CC Resolution No. 3177 , ~ ~ ~ t RESOrUG`ixtJ~ IiLY~ ?1T7 ' A A~SOLT'iYA:J OF TH~ CiTY G~'."~I'iCIL OI~ THE GITY OP CU1~E:9~?'IllO Iu;OPTZ~?C ~.?S' E~ItCPI~CY YY.AN 11~J1li, (~d1+r~nco l1~. 475 0~' E~ City c~~` Cu}r~rt:no ada~to~d ~n Js~awry 18~ 1'~Fl., dtd ~Qr.abli~b an s~?~r~ac~r-p c~~,~ui~~tiaa; and i~EA3~ s+~id ordln~uc~ psari,d~s thet the c~erae~cy or*stiis,ztia,e., the - dfs+~yri~r~iflr~ af rs~~sency ~r~rerri rmr~3 ~ntiea. the assi~rnwtat uf frzctctivs+~ ~rnd ~ ae~rl.c~r, and thd rrcruit~entt di.~rct:aa~ and erain#~a~ of p~er~uaQ.l shall b~t ;~~v~a r~r r~sulutian s~dopt~d po~r~cxaAt to •~i.d ordi~n~nca; 110~i'. Tl~ERpl~U3tL~ B~ IT RP.~OLI~ 'b~ the City Council of r.b~e Ci~~ of Cupertino : a+s ifuil+wr: tl.) 7he a~+rc=~~c~ araan~s~tiiv+~ af the ?:it~ ~lxll. h+e ar+ dacribned irt ti~e ~ocura~eat esttitl~d City of Cup~rtiau ~ra~a~; ~l~ea, 1y71, att~ched r~e EXZiIlsI7 A. includln~ all infur~ti~~a •ba~rp th~rein~ Ys •pec:.f.icalt~? is:corp~rated hr,rein ~r if the r~~ ~r~xe ~+arti~ularly discri6sd iri tbia re~o?.uticm. (2~ ?h~n emtrgtncy dutie~a o_' tt~~ Director, araup aitd sectiaa chitfs shall b~ as describ~d ia ssid esarsency pl~a. Such duti:s e• de~cribe~ i•h th~ aaid e.s~sr~ener plan msy be ~hun~a~d frc~ t2nse to ti~r by the Dir~cror ~,r vritten ~tri~Crative orders~ particu- larly for tha puxpoa~ a~ coafonting to re~ca~endaticm~ o~ the Director of the Cali~or~_a O.fice of £arergien~~ Ser~icer or aubeequenc awdificr~tic~s zecoTM~mended by r,he Dir~ctor bf C:vil D~fen~e, Office u~ C'~t ~t~~etary of the Artay. ~3) Mnexe~: Each graup s~:ction chief ehall px~pare hia re~pectivr nnnex the City En~r~cnr:~ P1r.n anci such addit~.uns ar r~.~Ssion~ es are r.eces$nry to re`~e_~ the mose reeent direct.ves fra~ the Airecter o: the Calitc:~~a Officc of Emergeney Ser~.~.ce~. ,uch annExc~s, additions, ar.4 rt:visiona sh~+ll beeaee a pare of the I'lah upon a~proval of the ~:zt~toz. Recie~I`-:r. of Conflict~::~ =esalutione: All previouR re~elutiona reluting to the Civil wa~`~ase Operationa IPlan for thc Cizy of Cupert:ino are hereb}• :tst~a~ed. PJR;S~.L~ AND A+.~OP1~ED at a c~~r~~a. r.eeting of the City Coun~i~ a.' t;;e City c_` Cu;~rrtino. Caunty of 5anta ~.~za, State of Culiforni~?. th±s_ 6~•'_~ ay of :yece~ber '~il, by the fa;._:~.r~ag vote: Al'~5~ Council~en: ~itxgera_~. -ro2ich, Irwrin. Stokes~ :~'oel ~i:~~: CouaGilwen: Vone A_'.~'*. Councilwrn: ~c~nN ~":"='...5? : APFROV~D: , ~ ~ +~R C~~ Clcr Mayor~ ~ty ~f Cuper*ino ~ . . . , . ~ , ~ . ~~.~~vrsi~ ~~A~. P'.~e~. ~~o. ' ~ ~i ' . CIT7 0~ C"~3PF~t'TI1~0 ~ ~'~t01•a.iLC~TI~i~t C~"r' ~~:ti(ir;1~;Y FIA.ii ~ A hu~dnrrt~c.al r~~ponaiblli:y v~ civiX gorNrmo~cnt ii th+m~ parak~sctiwi +or9" lita~ nnci ~roperty snd th~ ~].~ertation nf auffari~ng sad ~uu~isbip ~n !R.'~r~rtrtra c~rr~::r. Th1s p.lan, ~.,r~ by t)~a City Cor.nGil, ou4•Sia~es hc+w t.it C1ty o~' ~yy~~x}i~o ~repares. ~~ilize~, and en}~ldys public ~nd rrrivatc~ r~artarc~cs to c~r;E:e with aericr?~~ ~rer~anciPS~ wd disuters. Th~e p,Lan i~a ~+t app:~lic~bl~r Ca ].abvr cantra~ersi~s. ~ Th~r or~,ns~isation, planai~ ~ryd tyeadinesa gart• of tt~a p].a~a arr • aot~Lixruing ecctfviLy snd are ~r is~ efS~ct. Th~ eadergency ~tr~:~ior~ p~rta ~f tt~e ~Ian will becom~e efL'~ct1:?~: ; 1. I~ediAtely and c~apltt~el.~? urhen • STATF OF WAk ~G'rT'CY exiets i.is Lhe StstQ. 2. :~cdi~?tely und to the extent neceaaexy: Kt~en the f3o~rera~sr declar~s a~TATE OF F~ff.R(3F.IiCY a.+t~?~~it'.g thi~ City". t~. ~p sar~c~.s '~+~itGEt~GY or OTSASTER thxeatenin1s t~~ city occur~ or w1-,en a ~ STATE OF I~U".1.~. ~~;~GE17CY has bcen dec:lnr~d by the City i.c•.u~cS.l or the Dircctc+r af EZn~rgency 4~:vfcte. The Ci:; ~ar:ager nc the ~a~ ecLor of F~:ergency Services is responaibl~ :r im~lewe:~: this pl~.n a:w. i~s review and u~dating es nppropriatc. ~..~1 City c::.:_:;•pes arc fiC~:7C-~ a.° the F.c:ex~enc5• ur~c~niZation; pravision i~ r~:e for t1;c •.:;A of voluntec; tervices e~nd private resourccs if ~eeded to s_.:~ent Citti• . _:.es. 31nre d:~astera occur i: :er,;~ fo~rms, frequently withouL uarning, thP rw~cess of L~:;, plnn depend:; hau xell people are trained end ready to L~t a.nd the ~~-.~~rstanding nr.~ cx~eration of Cit~~ e~ploy~es nr~~ ~he ~ubt :c. Thia pl~. s~.~craedes tre Civi2 Trefcnse OFerations Ples~ of tr.e Cixy Cupcrtir.o :ated 5eptercber, T~.,~. City l~ana,~rr and Dis~ctor of Dr~.rgeney Servicte ~y71 i , ~ ~ ; M i ~ ~ ~ . ~I'~'! OY CCrP1~"nIQ • ~iL'Y I'LA~t ~ ~ Q~ . !'s~l~atiaa af m+?n~~c~ tlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i '~'~tA~• O# C~ar~C~i1Ct • • Y • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • . • • • !.1 ~ ~~i ~rr w • • • r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • f • • ~ s r]`annint fasia . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 1 II Ob~~c~iw• • . • • • • • • • . . ~ • • . • • • . . . 3 ZZI pr~is+~tia~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 IV Cvoaspt of O~tr~tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a o Taai~c~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ~0'I ~upport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 'Prx Caa~rol aod C~c~saf c~ti aar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Attiac~ents: ~ /l - E~aar:~acy Or~cai~atia+a G~virt D ~ Galifotnia ~risacy 4rSMaisation Cturt C - ~sadiness Ca~di~ions U- Procl~wations of ~i.~taacs and T~tro?ixu~ioa of Local Dr~s~~abcy ~ls~ 1Z/75 ~i . . . . _ . . . 1 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ " A. ~ltT?I~~ A~ 1. Califar~uf.• ~ar~~rnry? farrir,.s• Act~ Clupter 7 of Div. 1 of Titts 2 ' af ths C~?s~t Go~. C~lifor~ia l~sar~anc~j? Plan (D~a~awbar 1970) aixd iubplieus (a• i~~utd) . ~ y 3. Cali~`oxnia EWsr~vta~r ~~sa~ress Ms~aE~+at Plan (Jaauar~ 9, 1968) and •ubplaa~ (as i~~wd). 4. Goverc~or's Ord~ss aad *~S+~tl~tiaas far a War l~er=~ACy (~971) . S. County nf 5anta ~lasa ~s=sncp Plan • 6. C~ tp of Cupurtina Lhstr~aa~ ~ervi~es Ordinancs #k75 dated J~?auarp 18, 1971. 7,• City of C~perti,no R~tol~ition adoptin~ rhR r'.aliforaia Mastar Hutu~l Aid A~re~mRnt (Resalution #39 daCed play 2p~ 195y). a. pt?x~o,~ T'~is dor.umeur, with its axaociat~d an~naxr~, cantingency plan~, snd stand~rd ~pRrating pro~edurts, con~tiCutea the Ctty of Cupertino F~~ergancy Plan. Its purpoaes art to; 1. Provide a l~sis for tbe conduct and coordinaticn of opsration= and tl~e mana~e~?ent of cxieical resouress durin~ emerg~ncieR; 2. E~tabli~h a mutua~ urderstandiag of the authoritq, r~spvnsi'~ilities~ fu~ction:. and aptx~?tioas of civi.l governm~nt during emer~«ncies; 3. Prav.tde n basi~ for incorporaeing into the City ~.mergencq arganitation nan-~ovemm~enCal ageacies and arganizaCion• havin~ re~curceE nece~~x,ry to ~~et forerasibl~ ~er~sncy requiremRata. C. I~GTI~AT~ON OF F~R,^,~~,~,~PI.A~ 1. Zhi~ plat~ ~hall hs~ase operative: Autaweic.