CC Resolution No. 3214 ~ ~ R~.SOLIITION NC. ~22k ~l RTsSOLUI'IOK GF 7"!~ GxTI'[ CQUI~xL (J~' TIiE CIT~C Q~ CItF'ERT~D " AY!'Rf)VxIaG ~INAL PIAI~S FOEt TH~ 7"~tOYEMF'.t~T p~F' !'FtO;'f'~A(iE AIat?~G Y~FY AV~NE AI~ S~E{/Lt~S CltE~;K BCULE,'VAFD AIT~HORYZI~lti TtTL CXTR ~3i3IN~i 'TO SIA~ TNE FIWtiL FIA~I~ At~ A1T!'H~IRIZIIia ~IAlI OF AG~t~ML~ttT IN OO~~ION T;i~RE1~~8 i~'l~S, there h~ b+r~n pr~aaented ta tha City Council tor e~pproval of tha fir.a~l plan for thc Laprovament af tbe ~tr~et frontage e?lo~g Me?ry ~.venue a.~d Stcvena Crcak Bau~.ev~d t~y 'The Stoneaon DevreLvpmcnL Corporn- t ion; ar.d Hf~Lr~l5~ th~er~ ha~ bcea~ prenented to the City Counci~l. a prapoaad ~.grrrre;:L fer the can~truct~on ai' atrcrts, curbs, gutt~rs, s~idaxe~lka, tu~d for other i~grova~.ants, anc! ~aal and aufificianL• bond~ having besn pre~~nted for the fai~hful pQrforr.~ancc of snid work ar.d ths carryin~ out of ssid ag,reet~ant; ~nd s~.id plan. a~reemctit, end bundc~ having t~cen •~rUVea r~ L2:e City Attorr.ey; 1~0,+, ii~..`~F..~AR~, HE Ii P,FSOLVk.`D that ~nid finsl Flan far the~ i~- prover:~e~~t u:" street fror:'.~~~ alonr ~:nry AvR~nuc und 5tev~ns Crcek RouAe- vard, t~e an~ the s!ur,e f:r, her~by, arpr~ved; nnc~. Che Cit;r }:n~ine~r ir i~crQby a~.;:h:~: t:.ed to si~~,n said finc~l pl~n; nsyd t,t,~ ;:ayor Fa3d Lhe Cit,y Clcrk are hei•~:~a• aui:harixed to execi:te the n~,rc~rr.rlnt h~erain refc: racl ta in beha? f o.° tt:e City of CvF:crt ino. PASSEA AtiD ADp~TQ~ thia 7th day of ~~rbru~rv , 1972, by the foll.owino veL~: . • * _ AYF:S. Councilm~n F~tzgerald~ F'rolich, Irwin~ Stokes, Noel ~E'.~: {'o~cilm~n - ?ios~e ~ ABS~tLi : CounciLs~n - ~foae A 1"YROYED : Il'1TFST ; ~ ~yor, City oi' Cupertino ~ ~ . . .-..~M..........,,~~.._~,._ . C3.ty Clcr ~ . N ~ ,