CC Resolution No. 3169 ~ ~ ' , RFSL~LUTION N0. 31b9 • A RFSOLUTION OF THE CITX COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPt'RTiNO APPr~OVING TH~ L~SPROVFI~I~+lT OF FRONI'AGE ALONG J2'IPF.~IAL !?VE.~11F ANU AU~'~QRIZIZ~G EXECUl'TU:~ OF ACREQ~lENT IN CO:~'N~C'CIO:V TN~R¢WITH HHE~F.~S, [h~.~re }yas been pr~~~nted to the City Council an agree- ~cn[ far the i~+~rovement of the strerlt frontage along Impex•~al Avenue b~ Albert Pcrrocci.; ~nd ~Tti~RF~?,, sr-~id prop ~sed agreemQnt cnntains provisions fnr the coastructir: ~i sireets, curbs, gutter5, sideWalkt~, and fo~~ other im~ Frarac.~en~s vfta~in a perfod of iiz•e y~ars fro~a rhe dat~ of execution of s~id agrei_z~it~ and suEficient bonds h~1ving been pretiented f'or the faithfu7. per:~~:nance of said work and tt?e car.rying out of s~id agree- ss.e~t; and cai~ agrecmn_nt and bon~s tti~vit~g ueen appcoved by ihc City Attarney; NO'~f, ?:?~;ErOfi~~ BE IT KESO? ~'ED Chat s.~ici agreeinent C~r the 3r~- ~rar:~•,ent o: 3tre~C frontage along Impe: ial :~venue be hereby ~}~provcd; an~ t1.~e Cit:• ~;.~inecc is here~;r authoi•i:.c:3 to sign tha Cinal plans ~-~~a prrsenta3 b~• the develape: ; and tt~4 :.a~•or nnd the City Clerk: are heteby nuth;:~zcd to execute t:~e agreement herein refetred to in behalf tif the Cit~ ~:upertino. PASSFD l,.ti~ AWPTED at a re3ular meeting o[ th~ City Council of tbe City ~f iupercino this 6th day oC Dece~ber , 1971 , by tlre fc:lwing ~~cte: AL'ES: Cacr,cil~~~n - ficzg~rxld~ ~rolich, Irwin, Stokes, h'oel ~AES : Ccu-; i lc:en - None ~ISE:.i: Gou::;fl~en - 2~ione A7TEST: ~?PPRdVEDt ` . , ~L 1~ City Clerk Mayor~ Cit of CuperCina ~ /