~?11~, by the axistsaca of a STATE OF •WAR ~lt~'AC~ICY~ +ra dafiued by th~ Ca'liforaia ~mergsncy Sarvices Act; b. ~1ben the Coveraar h~s proclatm~d a ST1TE OF ~fERGII+iCX in x:? ~raa includin~ tbi• Cit~?; oz c. 4n the order nf ths l~~o~ or the ~is~ceor of maner=epeq Servic~~~ provi.d~d tbe sxi ~t~ca at thra~t~mtd axi~tanoe at a XAC~IL II~EACErK~Y ius baai prQCl~.i,o~d in ~erordaACS wt.l:h the proviaiau~r of the I~sr~sr~cy Sarric~* Ordi~~+?~a• of thi~ Git~?. ~r 1~/7S . . . . . . ~ . . 2 • . 2. ~~.nn nrdtrc.d~jr ~b• Dir~c~.~r o!E 1~r=snry S+e~~PS ~ad t.a tb~e ~ucttat ~ ~rr?~trs~tzT tn prtp+~xt ft+r vr i»cr~rs~rs r~diAe~et foz ~n tsis~t ~asdeary. • D• rr~~ . ~ • .~!l,~.•.~ ~sSc,~~c~t Th~ Califocait p~rz~ ~~?r~icts Act (Chaptar 7 of Diri,~l.os~ 1 0l~ T3r1R Z of tAo ~'ra~es~:~ C~o?ds) io ~?reiclQ 3~ ~rctiosi ~~l~8, •t~:~a, r,~fi~ Stata ~rtraaoc~ x'lsa sWall b~ ia sl~sct in sscl~ political ~~~lr • di~icivQ' o~E cbt rtact, a~d tb~ ~owraia~ bo~ nf ~tcb polirical •ubdirri~irn sball ~aiu~e ~ aeticrm ai ia~? b~ use~ssas~? to csrry out tb~ provi~S?cra~ tl~rear~o~." ~i• pla~ i• cans~~t~rat aad cc~r?p~tible witb tb~ Sute DMS~q rlan. b. The D~~,,,,r, j,a~ocJ Rupo~?+e !~r?t~ Ths Cit~? of ~upet~tioo ~rL1I csrry out th~ prorisiaaa ot this p~an Mhan ~rar-caussd ar atlur disas~sr thrutsns tha li~~as, t?ealth or propert~ uf it~ citiseas. Opsr~rtions vill bs dssi~~a~d to aiaiaiar ' caisual=i~• a~ad pzopartj da~~t a~d facilitat• r~cc~vrr7. City ~play~:, vnlunta+ers a~d privata instituCicma and ort~aisario~t~s will t~e raobilised a• n~~sssary snd directed in the caran ~ffort. The ~ity Mfll ~ct in caacert ritb ~.i~hboriz~g car.muniti~s, S~nr.a Clara ~ Counsp~ the S~ats aad ~at.ian. Z. ~tutual Aid and S~pportinr Or~xaiz~ativn~~ . s. 3~lutual Aid 2'be CirS of Cupertino is a partq to the Califorr~ia Plascer Mu+~wl Aid !?~raemsnt. The City is responsibla for the protection of ita inhabitaats snd their ~zapezry; can request and xsc~ive hel~p from otb~r jurisdictiaas i~ sddition~l Yesourca: are ~sed~d; an~9 abligased ta htlp at2~e~r ~uriadictiona to the ext~ac pzacticabl~ in th~ cirrumrts~css. li~itual aid will be coordinat~d v~th th~ Sa~ata Clsra Cc~uatp Opsratio~al Area. 'b. Aoaer,~,ic~ Ra~l Graas, in •ccardunce with its charter~ provid~s care ~or iadinidusls in a d3.saa~tsr. Care includet food~ clo~hin~~ t~rmporary ~hei ter, ~uppl~r~eentary medirxl a~d raur~iug c.are aad vsll~are inquiry and ir.~os~a~iaa servicss. Th~ R~d Cross arsistr fa~ilie: by providiu~ c~o~u~aaslLn~ and by =ranta for iue~sssitis~ and rta~nrer, . Th~ It~d ~oas svr~port~ the ~oork of soasn~tat i~ r~li~~Sa~ di:tr~ss. Ia • vsr-cau~ed disa~tkr tb~ir ~prkari mag be iricorparat~d ia t'ha Cit~r ~r~+~ary orsanisation. c. _~rcl~ool Di~,trict• ~lr~t B.i~i~ Schs~ol, Cupertino fli*h Sabool~ and ~up~iti~o Union~ a~e rssp+~sibl~ for tbs e~rs c~f *tudsnt• while in acbool. In a dir~a~tu~, tha Distticti~ to tlia extsnt th~.iz pricoaty aisaians ptnit~ ~~t~e~rid~ lsciliti~w and por~oni~al for aar;eney wtlEare activiti~i. X~?v 1~173 • . ~ . , 3 a ~ 1~~~~~i~a • u~a ar ~r ir.ar a~ t~4 b~avy ~~as~aria~, t~ .~at+~ Clara C~ary arn~a~es lcnc pirfa~r~rrnes ~~f ser~ic~e~. ?ba Ci~."y? pt~r~r :Cor vo~k at ratu pu~blisl~ J~.v tlb~t as~cciaeioa pl~a. ,~t a~t SC~t~ ta prsr~ide ~ruRu+~l aid a~rvict+~ i~ludi~n; aa~ntear;iww~, ss~u~ b~aitly, fix~, a+~i~wr~rL~,, lrw ~nfvrc~- Mat, ~md ~a+elfa~ra arnerriaeea. Aar~~taa~c~ xill b~ r~e~aste~d t6ra?~ tlra C~o~rntp Oparatia~l 11?~ea ~srpac7 O~s~tis~ C~t~rs« f. ~?as~armt ts~ri~rr di~astsr r~li~~ ~o~ rrstotat3.~ at ,..._~.~r..~,.... pvblic sarr3c+~s w~rd rLrou~h a vAari~t~ af lo~ pr~rrs far . d~~d bwinas• a~i ~s3a~ltva~al prvp~srtis~. !'t~saA r~liaf is rsaar~+~~ fc?r ~a~or d:la~art~r~ and i~ ~dsinist~r~d b~ t6e Csil,fvrnia 0lHc+c of ~r~ea~? ~csa ~ad l~~dezal a~saeiia. l~liar~?, ~ar,c~~s ai.li as~tst ai~il =ore~oaraC ~sa rnq+~rtrd aad aubj~ct to priority o~ ~al~ue r~spauibi~iti~~. itilitar~ ~~~~tlACe is obta.in~d by applicatian ta tl~ G~oresnos tbrou~h th~a Couv~.j Opsra:ioaal Azsa a~d tir~s Cali!`ornia Af:ics o~ ~rar*~~ S+~:Y~C~i. M1.lit~r~ uaits ordsrN to as~ist tbe citp r~wain uud~e~r willtsry ~or~~ b~t acaept sissian ~~~ip,r~sat~ ~ra~ tb~ aitp ~a~r~r~at. ~ . _ .AS~'~~_O11S 1. Zbie rsspc-,sibiYity for ~:fs~~? prtpare~:~:~ r~sLs Mit.. ci~il ~ ~r~src~e~: at all l~va],s. 2. ,vailable v~r~ia~ tioa, n~ed effectivel;~~ ~:11 d~cssasa potsntial lifs xad p~apE::r lo~~. 3. bdequ~rte i:~e-~ergsnry t~s~iA; of fsci2.t.~es end ~uipmtnt vill sasure »reli+~ble ~ctioain~. ~e uaturt aad extent of ~~er~~rraty ~:il: govern vhich ela~nts of the ~os: grsr,r? will mabilizs aad respond. II . 'i'~x: Ctt~ Emarg~ncz Or~aaizatian ~r.. ~lan, preparc :cr amd coaduct opazation~ i: ordt= to accar:Iish the fallaria~, bbjectivtt: A. S*~ lives ~rntect prap~er~:t~. 11. ~yz and restare ~ss~ntial ~qst~s and ~ex~rfces. C. P~a~ridae a b,es:a Enr diractiosi and coritrol of ~ergemcq aparaticaa. A. ?ro~ridR for r~e protactioa~ va~ a~ diatributian of r~.m~iain~ r~~ou~cc~ts. L. prc-a:tde for c:n.~,nuity af ~ovrz~ar+~~t. F. C+oordi,n+~tr ogeration~ xi~t:h tk~ w~r~sncy ~ersi,ce organi~ttion• of ot~:r juri:diction,4. It*v x2/"T3 . . , . ~ ~ ~ ~ix. ; 7l~e Cu~rti~o ~sr~~nry Or~r?is+~tS.o~n is baa~d an C+,ty Ger~rr~ot. Yt i~elud~~c • +~1.1 a!lic~rt ~nd rrplayr~• ~E t6s 4tt~~ valuatasr ~or~sf s~atoll~d to aid tbir~. anr~i ~tll ~rcw~.s~, ~r~aai~t~ta~ aod psrsau w~w by a~riwrrat or o~aratiaa of ~.~r~ inaludfn~ p~rscoa pr~urs~d i~to sirvi,e~, ~~r,~ b~ ctiar~pd ~ri~ ~rsr=a~~? irt~iaa for t2re prot~cti.an o! lils sad gxo~+tt7• . I. ~_~!~?cr.r„!n,d Gi~r Cor~cri ,1, si tbe ~avarnia~ authori ty o! tb~ Ci t~r, s~tablisbss tbe 8~s~ac~ O~rptni~ativn aad pratidss far its fvnctioaia=. Y• Di,~r~ts~ ~trsi~rt~ oi ~be Maror (Cbai~ta) , bir~erot E~~T~lt1i~ SlriiGi ~1CMf"aMis~) ~ Diractor o~ A~i~isCratiw Sir?ies~~ Dir~ctor nf Parks taa ~cssad.oa, Dl~r~ecor ot~ ~ll~ao~»~ ~d D~wlopowraz~ Dirsctor af Pt~blic ii~o~rk~. xerd a d+tsi~+aa~~d rtprss~outirrt of tba Eant~r Cl~ra Ca~atp Sbe :~.lt'~ p~rw~a~t a~d l~ro~ ths Csotr~l tiri Dl~tariec: th~r lat~~~ c~a trta alw~ll ~e ~s oificio wb~rt~ md rar~n in an •dri~or~r rapacits. Tt~e Disist~s Carts~il sdri.~s t,h~a ?Is~r aod ~it~ Ccuoeil o~ ~rrsrt~~ erattars. 3. T1~~ bistc=or of ~rs~ ~~~i~ss i.: tt,e City I~Mna~er. ~ r~ca~w~sA~a to tb~ Gi~y Cauaeil ar aakss mb jacc tc, chsir caa~i~ati~sa, proela~ucic?n o~ L~OC~L ~'~E]tCEACY.' ~+e rirprass~at~ ttu m~r~s~cy ar~aaisat~on in d~exliuaa vith tb~ g+sblir aad o~bsr ~urisdictiacs~ dir~cts the or;aaisitioa aa~d coatrols ~ex~sncy aptratiaas. A~ acts as liafsam o;~icsr ta ataioe t~e Couaty aad Stats with auraa~sa~eseat~ protsction, caatrol aad pri~r~ty alloc.