CC Resolution No. 3162 y ~ ~ 1 t x~aw~riax ra. 3~bz A F.~SSOLUTION pF TNE ~ITX COUDVCII. 0~ T'H~ i:x?Y dTr t~TTflC~'IrBt? ; A,3'£~'~1?YING F'TPWL MAP OF MiO~+T!'EFI~LiA UNIT S~ 1`ltJICT 5004; ACC~I'TING CCRTAIH DRTt~'~, PIJIC~S. AV~h'UES A~ 16pAD!S; AL'Ti~R~zINC 'Tli~ CI?Y ~GI;iE1»R ~,:~SD Tfi~ CI'fY CLE~k1: "'T~ SIG:J '~H~ FINAI. MAP; Alf~1 I~1JTt~01tIZ~tiG 'Tf~E AC1~~»~1I' :?I Ci13~iF&TION T13~R~E1iITtt , '~".iE.~iE1S, therc has b~rarn presenteA to t~rr Ci~t~r Caar~c.il for ~ a~j1TG~1Z aiid for nuthoriimt:an to r~card ~r fin~l matp af S9ant~b+tllo U~it :'ruct Na. SOU4, shauing ~~ertetn av~enue~. driv~es, plactre~~ s~d rax:s, by Ditz-Crana; a~z~d ~c~E.~£~1S, thern h~,~ be~n pt~a~ntrd ta tt~+a C~.tv {:,-.:uncil a prapasecl agt'e~.e for the conatr:sctS~zn af ~trrr.t~~ cuc?ay a~t+3 g»ttar~e~ and for otr?er :~~rovemcnt~„ s+nd ~~a~ and wufficicnt bonds ttiavfn~ bean prr.- ; rw?qtt~:. :~t' thi• faitl:ful :+~r:s~r;~Hnc~~ af ~r~id ?rork u~d :tzp c~rrying c~ut ; of aa:: abr~rr.r~nc; ~rn~ ;xt~ ^'a~p. agreer~c~rtt. and bonds 3~xvinR br.rn a~Prc:~. b~~ th~ Clty ~tts~:r.cy; 4:~•'~ IH~K.F:E"ORk.~ bE I: ~'f::~~~l.VF:D th~yr !~~id finr~l xaap oi` Mnntcbello Unl~ :r.acc 50C1. ~t ~7~i thr r~,i;.,c Src, hcrrbY. a~A~rnvec4; ~~nd the •venuts. ~rive~s, pla~~c~es. ar.~: rnnJx z~hc~wrci th~rrean br c~n~ thQ ~ame nre herrt>~.~ .a;ccpted; und tc:«~ C;cy F::~~lnE~Qr nn~l. the City CI~:'k ~Ce herr.by authc:~:.a~' to ei~rt said fi~aI mrip; a~yd thr. tt~~or and thc City Clerk ar~e hc:r~p autharlr.~d t~ rsxecutc th~~ a~trc~merit h~rcin rcferrt:~l Ca iti bahalf the CiCy of Cuparti~io, F.l_S~'.,D A`'p ADO~'T~A at a ru~ju7ar mc~~ttin~ o! ehe City Cnunr.tl of the G::;. of Cup~rtina t:-,i~ 15ch Juy oE Nnvaa~ber , 1971. by the follcv;»~ vor~et AYESt ~duncilmen - Fitrgeral~l, Ir~,~in. 5tokev~ l:uel NO~~~: Councilmen wcane A~S~\.; Cauncilm~n - Fralich A'Ctk:a: : A~'PItUVl:D : f i ~ Gi y Cl,~r Mayox~ (.~ry o Cup~ercino ~ i c . . . . . .i .