CC Resolution No. 3181 ~ ~ k~;SpLilTYON ld0. 31.81 ~ A RES7LlfTION Ok T!!E CYTY COi1NCIi~ OE' 'CHr". C].:Y CUPF•KTYNO AL<TliQRI2I:~C PARTICIP;1'~"JCO:~ iJITH 1'ti~, ~OUliTY OF' SAti'1'A CI.ARA IN A PRQGRaM E'OCt T~iE ANYi'UAi. PIJBLXCATLQN OF PRG'IAYLI~IC ~iJIGE RATI:S PAID aN ,^.OK~TRUCTION 1'R03ECTS l~k[}~tE11S~ th~e CaunCy of Saata Clara haa propoKed to ~nitiat~e a piogr~m fo~ th~ annual publicatiop of prevailing aA~e rateR paid an ca~natru~tion proj~ects; nnd VH~REAS~ snid publicatiau vill include approprt.~~:~ lAngu~nge to indicete a11 othec agencies p~rticipating in naid nublication; anJ 1~liER~'AS, s~Aid Co~mty hasr re~,ueated thAt e.xch pnrticipnting ~ge~~cy aoa~tributs the sua of S1Q0 tcivazd dcfraying coat~ of s~~ic1 prngr~m; ~nd tiHLR~1S, said County wil~I furr~ish eACh ngcncy with an Afffdavit. of Pu~llcution and c~pies of said weq~ BCAI~E1 aC no ~xcr~ co~t; M1W, TNER~~~~;t~;~ tiE YT ~tE:SOG~'F:A that r.he City of CuperCino doa~ deRf,re Co participitte in s~~id pragrup in order to si;r,plifr advertisin~ pracr.dure:i mn~ r.o reducc coscs to t1iQ City; and Ix tS FURTfI£5 fcI:SO1.~~~D that tt~a Gity does t~~~rLby autl~urize pnrti~ipn- tion in ~t~ild pr~~rap ~ind tiie expenclituro oC ati a^,ount nat to excerd S1C,~1 Inr said pArt~ci~ation; nnd IT' 1S F'Uli~'~irR RFSq1.VE:b that a ccrt~.fied cnp~° nf this reROlutian bn gon.arded 1.o ehe cleXk of thc Board of SupQrr3r;ors ai Satiitc~ Clura Cuunty. PA55wp ~1A'U ~UPTED nt a regulz~r m~~akinF, of t:Ric City Gouncil nf the City of r;.pertino this 20th duy oE D~cea~bar 1971 ~ by the falldwin~; v.~tc~: AYF.S: C~uncilae~ - FiC:~~xald~ Frolich~ Irvin, SCOk~~~ No~1 AAO~.S : Cnunc i l.r,en - None AbSE:~7. Council:.er. - Nonu ~~1fiE5r: A~'YROV~q: \ • • City Clexk ~ Mayor~ CiCy af Cupe~•tino . . . ~ . ,