~tfa~ of ~eer~~tency resaurcea and :ervi~~: !n aecordsACe with ths St~t~ of Glifo~cai~ l~+~ris~~cy x~aources !iana`~aint Plan an~ the S~nu CIa: a County Em~r~;eary Plaa. D. ' :sff S~ctic~s: i. Diuster ~axlvsis Croup. ~'he Director a: Plaariis~ and D~tvelop~~nt it ___-W_.... ~ th~ chie: of thi~ ~rvup. Fi~ aad hia :t~~f assistant, the 8,enior ~uildin~ I~sp~ctor~ uho !.s tbe ~ladiolorical Defense Officer~ ar~ respao:i~Ie for providia= advice and aasistsnca to tht staff, the fitld or~aaisat:an~ •nd th~ publ.ic aa nuclear wapons et~fects includi~si rieliolo~:cal, fia~e, snd bla~t ~#~'scts. 'fhry r~ceiv~, cae~rrpila, and xepurt tbe Yesu3;s af d~naa~~ asKS~ts. Da:ed os? tha assessrsuts ad~ as to tbe drwie reFl.ectid an the phrsical properti~~ of th~ com~us~ity, the Dir~ctor af Pl~rrnir~g emQ D+rv~lopaert ~ill ~ssi~n avail~bl~ staff far thr plaani.a~ ~Wd coardiaatin= of a prn~rsm of r~devsloprsz~t, both en a ahert ttra~ •a,d I~ns r~nse bx~ia. t~?~~atie~s Crau~. Th~e Dirs~tor of Public Work~ is th~ t~e~d of tha ~..r.._~_„~ O~~ratic~ss Graup. i!~ it rRS~sible ior coardis~atin~ as~d diractin~ fi~ld ap~r~tioiu i~ iraie~tai~ia~ tha plr~sical saietp and d~ifara oi the comsuaity ta xh~ be~t uat~at po~sibla uad~t~ ax3stia~ circum~taac~s. 8+~ ~rhall op~z~t~ Cit~r o~a: ut~litias aacl ~imt~in liaiacn ~+ith privataly c~ra~d utiliti~s. 3• airce ou . Tl,s ~esaurce Creup shall b~c hs~d~d b~ ths Dir~ctor of A iiai~rrariva Ssayic~s. a~ vill b• r~spcrosible Eor public infoxvatton~ saNt~~s caatrox~ aad far liaisaa a?attex~ batveen Croup~~ tbe Dirscto~~ t!~ Msa~t~r Gouuoil, ~nd ~ritb oth~z ~uri.sdict~oa~. '~'b+e ~~ourca Giroup rill pro~ox.da tb~e wa~parsr~ e~pplp, traaaport~ati~on, .~Ad c~ow~ruaicatiar~s rt~ou~aa~ :o au~ast es r~suppl~ th~ oper~t3.u~ fares~, se~d ri~tain coat~cr. ricb busi~t~• ~~rad t~du.~tr,~. U~ad~r atae~ pr~lici~~, iAi~iat~a 11~rr 1~.0:!~~ . ~ . . . . . . ~ . . , . ~ , ~ ~ m:.na~`~ut af purt-d~se~~t~~r re~o~src~r sxcaptin~ food~ clothia=, ~ousin~, ~ water, ~dica~ +r~ dru~ itMS uader ccmt:al at aparatin~ depar~int~. 4M ii~ fare- t~ Air~czor af Park~ and ~cr~atioa i~ tbs hsad af tb~ W~lfar~-~ tss Cratp a~~ad ir rs~poaaibis for ~+rorldi~a ~~roesar.iara sad A~~1~tA~tC~ in waf.nt.ai.nis~~ ths 1~ssltri a~id M+~lt~?x~t~ oi ths citis~?s in , tbs car•mLty. '3trs ~roRSp providrrs tb++ ,f~cili,tia~ tar ~ws~~~ vallu^a cantars and tb~s b~sl~ ~arviaRS f,~r~: saaa sara ar;~ivitiss to i~a~3.uds #ood. ' alat6in~. bouoia~~ao+~aslin~~ ~ra~ r.esia~tr~tiora aad isrq~ris~r s~rrl,ees. iad _ wa?a~e aad q~rat• p~b1iC ~allaut tb~lt~ri. C. ,~±aac~~l~.l3 , , 1. Lsv ~sfaraa~tat Opixatiaos is bK~d b~? a~~pr+~.asne+~ti~?~e o# tbr ~ants Qrri ~ouaty ~b~ri!`t who wi~?tais~~t liai~oti Witb tly~ Dix+~ator aod bis w~a~t ~rhil• ~ dincti»,~ ths forae• riat~l.nin: law aod ard~s ~od Cri~fic control ~urio~ tb~e rsr~t~a?c~. ~wtrs larc~s rill ba uadrr t4s dirsct caatral a~ ths a~sipi~d liai~on atticsr ruad~r t!u cca~and of CIu~ BhsrS.fl. 2. ra is hsadod by a~~prssaqtativ~ of tbs 6aqte Clara CovaC~ C~?tral lis~ Diatrict rho a~it~taios liairoo ri,th tbe Public Norka Dirsctor and io dir~etly r~apv~ibl• tar tbe f~~id peraaaA~tl eoabatin~ fire¦ and parfazsinj lifht r~ercvs and xarnin~ acti~iti~s. 3. Ensins~z Op~ratioas, hsad~d by tht AssisCaat public ~i~tk: DirecCor~ direats ~~.r . Fublic Works ~rplayess aad other~ ~a=~ged in daa~a~e ~s~as~m~nt snd rspait or coa~cructiaa of trs~ficway~, buildin~s aad pbyaical facilitie~, mxia- tsnance ~nd rspair of city-o~+ned utilit~s~, a~ad liaiaon with privately cwaed utiliti~es. 4. ~ed~al O~tatiatis is ha~ded Ly ra appoinx~d mrdiaal profossional ~ho `Ilii ¦ Y~~ ri~iiil~ sbr.ll be retpo~riblt for Cht aars of caau~lties, activi.ties to protncC the ~aalth af ~urvivors, and dii~postl of th• dsad. D. ~sa~r~~acv Rssaurc~s ~l~asu~~ortnt. The Directox a~ F~ergency Servicns ~i,ll ~iY~~~ll1~ W~~r~~M ~ act a~ liaison officer fer chs City i~n accord,~nce With the C+rlifornia brer=snc~? aasourzts 3lan~a=~snt Plan ~nd viil coordir~ate the activiti~a of tba follcn+in~ Ae~our:e Mar?a;~ssnt nivi~iont. 1,~ CoA~ truc c~ on 7. l~anpwer 2. ~ousi~~ b. I'etralsus 3. Ecano~ic St~bilisativci 9. ~'ranspcrta~i.on 4. Food 10. Utilitxar S. ~salth 11. Teltcomanuaicati.vns 6. Indu~tria~ Production IV. ,~'0l~P~.nF OP~I~ ONS , A. ,~ira~ers~ 1, P1 Zfia Geaer~l Plan ~,a a war ~rm~r~~cy i.s to uae aba~.Car to pzat~et tht po~t~la~io~n fras r~dlo+~etive fallout, to couiitar the aff~cts of blatt and #iL~R b~ ~ssr~eacy action, to grotRCt essantial :arvice~ aad to ~ustain tht papulaeiaa by xemsdial.eoov~m~nt~ mass care, and medicAl txs~trent. Othar di~a:ters ~rl.11 ba e~~t bp Maar~st~cy action~ to c~rre for p~~pls ~ttd pzot~tt propertq. Contiu~~ncia~ arid platiwRd rrrpon8e• ara d~tcribed b~elav. Spacitic ta~k• are de~cribad in S~etion V. ~nr 12 / 7.S ~ ' ' 4b ~ ~ ~aosas. Plrait ar~ w~de bsfoxs diaartsr s~l~cs,r~ plani are ts~ted, ' ~p~roa~a~l cr~irr~rd aa?d w~+~~incy squlp~sat a~+d ~cppiiai rwdiid, 1. . Fi~cj~ h~ad ot ,m ~r~~r~ ~l~CR or sfat# ~~ctioa fs rs~poaaibls . ~ ~ic~~plans ar ~roo~r+t~t to siRxt~ awbili~ct, u~d dir~¢t bi,s ela~a~at of tbs ~arsr~~c~r e~i~tar..~oti ~ 2. Z"ara~. Z't~as b~d oi uch ~srR~n~ s*r?i.o~ o~r rc~aif saatic+~ iraruria . tbat as~i~~r'+od Ci.t~ }ssro~n~ael and au~sntatioa for~s rta~x±v~t r~puirod ~ sp~~ial traiuia~. ~oL~C~sr nr~aai~ratio~o~ xl.11 bt ~r.oure~~d ca caaduct s~?d/or participatR ia t~r~inin=. 3. ~,i~. '16a Dirsttar o~ ~er~~ncy ~rvir~s axr+~~~?s fvr Ci~y+ p?articipxtion i~? C~m~r-~.de, ststa or ~'~diral tssts and s~r~ei~ef. ~ ~at. T4wr b~osd +~eb a~sr~aYCy •isvice ~r staf# •~ctio~ ,~cquis~s sad oainta~,a~ rtdiolo~ieal or o~b~r ~pacial equipwrnt. S. ~aeilit~s~. T"be Dis~ctor of Hs~r=aa~? $~rri~a~ arran#st acquisitio~ or isprav~at of ~rsr~wcy assats in~ludi~~ ~al~aut shalxaxs, ~rar~~r~cy? optratin= csntsr, a~ias~ri~:~, asdical aad d~lfara ~aciliti~~. b. Fublic„ Inforwatioe~. ?ht Diractar o~ I3~~r~tiacy SRrvice~ ~rponsor~ public infar~ti4A pr~r~a tc improv~ iadividwl capA~ilitp to take the ri;ht actica ia ~o?er*a~atia~. Lsv 1~/7S . , . ` ~ ~ ~ 5 • C. 1'~aCCtlr..~~ DI$~19CC'T. Z~e occue-nnce oc immrJinte hazard oE disA~Cer requi~es sprci?`tr. actio~ts: 1. Res~un~es. Ynitial respc~nee~, n~t in priarity a~rd~r. are: a. F~r~ency aervic~~ +~ct in accardance w~it4~ th~ir plans ancl/or procedures. b. Tiic public ia infonaed that ~,averrus~ent ts •eting and ~dvised , oC iridividual actiona~ iC nny~ thnt nv~y be r~cessary. c. CasualCi~s are collectcd 3Yid carad for. d. lf ~ppropriate, a 1ACA1. F.FiF.KC~tiC1' ia declarcd. (5ec Attacltment 13 for forsas) c. Tt~e ~mergcr~ry Organization, incluJing uu~r.?sntations a~nd voluntary or~a ~izalion~i ic ^~ohiliz~~d As nrcded. i. Thc situatio:~, includin~; r3tinatrs of casualti~rs und public and p: i~:ate prop~~rty da;~a~;~~ and the kind anJ amouni oC hr?p rcvufzF9, if .