CC Resolution No. 3203 ~ ~ ~ i RFA'~i.LrzZ:o~ ~D. 3~~?3. A 5~.~:OLLh'~*c~.'~ CF T~iF C1~"1' ~"'.~TL 0~ TH~ CITY OF GUPi''~f~'!.'Il'~D . ~l'~'I~EtTi~ ~.ECTi07i OZJ FCF'~'~'I~ OF !r CaUt~T'!'KIDE x'li/4!l3IT DYl~'~'R11."~ .T~E 197'2 i ~1'3~I:S, tt*~ ~~ar~l of Supe~+r3sv:~t~ requ~~t~d *t~ ~rtu~e~ar~~fi,~va Policy ~t#.~ r~~cu~~'utian a~ rr~a tq ~l,d a tr~n,ait dlsLrict rar~atian clsc- a~~41 ~tF~Jl~, th+~ ~rcn3partation ~'olicy roc~mitte~ hes requested lor~l xrrit- 't~t ~rprrrssion~ tY:~ e+~~h of the~ citi~s in Sai~t~ Clara? ~ounty sa thwe?. tt~e ~pvuri;.etian Foli~y ~Acau~er.dartic~ tc~ i~h¢ Hoerd af ~u~erviaor~s can bs ~t: ~,~.l~r ri~~rad ansi ccs~preh~ne~irr~ ~ p~sible; and ~8, trer.sgartationt a~d paxti~cit.nrly the provision oS' rvitabl~ ra~qp~eaaiv~ r..nsa traas~t f~cilititc ~ rc~nins onr o~' th~ roost i.~~pc,~rLetint i~~rs tAr the i1~:ue af 8anta? Cl.a~.~^a~ Caunty; and ~~~E;A6~ 5erate Bill 32~ (C~-.~=rLrr I400; 1971 Statutea) ~rta~cta the: Mills.. :st-Deddeh Ac~ aad r~quire~ eatQi~l,ist~ent af u local ~ransparte~ti~n utilizing ~e:.its uhicb xi.11 ~:t gen~rated fr~:., within Smnte~ Clart? County; awc.~. 'KH~tF.~A3, Ser..sce Bill 325 (L"!-.a~ter 14(Xr~ 147~, Stututce) prers~a:lts the far- :~.~~~au of nn o~~cr_:ic:~ trRntsit nf.gtrir.t •.~ith~ut tce :iccessity for ~eeking a~~ ~Sonal and ~e:a:~te revenu~ Ec:;rr.e~ as t:as t.hr cese in prior disFriet i:~ ~.tion electfc.-s; r~n~l ~'}TE~F.AS, tr= rrovicion of .°r~~ntcd tranci~ se~rvic~s cause~ inter'lace cata:rdint~ticm rr~b?e:_B which k~~I ~etrinen±al~y r~ffect Lrnnsi~ i~ide•.•ahip ;r.x-.,~~ t~.,~1; er.d L'~i£REAS, t»:r ;*:~tiiffiiori of :ra~:.sit f~c3lities ahoul.d D~ on e syr,tem banis ..:!t,~ c~ r coApre2:~: sf•.p b~.~ia t'ar Taer.efit of A21 ~urisclictions r.nd all r!.~i.tcn.s af Sp.n?s ~::ara Cutu~ty; er~~, ~RE'AS, ~cr:~tfon af s tra_*.~it dtaCrict at tl:e esrliftst ~o6si:,~c time ~+t s~t~sssr~ to :~.s•.~re th+e pra~er ir.tcgrrCed ~yate~ for the Cc:+~:~Ly as ee ~ie; at~d i~ER.FJ15, Se~.~.e ~i11 325 revea~.:es b~agin e~, r~:ng Ju~y 1, 19'T2, Kiwh ~L-s~ x~:nda ~expec:e3 to br av~ila~le in Octo'~ei~ 1q72; LC3M, THERE.r"L`?.c:~ B~ IT ItESpL+~`r..~i Zhat the Cit}• Council r~f tbt Cit,~ of Cuper- ~:i,~ro s~.~pport~ t}.e cancept oP in~egi-~??t~d countyiride txansit.; aad 'i'~.st the Ci:~ Council •.urgts ~the Tratutpnrtatian P+oli~~y Cr~ittee and tha ~d ot" Su~tervisors to csll s,+~ elsctio~ fox June 6, 19?~ an th~ faa~ation , c~d' '.3~ Santee CXe~rd Co~:nty Tr~nsit DictriZt sa that thr lo~~l. t~nda ger.ersted iM~p~r :,,~i~~~.a ~3i11 32; can be pr.~g~~d ~e~d spent la: ally i.n thc be~L intereata ~C ~ aiti~snt Cupertino e~d af' tYxr citixens of ~i?nt,a Cl.ai~w CQU~ity; -1- \ ~ ~ r l~~ T!" l~(IRTI~EP R~,'5~~LVF:i~ thr~t the CStr Co~~r,ril ot" ~t:a Ci~y of Cup~rt~~~., dirrt~:.+~ its ~tsf!` ac~d ur~es all c+f ittt c:~rniasiona, publ~c bodiea ~nd re~i- d~nt~ t~ ~upport t~i~ COt1Cl:~1E aL tt~e ,Iw~ f?, 1g72 cl~ct~.oci„ ~S.~ED Al+in AIX1PTEri a~ ~~g~V,.sr~ r~ti~rg of the CIt,Y Cou.~~~i~l ~~f t~ City o?' ~errrt~ac? on tt~ 17th ar~r ot' J~rrua_ ~r 19 •rz by t~e ro2.xv~?sr~g ~ /C~6~ Cv~nni3.oen - Fitzgarald, ~alich, xrxin, Stokes, ac~l Council~en - Kz~ne 11~8"S~"Y': Councilmrn - "r^:•e A~'P'LRUVF~J : ~ ~ M~,yor, Gity oi' Cupertina ATT'~T : ^i~:y C1erk _2-