l
WIII:R~.A5~ ? r!s estim~t~r_d thr.t t1~c cost of pc•cicnt~~,~~•y clrvelapmtinc ~~f
~r~id l~nd c~~li bc a::en~y-Fi~~c• 7~~oub.~nd llo2l.~rs ($~S~l1pp~;
ti01;, 7'IIF:~2F:}UFi?', 81~: 27' It~S~~LVE1) bY 'l'1~1: CI1'Y COU:;C11. UI' 1'Idf: CIT.' OF
C'YEY.'f I;;O;
1. Tliat a;i .-~rt lfc~tic?n be ~ade tu the il; F::rtrr~:,;: of llat~3i~i~ s~n~l Urban
D~evclopM~nl for ~;rai~~. in ~~n ~~ount authoi•I~r~l t•~• 'Citlc~ I~II nf thu t~o~~5tne
fct vi ]~1G1~ :~s ;~-.caLed~ wl~ich a~our±r fs pres~~»tl~ esti~~hteJ to be Ona Nundr~d
5t~•tnty»rt~~~ ~t,J?~san,i Uullurs 75,OU0) ~,t~t~! t.liut tl~r Appltca~~t will p~y the
balanc~ of tl~r. cusr. fr~t~ other fur,dt~ jiv~ill~blc tq it.
2. That the Cit}~ ~tunagcr ix hrrc:Ly nuthori~rd nnd dirr.cted t~ e;tecute
.aa,3 to file such applicrtiui~ w(th tha U~~p:irtn~~rc uf Nouning ~nrl Urb~t~ Ucvc:1--
o~cr~t~ to provide ::~.1iti~nal, inForm~~t:fun nnd co furnich sucl~ docum~nts ne
rr~7r b~: r~quire~ br s~id UepUrrrie:~t, to F.':SCCI~:r yucli contrncts na ~xe required
~y ~atcf Ue~~rta~ent ~ an~l to a~t a~ the rutlwrizr:l rorrc~spoi:dent of tha Ap~llcr+nl.
- 1 -
. ~ . . . . . . . . . . .
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~ ~
~w ~L the prepased acquisition i~ in atcntdance .:S.Ch planr fot th~
~11~t+r[law of ]ar~d fo~ open-sp~ac~ ue~s, snd ';~hnt, Ehoul.d ~em1d ~ra~k be :*.~da~
~ tl~s A~?1l.~cartt vr~ll acquire ac~d retsin ~raid land for t~i~ uas~ deri~qat~~1 in
ra?!.d ~riication ~ud approved by the~ D~parta~rnt of Hou~ing and Urba~n uc:val-
ThsC the lfiiteJ States of As~ rica and the Dep~rtment of and
Urbas D~ev~~.apment b~, and they herebr are a~sured of full carap~ian~:~e by the
Applica~t MiCh regulations af tl~t Departe~snt of Houel~g und Urban Development
etfectz~at:Lng Ti.tle af the Civil xighta Act nf 1964.
lAwaSEp ANU ADAPT~A nt a regular of the Ci.ty Council of Che City
of Cvpsrtinn this 6th day of ___l4ara~ 1972~ by the followin~ votc~:
AY ES: Cauncilren Fitzgerald~ Prolich~ Irviue St4kes, Kael
h0~:5: Cauncil~en - Nozie
ABSE? i : Council :en - N~ne
r~Ti i57 : ~ 'J"'
1~fuyor~ City ot Cupcrt:ina
Citti Cleric
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