°~ny~ hill t~r rcportrd to S~~ntc Cl,~rn County a~d t'r,c Malifori~i:i l~ffic~~ af Cmargency Serviccy. 2. ~fr.s. Fires are c~:~trnllrcl b~~ Chc~ S,~nt:+ Cl~~ra Caunty Centrul ~frc ilistrict surpi~--.f h[eci hy mutual nid rer~ ~crsur~r-~1 and c.ut~ent ~rhen :^c~.:~d. ~:xtcitsiv~~ tirc~s nay rcquirc~ addiiionril ~ ~sur~•s. 3. :I.~.~~Is. ~lc,o~s ar~: ccr,nl~a[t~~d h~• thc i'~iblic Kork5 DjPC!CCOC a^.i f'ublic ~or'rs :~rces. ll flo.~.! c~[i~~cts .~rr c~xtcrisivc~ ..`~cr ~lrricnts n: =:,c cr.ticrF;~~»c~~ ~r~;.11!IiilLI011 and ::utual nid a3ststittcc r..ay hc~ rEquired. 4. .t:cidi~nts. ir:e a~_i:IenCr~l ~~xplosi~~n c~r reIC~1SC' o.f nuclear -~t~ri,zls or ot'r~e~ ~an~;cruus wubst.i:~c~~s rrquirc rc^oval anci :ar.~ uf casualtics, con[rol of tli.~ cl~~ngr.r arca, and repor[ ta z~:e 5,~nt~ Cl~ra r_c:s~sy Hc.tilth I~1~~artm4nt. T'f~r COUtItY IIC.IICI1 Il:paxtment pro•ri::~s advicc anci assist.~nce ari rcqur~s[. Dawru~d ~ircr.~ft require l~~licc ncti~n .1tiid rrport tu County Cor;~uni- :ations Ccnter an~ -:ay rrquire firc~~ rrscuc nnd crnar~~ccy ~dlcal ~1c~tianz. Sec Snnt~ Clara County ~k~dical Disastcr C~[nstropltic Plan and E'rocedur~~ for I'c~cetine Ftadiolo~ical ?~ccidc•nts. 5. Civil Qis~cder. The control of civil disarder is the~ rcapons[- bitity nE thc Santa Ctara County :itier~fC. 6. Di3aster Fielicf. Lasse~s to publfc property may entitle khc cicy to nsgi~tanc~ from Stntr and Erderal Covrrmhents. a. Tha prerequiaitee~ to relief ~re thnt the City c~uat uae ite tull :csaurces tu control che ~lisnatcr and restorc publi~ services~ c STATE 0~' LOCAI. Ii~1F.RGF;NCY to JC,a~ared~ ~nd iti fe~deral grants ara required, c~ Yreai~iuntia~ dcc~aration of MA3UR dISh~ST"ER. 1971 . . . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ In ndditi~n, a.v~rcie: lasses of pri.vr~er pr.operty in gonc ~ ci.rcun?s[a~aceac includln$ A MAJOR DISAST~R raay tiati~le aMmcre tn lc~a~s s~anz~pr~ by tcdcral aEenci~~a. c. Tiic~ Ameriran ti+:~l Cro~~ ars~ists disnster vtctinus by psavidiag fnod, clothin~?;, tbeltcc, family servlcr_~ nnd mupplei?~Pn~al ~ i~andical and ~arsi~g carc. ~1. Ictcreasr.d Reaciin~ss„ `ibe GiCy improves its emergency c~pubility if a pE:riod ot interngti~x~a1 tension gives riee ta the presumption of attack. Thc .fo7,la~f~g intensivc programs ar~ initiated. 1. airectio~~ and. Cr~ trol, Thr. pircctor of Fn~r~r.ricy 5e~vices rrieCs thc ;layor, Council, deplrtment he~.ds anci s~lectad r it ir.ens as to haurds and reAdiness to meeC th~r,. Plane ~ prc+ceduren, staff assignments, equipr.tient, a?Zd Eacilitica $re r~vteWed. T'he ~~r~ency Uperr~ting Centcr is pragres~ively sctffod. Shelter. Any existing faci~itia?: nre: ir.spected and iraproved. ?~.3:Iitiannl shelters are acquired a~il(j i.mpr~ved or iraprovised. 3. r~:rsonncl. '1't~c ~~a.d of cuch sect~on an~ City cic~pxrtr.~ent revicws rian~ for aleri.S::~, nobilizing~ .1nd directing his pcraonnel. z~~l~~eted p~ersor.:~' are pro~ressivc~l~• cnllyd to duty. Skilla a~,i rpc~rxtin~ p:~•_t~ures urc tes`.cd. G. ;.c~~ler~lt~~i Tr~fr.:-~. Addirional personnel Are trained to '.ill vscancic~s ta strenE;then staiE ~znd servic,~ clcner?cs. :'.:'~lic infarsk= f+ pro~;ram is inili~lted to i~ifor-~ citixr~ns :i cit.y prc~ar=*_i_~s an~i necessar~' iiid{vidual a~tions. 5. ti~ ~diness (:o:~di.i_r.s. ,~tcachment C d~~acribes pr7gr~ssive s:~ps in ~~ttai-i-~ :ull reaclincr>s. E. ~'ar~.~:,. :'~~.rc are tv;, signuls: ATTACK lti.lFtllli~C is rr_ceived a~n aa t:t.~•~!. warning .-._ss3F,e. Ir is cams^unicarrd to thc gvblic by 5 m~.nutc .a•: i:~g tonc of tEIC Centr~i ~ire Dis[rict nnd ui~ ~ sir~~ns. Ic -•w~ :s that an uttnck ag~inst this ceuntry hn~ ~c4- ~~~!~~cted snd L'.:~t protective actions should he taken i~•~ ±~,ac~~ly. AL"~.; S IG~iAI. ia soc:.~e3 b!; authority of thc Cupcrtino Fnetgency 5er:ites Uirector. It is a 3 to 5 minute stcady i~last o£ the C~:stral Fire Ut~trf.:t and other sirens nnd menns that pcacettmc~ or ti.~rtime ha~~trd ts i..~sainent or nresent. 1. ~•s nsibilities. The ~11TACK ld.afLVING SIGNAL !.s sounded wiiQn ~ vcriei~~ att~.~'r. varnin~; is received from thc Cottnty Camrnuni~- cation Center. Thc AI.£ItT STG!~~L is sou~tic~cd on order nC thr_ Director oE ~aa.~egency 5erwfees vfien inaninrnce oC altac(~ or pcaccatimc 1971 ~ . ~ ~ 7 ratastraphe rcqufr~s nnci 1ncn1. rAdlo atution~s nrc bronucAe~tinf; e~erp~cnc~infarmat ion. Z, Respcrn~es. A'fTAI:K WARNIwG: Evt:ryane ahould aec~r tha n~areat ~ ~vailahle shelCer. k.~dios shou'!cl be turned ~n to l.~.eten to ' lacat rmdte broacicao~a for cmct•gency ~.nformakion. Ai.ERT SYt;NAL: Turn on your radia to local AM statiori for emerg~ncy infox~sa~tian. ~ 3. All t"]c~~t. Thcrc ie no aI'1-clcrar sigr~~l. ~rgency broadcaittng , atatians are manit~Yr:d for cmergnncy Snforrnation incl.uding ch~nges in varnisig c~nclitions. Attrck. Attack may accur aikh or without warnin~; and consisk oF c?ne or reprated nuclcar ACL`~ICC~ ar other ucrtons. Ttie F.mergency t7rganizr~ti;~n sc~ks th~~ hest i1VS1~]1bZC shelter. During sh~lter ~~ccupancc tt~c main eFfart is t~ r.ustain lifc and health. 1'iie Iacnl sicuation .z.~ far as it is knot~rn is reported to Santza, Cl~zra ~rnmty ~~~~roCian-~1 Arem, l.iinitrd action, are tnken ns neces~nry for survival. I'os:-att;~rk couirtemec~sures ATC e~ecutecl .1s naon c?s attacf: eEfects t~f ll permit. G. F".~st-atta~~c. ~rticrgcncy op~rations are limitrd by on~~ nf four c:~nd~rion~ th.7t c.-~n b~~ c~e~x~ctrc! nfCryr nuclcar nttnck. l, }~luht n~!~l/c~r F'irr I)~m:iste• ;~i~h R~dioact.fvc i'allout, e1 nucicar E;raunn burst tn ~~r n~~ar the Ct1.y cbuld prt,clucc casu.iltirs and d+~snu~;~ ur dcstroy~ scructur~•s. :'aIIout of radto~~c~ivc particl~s woulci cauq~~ ad~iitl~~n;~l c.~ts~ealtirs. Ti~c l:t~x~rgcn~y t~rf;,znSfc,tinn t'~'mafris in sh~lt~~r. :~s so~n a~ C~asiblc~ work partir-s ~n~~r~;r. for !irnisc~d tir~~s. ~1rki~ns tn control dana,r,e~ proCect pxoFt~rty, ~n~ dc~c,.~nt:~ninnc~~ ar~~ Jcirrr~~~i until racli7tion d~•clincss t-o an uccept~Ll~ lc:vr.•1. Situntiun rrp~rCs includin~; d.~maF,r estimatc~s, so far as l:no:rn, ar~~ mada ta thc 5;mtu Cl.~rm Caunty Oprr:itional Arc•~ . 2. i3last ar~cllor Fir~~ I):nnasLc witl~~ut R~dioactivt• Pr~llciut. 7t~c atr burat of a nur, lc.~r ~~c~r~pott In the vi:iniey~ of CuperCino ~ould pruclucr~ cssu:~lxi~•~ .~nd ctr~m.a~;~~ ur d~~stray structUrca. 3't~e ~',~nc~r6~nry Urganiz,~tiu~t call~cts nnd c.1r~~s fr~r c;i3~.~nltic~s, Ci~;fit~ firc~ r~scucs entr:ip}~:•J p~~rsuna ;~nd insp~res an~; b,~rs ~zccess ta unsafc araas. l'rnto.:tiv.~ actt~ns agaSnst passihlc sw:ccrr.~lfnb strikCS cAntinuc. liurial at th~~ ~lcad; ~ublic hc.