CC Resolution No. 3163 ~ • ~ R~OLUTION N0. 3163 A RE50LUTION OF TM~ CIaY ~OUNCIL 0~' TIiE CITY OF CUP~A'~INO AFPltOYING FI~IAL MAP (1F OAK yEAL10WS UNI'T l.~ TRAG"I' N0. 5099; ACCEP'TINC CERTtiIIv ARIVES ~ PLAC~S, AV~NUFS AT~U ROADS; AIITHQR1zING THC CITX FriCINEER AND TH~ CITY CL~klC ?0 SICN TH~ ~'INAL MnI'; AND AUTHQ1tI2ING TH~ ACRr FI~tENT IK COI~2rT1~'C!'ION THEREGIITH HHER~AS~ C}~ere h~s been pr~a~nted to t'te Ci~y? Cvua~il. far a}~proval aaid far suthoriz~Cian to recard a fin~l ma,~ of Onk Meadows Unit 1, Tract No. 5099, ehowing c~rtnin ~?venuea, dr:~~ea, plac~~, and rasds, by Oak MeadaWS Deve~upmenC Camp~ny. WH~RFJIS~ there ha~ been presented ~p khe City Council a proposed •~re~a~ent for the cc~~structidn of uCreeCs, curbR and gutters~ and far att;er improvem~nts, and good and sufficicnt bonda hAVing bec~n pre~ented foc the faithEul performanc~ o,f said work and the carrying out ef s$id #greemesnk; and s~id map, ~greemen~, and bonds h~ving been appraved by the City Attarney; N()W, 7N~R~1~'0lt~, BE IT kESOLVti~ Chat smid f inal mup of Oak Meedows Unit l~ Tract No. 5099~ bQ and the sAme ie~ h~rQby~ approved; and th~ sv~enuee~ drives~ places~ and r~ad~ shown thbrcon be r~nd the aarr.e ~rQ hersby nccaptacli nnd the City ~ngi.neer c~nd rhQ City Clerk ura hereby authorixed tu sign 9aid f~nal map; nnd tha Mayor ~nd the City Clerk are hsrehy autharized to execuke th~ c~~reement h~erein reforxed ta in behalf af the CiGy of CuperCin~. PASS~U ~1:~D A~OPT~D at ~ regulax meeting df' rhe City Council o£ the l:ity af Cupertina tht~ 15th day of November 1g71, by the fallawing votes ~ AYt~t Councilmen - ~itsgecald, Inain, 5takeo, Noel , NOE5: Councilraen - Isc~ne Al15ENT: Councilmen - ~rolich AZ7E5T; APPROVCD: r'r / ~ Citr Cler Mayor~ ity o Cupertina