~ltl~ m~•asurc~ and dncr~;ency rep~irs oE cssr.rtial faci.licics nre priority ections. Situ:~tion reparta inr.luding d~rnagc c st±:~Kitra cira srnt tu the 5ant.~ Cl.ar~n County Operationnl Area. 3. Ho parta •t~ but ~,ai~.~Cct~~~ t~'allout. 11ic F.mer~enCy Or~anization, a~tiag thraubh ~I~r•ltrr nAnaKar~, Co~trols movement between sheltcrn and cr+orgeruc f.ram shcltcr. Work partic~ will lec~ve ahe~ter ~t thr rnrli~~st prtmiss~'blc~ time to perCorm essenrittl tat~ks eu~~h ns decu»tj~ninatton, replenish~~rnl: of shelter aupplie~ ancl prc~tccCinst ar cnx~r~ency rrpaixs to essr.ntial fucilitics. sie~ccp~ reporta .~rc~ in~~le to 5anta Clura Couaty Up~ratioci~I Area. 1971 , ~ 1 v ' „ ~ ~ . ~ ~i. t~fl p,~n~Y~e~ nnd 3:o itncli.nnctivc f'allout~. 71~e F:rr?~rF,cnc:y Or~,ani~ . ~ation continucs~ irr~prat~in~ proCectinn egain~t fallcr,~-up aCtuc:k. ' A~ neces~ary atitid at tlie raque~t of 4}?e Ssnta ~lara Op~raCional Area, tl~~ Ci.ty provides AssisCancc k~~ ather ~itles and xcceivee and car« for di.splaced ~ci•scros. Suppli~es af cssential c.osarnoditiea ar~ pratect~ec~ nnd prceerved for controlled distri~ but~on. 3ituaCiorc repnrts ~re madc ta tbe Sante Cl~ra Caunty Operational ,Area. , Recovcry. T1~e City of CuperCino assieto in cxecuting of the SCure ~ Plan for £rncrgcncy tS.~nagemenC o£ ResourcGS. t~cCicins include Ctiose necessnry to ~:onscrvc a~yd ration~ reeour~:es for euskcnancc and ~ r~covcry. , V. TASFCS A. ('~eriernl. Tasl:s Are aasitgn~~d on the bnsie of day-Ca-dAy nperAkianK and ~tr~ those thaC can l~e pi•ed.ictcd; otl~ers ~~ill bc assl~ned ~-+s nced Arir,cs. Chie£s of sCafF ~roups or s~ctiuny wt1l Insurc th~it ct11 ~:[ty ci~~parCnicnts : 1. Prepare annexes or ~tundin~ opcraCions proceduresc supplrmcnCirtg this plan so that responecrs to emer~;r.ncies arc~ predetenni~ir,cl, Pcrsonn~l uill be .~ssignad dutics, dtity sCations cstaUlishrcl~ And initi~l ener6cncy actions listcd. 2~ Prepare a plan Co i~~crensc the rcadiness r~n~i, ki~r.n ~ppraprf~ta, r~u~;*~ene or rcittforcc thc~ir ar~;.~nization ai~cn condittons ir~dtrnc~ thAt War is praaahlc. (S~~e Sac~ion IS~, n r:nd ~irta.hment c:, R~'.ADI;~'FSS Cn::UI'f IO:;S. ) 3. Prepare and usc an L~IerCill~; list for on ~ncl off duty persc~nncl inclurIing auxiliary or standby persons. 4. PrntecC their personnel .zrut City vehicles, sup~lics and equipnent tmder the:ir cunCrol frori lh~ CjLCCLS of attack or otl~er disn~tars. 5. Or? receivinr AI.I:liT itt£ortnation, go to the Ctty EOC or estnbl isl~ed duty post. 6. On rrcciving ATI'ACK WAR,~iNG, takc covrr and, w}~c~n possiblc~, est.zhlish cor.-~unicntinn with the EUC. 7. Uirect and supervisr. pcrsc~mml, cquipment and supplics avail,lhle to khetr~ to parform ccnerE;enc~~ trt~F:~. ~ 8. K~ep the airector a[ Emer~ency Scrvices intott~ed. 9. Makc provision for thcir fnmili~~s prioL to tl~e unset of disa:~kcr, H. Dirertor aE Fnr_r~ienc;~r :ierv[c~!9 (CiL~1 r~inc~~;er) s~i11: 1. Keep the Mayor and Council inCormed ot ciis~str_r c£fec~ta or progress of emcrKency oE~rttttnns. 1971 . . . , , ~ , „ . , ~ ~ . 9 2. DirPr,t cmec~;:.ncy operr+tiong uui~~~ his stnff for annlysis~ c~aordinatiut~ anJ control ~f ~.:iCy c~pcrtitic~~s torcas. 3. !?~,sigri operatianal ~,r~uritic~ Artid emer~cncy tas3:r~, 4. Re.quear c+ssi.~tanre, when nec~seawy, Erarn Chc Cuunty nr ~ Operar.iunal Ar~r~. 5. R~quest~ +~l~ern n~c~:~er~ry~ th8t the C~unGil procXai.m the ~xistence ar~d t~ccritia[ior~ ~.f a LO(:Al. l~~*iF.RGEN~~Y. If ti~e Cvuncil :ls not in sQeai+~r~. ~kR che pr~clnn~c~tian subJ~ct to ~on£ircnation. (see~ Att~chca~nk D for for-ra~) , 6, RequPSt. vfien ap~ropriate, th~t (:he Covcrnor prc~claim a STATF OP Q~(ERCLh`CY. C. Chief". Di.~netQr ,~rru~l sis anci Plnnnii~ Grou Director of Plannii~g and T~evelo rsenc ~rill: , 1. Aa$esg t5.~ rndiologicnl situation z~nd prov?.de warning of hazards to the pubtic and the F~~ergency OrgAni.zat3~n. 2. Recommend pratectivQ and aecr,ncnn:innCion meusures. 3. Prepnre radiologicnl and dnma~e e~sg~ssment repore~ for the atn£f und transnission tc Che Op~r~tionsl Aren. G. Ass~ss piiysicel dnciage inflicCed ~nd commen^er~ ~he plnnning for i•uplenenting :i rehab[1It.~L•Son progr.~m. U. Cl~ief ~ Oper7t tons Gr~ tUirector of Public Iti'~Xks) will: 1, Prov!.de ~.rergency eng.'.neering service including Che condemn~~- Cion or d~str~action of uns~fe sCructureb. 2. llirec[ heavy rescuc operi~~i.ons. 3. RC3COT(', n~~gnent, or replr~ce }~ublic roads nnd brid~es~ wnCer sup~~l5 and sewa~e~ ay~;tems. l•. Supp~,rr. establichnen~ r-~nd maintenrince of ~~elfar~ centers or ehPlter facilitie~ by trasty consCrucCion. S. Collect , evaluate and ~11~seminnte road it~farmntian. 6. Survey nnd report damnge to slructures. 7. t~ic?intnin liaison .znr; r.aopc~ratc wi th u~ility comp~anies in restoration and mninten~nc~~ o~ esscntir~l gAa, electric~ te? ~phunc and dlsposAl. sc~rvicQS. t3. Perfnrm radio~o~~icaZ manitor~ng nnd re,~art to Rudinlagic~l Defan:~c Officr~-. 1971 . . ~ . ' ~ ia ~ 9. UiY~ct decvt~ta~Sriation opet'uCians. 10. Dirc~ct wprk crf Stal:~: or Count~~ hiRi~Way ar.~ publf~ w~rks forces ' aenC tu raupport thr_ Cfty. 11. Coordina~te ~ctL~rities of th~: F'ire Opert C~,ons 5ectian ancl ~be l,ar~ F.nf~rcr~t Seckian ~+it~y thoge o~ tb~r atber a~:tivities of ; the Op~r~tf~,rs~ Cr~a~up. ~ L. i.MiefL Fire Operatic~ Section res onsibility af Chi~rE, Geutral Fire DistrJct) wi11: 1. Control. und su~pre~~ firea. 2. R~acue },eople fre~ dam~~ad or destroyed ecxucture~a. 3. Deploy fir~ fip,hr.fag and pumpin~ unita riot r~quired far pricaury functi.ans to per:iarm decontamination. 4, l~equ~st and previde sautu~l cstd thrnugh eatablished channels. S. BixQCt mutual Yid fire forces suppartin~ Cupertino operations. 6. I'~r£orm radialog;xcal nonitorin~ for protection of ~+erHant~el. 7. Receive an3 verSf~ AT7"ACK ~1~1ktiIrit~ rr,egsab~ fra^~ County Commur.i- crscians Ccnce:. Sound ,1TTAG}: ~~.F'~:I:~C s9.Enn1 ort ~•erification of inforr^.ntian. F. Ch^_ief~ Lnu ~:nforce-~at_Opers~tions (responfxibility af I.i~~i~on Officer Uis~tched by thE_ Santa Claru Cou?~t}' Sh~~rffi ~,•ill, ~ 1~ Fteport to the Lirc:tar oC }-,n,c•r~;cncy Services ~nd establiah lluison a~ soaa as clrcwmst.liil'Cii pern~it. 2. 1'rotecC livw.s and properky, enforce lawfi, rules .and re~ul.~rtions, r~ninCuin arder. detect rsnd pr4vrnt ~ubotn~e and oth~.•r subv~rr;iv~r activities. 3. Regul~te and conttol traffic within the City. ~i. Cnnduct ex?loaivc ar orJnance rcconnnis~ync.w. 5. Loc~+te and ta1:e ~ustody pf dowpe~f aircraft. fi. Perform r.~dio'la~~,ical montt~ring for proter.tion af pr.rsonncl. 7. Direct and ca•nr.r~l nutu~l-aid lAw enforcc~m~nt persanncl ond ~ equtpment made avallable ta thc Cit~~. 6. RcquQxt vr prviide a?utual.-~Aid lnw enforcecnr~rt a~a~stance throueh estr~blished c:hannels. 19'/1 , . LL . . . . . V . ~ ~ ~ 1 • 9. Frot~c[ viti~l seoci:s o1, tt~~ppllr.s identified by the Resource C;ro~p. ~ 10. Assist in the ~sov~t~ra~ ca~ peoplc to public fs~llauc sh~::itt:rs an~+ otfierwi~e aupp~ctirt. the ~helter sy~tem. G~ Chicf~ Kr~lfare-Shelter f:rau Dirn.ctor of Purks and_~tecr~~tinnl ' uill: 1. Itrrange for ~nass u~r~s including clothtngt fcecitng, ahell:ering and r~giatration of ~isplac~d peraons. 2. Respond to inquit:ics for aissin~ or diaplaced f~ily pear6ers. - 3. Cooperute r+ith otts~r r~l~ef Bervices includin~ the ~mer~ican Red Cross and S.aats C2ara County Welfare Service. 4. "i~nage and operste public fallout ~helters. il. Chief, ~tedical and_ N.emlth Operntions Sectian (nppointed mud~cal prof~;sional) wil? 1. Pro~•ide e~erF;~ency a~edical cara .and treatment, decontar,iination of the sick and t_~ju~~a~ emergency sanlt~tion and othi~r bnfc- tiuards for the he~lth of survivors. 2. :~sist in the defease a~ainst th~ effect~ of biologicnl an~i che~ic.~l at:tack in euoperaCian with othcr ~crvi~::es. 3. l'oardinatr, nc:dtcal, health c~nd r~urtu~iry operatiaas ~+ith tt;a Santa Cltt~cu County G,~eratiannl Arca. I. Chi~~f~_Resoui~ce Croup (Girector af :~(Ii::~R~5tCi1C~VC S~rvic~es~~ill : i. Pru~ote cocnn~nity understanding n~i:~ s?ippart of diuster prc:- paredne~r~ measures. 2. Pr~pare ~nd disse~inate cMer};c»c}~ iniorr.?atton to citiWer?s by nevspaper, rr+dia ar,d other r~vail,lble r..enn~. 3. Prepare bulletins af lo,:al inportance fur tr~ns;.~itt~~l thruua,h che S~tn[~z Cl~ra Couaty Operationnl Area to thc F'.:.~er~;~nc~ 9roadcsBting Systeu (~dio 5tations t~XRK, }:EF'.;J~ a:~d };1,U1:). 4. Y.onitor F:mcr~;~.ncy BrdadcasC 5ystcrs for inforcr..-~tion uf irapurtanc~ ca the City. 5. `tsincaia liaisan ~itih a~y mutunl ~~ia supporting force~, milit.7ry unitsR kt~~ Uperatiac~nl Arca~ nnd ~~djacent comnunitf.~sa. 6. Control the flarr nf reports an~i R1C5~3~,eli wi~hin Ch~? F'AC. 7, fiecr~iit~ regieecr. claxsify ~nd pl.-~ce pergonnel to auEc~ent emer- gency services and ~ther cnsenti~l uctivitt~:s. x9~i . . , ~ . • ~ ~ . 6. ltari~r uti'tf,sati.o~ a~ Ci.t~ am~+Xoqe~M •nd ~•eco~reud r~a~~i~+nwtat , a~ nsasaur~. 9. 4rsRn~~ ~cr ~c~~rlss~a~*~d t~r+riai,a~ !or ~war~snc~r vo~ic~rrs. 30. lror+~?s~~ •to~ri, rl~te~irs ue~d d~,~tri~at+~ wpplirs Rad ~quipwir~at far +~rr~s~cy purpo~wrs +rnr~spt wbol~ blodd a~d aa~coti~~ t~hich is a 1lr~i~ar1 Op+ir~?q,~a l~ctiinMS r~sp~ibiiir~. 11. Lacat~ aa~d ~~wst lol~.ur Op~r~tiaaa Ssctian to psat~ret +ri tal •~oekre O~ f0(J4tSt~~i ~ rstralw~ pr~odu+eta, dru~s, i~~e~i sa~d «~r~. 1~. Arta~a~t !or +~orrtsol ~~sd .~dvf,st Palic~ Op~r~tion• to protact ear~wditi~~+ rast:ri~tsd lr~r bi~ws ~wtb~xity ~ru~h a« tbo~s+e ap+rtitfad in C~a ~3arrarewc" s l~r~c~. 1.3. Acc a~ i?~aput~r ~tata lvx~irasi~ ll~~ac; procsts all sMuta:tion~ far ~rasvir.~s, sa~r(r2~ss aa~ ~;ai~~t tor vhich L!S• ~tat• ass~d r~spdn~i- bLl~tT; w~ }ra~s^~rtdt ~Ea~rs furnish~d b~r tb• Stat~ !or tt~e p~u~;aa~. I4. ~~ors t~at ~r~r+~ ~?tv~n~tuc st~d di~txi.buG~aa is •aca¦~pli~b~d i~a ~cwsdaoci ~?ith City x~l~~ aad pailctsa. 1S. lrocusa sabiclas az hrtula~e ~s r~quixtd a~d coardia~t~ it: alYoaatia~? . to ~a?p~saeia~ dspar~s~emt~. 16. Frvvid~ ta¦wr~ic+ttiv~s aer~rice sxc~pt thae lat~x~nrl t~ o~psraeia~ drp~?rt~ ts . 9x . I!. ~r vill bs r~ni~it~odtr freu R~saurce Crcrup. ~~aource Craup v~,ll s~pply availabl~ vorknrs in accord vith prior~,ti~~ •~prcrr~d hy the Dir~ctor of ~rer~t~ry ~sr~~st. E. Su~. F~e~rR~t~c~ os~aisatio~s vill rs~quiEiCion su~.pliss aad strvic~~ f~to~ tbs 11,saat~rc• Grvu~. 1. xrao+rre~ Craup vili ri+quir+e that proeur~uat, itsua, and r~curfl of supplie~ x~ad ~quip~ent ~r• prvp+erlY dncustated. ~'be •+~Ie o!' ~oad, d=vt~, p~trol~um pzaduc~~. at?d •lct~alic bRVRr~~f~~ faad aad ~t~d •nd ot~r Ct~iticMl supplita a~y ba xe~tri.ct~d by ordt~r o~` tb~ 6awraox. Tb~ Atiouics Croup will •~tist o~~rs c~f atock~ to ca~rpl;~ aAd arran*~ prottctiot~. !`xan lootit~~ aAd otb~r huasd~ to ths act~at pas~ibla. C. artat~ Mill lu pr~nrid~d b~? :.he lte~ou~rce Crotap uain~ City v~hial~r:~r, •a otb~r• that Mray be ,~~?~ilable. through co~tracr ~ crr in axtr~sne ~msr~e~actas 'bp r~q,ui~tiot~ fro~ vww~exs. S~es~-i~as having veliicles uader ~ha3,r caatrol r~tain rrb~ tos +m?sr~socy a~srai.ious. ~ue~? 17/7?S ~ ~ I ~ • ? J' . . . ' , ~ 4xI • ~a~~'~~~~ ~ ~rislsw~.t9 0!~ C~ .~t~te L+n~r (Arti~.la 1~, Calito ~ict Dsierx~ncy ~t~~ie,~s d..t) prw~~~enr t~?e ca~ti~ued fw~~tiani~s of tk~s Ctiy Go~~~a- " rsxsc despit~_ sftscts of +~iaa~tsx or ~r. 1. e 1~ata ~s rasn ~tr possibla i~C~x ~ disa~Cax i,ud ~fioa n+ee~swrp, rseaa~rxirv~sa at~lf ~.r~d till~ ~~wl.~iti~ air~ qElic~s. « ~ 7. ,~~,~etor n~ ~.,~.r~, i! s~~il~bl~, i~ su~c~dr,d b~r tba Cit~ l~laa~~s Pro T~+trr~~srrd cus~rsnt Itisolu~~oA ut tb~e C~ty Cvuacil ' rsla~ia= to ~ueesi+~ioa) . ' 3. sads of Sta~t atia~.,~ pxovids ta~r wccausi,aa to offics i~ ume~c~~ or proc~s ~r ~tv~ppos~tia~~ thia plaa. t~. ~~t~? ~teord~r ~a~a p~r~ot+rctscl ira Ct~e C~.~r ~?'L1. l~~ , Co~atrol C~atarR. 'Cb~ e~,i~? l~sr~~.cy Oplratin~ CsutaX is ).ocated in ~b~ Cit1 8N11, ip300 ~.'osr.• Awa~u~. 1'ds a1tRS~aata 14~ar~~ae~r O~,iratia~ Gacar ia in ~lonta 4ista Bel~ocrl, Z~601 Vaas ltoad. C. ~,arrus,ics~:icn:. t:a~RSrci~l tal~phu~,~ f~cilitiss vill ba ~?s~d •s nvail`bl~. . 1, ~tadi~o Facili t{,s~. Fo1i¢~, !`ix~e, and publi.~ t~orks rac'•io facilitia• will bt we~ by ~b?r ta dirsct th~tix saosrgency oparal:icros. Theae facilttie~ wi~l bre wed aa alt~r~uta cr.anne~,~ for ot},er es~e~nt~.al ~ssr:sac~ traftic. 2. ~~:s~ Drc~dea,~~a~. Aadio seationa KXR~t ~1Si10), IGEEN (1370) . aad DLi;~ (11'!p) broadcast emssje~ncy f~r?fo~Lian. bulleeine of local ie+pa-tance wf.ll. ba s~a~ tl~rou~h th~ S+~nta C].ara Couu.Cq Op~rational Ar~a for wro+~dcast. 3. ,~~,ast~r ~ofur~ra ar~. x,,oc~l sadio ~wn.d 7'V ~tations t~rwdca~t sessntial ~ ~~i1YI~W F ~r~c+ency c~afa~tioa •t ti~s wh~en t:h~ FSooar~s~ncy b:coadcast Sy~t~m is not iccivatad. Z'l~a~e stations rRCeive werganc~? inEoztu:~tion fraa the Saata ~lara Couat~r Ca~uai~at!.an• Gsater. Stations are: 1CAt.R (1300) , ICE..~ (1370) , X'i~.OR t1170) . I~LIV (1560) , RECL (1~?3Q) ~ and iCNTV ~Chann~l I1) . i ~e9r 12/fS ~ ~ , , ~ , , , , , ! ! ! ~ ~ ' CIT'Y' ~Gt1PFRT11~`0 • HsI~GG~l~CY QRG~INx~ATION . ~ _ ~3'~~~ • ~ City Cou~acil ; ~ ~ ^ ~I)isaster Ccr~tail ' ~L..r... Law Enf~~rcr~ent DirecCor ef 5anta Claxa Couat~ t~eratie:.s S~ctl.on EQr.ergency Se:rrices ~uaergency Service~ ~h~i~f: L.ai~;:~ Officar ~ CoordinaCor Count~ eri~f City :~Sr~aAg~ar . ~ Ttisa~-~..+~x ~iti y is _ '~+tlper tiarss - ! _ . Resourc~.w ~ 1,'c?lfurel Shelte: +~roc:.~ ~ Graup Croup ~ ~ Cro~ ;~Ltc:..~.Y' cf P.lanning 1 T Aire_tor Liresctor oC ~ Ilirector of' Parks ~ is~ ~t:cpa~nt t ai' r~:bi.ic ~ox'r.s « Admini~trs~tive ;iecvi4es ~ nad Rocrention ~ 3~ndioLu~ca3 Uefense Fire Oper~t~[ons Se~tion :ledicnl Operation, ~cttc~r~ SecCion C2:S..~ ~ ~~tx~ior ' Chief : Chie: , CentrAl f ~Chief : Appointed Bail~i.`~,g I~spector Fire Gistrict ( Medirnl Yrofessiazal ( ~ ~ , ~ ~r En,c~ineer Ope:ations Sect3on ~ ~hief: Aset. Pub~S~c ::orks brtr. ~sst: Assoc. Civil ~n~,ineer ~ ; ~ Mutual Aid ~ ~ , ' Support Forces ; ATTACt~*f~irT A __~,___Line c: ~,u.hority Nov 1971 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N Advite :~ssieCnnce ~ ~ :.1~ i FURN IA f:ME ftGE?~GY (TRC.F,Af I ZATIG\ (5TA'17: O~ ~~CY) ~St STATE OY t11LIF01~t"OL1 DY(tECi4R (:ALY~ORi~ UFFiC~ QI' EM~RGF.2~~.Y 5£RVICES ~ MA'xhCER I c~~t ~o~.:; rA o~ z c~ ~ Ok~ F,M£RG~~C'f 5FR:'i(CES ~ R~GIU?~ II ~ ( I I coaRn t ~,~TO~ SANTA CI.r??.~? COrJ:ZI OPk;~1~ I4:~;,L ~LR%r, 1 i . I ~ I ~ ~'="~:.s`~~'~' ~i,f~VIC~: ~ ~I~RGE?iCt SERS'ICES I E;f~RGN;NCY SI:RVICCS T~"~'Z'Uk DIREG?OR CTti'1L b~I'1:Y5F: UIttEC7~: =:5 ~S"'s.~. GOUtiTi ~ CITY OF G1'P~ F;FI2t0 c~T~{~~t C1'fI1:S T:1 COL':~:`:' STA~~ A~`iD SERVI.CES MITl1AL AID ~rOP.CE5 SUPE'URTI2:G CITX ~Line af At~tlioxity ' Littc o£ Advt c~ & r ~ r ~ Pragrem Asstscance Frior to Stacc af ~i:~T ~3 {iar ~'.rtx~rgency ~'Mc t :;'~:+I . . II . ' ~ ~ CITY nP CUPI:~7I~0 ltM~itCETaCY PLAN ' I.~CAL AIJTI~ORITY 1. Californin Frr~r~ency ~ervices Act 2. Calfioriiiri Emergcncy F`lan 3. San:~ Clurs County Er.~~rgency Plnn ~i. Rei~•vattt Galifnrnin ~tate r.~~i9iati~n (Sec J'art T1~ree, CaltEarni~ Fr,ergene;; Plan) S. Ordin~nrc t~'o. G75~ City of Cupertino, l~i ,ian~i,hry 1971 6. Cnliforni~~ F.rner~~ncy Resources l~S~inr~gement 1'lr~n ii , ~ ~ + qJ~'EF.TIHO II+lEI~~NCY PLAN ~ • ReADYN~~b CoNUITI01~s Th~e Cupcrtlna Fauergcncy Orqanization will bc ma~ntained in onn a# four readin~tts canditions carr~:~pandin~ to tho~e adopied by thc State co en,rblc~ i c co; l. l~ke a ste{~•by-step trunal.tion fran normal peAC~kimc. operaeians to w~rtim~ rcadineNS. Z. '~tkE~ tt~c tra~~s~itian in step •~aith othcr deEen~e orgenix~tions. 3. Reapond .lutoc:~aticslly and fullp with~ut th~ nc~d foa• detailcd tnatructians. ~.~AUIh'I:S~ CO~rIT20\S. Re~?dinNSa ~~~ndlCtonK will br. pre~acrtbed l~y thc~ D~rectnr of E:r..erE;ency Servlcea and c~ill cofnridc aith thos~~ announcrd by c3r~ Statc. U')ttDI1'IO?i F(?.'~t. Tt~is c~ndition is thc nnc~n~tl p~ac~~time situaeton~ with r~ appnrcnt ic-:,~dix~4 ttrcrat . f war. Civil Coverrun~nt c1E~vclc,ps and ~mprovos :ts opexntirnal rrn~lin~:s~ pasc~arc far butl~ war~cnuac~d nnJ naturnl cII98A[Ct'R. t c Cu~+crNn~~ c".r.irr~;rncy Or~aniz~ctan Nill: g. Drvr.lup ~ti,a tmrrn~~ ener~~nc~ orKnni~at[or~~ stnffit?g, resources end cepr~hilici~.~s. 2. Ravicw and updnt~ operxtinn~ plans and pracedurea. Dt~velop th~~ m.txi~num praCticable fallout, shelter enfl~ci[y nncS rcadinc,ar; prcpare pl~?ns Car rmcr~;ency auKneritntio». xtarl;in~;, u~e and man~gen+tnt of potct~ctal fallout ~I~altcra. Uevelop ani imprnvr the Energency Opcrating Center, 5. Improvc rr,~r~r~~cy co;m,unicati~ns~ wart~i~~g~ radiola~;iral ~IefcnH~~ situation int~~lli~;cn:e nnd Cm~rsc„~y r~~c~lt~ inCormntiou rapabilitie~. Conducc And p.,xcrcirace !n tcata~ exercisce~ and trafntng courRes; prep~r4~ plnns fur accelarated emorgency trainin~;. , 7. Cdnduct a public infor~rssatton pr~gram tn educata p~~oplc in xGlf- prokcction ~tnc~ R~rvival action~. ~r~ sS~'~~IYT C 1971 . , . ~ ~ ~ z , ~~~TION TItR~~. The aitu#tioa ~arrsats a posture oE increr~sed readincss, ~rarticul~trly in guvenunenC~ dit~t tarmally alerttn~ th~ genersl public: ~lwe ~ertino E~c~rgr.ncy Or~i~nisat~ere~ willt l. lbtify key personcicl ~nd ~l:e~ prior~.ty on actxon~ to in~rwst oper~tional rwdinens . Canc~el lc~a~•es of absence far e~pla~reea. • Check operaci~ns plan~~ proerei~ur~s, ~end equipment for alerting~ warning, ~nd infor:..ir.~, t4re pubXic, ars~ ~obilizing thr. crncrge~c~r org,aaixition. Ctieck fallrut sheltcr stoci~x, si~s~ cam~unicattons~ a~nd matsr~gement ~+erranncl, and plAns fac ~cssigr,sstnt~ pu~,lic muvcment, f.n~~shelter opcratio~~s~ and er~er~;o7.` crntrols. 5. C'~cck availability and re~adf.r~ems af regular and auxiliary e~rr~ency pcr~onncl ar.:i `~qu{pment, p~erticul~trly fuc ccr:municatians ~r.d radlolaKfcr~l ~anitorin~. sr.d .~u~ment dS aecessary. E. ~rirf Cit.~• c~ificials~ erp~cr~•ees, and loc;~l lcadcrs on the s3tuacion. 7. ~Y.eview or~s~:.ration nnd rea~ines:~ of I~x1C staff And f~cilities; vcrify lincs of ~~.c~~~:ion to kc;r ;osit:ons in thc cmer~;cncy argarsizatiun and City ~;ovcrr.~~;.;. x. 'r.c~•ictii nn~' r'.,~t~• plnny .`c: accelt:ntcJ tr~intsty;; conriuct o= arrzn~e inersi~hec' :ra:iain~, in csser:;i~. ~.r:~r};c~i~c}~ ~kills. ~r. Activa[c Y.: f:~:oi~,~ltan sEr-:ice capaGle of .in~~.~crinR pubtic inquiri~rb. 1L'. r?iscribucc c~u~lic i~tiforc~a;fcaal r..aterial; nd~~tac tlic public to cn~~tinue r~arcr+~l nrti~i:frs and at :=.r sx-c~ time; a. Rcvio~• ;.:src»1 nnd fa^.ly s-:rvivnl pln~~s tncluding st.c2tcr cx~edf~-;~; 'b. Kecp a4cqt.a~e stotks c~i fa:,~, ~:aler and othcr nacesaitie.s o~~ hund; c. Kccp ir.:o:-rd of tl~e ~~~clap:s~~; sit+~ntion nn~ ccr.nply ~:i:h er.,ergency instrucc:.~c~s. CO~ iTOY "R;O, `,hc tnternntf.c:.~l situation tndicaikes ~r~:~at rii~: of grnet•al ~r a.~cl rrquir~s extra precau.icmarz s~engures t~p civil ~;overn~snt and the pub2ic~ to pr~pire for a war e.~crgerrcy. The Cuperkino kmergenr,r Organizatton r+ill; a. Alrrt Cit,~• offici.uls and krY psraonnel af thc croergency ur~nfzation. Z. Pl+~ce cadre staCf on 24-hoLr d~tv •t tt~e ~qC r~nd remuiader af staff oc~ ~t~tndbr alert; prepare ais~d test EOC for full op~r~tion. „~J~liliN~' C 1 ~971 x . . . _ ~ . . • w ~ r ~ ~ M~~ , 3. lteport ~craCional ~Ratus ro the Op~ration Ar~a Ca~ordir~ator ~k soon ~s AUC har~ b~~n actit?at~d, and d~ily ae of 1200 •qd 2~i00 hour~ there~ft~r. ~ k. Canstruct cxpedient or i~rovised fallaut shettar• and a,d~vi~e the public oz~ conatructian af group and fsmily shelters. , ; 5. Test ~nd improvc ~erganc~? carrnunicatiana anci information ~epvrting systa~a~a. ' b. Intcnaify tr~?i.ning in ~ssscntial emergency akills. ~j Verif•~ that easenti~l dorum~nts and records are In px~otectcd ait~eo. ~ ~ 8. ~erify that indivi.dwls deaignated as alt~rru~t~a~ ar ~standby xuccresore x tv key City affice~ or paaitions carry pnaitive identificAtion and prc~e?f of official ~ct~tus and are mllc~cated ta specific fallout sh~rltera. 9. Keep Che er~ergency or~,tni2ation attd tha public infor.ned of the situation; stress thc actions th~y should take brfore~ c~urin,~ and ir.~aaediatFly afte.r cnemy attack. 10. Cantinuc scCiona under P.,EAU~~:E5S CONUI'CIO?:S FOUR AI~'U TIIRF.~. Complete Rtocking and positioning of c~gentt~l ~urvivul and recavery itrr~s. Ot1~2.'D,ITIO\ 0:~~. Th~! I'ederal Gat•ern~ent considera th~t war !s inrninent or incvi tnblr. The Govcrnor procai^s a STATf: 0~' 11AIt F7SE RCF:2~CY to perr~i t ful l ~aab.i itZ:~ct~~n uf emar~enc;~ orc~nizations nt~d camnlr,t~ u~rciit~e reiidincFr~ hefore outbr~ak of ltiostilitict; c,}~ich coulc! occur with litclc ur no uarning. %r~c Cuporctna F.mergency Organiz.~cion uill; 1. Implcnrnt the opcr~tions pl~tn for e S'I'~1TE: OE" WAR F'IF:~GF;:~CY. 2. Report ~tatua to c.Anta Clara Co~nty O~+c~rntios~ul Ar~~. Contin:~e priurily opcrnzian3 starteJ wiacr RF.ADI.7f:SS CO:,'UI7IA2;S T11Kt;F`. ~nd 71:(1 ar timc !!f?C~ ~afety pc:r~,it, wi th m.hximum crapl:asis an con~lructior~ oF rxpedicnt oc improvised fallout t~heltrrn. 4. Compic~tr intensiffed traini~~; in emrr~,rncy r;kill.s and makc final pre~r- ations iur early eneay attxck. ~,'~"r,~JC1tMENT C 1971 ' ~ ~ ~ PROCLMN~'ION UF r.]CIarEN~~ OF A I.~ICAI. R~RGEA'CY ~RY Ui::cctart oL Fa~±xger~cy S~x~vi~csa) WHEREAS~ Ordi~Le:a~ce 1~0. 47S af the City of CuperCi»o errpor~ars t~ Directnr of ~.mergency Srer~?fcrs to procla~irn the ~xirtence or thrratcned ~rLste~ce oE a dieascer vhen said City i$ ~eff~cted or likely Co be iffecGed b~r a public cmlamit:y ~nd th~ City Gouncil is not in s~s~ion; and hNFRF.~1S~ Che Directar of E~ergcncy 5ervices of tt~e Ciky af Cupertina ~ioas hereb,y find; That conditions of extrcair. peril tu the a~f.~ty af pccsons and ~ ~ca~?erty has arisen within s:Ld City. cauaed by (fire, f1coA. ~torrn~ cpidemic~ • end riat~ ~archquake, or othe r cause) That the afor~esaid ccmditiar~a af e;ctrer~e peri 1 varra~nt a.tid neses- sitate the pr~~cl~mation of che exiatencc af n lacal ernergency; and `Thac thcs City Cour.cil uf Ch~ cicy c~f Cupertina is nut in sersian a~d cannot i.r.:~~dlately be cal,ltd into gesqior?; Tit~RF:~'ORF., 2T IS NE~Z~UY F'ft(X:LAII~I~U that a local e:nerFency as~e existr thr~~u};iiuut a~id Cit;.. ntrector ot F.~++cxg~ncy Swrvices ~ mate A~,A~C,HMEh7 i~ 1971 N . ~ ~ z . ~ ~'FtOCIAM.ATION OC1'?'I.~SIhC ~XISTf:i~'f,[: 0~' A LbC,A3, ~!F:RGtil~CY . . ~IHF.REAS, Ordtr~nce Nn. 47S ot' ihc~ City oE Cupertino ecrpowera t,be p:rector of F~ae~r~c~~cy Scrvt ce~ to proclsia~ thr. exietencc or tl~rcaten~d ~.~c~~tatac~t of d:n~ster whc~n s~;d ~ity i~ ~ff~ctcd ar .likely t~ bc affected ~ a pualic calxmity and the Ci~y Crnmc~! iec not ~n s~aaion, subjr:ct to coafi~tian t~y t.he cs.cy counci~. ~ct the eartt~a~t practice~blN time; ~n~d I~1NER~:AS, conditiuns of extremc pertl to the ~atety aE peraans And p~rc~rty ~ro~c uithin thta Ctty~ cauaed by (fire, flood~ ~torm. epidcmic~ ccNrrnencing on ur ebout , -ioc, ~~rr~hqi~sk~ ~ or othcr causc) .w., an the ~„day ai 19 , nt Which tim~: the cicy C~?unc~[1 of tha C1Cy uf Cup~rtin~~ W~~ a~,t i.n ses~ton; and WtiERtAS Aaid Cl.ty Gnuncil d~es hcreby find ct~at th~ aforeesiJ ccmditlons aC rxCrrmc ~ocril did warrarit anci necrRaitncc thc praclart~t:nn of thc exiett+ncr of n local cc:crgcr~cy; and WIIF.REAS~ Che i)irrctor of Ih~cr};r.~~cy S~rrvlceR of the eicy nr c~?p~~rci~,o dicf praclaim ~lie extst~c~ec a! u local ~~mer~;~~~c; ~+ieh,ln ~~t~ eicy nn the ,arty of , 1~1,.,,.; ;JC)11, TiiF:RF:FORE, IT IS HF.:~I:~i1' PRC'C~AL`iC:D ANf? ~f41)F.RF'1) Lhat thc Prvcinmation ot t:xfstence oi a l.occ~l I:m~~rFc~~tiry~ u~. tr~su~d G}• saici Uicector of t7nrr~,ency S~~rvices, i s hcrcby conf I rmcd by thr Ci ty C~~unci 1 af thr Ci ty of Cupcrtino;ni~d IT IS ~l1RTH~:R I'F'~~C'LAtriF;h A2t[1 qltDi:RC[) tt~nt s+ni.d lacnl rner~;rsicy shell br. decm~d to conttnLC to ~~xint until ltr, t~r~inntian is pi•ocleimed !~y the City Ccxiecil nf tt.c ctcy af Guprrti~tu, Statr of C.~tifor~~in. PASSED ~1h'p AI~I i F.D t1~tA___^_,_~c1ny of ~ 19 ~ by thc follawlnF t~ate: ~ AYES: Councilc;en: NiO~S; C~unci l..c~n: ABSF:N7': Councilr:en; ~1P1'RUVEU; Mqyox ATTC:S1' : City Cleck Q1~N'T D 1971 . . ~ ~ . , • ~ ~ 3 , . . ,r P~.UC,1.AI~tATXOti nF 1".?IS'ipl:Cl; OF' A 1.UCAT, FZ~ff-:RCf:~7CY ~ . ~ W}IF.REAS, Ordinsncc Ka. ~i75 of th~ C~ty of Cc~p~rtind eeapawars , th~e City Cauncil ta pracls~im th~ exin~tence oi• thrcuten~d ~xistence o~ a • disnater Whcn satd ctty t~ ~ffeCCed or Zikely ta h~: acfected by a public c.alamity; and WH~tLA~, Raid City Gauncil dacs hereby find; That condi~ions nf exereme pecil to [F~ saEety af pe~t~:.an~ ~rnd property tiave ~risen uichin sxid City, causec~ by (fire, fload, atbrm~ epiacmtc~ rloC, eaxthquak~. or ~ . ......~..w... ~ and . • ' eth~r cause) That the, ~,fare~+rid Gondi ttnns a;~ ext.remc peri 1 usrrant a~d naceRSitate ehe procl~tiofi of thc ext~tenca of a tacal emer~ency; Ir`ON, TII~Ft~~R~, I'~ iS Nf:Rf~:E1Y PROCI.AI1~iE:D thnt n lo~al cmert;ency ~xi~?ts [hrou~;hou~ said City; ~nd Ir IS ~tJRTIi£R PROCL~17?•:EU AD:i, t11tAElt~i) thnt durinr; th~: exiRti~rice of et.~id local emer~ency~ funr.tions a~d ~uties nf th~~ ~trector ~f Emer~;ency Servtccs at~d thc Fmcrgency orE;ani.intton uf tliis Ciry siimll ~~e [houe pr~~r.cribc~cl by stute inw nnJ the charcer~ orciti~r~i~cc», resnlutions, and approved p1Al1F. ui tha C£t~~ af Cup~rtiti~o in o:cler to ,;ritisnt4 thc efCcct~ ot ~aid 1ncA1 rr~rr~;cncy; And IT I.~i 2~'L'R711~R Y:+OCJ.AL`1Fb ANU OfipElZ~:U thnt snid locul emergr.ncy ~hall be dei~mc~i to cont:nur co exiH~ until itx t~~rr,iinutiun is procl~lini~~d b}• tl~e Cttg• Cs~unct 1 ~f ch~ Cic~• of Cu~~erti?•~c~ Statc c~f Cali forr~i a. }'ASSE:n ~txn r1iX)?T'f:U thi.s day nf ~ 19 ~ by thc follc?kln~; ~~ote; AYES: Coc~ncilmen; NO~S: Counci lr~r.n: ABSENT; ~ouncit:nen: AI'~'KOVEU: Nayor AT'C~S'C : City Clerk , ,/,~T'~,AC1L`IF:NT U 1971 . . . , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; , . . . ; ~ T~OGI.Aku~,T~OJ~ ~F T~R.~fIt:ATION ~ ~ OF P~RT.~J(1 O° LOC111. EI~iERGCi1CY ~ WIIE4tEAS, u perir~ct o~ local er~ei~,. ncy pre9ently cAisCs in the I Cfty of ~upertino in accord~nce vith the procl~r~ation Chereof by the Ctey I Cauncil cn thc day of ~ ~ t9 ~ ~ {pirectar of Fmerger.c~ &~rvicefl nt~d i ts canfirmntion by Lhe ; ~ Ci[~• G'ouncil an the ~_w____ d,1y oE 19 a~s a result of roncl~ttona r~f ~ex[rem~ peril to L!?e saPety a[ persons and ~ properCy ceusc~d Gy , (ftre~ floocl, 5torm~ ~pidcmic, riot~ earlhqu~kc~ otFrcr • nnd ? cauac).r. f,'}iE~F.1S~ thr aituati~~ reeullins; From snid candf.cions af extrr~ne Feri 1 is n~~~; ec~ed ~~c,t. td be ~e;: or~d t he cunl rul rf tlir t~ormn 1 protecti ve ~Cr~~ices~ ~er~.~nit~l, eyui~-ent ac:d Eacilitic~s ot ~ttitu wfehin snid City of 4tipnrti.no; 1't~1;Rf:F'Oftt:; ttie Ci'_ti• Cc~u~~r.f 1 c~l' th~• Ci ty oE Cui.t~rtino~ Stitt~ uf Ct~llCorni,,. ~irc:; f~rreby pr~'"_=ain tlic crnnt~;i?~i~~i~ ~,C :;~id p~ r-;ad c~f 1ocn1 rtn~r~;i^.~•. r:~~:,~~1~ .~~;n AlXjY1F::~ ca.ts a.1y ~?i,~ , ih , :zy thc trllo::rn~; ~~c~tc: ~11::~: Councf.lc-:r~n: h'r~T ti; (;~~~+n~i lnen; ~,E'.SE~T; f ouacilr~en. .u~~~xotr~n: Ttayor ~,TTE ST : City Clerk ~ ATTACIt1~lENT D 1471 ~ . . . . . . N . . R, .